Holy Man Podcast
Paul Baughman
1 Creator
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Top 10 Holy Man Podcast Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Holy Man Podcast episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Holy Man Podcast for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Holy Man Podcast episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
Life Group Questions: Episode 55
- If you won a BIG lottery of some kind, what 1 thing you would like to do with it?
- How has the “love of money” caused problems for you in the past? In what ways has it hurt you and/or your relationships with others?
- Read the story in 2 Kings 5:13-27. How did the “love of money” show up in this story? How was a heart of generosity part of Elisha’s life?
- Why is generosity an important attribute to learn as a Christian? How does it affect us? How does it affect others?
- Hebrews 13:1-6. Read through each verse one at a time. How does each action have to do with a heart of generosity?
- What is one step you hope to take to move from a “love of money” issue towards a more generous way of life?
Life Group Questions: Episode 55
- If you won a BIG lottery of some kind, what 1 thing you would like to do with it?
- How has the “love of money” caused problems for you in the past? In what ways has it hurt you and/or your relationships with others?
- Read the story in 2 Kings 5:13-27. How did the “love of money” show up in this story? How was a heart of generosity part of Elisha’s life?
- Why is generosity an important attribute to learn as a Christian? How does it affect us? How does it affect others?
- Hebrews 13:1-6. Read through each verse one at a time. How does each action have to do with a heart of generosity?
- What is one step you hope to take to move from a “love of money” issue towards a more generous way of life?
02/14/24 • 38 min
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 38
Holy Man Podcast
Life Group Questions – Judah begins to trust and obey
- What is something that you helped to fix, or to make better than it was?
- Tell about a person who you helped with something that was broken or hurting in their lives.
- Read or skim Genesis 37:12-28. In what ways are Judah and his brothers looking out for themselves? What pain did it cause both to others and to themselves? (The Tamar story from the podcast is between these two stories)
- Read or skim Genesis 44:10-20; 30-34. What changes do we see in Judah? How does this change affect the story and the people in the story?
- Who has something in their life that is not where God would want it to be? How is it hurting you? Others? What step(s) can be taken towards God’s path?
Life Group Questions – Judah begins to trust and obey
- What is something that you helped to fix, or to make better than it was?
- Tell about a person who you helped with something that was broken or hurting in their lives.
- Read or skim Genesis 37:12-28. In what ways are Judah and his brothers looking out for themselves? What pain did it cause both to others and to themselves? (The Tamar story from the podcast is between these two stories)
- Read or skim Genesis 44:10-20; 30-34. What changes do we see in Judah? How does this change affect the story and the people in the story?
- Who has something in their life that is not where God would want it to be? How is it hurting you? Others? What step(s) can be taken towards God’s path?
03/29/23 • 22 min
Holy Man Episode 40 – Hosea
Holy Man Podcast
Life Group Questions – Hosea loves the unlovable
- If you have children, tell about a time when they disobeyed you, or a time when they broke your heart.
- Read Hosea 3. God calls Hosea to chase after his wife who has left him for another man. How would you feel if your wife became a prostitute? What are some idols we chase after? Talk about how God feels when we chase after idols or worldly things in our lives?
- God loves us unconditionally. Now, discuss the emotions we face when we consider that God loves us even when we prostitute ourselves with other idols? Notice in Ch 3, Hosea paid to get Gomer back. Reflect on what the cross means to us.
- Read Hosea 14. After God shares the pain of our sin throughout the middle chapters of Hosea, what suggestions do we find in 14? What blessings come our way if we walk with God?
Life Group Questions – Hosea loves the unlovable
- If you have children, tell about a time when they disobeyed you, or a time when they broke your heart.
- Read Hosea 3. God calls Hosea to chase after his wife who has left him for another man. How would you feel if your wife became a prostitute? What are some idols we chase after? Talk about how God feels when we chase after idols or worldly things in our lives?
- God loves us unconditionally. Now, discuss the emotions we face when we consider that God loves us even when we prostitute ourselves with other idols? Notice in Ch 3, Hosea paid to get Gomer back. Reflect on what the cross means to us.
- Read Hosea 14. After God shares the pain of our sin throughout the middle chapters of Hosea, what suggestions do we find in 14? What blessings come our way if we walk with God?
04/12/23 • 34 min
Holy Man Episode 39 – Josiah hearer and doer of the Word
Holy Man Podcast
Life Group Questions - Josiah hearer and doer of the Word
- What are your 3 favorite hobbies?
- In comparison to those hobbies, where does reading the Bible rank?
- How often do you read the Bible? What is your purpose in reading it? How does it affect your life?
- Read 2 Kings 23:1-7; 24-25. What are the effects of God’s Word on Josiah and those around him? If you chose to respond to God’s Word as Josiah did, what would potentially happen?
- Turn to Psalm 119. Choose several of the 8 verse sections. (there are 22 of them) Read a section and answer these questions: What does the writer think about God and His Word? What can the Word do for the reader? What does the writer ask of God? What does the writer say he will do?
- IF you need more to discuss: Read 2 Timothy 3:14-17. What 3 principals does Paul share with Timothy in regards to God’s Word?
Life Group Questions - Josiah hearer and doer of the Word
- What are your 3 favorite hobbies?
- In comparison to those hobbies, where does reading the Bible rank?
- How often do you read the Bible? What is your purpose in reading it? How does it affect your life?
- Read 2 Kings 23:1-7; 24-25. What are the effects of God’s Word on Josiah and those around him? If you chose to respond to God’s Word as Josiah did, what would potentially happen?
- Turn to Psalm 119. Choose several of the 8 verse sections. (there are 22 of them) Read a section and answer these questions: What does the writer think about God and His Word? What can the Word do for the reader? What does the writer ask of God? What does the writer say he will do?
- IF you need more to discuss: Read 2 Timothy 3:14-17. What 3 principals does Paul share with Timothy in regards to God’s Word?
04/05/23 • 23 min
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 37
Holy Man Podcast
Life Group Questions – Elisha sees life through God’s eyes.
- “I would have to see IT to believe IT.” What would “IT” be for you?
- What is the most amazing thing you ever witnessed? How was God part of that thing?
- In the Elisha story Paul talked about in 2 Kings 6, which of these was harder to believe? The vision his servant was able to see? The army being blinded, then unblinded? Or the willingness of the Israelites to love the enemies with a banquet? Why?
- Read 2 Kings 5:1-16; Who and when are the different characters living from faith, and from God’s point of view? Who and when are they not?
- What is something that your faith in God has helped you with in life?
- What is something that you struggle with in life that a better heavenly, eternal, faith in God perspective would help? What are you doing to help gain that perspective?
Life Group Questions – Elisha sees life through God’s eyes.
- “I would have to see IT to believe IT.” What would “IT” be for you?
- What is the most amazing thing you ever witnessed? How was God part of that thing?
- In the Elisha story Paul talked about in 2 Kings 6, which of these was harder to believe? The vision his servant was able to see? The army being blinded, then unblinded? Or the willingness of the Israelites to love the enemies with a banquet? Why?
- Read 2 Kings 5:1-16; Who and when are the different characters living from faith, and from God’s point of view? Who and when are they not?
- What is something that your faith in God has helped you with in life?
- What is something that you struggle with in life that a better heavenly, eternal, faith in God perspective would help? What are you doing to help gain that perspective?
03/22/23 • 20 min
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 36
Holy Man Podcast
Life Group Questions – The Unwavering Mentor Elijah
- What things or people come to mind when you hear the word “Unwavering?” What are the attributes?
- Read 1 Kings 18:20-21. If someone knows the Mt Carmel story, give a quick overview. If not, Read/skim verses 22-38. Share thoughts. Now read 18:40. Are the people “unwavering” now? Why do you think? How does someone become unwavering in their faith?
- Read 1 Kings 19:1-9. Is Elijah un/wavering? How does God meet us in moments like this?
- Tell about someone who has mentored you in some way? Why did you trust them? Who are the faith mentors you are trusting right now?
- Who are you mentoring? What does that look like?
- Read 2 Kings 2:1-14. What’s going on in Elisha’s heart through this part of the story? The “double portion” is simply saying, I want to carry on God’s work. What are some memories of God’s work that you want to carry on for the Kingdom?
Life Group Questions – The Unwavering Mentor Elijah
- What things or people come to mind when you hear the word “Unwavering?” What are the attributes?
- Read 1 Kings 18:20-21. If someone knows the Mt Carmel story, give a quick overview. If not, Read/skim verses 22-38. Share thoughts. Now read 18:40. Are the people “unwavering” now? Why do you think? How does someone become unwavering in their faith?
- Read 1 Kings 19:1-9. Is Elijah un/wavering? How does God meet us in moments like this?
- Tell about someone who has mentored you in some way? Why did you trust them? Who are the faith mentors you are trusting right now?
- Who are you mentoring? What does that look like?
- Read 2 Kings 2:1-14. What’s going on in Elisha’s heart through this part of the story? The “double portion” is simply saying, I want to carry on God’s work. What are some memories of God’s work that you want to carry on for the Kingdom?
03/15/23 • 27 min
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 35
Holy Man Podcast
Life Group Questions – Nathan the truth teller
- Have each guy tell the others in your group 2 truths and 1 lie, and see if the others can guess which is the lie.
- Read 2 Samuel 12:1-13 which is following David’s sin with Bathsheba. If you were Nathan, how hard was it to walk into David’s court to share the truth? What can we learn from the story he shared about sharing truth with others? What can we learn from David about receiving hard truth? What kind of relationship did these two have that helped these hard moments?
- Who are the people, and what are the truths that are not always easy to tell?
- When is a time when you had to share God’s truth with someone that was not easy, but would bless them following? What Godly wisdom did you learn from that story?
- Read Matthew 18:15-20. What is the goal in sharing truth? What principals does Jesus share that are valuable for us in sharing truth with others?
Life Group Questions – Nathan the truth teller
- Have each guy tell the others in your group 2 truths and 1 lie, and see if the others can guess which is the lie.
- Read 2 Samuel 12:1-13 which is following David’s sin with Bathsheba. If you were Nathan, how hard was it to walk into David’s court to share the truth? What can we learn from the story he shared about sharing truth with others? What can we learn from David about receiving hard truth? What kind of relationship did these two have that helped these hard moments?
- Who are the people, and what are the truths that are not always easy to tell?
- When is a time when you had to share God’s truth with someone that was not easy, but would bless them following? What Godly wisdom did you learn from that story?
- Read Matthew 18:15-20. What is the goal in sharing truth? What principals does Jesus share that are valuable for us in sharing truth with others?
03/08/23 • 28 min
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 34
Holy Man Podcast
Life Group Questions – Gideon the fearful questioner
- Tell a story of a time when you were asked to do something which you felt super underqualified to do. How did it go?
- Gideon’s story is eventually one of being a mighty warrior and leader of the Israelites. But he first needed some steps of faith. Read each of these parts of the story to see the steps of faith. How does God help assure Gideon that HE can be trusted with each step?
- Judges 6:25-32 (Notice when and why G carried out God’s orders)
- Judges 6:36-40 (Notice what G was trying to figure out)
- Judges 7:7-15 (Notice in verse 10 how G is feeling)
- What are some of God’s attributes that shine through in this story? In what ways can those attributes encourage your faith journey?
- What is a step of faith that you know you should take, but are needing some encouragement from God? What is a way God could encourage you?
- Bonus material: Skim the first part of Hebrews 11. Read 11:32-40. How could these people’s faith stories encourage us in ours? Now read Hebrews 12:1-3. What is encouraging in this passage?
Life Group Questions – Gideon the fearful questioner
- Tell a story of a time when you were asked to do something which you felt super underqualified to do. How did it go?
- Gideon’s story is eventually one of being a mighty warrior and leader of the Israelites. But he first needed some steps of faith. Read each of these parts of the story to see the steps of faith. How does God help assure Gideon that HE can be trusted with each step?
- Judges 6:25-32 (Notice when and why G carried out God’s orders)
- Judges 6:36-40 (Notice what G was trying to figure out)
- Judges 7:7-15 (Notice in verse 10 how G is feeling)
- What are some of God’s attributes that shine through in this story? In what ways can those attributes encourage your faith journey?
- What is a step of faith that you know you should take, but are needing some encouragement from God? What is a way God could encourage you?
- Bonus material: Skim the first part of Hebrews 11. Read 11:32-40. How could these people’s faith stories encourage us in ours? Now read Hebrews 12:1-3. What is encouraging in this passage?
03/01/23 • 23 min
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 33
Holy Man Podcast
Life Group Questions – Noah the Faithful
- If we asked your family, what is something(anything) that they would tell us that you do faithfully?
- Read Genesis 6:9-13. Put yourself in Noah’s place. What does it feel like to faithfully follow God even though everyone around you is heading in the opposite direction?
- Noah was asked to build the ark even though the world had not seen a flood at that point. How do you think his family was feeling about this journey? Explain
- What is something God encourages us to live out that is hard to do? What would happen if we did it? What if we didn’t?
- Read 1 Peter 4:1-5; 12-19. What hope does Peter share for those suffering for their faith?
- Who here has faced suffering of some level, of some kind for being a Christian? What did that look like for you? What good came out of that situation?
Life Group Questions – Noah the Faithful
- If we asked your family, what is something(anything) that they would tell us that you do faithfully?
- Read Genesis 6:9-13. Put yourself in Noah’s place. What does it feel like to faithfully follow God even though everyone around you is heading in the opposite direction?
- Noah was asked to build the ark even though the world had not seen a flood at that point. How do you think his family was feeling about this journey? Explain
- What is something God encourages us to live out that is hard to do? What would happen if we did it? What if we didn’t?
- Read 1 Peter 4:1-5; 12-19. What hope does Peter share for those suffering for their faith?
- Who here has faced suffering of some level, of some kind for being a Christian? What did that look like for you? What good came out of that situation?
02/23/23 • 27 min
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 51 - Not Quick Tempered
Holy Man Podcast
Life Group Questions:
- Which one of these angers you more? Dealing with idiots involving driving, shopping, sports, or politics? Why is that the case?
- What experiences can you share in which you have seen in you or in others, anger and/or a quick temper out of control?
- What have you discovered about the causes of your quick temper and/or anger?
- Read Ephesians 4:26. What practical principals does Paul share? Now, let’s see what is behind these principals. Read Eph 4:17-24. What is at the heart of a quick-tempered person? What does Paul share that can help us grow out of this struggle?
- Bonus: Read James 1:19-21. What does James share that can practically help us with our anger/quick temper? (Everyone check out Reading Plans on the Bible App for Anger)
Life Group Questions:
- Which one of these angers you more? Dealing with idiots involving driving, shopping, sports, or politics? Why is that the case?
- What experiences can you share in which you have seen in you or in others, anger and/or a quick temper out of control?
- What have you discovered about the causes of your quick temper and/or anger?
- Read Ephesians 4:26. What practical principals does Paul share? Now, let’s see what is behind these principals. Read Eph 4:17-24. What is at the heart of a quick-tempered person? What does Paul share that can help us grow out of this struggle?
- Bonus: Read James 1:19-21. What does James share that can practically help us with our anger/quick temper? (Everyone check out Reading Plans on the Bible App for Anger)
01/17/24 • 29 min
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How many episodes does Holy Man Podcast have?
Holy Man Podcast currently has 60 episodes available.
What topics does Holy Man Podcast cover?
The podcast is about Christianity, Religion & Spirituality, Podcasts and Religion.
What is the most popular episode on Holy Man Podcast?
The episode title 'Holy Man Episode 39 – Josiah hearer and doer of the Word' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Holy Man Podcast?
The average episode length on Holy Man Podcast is 30 minutes.
How often are episodes of Holy Man Podcast released?
Episodes of Holy Man Podcast are typically released every 7 days.
When was the first episode of Holy Man Podcast?
The first episode of Holy Man Podcast was released on Oct 8, 2021.
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