E34. Living in Your Own Spotlight: Psychology of Starring in YOUR OWN Life!
01/25/23 • 59 min
E34 - Living in Your Own Spotlight: Psychology of Starring in YOUR OWN Life!
(Special Guest, Dr. Noah St. John - “Father of afFORmations”, & “The Mental Health Coach to The Stars”)AUDIENCE/Problem the TBAL Team Can Help You Solve Today: Are YOU sabotaged by stinking HEAD TRASH? Could the landscape of YOUR life use some afFORMation expertise? How about some simple techniques for discovering YOUR special place in the universe?
***Dr. Ima’s A.R.T. LAB PMS Performance Guest Analysis
***Doc Heath’s end of interview “Beneath the Deep, Dark Recesses” Quirky Guest Question for Dr. Noah!
Live the A.R.T. LIFE! Become a TBAL TeamMate inner circle supporter on Patreon at patreon.com/TherapyBites
Show Your TBAL Team spirit & Buy Us A Cup of Coffee, which helps FUEL purchases of HIGH OCTANE equipment & resources that get POURED back into PERCOLATING highly CAFFEINATED CONTENT for YOU! Just click https://www.buymeacoffee.com/g6rLIt6PXu
This episode’s AFFORMATIONAL Quote”: “We develop patterns in our brains; THEN we become SLAVES to those patterns whether HEALTHY or UNhealthy.” - Doc Heath
Go to https://TherapyBites.myshopify.com & grab some Dr. Noah St. John GUEST MERCH, specially designed to help keep this episode’s message “TOP of MIND” in your life! Don’t forget friends & family members who could use a mental boost too.
TODAY'S SPECIAL GUEST: DR. NOAH ST. JOHN is known worldwide for working with Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure company CEOs, professional athletes, top executives & elite entrepreneurs. Noah’s mission is eliminating “Not-Enoughness” from the world, having appeared on over 1,000 media outlets including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, & MORE.
***Stay Tuned after the interview for A.R.T. LAB’s Chief Shrinkstigator, Dr Ima’s ON THE COUCH Psycho-Malarky Scale (PMS) Special Guest Analysis.
- The power of self-created mental patterns
- We FALL to the level of our THINKING
- Unconscious Habits of Highly Successful People
- “Noah’s A.R.C. Method” to break any bad habit in 21 days or LESS
- Dr. Noah’s Freedom Lifestyle Formula
***A.R.T. LAB Creature Feature w/SAFARI SARAH foraging for the fickle FORTUNE-TELLING N.A.T.
***TherapyBites Psych-Secrets w/Doc Heath on the AVALANCHE of DIAGNOSTIC LABELING MADNESS!
MORE INFO from Dr. Noah, go to: Send Audience To:https://SendMeaBookNoah.com Get his NEW book “Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money” for FREE! And there’s MORE! Go to: FreeGiftFromNoah.com
NEXT EPISODE - “Brains & Bookworms: Psychology of Success through Reading” with Special Guest & Bookworm Brainiac Dr. Danny Brassell.
Visit the TBAL Team Page: TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB
Full show notes & transcript at https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/spotlight
Want to Dig Deeper into Today’s Topic?
Ada, E. N., Comoutos, N., Karamitrou, A., & Kazak, Z. (2019). Relationships between dispositional flow, motivational climate, and self-talk in physical education classes. Physical Educator, 76(2), 357-384.
Cohen, G. L., & Sherman, D. K. (2014). The psychology of change: Self-affirmation and social psychological intervention. Annual review of psychology, 65, 333-371.
Fritsch, J., Feil, K., Jekauc, D., Latinjak, A. T., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2022). The relationship between self-talk and affective processes in sports: a scoping review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-34.
FOR OUR READERS . . . GOBBLE UP THE WHOLE THING!!! (Transcript): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mBxf8nUCSFF-fB315AG1ic8U7f8K13queYWA9QxflpA/edit?usp=sharing
E34 - Living in Your Own Spotlight: Psychology of Starring in YOUR OWN Life!
(Special Guest, Dr. Noah St. John - “Father of afFORmations”, & “The Mental Health Coach to The Stars”)AUDIENCE/Problem the TBAL Team Can Help You Solve Today: Are YOU sabotaged by stinking HEAD TRASH? Could the landscape of YOUR life use some afFORMation expertise? How about some simple techniques for discovering YOUR special place in the universe?
***Dr. Ima’s A.R.T. LAB PMS Performance Guest Analysis
***Doc Heath’s end of interview “Beneath the Deep, Dark Recesses” Quirky Guest Question for Dr. Noah!
Live the A.R.T. LIFE! Become a TBAL TeamMate inner circle supporter on Patreon at patreon.com/TherapyBites
Show Your TBAL Team spirit & Buy Us A Cup of Coffee, which helps FUEL purchases of HIGH OCTANE equipment & resources that get POURED back into PERCOLATING highly CAFFEINATED CONTENT for YOU! Just click https://www.buymeacoffee.com/g6rLIt6PXu
This episode’s AFFORMATIONAL Quote”: “We develop patterns in our brains; THEN we become SLAVES to those patterns whether HEALTHY or UNhealthy.” - Doc Heath
Go to https://TherapyBites.myshopify.com & grab some Dr. Noah St. John GUEST MERCH, specially designed to help keep this episode’s message “TOP of MIND” in your life! Don’t forget friends & family members who could use a mental boost too.
TODAY'S SPECIAL GUEST: DR. NOAH ST. JOHN is known worldwide for working with Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure company CEOs, professional athletes, top executives & elite entrepreneurs. Noah’s mission is eliminating “Not-Enoughness” from the world, having appeared on over 1,000 media outlets including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, & MORE.
***Stay Tuned after the interview for A.R.T. LAB’s Chief Shrinkstigator, Dr Ima’s ON THE COUCH Psycho-Malarky Scale (PMS) Special Guest Analysis.
- The power of self-created mental patterns
- We FALL to the level of our THINKING
- Unconscious Habits of Highly Successful People
- “Noah’s A.R.C. Method” to break any bad habit in 21 days or LESS
- Dr. Noah’s Freedom Lifestyle Formula
***A.R.T. LAB Creature Feature w/SAFARI SARAH foraging for the fickle FORTUNE-TELLING N.A.T.
***TherapyBites Psych-Secrets w/Doc Heath on the AVALANCHE of DIAGNOSTIC LABELING MADNESS!
MORE INFO from Dr. Noah, go to: Send Audience To:https://SendMeaBookNoah.com Get his NEW book “Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money” for FREE! And there’s MORE! Go to: FreeGiftFromNoah.com
NEXT EPISODE - “Brains & Bookworms: Psychology of Success through Reading” with Special Guest & Bookworm Brainiac Dr. Danny Brassell.
Visit the TBAL Team Page: TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB
Full show notes & transcript at https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/spotlight
Want to Dig Deeper into Today’s Topic?
Ada, E. N., Comoutos, N., Karamitrou, A., & Kazak, Z. (2019). Relationships between dispositional flow, motivational climate, and self-talk in physical education classes. Physical Educator, 76(2), 357-384.
Cohen, G. L., & Sherman, D. K. (2014). The psychology of change: Self-affirmation and social psychological intervention. Annual review of psychology, 65, 333-371.
Fritsch, J., Feil, K., Jekauc, D., Latinjak, A. T., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2022). The relationship between self-talk and affective processes in sports: a scoping review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-34.
FOR OUR READERS . . . GOBBLE UP THE WHOLE THING!!! (Transcript): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mBxf8nUCSFF-fB315AG1ic8U7f8K13queYWA9QxflpA/edit?usp=sharing
Previous Episode

E33. BIG VISION: Psychology of Transformation
E33 - BIG VISION: Psychology of Transformation
(Special Guest & Success Scientist: Dr. Travis Fox
AUDIENCE/Problem the TBAL Team Can Help You Solve Today: Those who have become LOST on the ROAD to SUCCESS; Anyone ready to TURN BACK & GIVE UP on their DREAMS; Everyone who could use a MENTAL SUCCESS BOOST!
***Dr. Ima’s A.R.T. LAB Analysis of Dr. Travis’ PMS Performance
***Dr. T’s FAVORITE “Success Quest” hack!
***Doc Heath’s end of interview “Beneath the Deep, Dark Recesses” Quirky Guest Question for Dr. Travis.
***Dr. T’s Top Notch Success Quote located in the transcript BELOW:
Live the A.R.T. LIFE! Become a TBAL TeamMateinner circle supporter on Patreon at patreon.com/TherapyBites
Show Your TBAL Team spirit & Buy Us A Cup of Coffee, which helps FUEL purchases of HIGH OCTANE equipment & resources that get POUREDback into PERCOLATING highly CAFFEINATED CONTENT for YOU! Just click https://www.buymeacoffee.com/g6rLIt6PXu
IN THIS EPISODE . . . Join Dr. Fox on a “transFUNmational” journey with Doc Heath & The TBAL Team to discover the MAGIC of imagination & experimentation.
This episode’s “Big Vision Quote: “The most important skill in SUCCESS - as indicated by its 2nd & 3rd letters - is VISION .” - #DocHeath
Go to https://TherapyBites.myshopify.com & grab some Dr. Travis Fox GUEST MERCH, specially designed to help keep this episode’s message “TOP of MIND” in your life! Don’t forget friends & family members who could use a mental boost too.
TODAY'S SPECIAL GUEST: Dr. Travis Fox has 14K+ hours on global stages. He has developed an adventure that is MORE than just engaging, exciting, & memorable for all audiences; It’s just TOO MUCH FUN! In fact, it has been said that it’s MESMERIZING. Holding doctorates in both Psychology & Clinical Hypnotherapy, Dr. Travis started out on the PGA Tour as creator of the first Psychological Golf Infomercial on the Golf Channel. Continuing his career in Film & Television, he has over 30+ Awards; most notably as an Emmy Award Winning Producer. Dr. Travis Fox continued his career in front of audiences around the globe and all this while expanding his entrepreneurial journey. Dr. Travis has been named by Yahoo Finance as a top 20 entrepreneur for 2020 & even more recently Top 20 Instagram Influencers by BuzzFeed.
- Who’s Driving the BUS in YOUR Life?
- Awakening from your self-induced, self-defeating mesmerism
- Hacking your brain’s GATE-KEEPER to Success
- Self-TransFUNmation & Success
- Oppression to Impression to Expression
***Let’s Get Ready to REASON...with Doc Heath on Social Media SMACKDOWN of Pseudo-Psychological ABUSE!
***A.R.T. LAB Library CouchCrumbs Quote on “The H3 Element”.
MORE INFO from Dr. Travis Fox, go to: http://www.UltimateBusinessQuest.com Download the app from Apple App store or Google play & start your Quest to build from entrepreneur to empire.
NEXT EPISODE - “Living in Your Own Spotlight: Psychology of Starring in YOUR own Life” w/ Special Guest & Father of AfFORmations, Dr. Noah St. John.
Visit the TBAL Team Page: TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB
Full show notes & transcript at https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/transformation
Want to Dig Deeper into Today’s Topic?
Hayles, N. K. (2014). Cognition everywhere: The rise of the cognitive nonconscious and the costs of consciousness. New Literary History, 45(2), 199-220.
Lamont, P. (2020). Hypnotism and suggestion: A historical perspective. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology.
Roberts, D. S. (2019). Markus Iseli, Thomas De Quincey and the Cognitive Unconscious.
FOR OUR READERS . . . GOBBLE UP THE WHOLE THING!!! (Transcript): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yw6ntj6uXEkdI0juqqntAy8gAeNxNO-ao6IbN7LhW0E/...
Next Episode

E35. Brains & Bookworms: Psychology of Success Through Reading
E35 - “Brains & Bookworms: Psychology of Success Through Reading"
(Special Guest & Literacy Champion: Dr. Danny Brassell)
Have you ever wondered where you might stumble upon that mythical magical elixir of SUCCESS?
TBALrs do we have a show for YOU today!!! We’ll help solve YOUR success dilemma. Our Special Guest is Dusting off & Uncorking the bottled up genie of an age-old super secret success elixir . . . JUST for you!!!
And at the end of the episode....something FREE...from our “Temporal Lobe Jedi”, Dr. Danny Brassell
TherapyBites is ranked one of the top 10% most popular shows out of 3,022,316 podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score of 28 (the estimated popularity score).
***Dr. Ima’s A.R.T. LAB Guest Analysis
***Doc Heath’s end of interview “Beneath the Deep, Dark Recesses” Quirky Guest Question
Live the A.R.T. LIFE! Become a TBAL TeamMate inner circle supporter on Patreon at patreon.com/TherapyBites
Show Your TBAL Team spirit & Buy Us A Cup of Coffee, which helps FUEL purchases of HIGH OCTANE equipment & resources that get POURED back into PERCOLATING highly CAFFEINATED CONTENT for YOU! Just click https://www.buymeacoffee.com/g6rLIt6PXu
This episode’s “Unleash the Literacy Genie” Quote: “Books are GATEWAY DRUGS to success.” - Doc Heath
Go to https://TherapyBites.myshopify.com & grab some Dr. Danny GUEST MERCH, specially designed to help keep this episode’s message “TOP of MIND” in your life! Don’t forget friends & family members who could use a mental boost too.
TODAY'S SPECIAL GUEST: A highly-sought after speaker, trainer and coach known as “Jim Carrey with a Ph.D.,” Dr. Danny Brassell has spoken to over 3,000 audiences worldwide and authored 16 books, including his latest, “Leadership Begins with Motivation”. He is the co-founder of www.theREADINGhabit.com, the world’s top reading engagement program.
- TREASURES & SECRETS to success HIDDEN in books
- Leadership success is BUILT on BOOKS
- Reading is the Foundation of Positive success habits
- Reading Kids are Healthy & Successful Kids
***Fresh from the Therapy Couch...with Doc Heath for stories of Hurting, Helping, & Healing: Axl Rose’s Psychotherapy Journey
***A.R.T. LAB Library CouchCrumbs Quote on “Moldy Thoughts”.
MORE INFO from Dr. Danny Brassell, go to: freeGIFTfromDANNY.com FREE e-copy of Dr. Danny’s book "Read, Lead & Succeed" (inspirational quotes, stories, & adult- and children's-level book recommendations). FREE access to a "5-day reading challenge" digital training for parents to help their children read more, read better, & love reading.
NEXT EPISODE - “Uncaged: Psychology of Self-Healing” with Special Guest & TRAUMA SURVIVAL SPECIALIST Charles Smith.
Visit the TBAL Team Page: TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB
Full show notes & transcript at https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/bookworms
Want to Dig Deeper into Today’s Topic?
Keskin, H. K. (2013). Impacts of reading metacognitive strategies and reading attitudes on school success. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(5), 312-317.
Logan, J. A., Justice, L. M., Yumus, M., & Chaparro-Moreno, L. J. (2019). When children are not read to at home: The million word gap. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 40(5), 383-386.
Radtke, S. R., Muskett, A., Coffman, M. F., & Ollendick, T. H. (2022). Bibliotherapy for specific phobias of dogs in young children: a pilot study. Journal of child and family studies, 1-11.
FOR OUR READERS . . . GOBBLE UP THE WHOLE THING!!! (Transcript): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t7fxTv1mGgL4UqQUIlV1GCrLMxjZ6ZgyE9wMBxs_5tY/edit?usp=sharing
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