UpLift Live "LaunchPad"
09/27/23 • 4 min
1 Listener
Got a ticket to the UpLift Live conference? This high-value freebie is for you!
How do you feel about getting an UpLift Live freebie? Let's talk about it.
Welcome back to the podcast. I am John Espirian, part of the Mission Control team for the UpLift Live conference, which is the first LinkedIn-focused event of its type in the UK.
We're going to be getting together on Thursday 21 March 2024 at Millennium Point in Birmingham in the UK, for a whole day of learning and networking with some of the apex operators of LinkedIn.
We struggled to contain our excitement at the full set of 8 speakers, which has now been announced through our blog and this podcast and our company page and other LinkedIn posts.
I should say as well that my interview with Mission Control member Gus Bhandal is now live on the podcast, so do check out that 8-minute slot with him.
Now, I'm not good at keeping secrets and it was particularly hard with the speakers because I'm so proud of the lineup.
And now we have another offering for you. I'm sharing this here on the podcast as a bit of an experiment, to see who is really eager for what I'm about to say.
So, here's the thing: every time I've been to other conferences, there's been a little trepidation about who you're going to meet, what it's going to be like. And I think it's possible to address at least the first of those things by having some sort of get-together beforehand.
And indeed, our plan for the night before UpLift Live is to get together and host an informal gathering of our attendees so that we can break the ice in Birmingham.
But I think we can do better than that and get to know each other before anyone arrives in Birmingham. So, my plan is to run something called the UpLift Live LaunchPad. This will be a set of Zoom calls over the course of the next 6 months, so that people who have bought a ticket can join a group call and get to know each other while also asking me any questions they have about the event.
Now, if you're an Espresso+ member then you'll be used to our regular monthly Q&A calls. This LaunchPad idea will be separate and in addition to that, and available to anyone who has an in-person UpLift Live conference ticket, regardless of whether you're a member of the Espresso+ community.
So, to be clear, membership of Espresso+ is not a requirement here, and neither is it a free pass to the calls. If you have an in-person conference ticket, you're welcome to come to the calls; otherwise, this ain't for you.
As I record this, I haven't set a date for the first UpLift Live LaunchPad call. I'm interested in seeing what people think of the idea, so if you're hearing this shortly after this podcast goes live, then you'll be one of the very first to know about the idea. Drop me a DM on LinkedIn if you want to take part. And if you haven't got your ticket for the conference yet, now is the time: tickets are available at uplift-live.com
The Mission Control team recently visited the venue in Birmingham. It's called Millennium Point and it's a fantastic multi-purpose venue ideal for this conference. I thought it was really fitting that it's built on top of a science museum, given the outer space nature of our branding for this conference.
And the auditorium itself looks fantastic: it's got comfy chairs and a giant screen, and I think we're going to have a great time there in March. It felt like being in an upmarket cinema, and I really can't wait to see our apex operators show what they're made of on that stage very soon.
OK, that's it. Please do get in touch if you've got a ticket and want to be part of the UpLift Live LaunchPad calls on Zoom. I'll get timings sorted soon and we will probably be aiming at late afternoon UK time, to cater for most of the time zones of our likely attendees.
It's going to be great to get to know each other a little bit better and to build up the excitement to the UK's first LinkedIn-focused conference.
Until next time, this is John Espirian for Mission Control, saying ... over and out.
UpLift Live Mission Control
TICKETS: uplift-live.com
QUESTIONS/FEEDBACK: [email protected]
Got a ticket to the UpLift Live conference? This high-value freebie is for you!
How do you feel about getting an UpLift Live freebie? Let's talk about it.
Welcome back to the podcast. I am John Espirian, part of the Mission Control team for the UpLift Live conference, which is the first LinkedIn-focused event of its type in the UK.
We're going to be getting together on Thursday 21 March 2024 at Millennium Point in Birmingham in the UK, for a whole day of learning and networking with some of the apex operators of LinkedIn.
We struggled to contain our excitement at the full set of 8 speakers, which has now been announced through our blog and this podcast and our company page and other LinkedIn posts.
I should say as well that my interview with Mission Control member Gus Bhandal is now live on the podcast, so do check out that 8-minute slot with him.
Now, I'm not good at keeping secrets and it was particularly hard with the speakers because I'm so proud of the lineup.
And now we have another offering for you. I'm sharing this here on the podcast as a bit of an experiment, to see who is really eager for what I'm about to say.
So, here's the thing: every time I've been to other conferences, there's been a little trepidation about who you're going to meet, what it's going to be like. And I think it's possible to address at least the first of those things by having some sort of get-together beforehand.
And indeed, our plan for the night before UpLift Live is to get together and host an informal gathering of our attendees so that we can break the ice in Birmingham.
But I think we can do better than that and get to know each other before anyone arrives in Birmingham. So, my plan is to run something called the UpLift Live LaunchPad. This will be a set of Zoom calls over the course of the next 6 months, so that people who have bought a ticket can join a group call and get to know each other while also asking me any questions they have about the event.
Now, if you're an Espresso+ member then you'll be used to our regular monthly Q&A calls. This LaunchPad idea will be separate and in addition to that, and available to anyone who has an in-person UpLift Live conference ticket, regardless of whether you're a member of the Espresso+ community.
So, to be clear, membership of Espresso+ is not a requirement here, and neither is it a free pass to the calls. If you have an in-person conference ticket, you're welcome to come to the calls; otherwise, this ain't for you.
As I record this, I haven't set a date for the first UpLift Live LaunchPad call. I'm interested in seeing what people think of the idea, so if you're hearing this shortly after this podcast goes live, then you'll be one of the very first to know about the idea. Drop me a DM on LinkedIn if you want to take part. And if you haven't got your ticket for the conference yet, now is the time: tickets are available at uplift-live.com
The Mission Control team recently visited the venue in Birmingham. It's called Millennium Point and it's a fantastic multi-purpose venue ideal for this conference. I thought it was really fitting that it's built on top of a science museum, given the outer space nature of our branding for this conference.
And the auditorium itself looks fantastic: it's got comfy chairs and a giant screen, and I think we're going to have a great time there in March. It felt like being in an upmarket cinema, and I really can't wait to see our apex operators show what they're made of on that stage very soon.
OK, that's it. Please do get in touch if you've got a ticket and want to be part of the UpLift Live LaunchPad calls on Zoom. I'll get timings sorted soon and we will probably be aiming at late afternoon UK time, to cater for most of the time zones of our likely attendees.
It's going to be great to get to know each other a little bit better and to build up the excitement to the UK's first LinkedIn-focused conference.
Until next time, this is John Espirian for Mission Control, saying ... over and out.
UpLift Live Mission Control
TICKETS: uplift-live.com
QUESTIONS/FEEDBACK: [email protected]
Previous Episode

Mission Control: Gus Bhandal
Here's another member of the Mission Control organising team for the UpLift Live conference. It's marketing expert The M Guru aka Gus Bhandal.
The important thing about being there in person is that you get access to the speakers, there's no separate areas or anything like that. Basically, we're going to be one big happy family on the day.
Welcome back to the UpLift Live podcast. This is John Espirian from the Mission Control team for UpLift Live, which is the UK's first LinkedIn-focused conference for LinkedIn specialists, power users and enthusiasts.
It's time to speak with another member of the Mission Control team, and our interviewee today is The M Guru, Gus Bhandal.
Let's hop aboard and get to the interview with Gus!
OK, Gus Bhandal, welcome to the UpLift Live podcast.
You are one of my co-organisers for this conference.
Gus, for people who don't know you, tell us, who is this M Guru person? Thank you, John.
It's a pleasure to be a part of not only the Mission Control team, but you know, part of this recording as well.
So, my name is Gus, I run a business called The M Guru.
And the M stands for marketing.
I'm a marketer of numerous years of experience, 20 plus.
And what I do is I help businesses with their marketing.
Over the last few years or so, 3 or 4 years, I've specialised in LinkedIn, particularly in terms of content creation, getting people to be better at LinkedIn, and how to improve their LinkedIn presence, quite frankly, to get clients, to have conversations, to make friends and ultimately to make money.
Yeah, nice one.
And so you've got an interest in LinkedIn.
But why a LinkedIn conference? I know why I want to go to a LinkedIn conference.
What do you think about this one? Having worked in social media for a number of years, I know that the phrase digital marketing and social media and all that is such a massive phrase, and it kind of encompasses so much, and quite frankly, it's encompassing even more.
So, we started with the likes of Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.
And now we've got kind of BeReal and Clubhouse and T2 and Spill and all that.
And it's just never ending.
And I think particularly having a LinkedIn-focused conference, because I believe that LinkedIn is the platform for everybody.
I think it's the all-singing, all-dancing platform that covers everything for everyone.
And I think every business owner, senior executive, team leader, etc., should be on LinkedIn.
So, I think a LinkedIn-focused conference would be really good for the UK to make sure that we to make the most of the platform because I think it's the one platform that a lot of people have trouble with, but also the one platform that we can also make the most out of.
Yeah, nice one.
And you as part of the Mission Control team, I mean, you know so many people, and you go to so many events, so you've got some events experience as well, which I don't really have.
So, I've got domain experience with LinkedIn, but things like organising an event, organising a venue, thinking about maybe a pre-party or anything like that, is just totally alien to me.
So, we are going to be doing the conference, actually, well not in your home city, but near enough: it's going to be in Birmingham.
Tell us something about how you recommended that place, or what people should expect when they come to Birmingham? Absolutely.
I go to an incredible amount of networking events, conferences, etc., all over the world.
I believe that networking is massive.
I believe it's very important for business owners and lots of people to kind of to meet other people and get to know other people etc.
And I've, you know, in previous roles, kind of employments, I've run a lot of conferences myself, gala dinners, etc.
So, I like to think I know what I'm doing.
But at the same time, I also have a good handle on what makes a good event and what people would need, particularly in Birmingham, it's practically the centre of the UK, it's in the Midlands.
It's about a 20-minute drive from my home.
So, it's, it's perfect for me.
But it's great.
It's very easily accessible.
The venue itself, I actually went to an event there last year, and I thought, this venue will be perfect.
A, because it's massive.
It's got a massive screen, it's got a big stage.
It's got lots of networking opportunity, space.
So, I think it'd be ideal for our conference as well.
Yeah, nice one.
I mean, I haven't seen the venue yet, as the time we record this, but we are going to be visiting it together soon.
But when you were telling me about it, I was thinking, yeah,...
Next Episode

LaunchPad 1 analysis
An update on LaunchPad call 1 and news about the next call.
And I'm so glad you're putting this together because we need this for our community, we need this for bonding, we need this for learning. And I'm so proud of you, the three of you, for putting this event together because I know how hard it is.
Welcome back to the UpLift Live podcast. My name is John Espirian and I'm one of the Mission Control team for the UpLift Live conference which is the first of its type conference in the UK in Birmingham in March 2024.
In the buildup to the event, we decided to create a set of Zoom calls so that attendees of the conference could get to know each other. The first of these so-called "LaunchPad" calls happened at the end of October and it was a great success. We had almost 40 of the conference attendees showing up, including some of our speakers on the big day.
The whole point of the LaunchPad calls is to break the ice ahead of time so that when we arrive in Birmingham, many of us will already know each other and there won't be any need for that awkward, stuttering bit that you get at the start of most networking events.
Here's a quick snippet of the discussion from LaunchPad call 1, and you're now going to hear the voices of Niraj Kapur, Kim Johnson, Kevin D Turner – who's one of our conference speakers – and Mic Adam.
You know, I asked LinkedIn twice, this is 2 years ago and last year about doing a LinkedIn conference like Salesforce style how Salesforce do it with Dreamforce.
I said, look, I spent 15 years in events, it'll be fantastic to do this.
And I'm so glad you're putting this together, because we need this for our community.
We need this for bonding, we need this for learning.
And I'm so, so proud of you, the three of you, for putting this together, because I know how hard it is putting an event together. It's such hard work.
And I don't think people will realise how much of your life it takes up.
So, I wanted to say a massive thank you to you and Gus and Jeremy for doing this.
Really can't wait for the chance to meet Gillian from Vegas and Tiina from Europe. I mean, this is just amazing. It really is.
I just wanted to chime in and say, I've never been on a Zoom call with more than 10 people where every single person has their video enabled. So, kudos to all of you. I've never seen anything like this. And I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in person.
But it's everybody that's in the audience. I mean, it is really, John, turned out to be the who's who of LinkedIn. And so that to me is fantastic. I wish it were 3 days.
I want to thank you, John, for organising all the things that were on my bucket list, which is: I want to meet a bunch of these people that are already in this call and all the people that are speaking, but I've heard from other people that they're coming. So, you've organised for me the perfect bucket list. How could I not be excited to be there?
Isn't that lovely? So, if you come to conference, you'll meet those nice people and plenty of others.
Now, we want to have some more of that good spirit again so we are organising a second LaunchPad call.
That next call is scheduled for Friday 8 December at 1pm UK time, and we'll be in touch with ticket holders with the Zoom link. I'm trying to organise each call for a different time so that we can do something that suits our audience and give everyone a chance to take part. Don't worry if you missed the first call or if you can't make the second call, as we'll have a couple more of these in early 2024.
You are welcome to come along to the LaunchPad calls so long as you have a ticket to the UpLift Live conference.
We've now sold more than 100 tickets, which is not bad going as we still have several months before the conference.
If you'd like to get a ticket, you can join us via uplift-live.com. We know that some people would prefer to spread their payments rather than paying outright so we've created uplift-live.com/plan which has a payment plan option via a service called Klarna. This will give you a chance to pay for your conference ticket in 3 instalments. And it's interest-free.
One of the bit of news for now: we've updated the ticket-buying page so that you can include the name of anyone who referred you to join us at the conference. We're doing this so we can reward the people who are spreading the good word about the event. If you've already got a ticket, do let your colleagues know to mention your name when buying their ticket and you'll get a little reward as a result.
OK, that will do for this update. Thanks again for all of the lovely comments and DMs and posts about the event. It's all much appreciated as we build towards our launch in March. So, for now, this is John Espirian for Mission Control saying ... over and out.
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