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Top 3 Meditation Podcasts

Sep 10, 2024

The Best Meditation Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Top 10 Best Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations Episodes

11 Episodes


Avg Length 7m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast paced world.
Feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Disconnected? Sometimes it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day to tend to your own needs. There is always time to create a sense of calm to reconnect to yourself. Even if it is just a few minutes each day.
Join Hannah every week for a short meditation practice. You'll be amazed at the difference a few minutes of meditation can make.
Note: try listening with headphones/airpods for an better experience

Boring Books for Bedtime Readings to Help You Sleep
Top 10 Best Boring Books for Bedtime Readings to Help You Sleep Episodes

310 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Boring Books for Bedtime is a weekly sleep podcast in which we calmly, quietly read something rather boring to silence the brain chatter keeping you awake. Think Aristotle, Thoreau, and whoever wrote the 1897 Sears Catalog—mostly nonfiction, mostly old, a perfect blend of vaguely-but-not-too interesting. If you're on Team Sleepless, lie back, take a deep breath, and let us read you to rest.
Tracks To Relax Sleep Meditations
Top 10 Best Tracks To Relax Sleep Meditations Episodes

201 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 17 hours ago

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Join us at www.patreon.com/trackstorelax Trouble sleeping due to stress, worry or a racing mind? No matter what is causing your insomnia, Tracks To Relax provides a natural soothing solution to help you get the sleep you need. We invite you to put on your headphones, get comfortable and play a Tracks To Relax Sleep Meditation! You'll likely discover that you CAN FALL ASLEEP quickly and easily once you relax your mind and body. With soothing male and female voiced sessions and lots of variety, our podcast can be your source for reliable sleep help!

Don't miss our NAP MEDITATIONS PODCAST, just search Nap Meditations wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Meditation Podcasts

In today's fast-paced and stressful world, it can be challenging to find the time and space to take care of our mental health. This is where meditation can be incredibly valuable. Meditation is a simple yet powerful practice that can help you to calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being. And the good news is, you don't need to be an experienced meditator or have hours of free time to enjoy the benefits of meditation.

If you're looking for a way to incorporate meditation into your daily routine, a meditation podcast can be a great resource. These podcasts offer guided meditations, insightful discussions, and practical tips and advice to help you deepen your practice and develop a more mindful way of living.

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Top Meditation Podcasts

Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics of meditation or an experienced meditator looking to deepen your practice, Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top meditation podcasts for you. By tuning into a meditation podcasts, you can bring more calm and clarity into your life, reduce stress, and cultivate greater happiness and well-being.

What's the best meditation podcast right now in 2024?

Goodpods aggregates the best meditation podcasts people are listening to right now. From meditation-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated meditation podcasts in 2024 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Health & Fitness PodcastsFitness Podcasts, and Mental Health Podcasts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Meditation Podcasts

What are meditation podcasts and how can they support a meditation practice?

Meditation podcasts are audio programs that offer guided meditation sessions, discussions on mindfulness, and insights into various meditation techniques. These podcasts provide a convenient way to access guided meditations, learn about different meditation practices, and receive guidance from experienced meditation teachers. They can support a meditation practice by offering a structured approach, providing a source of inspiration and motivation, and helping individuals cultivate mindfulness and inner calm.

What are some popular meditation podcasts and where can I find them?

There are several popular meditation podcasts available across different platforms. "The Daily Meditation Podcast" hosted by Mary Meckley offers a daily guided meditation session, exploring different themes and techniques. Another well-known podcast is "Meditation Minis Podcast" hosted by Chel Hamilton, which provides short guided meditations to reduce stress and anxiety. "10% Happier with Dan Harris" is another popular podcast that explores meditation and mindfulness with a focus on practical applications in daily life. These podcasts can be found on Goodpods.

What types of meditation techniques are covered in meditation podcasts?

Meditation podcasts cover a wide range of meditation techniques to suit different preferences and goals. They often include guided mindfulness meditations, loving-kindness meditations, body scan meditations, breath awareness meditations, and visualization exercises. Some podcasts may focus on specific traditions such as Vipassana, Zen, or Transcendental Meditation.

Can beginners benefit from listening to meditation podcasts?

Absolutely! Meditation podcasts are a great resource for beginners who are new to meditation or looking to deepen their practice. They often include introductory episodes that explain the basics of meditation, provide guidance on posture, and breathing techniques, and offer simple meditation exercises suitable for beginners. Listening to meditation podcasts can help beginners develop a regular meditation habit, understand the principles of mindfulness, and gradually explore different meditation techniques. The guided meditations offered in these podcasts provide support and structure, making it easier for beginners to engage in their practice.

How can meditation podcasts enhance the meditation experience?

Meditation podcasts can enhance the meditation experience in several ways. They offer guided meditations that provide a focus and framework for the practice, helping individuals stay present and cultivate a sense of calm. The soothing voices and serene music used in meditation podcasts create a peaceful ambiance conducive to meditation.

Check out these Meditation Podcasts

Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.
Top 10 Best Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D. Episodes

178 Episodes


Avg Length 24m


Latest episode 13 days ago

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Are you ready to live a life with enough time, money, and energy? Have relationships and connections that delight you? Are you ready for the extraordinary life you know you’ve been missing? If so, then this is the place for you. I'm a best selling author, coach, consultant, and speaker who’s worked in technology for over two decades. I’m a leader in transforming people and organizations from operating in fear, obligation and guilt to running off joy, ease, and love. It’s time for Engineering Emotions and Energy!

Zen Commuter

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Zen Commuter
Top 10 Best Zen Commuter Episodes

105 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 7 days ago

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Zen Commuter is about meditation and how it can improve the quality of your life. Thom Walters speaks with acclaimed meditation teachers, authors and everyday practitioners, to help listeners understand how to start a mindfulness habit, as well as keep it going. Along the way he discusses topics that help listeners cultivate a calmer, wiser and happier life. Come join Thom Monday through Friday to deepen your meditation practice.

Empowered Empath

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Empowered Empath
Top 10 Best Empowered Empath Episodes

459 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 1 month ago

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My name is Jennifer O’Neill. I am a Spiritual Healer, Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive, & Energetic Practitioner. For the past 30 years, I’ve worked professionally in the metaphysical, spiritual health and wellness space. As a healer and energetic practitioner, I specialize in working with energy and its impact on the body, mind, and spirit. I work with a very specialized energetic balancing technique to help balance and align the energetic body. Which is incredibly important because if energetic Imbalance occurs and is left unattended in your body’s energetic field it can lead to physical, emotional and spiritual ailments. ~ Namaste Jennifer

Resilience & Grace

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Resilience & Grace
Top 10 Best Resilience & Grace Episodes

70 Episodes


Avg Length 12m


Latest episode 2 years ago

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WELCOME to "Resilience & Grace" with Mary McCarthy. Mary shares her teachings through meditation and conversation. Expect "moments of grace" in each episode. It is an invitation to connect your mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about Mary and her teachings online at www.mary-mccarthy.com

Simply Woke

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Simply Woke
Top 10 Best Simply Woke Episodes

20 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 5 years ago

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Spiritual Awakening, Miracle Moments, Divine Revelation, Self Realization...These are all different ways to describe the same occurrence. They are transformative events that wake us up and connect us to our spiritual selves and personal truths. Often resulting is healing, growth and manifestation. Each week, host Alessandra Johnston, speaks with a new guest about their personal story of awakening. What happened, what was learned and how it impacted their life.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Meditatie Amsterdam -  De Meditatie Podcast
Top 10 Best Meditatie Amsterdam - De Meditatie Podcast Episodes

97 Episodes


Avg Length 47m


Latest episode 6 months ago

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Wil je leren mediteren of je meditatie beoefening verdiepen en snel effecten ervaren als ontspanning, stress reductie en meer mentale helderheid, balans, creativiteit en productiviteit? Dit is waar je dat kan doen! Roel van Meditatie Amsterdam neemt je twee keer per maand graag mee in de wondere wereld van het mediteren en dat alles op een concrete, toegankelijke, praktische, eigentijdse en niet zweverige wijze. Naast geleide meditaties is er ook uitleg, verdieping en onderbouwing van het mediteren. De afleveringen zijn in het Nederlands, or in English: Do you want to learn to meditate or deepen your practice and quickly experience benefits like relaxation, stress reduction and improved mental clarity, balance, creativity and productivity? This is where to do that! Roel of Meditatie Amsterdam loves to take you twice a month into the wonderful world of meditation, all in a down-to-earth, accessible, practical and contemporary way. Next to guided meditations there are explanations and clarifications of all that happens during meditation. Check it out!

All of Yoga

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All of Yoga
Top 10 Best All of Yoga Episodes

22 Episodes


Avg Length 13m


Latest episode 7 months ago

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Yoga is so much more than the physical practice. This podcast explores all of yoga; what meditation is and the benefits, the roots, history and philosophy of yoga, how simple concepts can help us live a more peaceful life, and how to approach the physical aspect of yoga in a safe and beneficial way. If you’re brand new to yoga and wondering what it’s all about, or you’re an experienced yogi looking to learn more about all of yoga - this podcast is for you.

Lift OneSelf -Podcast

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Lift OneSelf -Podcast
Top 10 Best Lift OneSelf -Podcast Episodes

134 Episodes


Avg Length 44m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Step into the serene sanctuary of self-care, where our journey of truth and mindfulness begins by dismantling the stigma surrounding mental health. Immerse yourself in profound conversations as we unravel the mysteries of mental health, meditation, and personal growth, exploring the profound impact of trauma on the nervous system. Join our nurturing community, where we uplift each other by sharing invaluable tools and services, gracefully navigating life's challenges with resilience. Prepare to awaken your mind, nourish your soul, and embrace the transformative journey of self-discovery.
As I traverse the vast expanse of the digital world, connecting with diverse voices across the globe, I invite others to share their stories and provide insights and tools. If you listen deeply, in every story you can catch a glimpse of yourself in the details.
Welcome to the Lift OneSelf podcast, where every dialogue sparks curiosity and ignites your spirit.
Explore our website at
and connect with us on social media under 'LiftOneSelf.'
Your time and presence are truly appreciated.
Remember, always be kind to yourself.

Möchtest du dich selbst besser verstehen lernen, dich annehmen und akzeptieren so wie du bist? Möchtest du glückliche Beziehungen leben? Was würdest du gerne in deinem Leben ändern, wenn es möglich wäre? Ich bin Claudia Bechert-Möckel, Persönlichkeits- & Beziehungscoach, ich unterstütze dich dabei dich selbst und andere besser zu verstehen- und gelingende Beziehungen zu führen, auch zu dir selbst.

In diesem Podcast schenke ich dir Inspirationen und Impulse für dich, dein Leben und deine Beziehungen. Du findest hier Themen wie Selbstliebe, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Selbstbewusstsein, Entspannung und innere Balance, Loslassen und Vergebung, aber auch um Liebe, Bindungsstile, Beziehung und Partnerschaft. Und natürlich geht es auch um Kommunikation. Ich möchte dir Tools an die Hand geben, mit denen Du dein Leben und deine Beziehungen gelingend gestalten kannst.

Denn innere und äußere Beziehungen sind eng miteinander verbunden. Sind wir hier nicht in Balance, kann sich das in emotionaler Abhängigkeit und toxischen Beziehungen zeigen. Konzepte der Psychologie und Selbsthilfe, wie die Arbeit mit dem inneren Kind nach Stefanie Stahl, oder "The Work" nach Byron Katie stelle ich dir ebenfalls vor, genauso wie Methoden der Regulation von Gefühlen und Emotionen. Auch das Verständnis von Bindungsstörungen und Entwicklungstrauma, sowie der Notwendigkeit der Selbstregulation möchte ich stärken.

Ich möchte Impulse und Lösungsansätze aus Psychologie, Coaching und Paarberatung mit dir teilen, die dein Leben bereichern und dich zufriedener machen können. Außerdem findest Du hier auch meine geführte Meditationen und Visualisierungsübungen.

Mit den Methoden der Psychographie, der Naturellwissenschaft und dem Human Design System, unterstütze ich dich dabei, Dein eigenes einzigartiges Sein zu erkennen und zu verstehen, aber auch praktisch anwendbare Menschenkenntnis in Bezug auf andere zu entwickeln. Mentale Gesundheit ist eines der Kernthemen von Leben-Lieben-Lassen.

Spannende und inspirierende Interviews mit Persönlichkeiten und bekannten Coaches und Erfolgstrainern wie Stefanie Stahl, Maxim Mankevich oder Monika Schmiderer, Dr. Simone Koch, Dami Charf oder Ildiko von Kürthy erwarten dich.

Ich lade dich ein zu entdecken, welche Kraft wirklich in dir steckt und wie du sie entfalten kannst. Ich teile mit dir das Wissen und die praktischen Schritte, die dir helfen, dein Leben zu verändern, um die zu sein was du wirklich sein willst: von Herzen liebend und geliebt, selbstbestimmt und in emotionaler Balance. Denn Veränderung ist möglich und sie beginnt in uns selbst ;-)

Noch mehr Inspirationen zu Persönlichkeit und Beziehung findest du auf meiner Webseite: https://leben-lieben-lassen.de/

Alle Infos zu mir und meinen Angeboten: https://linktr.ee/Leben_Lieben_Lassen

Folge mir auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leben_lieben_lassen_podcast

Ich freue mich auf dich, deine Claudia

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Sweet Stella's Guided Meditations
Top 10 Best Sweet Stella's Guided Meditations Episodes

46 Episodes


Avg Length 16m


Latest episode 7 years ago

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Guided meditations written and spoken by Shannon Moyer-Szemenyei, Owner and Doula at Sweet Stella's. Themes include awareness, pregnancy, anger, postpartum, self love, guilt, grief, deep rest, courage, compassion, bravery and more.
Aha! Momente - Der Podcast, bei dem du Impulse für Dein gesundes, glückliches & geiles Leben bekommst. Warum mache ich das? Ich beschäftige mich seit über 10 Jahren privat und beruflich intensiv mit dem Thema "Gesundheit" . Gesundheit, das ist nicht nur das Verhalten des Einzelnen, sondern hängt in komplexer Weise mit sozialen, ökonomischen und Umweltbedingungen zusammen. Und ich kann einfach nicht mehr dabei zusehen, wie viele auf dieser Erde entweder - das Potential nicht sehen, das ihre Lebensumstände ihnen eigentlich bietet oder - in ein unfaires System und Verhältnissen geboren worden sind. Ich will und werde meine Lebensenergie darauf verwenden, dass dies heute, morgen, und in 20 Jahren nicht mehr so ist! Wie mache ich das? Ganz ehrlich? Keine Ahnung! Aber ich befinde mich schon seit langem nicht nur privat, sondern auch beruflich auf dem Weg und habe gelernt: Du musst nur den nächsten Schritt kennen und wissen, WARUM du ihn tust. Was mache ich? Der erste und zentrale Schritt ist nun also dieser Podcast. Es wird regelmäßig Episoden rund um das Thema Leben in Gesundheit & Glück geben. Die 1. Staffel dreht sich rund um die Themen - Du & Dein Körper - Du & Dein Mindset - Du & die Welt Neugierig? Dann hör gerne mal rein! Es ist kostenlos!!! Und mal ehrlich, "Welt retten" geht alleine nicht und macht dann ja auch überhaupt keinen Spaß ;) Stay high on life, Deine Lela

Practicing Human

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Practicing Human
Top 10 Best Practicing Human Episodes

790 Episodes


Avg Length 9m


Latest episode 8 months ago

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Practicing Human is a daily podcast, hosted by Cory Muscara, offering insights and practices into how to live a fulfilling life. Cory pulls on his time living as a Buddhist monk in Burma, his many years as a mindfulness and meditation teacher, and his work in Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
Du befindest dich mitten im Leben und hast so viele Jahre für andere – für Partner, Kinder, Arbeitgeber – alles gegeben. Jetzt möchtest du Leichtigkeit und Gelassenheit in deinem Leben spüren und selbst im Mittelpunkt stehen. Die Sunday Secrets sind genau für dich gemacht! Hier geht es darum, wie du mitten im Leben stehst, die stürmischen Zeiten mit Leichtigkeit und Gelassenheit meisterst und aus dem alltäglichen Hamsterrad ausbrichst. Dieser Podcast ist für alle Frauen in der Lebensmitte, die ihre eigene, prickelnde Life-Story gestalten und die strahlendste Version von sich selbst leben möchten, ohne dabei auszubrennen. Mit inspirierenden Gesprächen, Einblicken aus Psychologie, Yoga und Coaching begleite ich, Claudia Homberg, dich auf deinem Weg vom Stress zu innerer Stärke. Hier erfährst du, wie du Klarheit, Präsenz und Kraft entwickelst und das Leben lebst, von dem du bisher nur geträumt hast. Ja, du kannst entspannt und gleichzeitig erfolgreich sein! Und in diesem Podcast bekommst du ein wahres Feuerwerk an Inspiration und Motivation. Als ganzheitlicher LifeBalance-Coach, Business-Yogalehrerin, Speakerin, Trainerin und Bestseller-Autorin bin ich hier, um dich auf dieser Reise zu unterstützen und zu begleiten. Willkommen bei Sunday Secrets – deinem Guide zum Mastering Midlife. Es ist Zeit für DICH.
The Quest Pod with Justin Kan
Top 10 Best The Quest Pod with Justin Kan Episodes

76 Episodes


Avg Length 57m


Latest episode 2 years ago

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Join Twitch co-founder, Justin Kan (aka your favorite founder's favorite founder), on a quest to discover the human stories behind icons in tech, business, sports, music, and beyond. Let’s F**king Grow.

Yoga Magic

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Yoga Magic
Top 10 Best Yoga Magic Episodes

231 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 9 months ago

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Yoga Magic hosted by Ashley Sondergaard explores the world of self-care and self-discovery. On this show you'll learn from experts in healing, spirituality, beauty, wellness and yoga & gather an abundance of new wellbeing practices to try on and see what fits. Tune in if you're looking to expand your mind, open new doors, be honest and sometimes take a big ol’ handstand fall on the way.
Clayton Morris is a news anchor, real estate investor, public speaker and former ball of stress. The mission of the Empower podcast is to help us achieve financial freedom. Empower tackles this on two fronts, first by helping us overcome our limiting beliefs around money, second by providing practical wealth building advice from our remarkable guests.
Lights On with Mitra Manesh
Top 10 Best Lights On with Mitra Manesh Episodes

126 Episodes


Avg Length 15m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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Lights On with Mitra Manesh was born to shed light on the challenges and magic we call life. Mitra is a mindfulness expert, storyteller, coach, executive trainer and UCLA teacher at the Semel Institute School of Neuroscience and Human Behavior with 35+ years of experience. These sessions are taken live from Mitra’s keynote talks, classes and some studio recordings. They are real questions, real answers, and real challenges people are facing. We hope you find value in the coaching and teachings offered. From today forward let’s move in the direction of lights on, facing what’s in front of us and more importantly inside of us. To contact innermap team with comments, questions, or suggestions, please email [email protected]. If this podcast works for you we ask that you please rate/review/share it. Music for Episodes 1-36 by: Title of the song: 22:22 (from the EP Enmore20) Artist: Markusen https://senormarkusen.bandcamp.com Instagram: @senormarkusen Facebook: @senormarkusen Music for Episodes 36-present by: Pablo Guadalupe & Ariel Zutel

Dear Life Warriors

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Dear Life Warriors
Top 10 Best Dear Life Warriors Episodes

120 Episodes


Avg Length 13m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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Dear Life Warriors is a show dedicated to educating, empowering, motivating and giving hope to many.About Coach Char:I’ve spent 15 years of my career as a Human Resources Executive for organizations on a National scale. In my career I’ve successfully completed hundreds of high-volume mergers & acquisitions, transformed broken cultures, and taught organizations how to rebrand their image by using one very important resource, their PEOPLE. I hold the following certifications: Certified Corporate Life Coach (CCLC) Certified Relationship Consultant (CRC)Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Practitioner (CHWP)Strategic Human Resources Business Partner (sHRBP) In addition, I am a published author. “The Yellow Weed: How to Recognize and Embrace the Process Before the Blessings” and “30 Days to a new you journal”. I am on a mission to help professionals attain success on the job and in their daily lives.Books available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Char-Newell
The Standing Light Podcast
Top 10 Best The Standing Light Podcast Episodes

11 Episodes


Avg Length 64m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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The Standing Light Podcast aims to shift our world from a mind-based mentality to a heart-empowered reality through heart-to-heart conversations.

Aging Gracefully

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Aging Gracefully
Top 10 Best Aging Gracefully Episodes

3 Episodes


Avg Length 20m


Latest episode 4 years ago

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The best unconventional health and life advice from Elena Rusakova and beyond. Elena arrived to the US after coming out of a “Ring of Fire” in her life to begin a journey to creating a life she desires. From a babysitting job to establishing a very successful business in the heart of the most demanding and competitive city in the world - New York City - and at the peak of her success deciding to sell her practice and reinvent herself as a health coach. Inspired to share the stories & strategies that help her and her clients to achieve ultimate health and to age beautifully and gracefully. On each episode, host Elena Rusakova (Founder, Elena’s Vitality Secrets; CEO, Green & White Wellness Center of NJ and Clean My Colon Practice in Manchester, CT) provides unconventional theories about how to reverse aging and prevent illness, along with special guests to share the stories of their health and life transformations. Elena and guests talk about mindfulness, dieting, exercising, eating, aromatherapy, and much more. But they also talk about the woman's journey - with all the bumps on the road that go along with it. With original and honest stories, Aging Gracefully is a health podcast that doesn’t sound like a health coaching podcast - it’s a testimony to life and wellness.


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Top 10 Best CHINMAYA SHIVAM Episodes

43 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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Talks, Meditation sessions, Workshops and classes based on Vedanta for life management

Dharma Seed: dharma talks and meditation instruction
Top 10 Best Dharma Seed: dharma talks and meditation instruction Episodes

3441 Episodes


Avg Length 48m


Latest episode -18715 seconds ago

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Dharma Seed is dedicated to preserving and sharing the spoken teachings of Theravada Buddhism in modern languages. Since the early 1980's, Dharma Seed has collected and distributed dharma talks by teachers offering the vipassana (insight) and metta (lovingkindness) practices of Theravada Buddhism. New recordings are being added continuously from contemporary dharma teachers.
Working Well Sometimes...
Top 10 Best Working Well Sometimes... Episodes

17 Episodes


Avg Length 10m


Latest episode 2 years ago

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I am a strategic adviser on health, safety and wellbeing based in the UK, having over 25 years in many types of industry from manufacturing, local government, railway and construction where I have advised some of the biggest (and the smallest).Most recently I worked in the NHS as a Covid 19 adviser during the pandemic.I explain things simply - why use a long word when a short one will do? Join me as I explain about health, safety and wellbeing from a business perspective, show the reason and the way to do it, and muse on the meaning of life in between.
The Creative Zone with Tali Brash
Top 10 Best The Creative Zone with Tali Brash Episodes

113 Episodes


Avg Length 48m


Latest episode 8 months ago

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Welcome to The Creative Zone Podcast, hosted by Tali Brash - Mindset & Creativity Coach, Speaker & Founder of The Voices Of Method.
This podcast is for high performance leaders, founders, coaches, entrepreneurs, mothers & creatives who want to enhance their connection with their inner voice so they can show up to life & biz from their true authentic self.
We have hosted lots of inspiring conversations with people who are living their purpose , from actors, therapists, speakers, directors, entrepreneurs, coaches, performers & more!
We're passionate about mental health, how to manage the voices in your head, finding your voice, freeing your creative expression and trusting your intuition so you can live your purpose.
There are lots of tangible tools, techniques & creative practises as well as free guided meditations throughout. My hope is that this podcast will strengthen your connection with your inner voice and feel confident to share your creative gifts and voice with the world.
To find out more go to: www.talibrash.com

The Love Equation Podcast
Top 10 Best The Love Equation Podcast Episodes

1 Episodes


Avg Length 5m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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Work on Love with The Love Equation! Welcome to The Love Equation podcast, a show dedicated to helping you foster deeper and more purposeful connections in your relationships. Based on The Love Equation principles, this podcast offers insights and strategies to improve communication and interconnection with your partner. Each episode explores the six love virtues of The Love Equation: Attention, Affection, Affirmation, respect, kindness, and trust. Whether you're single or in a committed relationship, The Love Equation podcast offers valuable insights and perspectives on the complexities of modern relationships.
Join the community. Get your Love Equation today, visit:

Piano Music Room

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Piano Music Room
Top 10 Best Piano Music Room Episodes

65 Episodes


Avg Length 2m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Natural High

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Natural High
Top 10 Best Natural High Episodes

182 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 5 months ago

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Der Podcast für Menschen, die Spiritualität und das moderne Leben mit einer großen Portion Lebensfreude und Leichtigkeit vereinen (möchten). Madhavi Guemoes spricht über Themen wie alltagstaugliche Spiritualität, Meditation, Yoga Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, ätherische Öle und Ernährung. Kurz: alles, was unseren Alltag ein wenig heller und freundlicher machen kann.

Mindful Vibin'

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Mindful Vibin'
Top 10 Best Mindful Vibin' Episodes

35 Episodes


Avg Length 26m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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Mindful Vibin is hosted by Dr Jennifer Huberty and Coach Douglas White. Jennifer is a fractional Chief Science Officer and founder of Fit Minded LLC (@jenhuberty). Douglas, is a former major league pitching coach and an emotional awareness coach (@douglasbryantwhite). Siblings Dr. Jen and Coach Doug are on their own personal journeys to simplify their process of life. In this podcast they discuss emotional awareness, self-care, and how to live more mindfully. With their expertise, they will help you to ‘fill in the gaps’ about how to create what you want in your life. We hope you will join us in our conversations!

15 Minutes to Freedom

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15 Minutes to Freedom
Top 10 Best 15 Minutes to Freedom Episodes

591 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 4 years ago

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15 Minutes to Freedom is an unfiltered daily dive into the life lessons and mistakes of Ryan. Using his life experiences as an unfiltered guide, Ryan puts his experiences in perspective to help you expand your own life. Topics range from the importance of owning your truth, tapping into your own spirituality, and much more. The sole purpose of this daily show is to offer relatable guidance, provide information, and inspire you to re-align and take action!
Calm & Senses Guided Meditations
Top 10 Best Calm & Senses Guided Meditations Episodes

18 Episodes


Avg Length 16m


Latest episode 8 months ago

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Calm & Senses aims to help you find your inner calm in the outer chaos by making meditation super practical. Subscribe to the Calm & Senses podcast for guided meditations that will help you find your grounded, centered self. Whether it's taking a moment to recalibrate during a hectic day, starting the morning off energized, or drifting off to restful slumber, Calm & Senses gets it, and has got you covered!

Change Agents Community with Dr. James Rouse
Top 10 Best Change Agents Community with Dr. James Rouse Episodes

1416 Episodes


Avg Length 6m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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Welcome to the Change Agents Community, where unstoppable individuals unite to ignite their fullest potential and create extraordinary transformations. Led by the indefatigable spirit of Dr. James Rouse, this is a sanctuary for visionaries, dreamers, and doers alike. Here, we infuse passion and purpose into every heartbeat, empowering one another to conquer limiting beliefs and unleash our greatness.
Home of the Awakening Soul
Top 10 Best Home of the Awakening Soul Episodes

26 Episodes


Avg Length 45m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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Do you feel as though your life is false? Are you craving meaning and purpose? Are you asking those deep questions? Well, I can tell you you’re not alone.In this time in epic proportion, the collective are purging for new life. We are thirsting for authenticity and truth. We deeply want to understand who we truly are. We want to feel more wonder and curiosity. We want to live in true alignment of who we are.This Podcast is a step-by-step journey in which we will meet exceptional individuals who will lead us in awareness. An awareness that we have been sleepwalking through life attached to the endless thoughts in our minds.We are powerful co-creators of our life experiences. The most painful thing we will have to let go is the old version of ourselves.Let’s get ready to awaken our purpose.Be prepared to see, feel, and hear insights. Are you ready? Are you awake? Are you Spiritually awake? There is something higher you need to know.

Buddhist Geeks

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Buddhist Geeks
Top 10 Best Buddhist Geeks Episodes

459 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 24 days ago

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Evolving Dharma in the Age of the Network


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Top 10 Best HODLflow Episodes

6 Episodes


Avg Length 66m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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HODLflow 🤙🎙️🧡📝💜 is by a pleb for plebs. Join the live recording in Nostr Nests and find us on the #plebchain.
Website: https://www.hodlflow.io
Hosted by freecritter: npub15fxsepns3lw6xvqfq7slpzn9g6zxsef4gmte0h2ztck5dmq0gl8qaygd84
The Kirsty Gallagher Podcast
Top 10 Best The Kirsty Gallagher Podcast Episodes

49 Episodes


Avg Length 13m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Kirsty shares what is happening in the skies so you can work with these energies to support your soul's path.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Rethink How Your REFILL Your Cup. In this podcast, Jessica Carmon of ReSourced Apothecary, pours out divine wisdom she receives from the natural world. Every plant has a message to share & Jessica voices those messages with heart, soul, humor, and love. The intuitively handcrafted herbal preparations offered by the ReSourced Apothecary encapsulate the wisdom and essence of the plants. Working with the products, plant spirit messages & meditations provides a multisensory experience to help connect you to the deep well of divine wisdom within.

This meditation is designed to be quick and easy. When you use it as a daily meditation you will enjoy many benefits (see below). You can choose to meditate on the suggested word of the day or just relax and listen to your breath. Are you busy? Do you sometimes feel like you have too much to do and too many people who depend on you? This 1-minute meditation is perfect for the beginner who is wondering how to meditate as well as the expert who is looking for a quick meditation technique. The very best thing you can do for your health and wellness is to take a few moments and just be. Be by yourself, breath, and become the observer of your thoughts. It really does not take very long at all. Living in the moment, being present and living in the now...this is the path to lasting happiness and success. It only takes a short amount of time, daily, to accomplish this happiness.
Melissa Sue Tucker from Oak Creek Wellness takes you on a short, easy, daily meditation that you can use to calm the mind and allow yourself to be in the moment. Think of her as your Mindfulness Coach.
Based on over 3000 scientific studies, some of the benefits of mediating include:
*Increased mental strength and focus
*Increased memory retention and recall
*Better cognitive skills and creative thinking
*Better decision-making and problem-solving
*Better information processing
*Helps manage ADHD
*Improve immune system and energy level
*Improves breathing and heart rates
*Reduces blood pressure
*Lessens heart and brain problems
*Less worry and anxiety
Satsang - Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu Satsang
Top 10 Best Satsang - Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu Satsang Episodes

1010 Episodes


Avg Length 24m


Latest episode 5 days ago

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Audio Satsang MP3s of Param Pujya Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu Ashram
Yoga by Nature Podcast
Top 10 Best Yoga by Nature Podcast Episodes

127 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 8 months ago

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Can't make it to a daily yoga class? You can practice these yoga and meditation audio classes at home or on the move. Classes vary from 10 mins to 90 mins long, and you can choose a Hatha yoga class, restorative, guided relaxation, yoga nidra or mindfulness meditation. L1 classes are suitable for beginners. You'll also find yoga for cancer classes which are part of Morven's Healing the Whole Person/ yogaThrive programme for cancer survivors. These classes are mostly recorded live in group sessions and I am teaching what I see in the room, so you have the benefit of being part of the group process and can refine your yoga with the group. Yoga can help with stress, insomnia, depression, back pain, cancer recovery, weight loss and much more.
a God night’s sleep (Christian sleep meditation)
Top 10 Best a God night’s sleep (Christian sleep meditation) Episodes

86 Episodes


Avg Length 18m


Latest episode 2 days ago

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Rest and a good night's sleep promote better health and overall well-being. In this podcast, we’ll practice simple breathing, affirmations, and gratitude exercises to prepare you for a peaceful slumber. You’ll hear Bible scripture, inspirational literary works, or calming music. If you have been tossing and turning every night, let this podcast bring you to a space of mindfulness, and peace and get a God night’s sleep. There is a new episode every Sunday.
For downloadable products, visit a God night's sleep (fourthwall.com)

Art Yoga Pills

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Art Yoga Pills
Top 10 Best Art Yoga Pills Episodes

55 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 7 months ago

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Welcome to Art Yoga Pills with Dinny! In this space we will connect and share together about creativity, inner child and self-awareness. Art and yoga give us strength and the courage to reconnect with our inner world. To discover more about us and our project visit us on https://www.artyoga.co/ and follow us on our social media channels Facebook https://www.facebook.com/artyoga.creativewellbeing/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/artyoga.creativewellbeing

The Balance Blueprint: Mindfulness to stress less and live more
Top 10 Best The Balance Blueprint: Mindfulness to stress less and live more Episodes

20 Episodes


Avg Length 20m


Latest episode 3 months ago

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Join me, Gwen, The Mindful Guide, ex corporate HR turned mindfulness teacher with a masters in mindfulness, as we break down big ideas and frameworks into small step by step actions to unlock the Balance you crave in your hectic life. Whether you’re a busy professional or a frazzled parent, or both! each episode is planned with you in mind, to help you take action today for more calm, clarity and connection in your home and work life. From reflective conversations to guided meditations, press play and take your first step to a Balanced Lifestyle today.
The Balance Blueprint Podcast: Conversations about navigating life transitions and unlocking work-life harmony in your mid career.
With an episode every other Tuesday, learn how to build your resilience for life's tricky transitions with mindfulness strategies made for busy professionals juggling it all.

Catholic Classics

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Catholic Classics
Top 10 Best Catholic Classics Episodes

128 Episodes


Avg Length 23m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Welcome to Catholic Classics from Ascension! Each season we'll read through a great Catholic spiritual writing providing insightful commentary and practical guidance along the way. Informative and enriching, these 20-30 mins episodes will allow you to learn from the Catholic Church’s most revered saints and teachers as you seek to cultivate your spiritual life. In season three of Catholic Classics, join Fr. Jacob Bertrand and Fr. Michael-Joseph Paris as they read and explain Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. In her “Little Way,” St. Thérèse shows us that, despite our weakness, (or perhaps because of it) God can make us saints through unbounded confidence in his love. Find out more about the Catholic Classics podcast at ascensionpress.com/catholicclassics.

The Ambient Vault

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The Ambient Vault
Top 10 Best The Ambient Vault Episodes

75 Episodes


Avg Length 21m


Latest episode 10 months ago

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The Ambient Vault is produced by Brian Everett Miller and features extended versions of his album tracks and live performances, as well as contributions from selected guest musicians. Each episode contains uninterrupted ambient music and soundscapes perfect for relaxation, meditation, sleep, studying, creative work, or contemplating the universe.
The Spirit Underground with Spring Washam and Lama Rod Owens
Top 10 Best The Spirit Underground with Spring Washam and Lama Rod Owens Episodes

9 Episodes


Avg Length 69m


Latest episode 11 days ago

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Join Spring Washam and Lama Rod Owens in exploring black abolitionist liberation practices for these evolving times. As spiritual abolitionists, we will share advanced spiritual technologies that can be used to disrupt internalized oppression and accelerate our personal and collective evolution.

These conversations will include topics on healing with plant-based medicine, Indigenous wisdom, Buddhist-based meditation practices, and reconnecting to our ancestral knowledge. We will explore how to work collaboratively with our ancestors to get free. Our conversation will include what freedom means individually, collectively, and spiritually. The time has come to reclaim our magic and awaken our courage to meet this challenging moment.


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Top 10 Best REAL, RAW, RELATABLE Episodes

277 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 8 days ago

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G'day, I'm Kat John, Authenticity Coach, Author and Keynote Speaker. Only real talk lives here - no highlight reels. Through sharing real guidance, raw truths and relatable stories, this podcast is here to help you navigate the ongoing dance between your real and true selves, one step at a time. New episodes are released fortnightly Monday's. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it.

Manuela Starkmann ist Experte Nr. 1 zum Thema KLARHEIT und genau deshalb gibt es ihren Podcast LEBE DEINE KLARHEIT!. Hier geht es um Sinn, Spaß, Spirit für Dein Leben. Manuela ist Guide und Healer, führt Dich zurück zu Deiner Klarheit und hilft Dir, Deine Selbst-Heilung zu stärken. Wenn Du diesen Podcast hörst, wirst Du fühlen, was Du wirklich willst. Du wirst Dir selbst vertrauen, glücklicher, gesünder und zufriedener werden. Frau Klarheit spricht hier klar, facettenreich und humorvoll über: bodenständig leben und gleichzeitig mit der eigenen Spiritualität verbunden sein, das Erkennen der inneren Ratgeber, Bewusstsein, Liebe und Selbstliebe, Achtsamkeit, Veränderung bzw. Transformation, Leichtigkeit, Kommunikation, Führung sowie Lebensführung, eine individuell stimmige Lebensweise, Frau, Mann, Partnerschaft, Gesundheit, Ernährung, Veganismus bzw. vegan, Heilung, Burnout und Burnoutvorbeugung, Gelassenheit, Meditation, Hochsensibilität und Hochsensitivität, die geistige Welt, Geistführer, Medialität, Sterben, Tod, Trauer und Trauerbewältigung, Hospizbegleitung, Freiheit und Sicherheit, Selbstvertrauen, Glück, Erfolg und Orientierung – kurz: Klarheit. Dieser Podcast ist Dir gewidmet, auf dass er Dir dient in Deiner Zufriedenheit zu sein. Tipp: Lass Dir die Impulse nicht nur "durch den Kopf gehen", sondern besonders in Dein Herz!