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Top 3 Mediation Podcasts

Feb 3, 2025

The Best Mediation Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

Negotiation Made Simple
Top 10 Best Negotiation Made Simple Episodes

44 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 20 days ago

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Welcome to Negotiation Made Simple where we help you master the art of negotiation and win your next deal. Over the last 15 years, John Lowry has helped thousands of people in Fortune 500 companies master the art of negotiation. Now, he wants to help you. Through this podcast, he will teach you the skills you need to become a master negotiator. Every episode, explore practical tips that will help make negotiation easier, give you more confidence, and ensure you win the deal not just in your professional life, but in all corners of your life. We’ll also have some fun along the way with Q&As, interviews, and coaching sessions. Whether you know it or not, there’s too much at stake for you not to master negotiation, so tune in every week here on Negotiation Made Simple.

The Divorce Field Guide
Top 10 Best The Divorce Field Guide Episodes

96 Episodes


Avg Length 14m


Latest episode 5 years ago

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The Divorce Field Guide is an informational podcast for listeners who are considering, at the outset of, or in the midst of a divorce. We break the topic of divorce down into bite-sized pieces, with the goal of making your divorce process feel more manageable and clear as you go through it. Each episode covers a different topic related to divorce. You can find episode transcripts as well as a free guide to divorce on our website: thedivorcefieldguide.com.
Fair Deal: An Improvised Mediation
Top 10 Best Fair Deal: An Improvised Mediation Episodes

32 Episodes


Avg Length 54m


Latest episode 4 months ago

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Host Joe Wendrychowicz is joined by different comedians each episode to perform completely improvised mediations inspired by real life disputes.

Check out these Mediation Podcasts

ROADS TO Resolution ~ Closure ~ Certainty
Top 10 Best ROADS TO Resolution ~ Closure ~ Certainty Episodes

41 Episodes


Avg Length 8m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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Hosted by commercial + insurance mediator and arbitrator, Jean Lawler, this podcast draws on Jean's years of experience as a private practice attorney and neutral to provide insights and information relevant to resolving legal disputes outside of a courtroom, and features interviews with legal and dispute resolution industry leaders--attorneys, mediators, and arbitrators.

Divorce Coaches Academy
Top 10 Best Divorce Coaches Academy Episodes

145 Episodes


Avg Length 26m


Latest episode 5 days ago

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Divorce Coaches Academy podcast hosts Tracy Callahan and Debra Doak are on a mission. We discuss topics to help professional divorce coaches succeed with clients and meet their business goals and we advocate (loudly sometimes) for the critical role certified divorce coaches play in the alternative dispute resolution process. Our goal is to create a community of divorce coaching professionals committed to reducing the financial and emotional impact of divorce on families.

Top 10 Best NEGOTIATEx Episodes

130 Episodes


Avg Length 29m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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We give you actionable advice so you can elevate your influence through purposeful negotiations—helping you overcome the hurdles you face in business and life to become even more successful.
Morton Fraser MacRoberts Podcasts
Top 10 Best Morton Fraser MacRoberts Podcasts Episodes

200 Episodes


Avg Length 13m


Latest episode 12 days ago

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Morton Fraser MacRoberts' employment lawyers are straight talking and will provide clear, pragmatic advice. Our team of specialist employment lawyers, based in Edinburgh and Glasgow, help you solve problems swiftly, cost effectively and in a way that best manages the situation. Our podcast breaks down the biggest issues facing employers and employees in the UK today. Subscribe to listen to each episode as it is released.
Texas Conflict Coach
Top 10 Best Texas Conflict Coach Episodes

395 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 7 years ago

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Welcome to the Texas Conflict Coach ® radio program with Founder and Host Patricia M Porter. Since 2009, we have produced over 325 podcasts. Check out our full Podcast Library and listen to episodes at www.texasconflictcoach.com Our program aims to help global listeners learn how to manage conflict constructively with tools, strategies, and resources regardless of whether the dispute is in your business,home, workplace, school, church community, family, or with neighbors.

Valuation Podcast.com - A video and audio podcast on all topics concerning business owners and valuations. Melissa Gragg is a Business Valuation Expert in St. Louis and the host, she interviews CPAs, company valuation experts, testifying experts, marketing experts, divorce expert witnesses, estate planning experts, management consulting experts, strategic planning experts, business lawyers and covers business topics pertaining to company owners and attorneys. http://www.ValuationPodcast.com (314) 541-8163 or email [email protected]

Best Way To Divorce Radio Show
Top 10 Best Best Way To Divorce Radio Show Episodes

117 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 8 months ago

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Sometimes challenging, sometimes inspiring. Always authentic. A radio show for real people experiencing divorce and family breakup. Alternative Divorce is about staying out of court, protecting the children and saving money by getting the information and inspiration you need to divorce amicably, and to create healthy blended co-parenting families. http://bestwaytodivorce.co.uk
MediatorPodcast.com - Mediation, Negotiation & Collaboration
Top 10 Best MediatorPodcast.com - Mediation, Negotiation & Collaboration Episodes

42 Episodes


Avg Length 54m


Latest episode 11 days ago

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We created MediatorPodcast.com to discuss mediation with attorneys, financial experts, valuation experts, therapists and other mediators. We focus on how to negotiate during a dispute, how to collaborate to get to a resolution and how to mediate a complex financial matter to conclusion. This is a podcast about mediation, negotiation and collaboration.Melissa Gragg, business valuation expert, mediator and financial neutral. 314-541-8163.

the mediation podcast
Top 10 Best the mediation podcast Episodes

16 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 2 years ago

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In this podcast, the host, Shelley-Anne Salisbury, an accredited Mediator, will be chatting with dispute resolution professionals from all over the world and from a variety of disciplines. She’ll be discussing mediation from their unique perspectives and experiences and asking them about their different approaches. Like Shelley-Anne, they believe mediation to be a powerful tool in resolving disputes and can avoid escalating legal costs and the unpredictability of court cases - not to mention the emotional rollercoaster of litigation which can often stretch out over many years. This takes a huge toll on the parties involved and their loved ones. Shelley-Anne knows from personal experience - both as a lawyer and as a litigant and this experience has left her with no doubt, litigation should be avoided at all costs . Shelley-Anne and her guests will show, whilst mediation can be challenging, it's highly effective and to be able to bring a dispute to an end, allowing people to simply move on, is so rewarding.
Zwischen Uns – der Mediations-Podcast
Top 10 Best Zwischen Uns – der Mediations-Podcast Episodes

12 Episodes


Avg Length 23m


Latest episode 2 years ago

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Für alle, die mehr über die Themen Krisenmanagement und Konfliktprävention, Selbstfürsorge, Lösungsstrategien und Mediation erfahren wollen. Mein Name ist Selina Pfrüner. Ich bin bin geprüfte, zertifizierte Mediatorin, Mitglied im Bundesverband für Mediation e.V. und Gründerin von Aufbruch Mediation. Meine Vision ist es, Menschen bei einem friedvolleren Umgang miteinander zu unterstützen, eine Verbesserung der Gesprächs- und Streitkultur – online wie offline – zu fördern – und natürlich: das Verfahren der Mediation und ihre vielen Möglichkeiten bekannter und transparenter zu machen. Dieser Podcast ist nicht dazu gedacht, dir zu erzählen, dass es keine Konflikte geben darf. Im Gegenteil. Konflikte sind gut. Sie zeigen auf, wo und was uns wichtig ist. Die Frage ist nur, wie wir damit umgehen und wie wir darauf reagieren. In den kommenden Folgen erhältst du ein tieferes Verständnis für die Inhalte und die vielen Anwendungsbereiche der Mediation, unterschiedliche Kommunikation-Tools & hilfreiche Übungen für deinen Alltag.

Valuation Podcast.com - A video and audio podcast on all topics concerning business owners and valuations. Melissa Gragg is a Business Valuation Expert in St. Louis and the host, she interviews CPAs, company valuation experts, testifying experts, marketing experts, divorce expert witnesses, estate planning experts, management consulting experts, strategic planning experts, business lawyers and covers business topics pertaining to company owners and attorneys. http://www.ValuationPodcast.com (314) 541-8163 or email [email protected]

Life Changes Channel
Top 10 Best Life Changes Channel Episodes

161 Episodes


Avg Length 44m


Latest episode 2 days ago

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Divorce & More. Life comes with many changes - some expected, some unexpected, some positive, some challenging, but you don’t have to navigate them alone. There are people who care & want to help. I'm here to connect you with them! What is YOUR next step? Hi! I’m Deena Kordt. An author, publisher & advocate. Join me on the Life Changes Channel (formerly the Divorce Magazine Canada Podcast) & meet others like you, as well as those who can help you. You are going to hear from our team of experts & professionals how to navigate life's changes with more ease and less drama. Do you have questions or a suggestion for a topic you want to know more about? Let me know! Follow this podcast and find us on social. You can watch these interviews on our YouTube channel - linked in each episode. Know anyone who might find this information helpful? Be a friend & share it! Thanks for listening! Please connect with us @ www.lifechangesmag.com And hey! Thank you for hanging out with me today. Keep smiling that beautiful smile. The world needs your sunshine!
The PERColator Podcast
Top 10 Best The PERColator Podcast Episodes

46 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 1 month ago

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The PERColator podcast, hosted by the Washington State Public Employment Relations Commission, is a space where negotiation theory meets practice. The podcast will explore different themes related to collective bargaining and works to broaden the tools and resources the parties can use in that process to resolve conflicts and enhance labor-management relationships.
(Stör-)Faktor Mensch - Konflikte. Nachhaltig. Lösen.
Top 10 Best (Stör-)Faktor Mensch - Konflikte. Nachhaltig. Lösen. Episodes

40 Episodes


Avg Length 29m


Latest episode 1 month ago

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“Vertragt euch doch endlich!” - Leider ist es nicht so einfach.
Der Mensch, das Störende muss weg. Eine Lösung, die wir oft im Kopf haben.
Wir verorten Probleme und Konflikte in Unternehmen an den Menschen und gehen davon, aus, dass sie das Problem sind.
Aber wer bereit ist, das Unsichtbare sichtbar zu machen, wird erfahren, dass nichts ist wie es scheint.
Ich bin felsenfest davon überzeugt, dass die Lösung von Konflikten nur über den Menschen selbst führt.
In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um den Menschen in Unternehmen.
Gibt es ein Thema das dich interessiert?
Dann schreibe mir gern. Ich freue mich über Fragen und Anregungen.
📧 [email protected] (Schreibe mir gerne.)
🌍 www.koerber-consult.de (Schau dir gerne meine Webseite an.)
Liebe Grüße aus Bochum & Berlin,
Cornelia Körber
Zu meinem Namen: Um 1728 gab es den Hof Droege mit drei Töchtern. Ein Körber hat sich eingeheiratet hat. Zur Fortführung des Hofnamens ist daraus Droege genannt Körber entstanden.
#emotionalcapital #mediation #integriertemediation #konfliktmanagement #leadership

The Divorce Depot Podcast
Top 10 Best The Divorce Depot Podcast Episodes

33 Episodes


Avg Length 19m


Latest episode 5 months ago

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You've been to Office Depot and The Home Depot. Now it's time to visit The Divorce Depot. This is the podcast where all the divorce info you need is stored. If you are stuck on the tracks or riding a run-away train, here's your chance to pull into the station and get some clarity.
Naturschutz und Energiewende - der KNE-Podcast
Top 10 Best Naturschutz und Energiewende - der KNE-Podcast Episodes

41 Episodes


Avg Length 26m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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Dialoge – Debatten – Denkanstöße: Der KNE-Podcast beschäftigt sich mit aktuellen Fragen rund um die naturverträgliche Energiewende. Wie können Vogelkollisionen an Windenergieanlagen vermieden werden, wie lassen sich Konflikte beim Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien vor Ort klären, und was alles muss berücksichtigt werden, damit eine Erneuerbaren-Anlage genehmigt werden kann? Diesen und vielen weiteren Fragen gehen die Moderatoren und Moderatorinnen mit ihren Gästen nach. In den Gesprächen mit unseren Gästen werden die Themen aus den unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln erörtert und diskutiert. So kann es durchaus auch kontroverse Meinungen geben. Die Aussagen unserer Gäste spiegeln somit nicht zwangsläufig die Meinung des KNE wider. Mehr über das Kompetenzzentrum Naturschutz und Energiewende finden Sie unter www.naturschutz-energiewende.de. Sie haben Fragen oder Anregungen? Dann schreiben Sie uns an [email protected]
BrainStorm with Sony Perlman
Top 10 Best BrainStorm with Sony Perlman Episodes

74 Episodes


Avg Length 83m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Sony Perlman LMSW has had a plethora of experiences in the mental health arena specializing in addiction. Sony has developed a philosophy on how he thinks, we as a community can change the world for the better. He is passionate about talking to other people that have done great things in the world. Follow along as he exchanges these ideas with thought leaders and other people that he finds fascinating, as they BRAINSTORM ways to make the world a better place.

The Heart of Innovation
Top 10 Best The Heart of Innovation Episodes

13 Episodes


Avg Length 65m


Latest episode 7 months ago

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The world needs innovation now more than ever. The good news is that you can train yourself to be a better innovator. Join former Google Engineering Executive and Superintendent of Well-being Bill Duane as he dives deep with innovators from business, science, social change and technology on the internal innovation that unlocks external innovation. More information at www.billduane.com Theme music Where's Leon by kind permission of Taraval
Le Labo des savoirs
Top 10 Best Le Labo des savoirs Episodes

270 Episodes


Avg Length 57m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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Le Labo des savoirs décrypte avec les chercheurs les questions d'actualité, analyse les enjeux d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Des sciences exactes aux sciences humaines en passant par les sciences économiques et sociales, tous les champs de la connaissance y sont passés au crible.
Zarathustra's 5D Academy
Top 10 Best Zarathustra's 5D Academy Episodes

213 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 2 days ago

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The 5D Academy with Zarathustra explores universal wisdom to foster total freedom from suffering in all areas of your life; health, wealth, love and self. Each Academy podcast contains valuable insights and takeaways to become the best version of yourself and create an authentic, fulfilling life.
CE5 Sweden
Top 10 Best CE5 Sweden Episodes

29 Episodes


Avg Length 47m


Latest episode 3 months ago

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Den svenska CE-5 podcasten där vi, Alicia och Kim snackar om Aliens, närkontakt och UFO ́n och binder samman det med spirituella inslag och andliga spektrum.

En kravlös podd med dialoger om upplevelser inom CE-5 i Sverige, dialoger om meditation och andlighet, vittnesmål och andra spännande ämnen där vi också kommer bjuda in gäster.

Välkommen, jordbo!

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Top 10 Best #audioCALM Episodes

14 Episodes




Latest episode 8 years ago

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Wealth Consciousness with Susan Hansted
Top 10 Best Wealth Consciousness with Susan Hansted Episodes

39 Episodes


Avg Length 17m


Latest episode 6 months ago

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An entrepreneur’s guide to wealth consciousness with Susan Hansted, Founder of the Institute of Possibility Thinking, Energy Psychology Intuitive, & healing guide. Join me on the exciting journey to exponentially scaling your business by scaling your heart, mind, and soul. We begin in your next breath.

Our interview today is with Suzanne Winlove-Smith, a mediation strategist with the Ottawa Courts. Suzanne is with us today to see if we can uncover much more to what is underneath this escalating issue facing society worldwide with our teen deaths due to drug overdoses. In her work with kids, as she lovingly calls them, she sees the stresses and level of pain that these young people are experiencing. In her words, "there is an epidemic of anxiety out there"
NZFreeLaw Podcast
Top 10 Best NZFreeLaw Podcast Episodes

9 Episodes


Avg Length 40m


Latest episode 4 years ago

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Legal Podcast about the law in New Zealand. Learn about the law in NZ.
Mediate This!
Top 10 Best Mediate This! Episodes

122 Episodes


Avg Length 24m


Latest episode 3 days ago

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Through the art of storytelling, education and life experience, Matthew Brickman, President of iMediate Inc. and a Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator along with his co-host Sydney Mitchell discuss mediation as well as conflict resolution & negotiations skills. Gain the knowledge necessary to negotiate your own agreement that will provide you hope and peace in your own divorce or paternity case. Questions for the show? Email: [email protected]
We've Seen A Thing or Two
Top 10 Best We've Seen A Thing or Two Episodes

25 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 11 months ago

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As investigators and mediators focused on regulatory and workplace conflicts, we have seen a thing or two and learned a thing or two! In each episode we will be speaking with industry leaders in regulation, human resources, and law, as well as thought leaders and top performers in investigations, mediation, business leadership, and entrepreneurship. We bring our audience interesting and cutting-edge information on conflict management as it relates to professional regulation, workplace disputes, establishing a positive culture in the workplace. It all crosses over folks and this podcast will provide unique insights and information anyone in a leadership position, regulatory or otherwise can use.
freidrehen® für Hochsensitive & Kreative mit dem Human Design
Top 10 Best freidrehen® für Hochsensitive & Kreative mit dem Human Design Episodes

46 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 5 months ago

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Willst du dich verändern und es klappt einfach nicht? Dann bist du in bester Gesellschaft! Als systemische Coachin, Mediatorin & Präsenztrainerin habe ich während meiner 20 jährigen Beratungserfahrung viele Menschen, Paare & Teams auf ihrem Weg hin zu einer gewünschten Veränderung begleitet. Von ihnen und von meinem eigenen Struggle auf diesem Weg berichte ich dir in diesem, meinem Podcast. Wenn du also auch gernealle „hättest“, „könntest“, „solltest“ und „müsstest“ deiner Welt über Bord werfen würdestdich aus der Umklammerung deiner alten Muster lösen möchtest, die wie blöd in deinem heutigen Leben herumtriggernund einfach mal sagen willst: ich pfeiff auf das, was andere und vor allem ich selbst über mich denken?Dann hör rein! Vielleicht erkennst du dich in der ein oder anderen Einzelfolge wieder und nimmst eine kleine epiphany* (*epiphany: ein moment, in dem du plötzlich das Gefühl hast, dass du verstehst) für dich mit. Oder fühlst dich bestärkt, wenn du meinen Freidrehdialog-Gästen lauschst. So oder so, ich freu mich auf dich! Ich? bin Jana Mickel und ich bin passionierte Befreierin! Meine Klienten sagen ich sei humorvoll, warmherzig, feinfühlig, freigeistig, klar & nah und kenne sie besser, als sie sich selbst 😉 PS: Ich selbst zähle zu den erhöht Neurosensitiven, im deutschen Sprachgebrauch gerne hochsensibel oder hochsensitiv genannten Menschen. Dieser Hintergrund und auch meine Arbeit mit vielen erhöht neurosensitiven KlientInnen fließt immer wieder in meinen Podcast ein. Falls du also feinfühlig bist, ein Grund mehr vorbei zuhören? Mit dem Human Design habe ich für mich den „Stein der Weisen“ bezüglich freidrehen® gefunden! Wenn du also wissen möchtest, wie du dich ganz praktisch mit Hilfe des Human Designs oder der Genekeys freidrehst – noch ein Grund mehr hinein zuhören! Intro & Outro komponiert und aufgenommen für freidrehen® von Olivier MembrezPodcastfotos von Herrn Schubert
Power Yourself
Top 10 Best Power Yourself Episodes

103 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 1 month ago

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Power Yourself is a podcast featuring real discussions about life and happiness. We talk about happiness as a self-driven road and discuss all of the road blocks that tend to come up along the way. The idea is to talk about our lives, tips and tricks we use, difficulties we encounter, ah ha moments we have had, and to share advice and strategies that have worked (and sometimes have not worked) for us.
In the Arena with NOW
Top 10 Best In the Arena with NOW Episodes

29 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 11 days ago

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In the Arena with NOW lifts up the voices of community leaders who are “in the arena” -- in classrooms, playgrounds, Congressional halls, hospitals, and neighborhood streets -- working to make sure that all children and families can live healthy, thriving lives. Each episode will delve into the experiences of local coalitions, residents, and experts who are working to create equitable systems of care and education. We’ll learn about what they are doing and why, challenges and successes faced, and advice for others seeking to build, grow, and sustain momentum for the long haul. Learn more at: https://www.networksofopportunity.org

How Can I Say This...
Top 10 Best How Can I Say This... Episodes

81 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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The “How Can I Say This...” podcast offers tips and advice for interpersonal communications challenges, such as difficult conversations, conflict, giving and receiving feedback, negotiating, and other situations where what you say and how you say it makes all the difference.

Your host is Beth Buelow, PCC, founder of ZOPA Consulting and author of “The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms.” Beth’s credentialed professional coach and trained mediator. She loves finding the “Zone of Possible Agreement” (ZOPA!) in any situation that comes her way. She hosted The Introvert Entrepreneur Podcast from 2010-2018.

In every episode of "How Can I Say This...", you’ll find ideas about how to handle your communication conundrums; tips on feeling more confident and comfortable with conflict; opportunities to learn from real-life situations through questions shared by listeners; and ultimately, gain skills and techniques for dealing with sticky situations at work and home. Of course, we can’t be all talk and no action; each show will end with an invitation to try a particular technique or approach that came up in the episode.

Episodes will feature a mixture of commentary, listener questions, and expert guest interviews and contributions. The scope of conversation will evolve over time... we’re open to seeing where this goes. Thanks for joining us on the journey!

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Our Path - A Martial Arts Podcast
Top 10 Best Our Path - A Martial Arts Podcast Episodes

4 Episodes


Avg Length 30m


Latest episode 4 years ago

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A podcast about martial arts, self defense, sport competition, self analysis, meditation, philosophy and fun.
Divorcing Dads
Top 10 Best Divorcing Dads Episodes

17 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 4 months ago

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Honest conversations with divorcing dads about staying connected to your kids while building a life that you love. Topics include co-parenting, fatherhood, divorce recovery, parenting tips, and emotional well-being.

The California Divorce Mediation Podcast
Top 10 Best The California Divorce Mediation Podcast Episodes

6 Episodes




Latest episode 10 years ago

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Get insights about mediation from family law and divorce lawyer, Gerald Maggio.
Divorce Explained with Steve Benmor & Leanne Townsend
Top 10 Best Divorce Explained with Steve Benmor & Leanne Townsend Episodes

105 Episodes


Avg Length 24m


Latest episode 9 days ago

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Whether you’re just beginning to consider separation, trying mediation, or overwhelmed with divorce litigation, you likely have many questions. Divorce Explained has the answers. Each week, co-hosts Steve Benmor and Leanne Townsend cover the many questions and concerns commonly associated with divorce and separation. You’ll learn about the latest developments in family law, legal strategies you can use to support your divorce case, advice on how to mitigate the impact of divorce on your family, and more.

It’s All Your Fault: High Conflict People
Top 10 Best It’s All Your Fault: High Conflict People Episodes

152 Episodes


Avg Length 33m


Latest episode 1 month ago

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Hosted by Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. and Megan Hunter, MBA, It’s All Your Fault! High Conflict People explores the five types of people who can ruin your life—people with high conflict personalities and how they weave themselves into our lives in romance, at work, next door, at school, places of worship, and just about everywhere, causing chaos, exhaustion, and dread for everyone else. They are the most difficult of difficult people — some would say they’re toxic. Without them, tv shows, movies, and the news would be boring, but who wants to live that way in your own life! Have you ever wanted to know what drives them to act this way? In the It’s All Your Fault podcast, we’ll take you behind the scenes to understand what’s happening in the brain and illuminates why we pick HCPs as life partners, why we hire them, and how we can handle interactions and relationships with them. We break down everything you ever wanted to know about people with the 5 high conflict personality types: narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, antisocial/sociopath, and paranoid. And we’ll give you tips on how to spot them and how to deal with them.
Is het leven een zeven?
Top 10 Best Is het leven een zeven? Episodes

11 Episodes


Avg Length 26m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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Derek de Beurs doet onderzoek naar psychische gezondheid bij het Trimbos-instituut. Hij verdiepte zich onder andere in suïcidepreventie en vertelt graag over wetenschap aan een breder publiek.

Zijn vader Paul de Beurs had jarenlang als psychiater een praktijk aan huis, was hoofd van de afdeling psychiatrie van een algemeen ziekenhuis, is een paar jaar bestuurder geweest en heeft jarenlang gewerkt als extern adviseur voor de inspectie voor de volksgezondheid.

In deze podcast-serie praten vader en zoon aan de keukentafel over de tien uitspraken die centraal staan in hun boek: Is het leven een zeven? dat verscheen bij Boom uitgevers Amsterdam. Het zijn oneliners die Paul vaak gebruikte in zijn praktijk, maar ook aan de keukentafel met zijn gezin. Derek merkte dat de uitspraken van zijn vader ook werkten bij de alledaagse problemen van hemzelf en zijn vrienden. Wat is de kracht van die uitspraken nu eigenlijk? En hoe werkt dat in de praktijk voor Derek en Paul? En hoe kan het jou helpen in je dagelijks functioneren?

Luister mee, en verrijk je psychologische gereedschapskist!

  • Wil je meer weten over Is het leven een zeven? Of het boek van Derek en Paul bestellen voor jezelf, een vriend, je vader of je zoon? Ga dan naar www.boompsychologie.nl/levenzeven.
  • Volg en like ons ook op instagram: @levenzeven.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Worry Free Wednesday
Top 10 Best Worry Free Wednesday Episodes

85 Episodes


Avg Length 11m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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OVERCOME ANXIETY with a FREE shot of psychotherapy - served up in stories and washed down with a delicious earful of meditation so you might not need your medications potions or pills. New episodes EVERY WEDNESDAY so make sure you subscribe!
On Conflict Podcast
Top 10 Best On Conflict Podcast Episodes

30 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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This is a deep and globally relevant journey into conflict issues. We connect you with innovative thinkers, authors, artists, practitioners, and political leaders with provocative and empowering understandings of conflict. We challenge your perspectives and invite you to use our guests’ insights to take inspired action in your lives, neighbourhoods, and nations. Join us in exploring accessible dialogue with big ideas and big feelings. Let’s go make the world a better place!
Sức Khoẻ Thân - Tâm - Trí
Top 10 Best Sức Khoẻ Thân - Tâm - Trí Episodes

215 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 11 months ago

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Chào mừng các bạn đến với podcast Sức khỏe Thân - Tâm - Trí! Podcast được phát triển bởi Fonos - Ứng dụng âm thanh số với hơn 3000 nội dung phong phú: Sách nói có bản quyền, Tóm tắt sách, Thiền định, Ebook, Truyện Ngủ, Nhạc chủ đề, Truyện thiếu nhi. Tại podcast này, chúng tôi giới thiệu Phần mở đầu và Chương 1 của những sách nói đặc sắc được lựa chọn bởi Fonos. Như tên gọi, podcast Sức khỏe Thân - Tâm - Trí mong muốn đóng góp một phần nhỏ vào đời sống tinh thần và thể chất của các thính giả. Hy vọng các bạn sẽ có những phút giây bình an, lắng đọng và tích cực. Podcast được phát sóng đều đặn vào thứ Hai và thứ Tư hằng tuần. Để nghe toàn bộ nội dung của các sách nói trong podcast, hãy tải ngay ứng dụng Fonos trên App Store hoặc Google Play. Bạn có thể download ứng dụng Fonos tại đây: https://fonos.link/PCFonos
Engineering Peace with Thom Bond
Top 10 Best Engineering Peace with Thom Bond Episodes

38 Episodes


Avg Length 19m


Latest episode 2 months ago

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"Engineering Peace with Thom Bond” is a real-life look at how peace is becoming a reality on our planet. It's also a personal resource to help empower us to create the change we want to see in the world. Listen to practical tips and wisdom from Thom's workshops and training sessions to help make peace a reality in your own life. Episode by episode, witness and be part of the story of peace on our planet.
The Business Advisor
Top 10 Best The Business Advisor Episodes

188 Episodes


Avg Length 15m


Latest episode 2 years ago

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The Business Advisor is hosted by Michael Lodge, a nationally certified business mediator and advisor. He has been in private practice since 1984 and has been is various types of business entities throughout the United States and Asia. Mr. Lodge has owned and advised many forms of businesses clients that have included tax firms, healthcare and staffing, construction, real estate, sports and entertainment, and others. As a mediator he mediates business issues that include family small businesses, workplace conflict, real estate, estate and trust disputes, various business disputes between partners and owners of businesses. His experience counts in providing advice and mediation.

If you have a business question, send it to: [email protected]

Join his podcast today.

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The best place to learn about business is by joining our daily business podast: https://plus.acast.com/s/the-business-advisor.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Andrews Dispute Resolution Podcast
Top 10 Best Andrews Dispute Resolution Podcast Episodes

2 Episodes


Avg Length 23m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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Welcome to the Andrews Dispute Resolution Podcast, where Susan Andrews reminds us to realize that we are peaceful when we live positively and proactively by the Latin phrase, Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit, which means, “Nothing Comes from Nothing”.So, if nothing comes from nothing, what is your something going to be? Follow Andrews Dispute Resolution through her periodic Podcast Episodes to find out. Now is the time to realize that peaceful place in you.
The Splitting Smart Podcast
Top 10 Best The Splitting Smart Podcast Episodes

54 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 28 days ago

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The Splitting Smart Podcast is your go-to guide for resolving divorce and other disputes outside the courtroom. Join top mediator and seasoned family law attorney Kelly Bennett, with over 30 years in the trenches, along with her team at Sapere Law & Mediation. Kelly and the Sapere Pros dive into practical strategies to help professionals like you navigate the complexities of divorce, custody, and conflict resolution with intelligence and empathy. Learn how to save time, protect your privacy, and cut costs through mediation, negotiation, and arbitration. Tune in to transform your conflict into an efficient, empowered path forward.

Gebroken Gelofte
Top 10 Best Gebroken Gelofte Episodes

11 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 26 days ago

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‘Ons gezin van acht is niet meer. Dat is pijnlijk voor ons én de kinderen. We hadden elkaar en God wat anders beloofd.'

Gebroken Gelofte is een 7-delige podcastserie van het Nederlands Dagblad over scheiden in christelijk Nederland.

In Nederland gaan zo’n 26.000 echtparen per jaar uit elkaar. Onder christenen neemt het aantal scheidingen toe. In deze podcast gaat journalist Daniël Gillissen, 45 jaar en vijf jaar geleden gescheiden, vanuit zijn ervaring in gesprek met christelijke experts en ervaringsdeskundigen. Zodat jij begrijpt wat scheiden betekent en om scheiden onder christenen beter bespreekbaar te maken.

Druk op volgen en het belletje en krijg een herinnering als de afleveringen verschijnen!

Presentatie: Daniël Gillissen

Redactie en conceptontwikkeling: Marien Korterink, Judith de Ruiter en Hermen Loonstra

Adviseur: Anje Slootweg

Visuele vormgeving: Koen Janssen

Audiovormgeving: Robin de Wever

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.