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Top 8 Triathlon Podcasts

Feb 22, 2025

The Best Triathlon Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

The Effortless Swimming Podcast
Top 10 Best The Effortless Swimming Podcast Episodes

369 Episodes


Avg Length 35m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Faster times and better technique aren't a guarantee when you train hard. What really makes a difference to your speed and efficiency in the water? The Effortless Swimming podcast helps make a complex sport really simple to better your swimming. We cover open water swimming, triathlon swimming and pool swimming. Hosted by Australian National swimmer and coach Brenton Ford.
Restoring Human Movement
Top 10 Best Restoring Human Movement Episodes

292 Episodes


Avg Length 52m


Latest episode 12 days ago

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You’re listening to the “Restoring Human Movement” Podcast, where movement experts discuss the latest evidenced-based practices to help you and your clients move with mastery. In this podcast, we interview other movement professionals from a variety of disciplines (medical doctor, sports chiropractor, personal trainer, strength coach, physical therapist, athletic trainer, etc) about how they treat and prevent aches/ pains in their client population. Some experts we've had on the show are: - Dr. Stuart McGill PhD (Back Mechanic) - Dan John (Strength Training) - Dr. Thomas Michaud DC (Foot Ankle for Runners) - Brian Carroll (Powerlifter Experiences & Cues) - Dr. Ryan DeBell DC (Movement Fix Podcast) - Dr. Phillip Snell DC (Fix Your Own Back) - Micheal Shacklock (Clinical Neurodynamics) Subscribe if you're a chiropractor, physical therapist, strength coach, personal trainer, fitness enthusiast, athlete, or generally interested in sports medicine. Hosted by Dr. Sebastian Gonzales DC, a Sports Chiropractor from Huntington Beach, Orange County CA, owner of Performance Place® Sports Care. Dr. Sebastian Gonzales understands most athletes don't go to doctors because they are afraid of being told to stop or "rest." At Performance Place® Sports Care we focus on what you can do.... education and a positive mental attitude is half the battle!
That Triathlon Life Podcast
Top 10 Best That Triathlon Life Podcast Episodes

156 Episodes


Avg Length 60m


Latest episode 2 days ago

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Pro Triathletes Eric Lagerstrom, and Paula Findlay, team up with their friend and amateur triathlete Nick Goldston to hang out and answer questions about triathlon. https://www.thattriathlonlife.com
Low Tide Boyz, a Swimrun Podcast
Top 10 Best Low Tide Boyz, a Swimrun Podcast Episodes

306 Episodes


Avg Length 50m


Latest episode 2 days ago

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We are the Löw Tide Böyz (Chipper and Chris), a Swimrun team based in Northern California and we're on a mission to help grow the sport of Swimrun in the United States while striving to make it as accessible, inclusive, and diverse as possible. On our podcast we share our love for the new-ish sport of Swimrun and interview race directors, athletes, and other cool people in the space all the while chronicling our own training and racing adventures and having as much fun as possible in the process.


On The Runs

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On The Runs
Top 10 Best On The Runs Episodes

191 Episodes


Avg Length 93m


Latest episode 2 days ago

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We loves stories, it started with #CodeBrown, and as many runners have gone through an actual code brown experience, we truly love all stories around the sport of running. A code brown can be any type of “oh crap” moment, however we love stories of accomplishment, struggle, overcoming physical and mental obstacles and how the sport of running along with any type of physical fitness played a role into that individual’s journey. Join us and listen as we bring on guest to share their stories. Along the way we'll talk about what's relevant in the running community, highlighting key events across the world when they happen and what we're going through with our training and events throughout the year.

The TriDot Triathlon Podcast
Top 10 Best The TriDot Triathlon Podcast Episodes

283 Episodes


Avg Length 63m


Latest episode 5 days ago

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This is The TriDot Podcast! We are here to educate, inspire, and entertain. We’ll talk all things triathlon, swim, bike, run, nutrition, recovery, & strength training, with expert coaches and special guests. So whether you are a triathlete training for a sprint, olympic, or IRONMAN event. Join the conversation, and let's improve together.


Triathlon Coach

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Triathlon Coach
Top 10 Best Triathlon Coach Episodes

845 Episodes


Avg Length 12m


Latest episode 14 days ago

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A daily triathlon podcast that answers your training, racing and nutrition questions.
TOWER 26 Be Race Ready Podcast
Top 10 Best TOWER 26 Be Race Ready Podcast Episodes

127 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 9 days ago

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Triathlon Swimming with TOWER 26 was created by Triathlon's go-to swim expert Coach, Gerry Rodrigues, and USAT Certified Coach/Professional Triathlete, Jim Lubinski. These podcasts will help triathletes get the most return out of their swim preparation by covering all the essential topics and ingredients that are necessary to make triathletes better and safer swimmers. Through Gerry's countless years of coaching thousands of triathletes and Jim's racing/training/coaching experience, the two will take on all topics relevant to triathlon swimming.

Triathlon Podcasts

Welcome to the exciting world of triathlon podcasts! If you're a triathlete or simply have an interest in the sport, then you've come to the right place. Triathlon podcasts offer a unique perspective on the world of triathlon, providing tips, training strategies, and inspiring stories to help triathletes improve their performance and achieve their goals. Triathlon is a challenging and demanding sport that requires a high level of fitness, skill, and mental toughness. And with the rise of triathlon podcasts, triathletes now have access to a wide range of informative and entertaining content, covering everything from training and nutrition, to gear and race tactics.

Top 100 Triathlon Podcasts

Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top triathlon podcasts for you. Whether you're a seasoned triathlete or just starting out, triathlon podcasts offer a wealth of information and inspiration to help you take your triathlon game to the next level. So put on your headphones, tune in to your favorite triathlon podcast, and get ready to swim, bike, and run your way to success!

What's the best triathlon podcast now in 2025?

Goodpods aggregates the best triathlon podcasts people are choosing to right now. From triathlon-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated triathlon podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Sports PodcastsSports Medicine Podcasts, and Swimming Podcasts.


Frequently Asked Questions About Triathlon Podcasts

What is a triathlon podcast, and why should I listen to it?

triathlon podcast is an audio program that delves into discussions, insights, and news related to the sport of triathlon. Covering various aspects such as training techniques, race strategies, athlete interviews, and gear reviews, these podcasts offer a comprehensive look into the world of triathlons. Listening to triathlon podcasts can provide you with valuable training tips, expert advice, and inspiring stories, making it an excellent resource for both beginners and seasoned triathletes.

How can triathlon podcasts benefit me as a triathlon enthusiast?

Triathlon podcasts offer several benefits to those passionate about the sport. They provide a platform for in-depth discussions on training methodologies, nutrition, mental resilience, and race experiences. By tuning in, you can stay updated on the latest trends, gear advancements, and expert insights within the triathlon community. These podcasts often feature interviews with experienced athletes, coaches, and professionals, offering valuable perspectives that can enhance your own triathlon journey.

Which are some popular triathlon podcasts that I should check out?

For triathlon enthusiasts, there are several highly regarded podcasts to explore. Some recommended ones include "Triathlon Taren Podcast," "The Triathlon Show," "The Rich Roll Podcast," and "That Triathlon Show." Each of these podcasts provides a mix of expert interviews, training advice, and engaging content tailored to the interests of triathletes.

Can triathlon podcasts help me improve my performance and knowledge about the sport?

Absolutely! Triathlon podcasts serve as an invaluable resource for improving your performance and expanding your knowledge of the sport. They cover a wide range of topics, including training plans, race strategies, recovery techniques, and the mental aspects of triathlon. Regularly listening to these podcasts allows you to glean insights from experienced athletes and experts, helping you refine your approach to training and racing in the dynamic world of triathlons.

Check out these Triathlon Podcasts

Push Your Limit
Top 10 Best Push Your Limit Episodes

86 Episodes


Avg Length 36m


Latest episode 21 days ago

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Als ehemalige Mittelstreckenläuferin konnte Elisabeth Niedereder nicht nur satte 26 Goldmedaillen bei Staatsmeisterschaften, sondern außerdem noch unschätzbar wertvolle Erfahrungen in Sachen „coachen“ und „gecoacht werden“ sammeln. Die gebürtige Oberösterreicherin schloss noch während ihrer aktiven Leichtathletik-Karriere ihr Studium der Sportwissenschaften an der Uni Wien ab. Bald danach gründete sie dann ihr Unternehmen Tristyle für individuelle Personal-Coachings, Leistunsgdiagnostik, Trainingsplanung, Trainingscamps und Gruppenkurse sowie die angeschlossene Tristyle-Academy für die Aus- und Weiterbildung von TrainerInnen. Berufsbegleitend absolvierte sie das Studium der Klinischen Ernährungsmedizin und schreibt momentan ihre Masterarbeit über das menschliche Mikrobiom und Darmerkrankungen. Zudem hat sie eine zertifizierte Ausbildung zur veganen Ernährungsberaterin absolviert, um so vor allem veganen Sportlerinnen und Sportlern bei Ernährungsfragen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen zu können. Heute zählt sie zu den gefragtesten ExpertInnen nicht nur in Sachen „Ausdauersport“ inklusive detaillierter Trainingsplanung, Leistungsdiagnostik und Technikoptimierung, sondern hilft mit ihrem Team ihren KundInnen etwa auch bei der Weiterentwicklung ihrer Kraftfähigkeiten, beim Stretching oder in Ernährungsfragen auf die Sprünge. In ihrem Podcast „Push Your Limit“ gewährt sie auf ihre unverwechselbare Art und Weise – smart, schnell und stark – Einblicke in ihre zur Profession gewordene Passion und gibt entscheidende Tipps, damit auch ihre HörerInnen immer näher an ihr sportliches Limit kommen. Und darüber! Sämtliche Info-Links zu Elisabeth Niedereder und Tristyle finden Sie in den Shownotes der Episoden. Logo-Design: Gertraud Ömer/www.gographics.at Mehr Infos: www.tristyle.at
The Age Grouper: Triathlon Podcast
Top 10 Best The Age Grouper: Triathlon Podcast Episodes

77 Episodes




Latest episode 4 years ago

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This is The Age Grouper Triathlon and Multisport Podcast. Join Jeff and Eric, two regular 30-34 year old triathletes from the heart of the Midwest, in the kind of conversation that only age-groupers can appreciate. We explore the everyday issues that we face as swimmers, cyclists, and runners. If you're part of any age-group, you've found the right podcast!
The Streak Podcast
Top 10 Best The Streak Podcast Episodes

27 Episodes


Avg Length 21m


Latest episode 1 month ago

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An audio experiment.
Top 10 Best PODRUNNER: INTERVALS -- Workout Music Episodes

105 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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Varied-tempo workout music mixes for runners, joggers, and power walkers, from the creator of Podrunner, the popular workout mix series. These professionally designed, multi-week series are your training partner for 5K, 8K, 10K, HIIT, Tabata, and much more.

In this podcast I share the trials and tribulations of a middle-aged amateur triathlete. Take me along with you during your workout to hear about my personal experiences of training and racing and get some motivation to utilize for your own workouts. I'm not a coach. I'm not an interviewer. I'm a fellow triathlete! Feel free to reach me with comments or feedback at [email protected]
Feel free to check out my YouTube channel as well: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9lmUEgk9FHNnRFqdgGzL2w/featured

SuperFly Coaching Podcast
Top 10 Best SuperFly Coaching Podcast Episodes

262 Episodes


Avg Length 45m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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Join Adam and Scott, two elite level age group athletes and triathlon coaches with SuperFly Coaching for the latest in triathlon training and racing information including interviews with professional and elite level age group triathletes.
Purple Patch Podcast
Top 10 Best Purple Patch Podcast Episodes

369 Episodes


Avg Length 49m


Latest episode 3 days ago

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Author and Triathlon Coach, Matt Dixon, will empower and educate you to integrate sport into life in order to reach your athletic potential because, it is through the lens of athletic potential, that you reach your human potential. In addition to topics such as planning your fitness into a time-starved life, the show will provide in-depth interviews, advice, and insight into optimizing your health, work, and life performance, along with the critical habits and approaches that facilitate the success of some of the world's top performers across many disciplines.
303Endurance Podcast
Top 10 Best 303Endurance Podcast Episodes

252 Episodes


Avg Length 60m


Latest episode 7 days ago

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The 303Endurance Podcast mission is to is to create a global community of endurance athletes. To inspire participation in endurance sports by connecting you to coaches, experts and professional athletes.
Les "joies" du Sport
Top 10 Best Les "joies" du Sport Episodes

60 Episodes


Avg Length 33m


Latest episode 16 days ago

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Bonjour, je suis Alexandre, régulièrement je recevrai dans ce podcast un ou une invitée qui viendra te présenter son projet sportif, que ce soit pour un projet off ou bien une course avec dossard. Cette présentation se déroulera en deux actes La première partie, sera enregistrée quelques semaines avant le début de l’évènement, afin de faire le point sur la préparation, mais également l’intégration de l’entrainement au sein de la sphère privée et professionnelle. Il sera également l’occasion de faire le point sur ces sensations à quelques semaines du départ et ses attentes vis-à-vis de son projet. La seconde partie, se passe, après l'événement. Que le projet soit une réussite ou qu’il y est une déconvenue, ce sera l’occasion pour l’invité de te raconter son expérience, de faire un debrief, ainsi qu’un comparatif entre l’objectif et le résultat. Maintenant que tu connais le concept, si tu désires partager son futur projet sportif, je te laisse me contacter via mon instagram.
triathlon talk – Carbon & Laktat
Top 10 Best triathlon talk – Carbon & Laktat Episodes

448 Episodes


Avg Length 72m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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Die Topstars der Szene. Die Experten der Branche. Und die Gedanken der Nerds. triathlon talk – der Podcast aus dem Hause triathlon. Jeden Dienstag: Carbon & Laktat. Zwei Experten aus der Redaktion sprechen über das aktuelle Triathlongeschehen. (Fast) jeden Freitag: triathlon talk. Eine Persönlichkeit aus dem Triathlonsport im ausführlichen Gespräch.
Wir interviewen für euch POWERMENSCH, die neben Ihrem Alltag (Job; Familie; etc), überdurchschnittliche Leistungen abrufen, um überdurchschnittliche Ziele zu erreichen!Das Geheimrezept ist effektives und fokussiertes Training. Wir sprechen über Themen wie: Routinen, Disziplin, Ernährung; Motivation; Mindest; zur Erreichung der Bestleistung um bei den Profis vorne mitzuspielen.Du planst einen Triathlon; Marathon; Alpenüberquerung oder andere Ausdaueraktivität, dann höre rein bei uns im POWERMENSCH Podcast und hole dir die Tipps um deine Ziele zu erreichen.In unserer Instagramstory stellen wir euch regelmäßig unsere neuen Gäste vor. Hier könnt ihr Aktiv teilnehmen und uns vorab Fragenstellen oder sendet uns einfach eine Sprachnachricht, die wir dann im Interview mit einbauen.Wenn du jetzt schon lust auf POWERMENSCH hast, dann schau auf unserer Instragmseite vorbei unter @powermenschofficial.POWERMENSCH Podcast - der Podcast für Ausdauersportler mit der extra Portion POWER.
Devenir Triathlète x Opentri
Top 10 Best Devenir Triathlète x Opentri Episodes

437 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 2 days ago

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Devenir un.e (meilleur.e) triathlète, c'est ici que ça passe ! 🏊🚴🏃Chaque semaine, un épisode pour vous aider à débuter et progresser en triathlon.

Des interviews, rencontres, discussions, avec des pros, des amateurs & des passionnés, rejoins-nous 🎧

Devenir Triathlète x Opentri 💙

Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

RunRunLive 5.0 - Running Podcast
Top 10 Best RunRunLive 5.0 - Running Podcast Episodes

305 Episodes


Avg Length 49m


Latest episode 14 days ago

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Welcome to the RunRunLive Podcast! - This podcast celebrates the transformative power of endurance sports.

The arc of this show covers 17 years of running life over 450+ episodes. There are interviews with with all sorts of runners. There are 20+ Boston Marathons.

Sprinkled in to the mix is advice and motivation.

Please enjoy. It's been quite a journey and I'm not done yet.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Final Surge Podcast
Top 10 Best Final Surge Podcast Episodes

194 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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The final surge podcast is a weekly podcast that interviews the best and the brightest coaches and athletes to help you train with a purpose.
Top 10 Best Swimcast Episodes

211 Episodes


Avg Length 63m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Schwimmsport für die Ohren
3athlon Praat - Méér over Triathlon
Top 10 Best 3athlon Praat - Méér over Triathlon Episodes

265 Episodes


Avg Length 45m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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3athlon Praat - Méér over Triathlon is de officiële en wekelijkse Podcast van 3athlon. En de naam zegt het al: hier komt de redactie aan het woord over het laatste, maar vooral ook het meest spraakmakende en/of meest gelezen nieuws van de afgelopen week. Dat voorzien we dit keer van een persoonlijke mening, meer achtergrond of gewoon onze visie. Natuurlijk zullen er regelmatig anderen bij ons aanschuiven om onze luisteraars ook van hun mening te voorzien! Volg ons nieuws op: http://www.3athlon.nl.
Mit TRI42 wollen wir Euch einen Einblick in unser gemeinsames Leben als Triathlet und Triathletin geben. Wir beide lieben den Triathlonsport und alles, was dazu gehört. Außerdem schauen wir gerne mal über den Tellerrand hinaus. Hinweis: Bis Folge 96 hieß der Podcast LULTRAS - love sports
Inner Fire Endurance Sports
Top 10 Best Inner Fire Endurance Sports Episodes

8 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 6 years ago

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Inner Fire's Founder and Head Coach, Brad Minus, hosts a weekly podcast to accomplish one of three things:1. Help to spark that Inner Fire and put you on the road to being the healthiest person possible using Endurance Sports as a vehicle. It doesn't matter what your current fitness level.2. Interview others that have ignited the fire and started journeys to fulfill their own dreams and goals.3. Share information on current products that aid in getting where you want to go.Coach Brad can also take requests on topics to cover within the podcast. Just head on over to InnerFireEndurance.com and leave a comment on the show or use the contact form.

Before Midnight
Top 10 Best Before Midnight Episodes

171 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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Before Midnight Podcast is a weekly podcast that explores the world of multisport. If it has to do with swimming, biking, running or some combination of the three sports, BMP covers it. We cover news, racing, training, technology, equipment, and the psychological aspects of all three sports. The hosts, Brian and Linda, bring over 10 years of coaching experience and stories to the discussion of the world of multisport.
SimplyStu Podcast Series
Top 10 Best SimplyStu Podcast Series Episodes

103 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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Triathlete's day to day thoughts, perspectives, and all out joy of triathlons. Live it. Love it. TRI it. Featuring the Insiders guide to the Tour de France, the SimplyStu WorldWide Triathlon, Pro Interviews, tons of free Swag!
The Full Circle Podcast
Top 10 Best The Full Circle Podcast Episodes

79 Episodes


Avg Length 17m


Latest episode 3 days ago

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The Full Circle Podcast offers listeners insights into topics and ideas pertaining to endurance sports training and racing. Hosted by Coach Laura Henry, this podcast releases episodes weekly and discusses training best practices, effective workouts, compelling research, coaching methodologies, physiology and recovery, and the best tools to help guide you unlock your potential and achieve your best performance.

The Full Circle Podcast is part of Full Circle Endurance, which is an endurance sports coaching company that serves athletes in many endurance sports, including triathlon, running, cycling, and open water swimming.

To learn more about how Full Circle Endurance can help you reach your goals, please visit us at: https://FullCircleEndurance.com/

Another Triathlon Podcast
Top 10 Best Another Triathlon Podcast Episodes

80 Episodes


Avg Length 62m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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ATP, or 'Another Triathlon Podcast,' is a fresh voice in the world of endurance sports. Our name is a playful nod to the abundance of triathlon podcasts out there and also stands for Adenosine Triphosphate, the energy source of our bodies, symbolizing the relentless energy of triathletes. We want to have some fun with triathlon, not take ourselves too seriously while delivering insight, answer your training and racing questions and give you everything you need from inspiration to information that can help your race day.
At ATP, we dig deeper than race recaps and gear reviews. We explore the untold stories, the science, the ridiculous, and the trials of triathlon. We feature inspiring interviews, expert advice, and innovative training strategies, aiming to inspire, educate, and entertain athletes of all levels.
If you're a triathlete, ATP is your fuel to keep moving forward

Eagle Nation Podcast
Top 10 Best Eagle Nation Podcast Episodes

94 Episodes


Avg Length 46m


Latest episode 2 years ago

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Welcome to the Eagle Nation Podcast! We’re excited to bring you a bi-monthly dose of Eagle Fire through compelling discussions with inspiring guests focused on veterans' health and wellness. Subscribe to make sure you don't miss an episode. Send any ideas, comments, or questions to [email protected]. Engage with us on social media: @TeamRWB, #EagleNationPodcast.
ENJOYYOURBIKE - Radsport, Gravelbike, Triathlon & Bikepacking
Top 10 Best ENJOYYOURBIKE - Radsport, Gravelbike, Triathlon & Bikepacking Episodes

167 Episodes


Avg Length 158m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Es geht hier viel um Rennrad-, Gravelbike, Bikepacking und Triathlon. Oft gehen wir sehr in die Tiefe, vor allem bei nerdigen Technik-Themen. Für Anfänger und fortgeschrittene Sportler ist immer etwas dabei! Viele Erfahrungsberichte, persönliche Meinungen, interessante Interview-Gäste und viele persönliche Trainings-, Bikepacking und Sport-Abenteuererfahrungen.
500 Cats
Top 10 Best 500 Cats Episodes

19 Episodes


Avg Length 45m


Latest episode 22 days ago

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From the creators of How to Ski It, 500 Cats is BCC Live's newest and most unpredictable podcast. Dive into the wild, unfiltered world of event professionals as they share the highs, lows, and hilarious moments from behind the scenes. Unhinged, a little chaotic, but always entertaining—this is the podcast that gives you a front-row seat to the fun, challenges, and camaraderie that make the event industry tick. Tune in for candid conversations, stories, and a lot of laughs. 500 Cats is only here for 500 episodes... so don't miss it!

Mission Triathlon Podcast
Top 10 Best Mission Triathlon Podcast Episodes

134 Episodes


Avg Length 58m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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Im Mission Triathlon Podcast von und mit Lotta & Schorsch dreht sich selbstverständlich alles um den besten Sport der Welt - Triathlon. Neben Infos rund um den Sport bekommst Du natürlich Tipps für Dein Training, Hintergrundwissen zur Ernährung, Wissenswertes zur Regeneration und hin und wieder auch Facts zum Equipment. Zudem nehmen die beiden jede Gelegenheit wahr, um interessante Gäste im Podcast wichtige Fragen zu stellen.
The Triathlon Age Group Journey
Top 10 Best The Triathlon Age Group Journey Episodes

70 Episodes


Avg Length 62m


Latest episode 5 days ago

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As triathletes, we love watching and racing with the pros. However, what they do is not always possible for us. This podcast is for age group triathletes that want to be part of a conversation on being the best triathlete they can be with their time, talent, resources, and level of effort. Being age group triathletes, coaches, parents, and full-time working professionals, your hosts, Jillian Carlson, Jay Cougnet and Matt Sommer will be your guide on this adventure. Each podcast, we will discuss topics pertinent to you with other age group triathletes of varying capabilities in order to have some fun and hopefully share some insights that might make your training and racing just a little bit better! We all have something to learn and share while on the journey of our individual triathlon adventures!

The show that helps Endurance Coaches bridge the gap from hobby to creating a dream, impact filled, profitable coaching business. We will discuss all things Endurance business:
- time management
- marketing
- mindset
- growing your community of engaged athletes

Listen here to grow your athlete roster of ideal, perfect for you, athletes while bringing home more income for you and your family.

Endurance coaching is already your dream job, let’s make it a full time reality!

Talking Triathlon
Top 10 Best Talking Triathlon Episodes

324 Episodes


Avg Length 69m


Latest episode 8 days ago

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A weekly round up of everything happening in the world of triathlon! This podcast is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to know what is happening in the greatest sport on the planet. Each week we will discuss the latest news, go through race results and give our analysis and preview upcoming events so you know who to watch and what to expect. We also chat to the biggest names in the sport about the sport. We aim to provide you with an insight into the workings of the sports biggest stars that goes beyond their training but focuses on their thoughts of the sport and what makes them tick.
Triatlón en Vena, tu programa semanal de triatlón
Top 10 Best Triatlón en Vena, tu programa semanal de triatlón Episodes

80 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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TRIATLON EN VENA, un programa SOLO para fanáticos y fanáticas del triatlón. Una hora intensa de PURO TRIATLÓN conducido por el director de triatletasenred.com Gomar Marchena y con la colaboración de Trigloberos, Efecto Dorsal y Objetivo Triatlón. El podcast arrancó en 2016 su tercera temporada siendo pionero en España en este tipo de contenido y por sus microfonos han pasado los mejores atletas, entrenadores y organizadores del territorio nacional.
Complete Human Performance Radio
Top 10 Best Complete Human Performance Radio Episodes

108 Episodes


Avg Length 52m


Latest episode 15 days ago

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You'll get in-depth interviews with the best researchers, athletes and coaches on how to optimize athletic performance from every angle. Hosted by Complete Human Performance coaches and featuring interviews with our athletes, you'll get an unprecedented look at the best diet, training and mental techniques to take your performance to the next level.
ICI/PRO is the Indoor Cycling Instructor Community's resource for free music, Instructor teaching tips, motivational cues, education, entertainment, class profiles, routines and music playlists.
RunRunLive 5.0 - Running Podcast
Top 10 Best RunRunLive 5.0 - Running Podcast Episodes

305 Episodes


Avg Length 49m


Latest episode 14 days ago

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Welcome to the RunRunLive Podcast! - This podcast celebrates the transformative power of endurance sports.

The arc of this show covers 17 years of running life over 450+ episodes. There are interviews with with all sorts of runners. There are 20+ Boston Marathons.

Sprinkled in to the mix is advice and motivation.

Please enjoy. It's been quite a journey and I'm not done yet.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

nipsports – nipcast
Top 10 Best nipsports – nipcast Episodes

59 Episodes




Latest episode 9 years ago

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#Passion #Expérience #Partage
Triathlon Mockery
Top 10 Best Triathlon Mockery Episodes

122 Episodes


Avg Length 51m


Latest episode 3 days ago

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Two young lads, Joe Skipper and Tom Oosterdijk, happen to be professional triathletes, giving their opinions on tri-related things. Discussing weekly race results. And talk about the weekly main subject. Sit back, and enjoy listening to our BS. Get bonus content on Patreon

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Tim Ferriss meets John Muir and Yvon Chouinard in a podcast. The Brave Monkeys are a passionate group of lifelong-learners and biohackers who believe that adventure is a source of knowledge, and that sometimes the riskiest choice you can make is playing it safe. This show includes inspiring interviews, lifestyle design tips, biohacking ideas, and adventures stories.
swimfriends - The Podcast
Top 10 Best swimfriends - The Podcast Episodes

27 Episodes


Avg Length 50m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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Mit Start der Staffel 3 erfolgt ab Januar 2023 das Re-Branding unseres Podcasts! Ab sofort hört ihr uns unter dem Namen "swimfriends - the podcast"! Auch zukünftig laden wir Freunde, Bekannte, Wegbegleiter aber auch national- und international erfolgreiche Sportler:innen rund um den Schwimmsport zu uns in die Sendung ein! Ab Februar 2023 geht es für uns weiter!
Top 10 Best IMTalk Episodes

1026 Episodes


Avg Length 84m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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Since 2006 IMTalk has been the weekly Ironman fix for thousands of athletes from all around the world! Bevan James Eyles and 'Coach' John Newsom cover the latest news, reviews and tips for Ironman Triathlon. If you love Ironman, you'll love this podcast! It will improve your training and racing. So click subscribe and join the worlds biggest Ironman podcast!
Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast
Top 10 Best Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast Episodes

847 Episodes


Avg Length 57m


Latest episode 3 days ago

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Crushing Iron is an age grouper and his coach talking and learning about triathlon. Together they explore the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual side of training and racing everything from a Sprint to an Ironman. Great for beginners and intermediates triathletes. Released every Monday and Thursday.
Endurance Base Camp Podcast
Top 10 Best Endurance Base Camp Podcast Episodes

13 Episodes


Avg Length 48m


Latest episode 14 years ago

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Health. Fitness. Performance.
Road Dog Podcast
Top 10 Best Road Dog Podcast Episodes

243 Episodes


Avg Length 92m


Latest episode 5 days ago

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Adventure outside with Luis Escobar, trail running legend, race director, running mentor and photographer, as he converses with athletes and public figures about all things extreme sports. We’ll cover everything from sell-out trail races to the most unknown ultra-running adventures around the globe, swing over into the world of rock climbing, and dive into mountain biking, triathlons and more.
The Bevan James Eyles Show - The Fitness Behaviour Podcast
Top 10 Best The Bevan James Eyles Show - The Fitness Behaviour Podcast Episodes

344 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 2 months ago

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Since 1999 Bevan James Eyles has been a world leader in fitness. As well as being a high level Ironman triathlete he has also been a leader in the fitness industry. He travels the world training fitness professionals in this area he is so passionate about. To find out more about him go to his website: www.bevanjameseyles.com Bevan has always been fascinated why some people seem to have a lifetime love of fitness and find it easy to get out there and do it while others struggle so much. He has learnt that fitness is about behavior, that we need to learn the behaviors that create success in this important area. So that's what this podcast is about. Teaching you how to learn to be more successful with your fitness behaviors.