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Supporting Champions - 019: Steve Ingham, Jamie Pringle, Rosie Mayes on lessons from working with elite performers

019: Steve Ingham, Jamie Pringle, Rosie Mayes on lessons from working with elite performers

Supporting Champions

09/26/18 • 35 min

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Steve discusses lessons from the frontline of working with elite performers with Jamie Pringle, Rosie Mayes. We discuss the essentials of that initial engagement with elite athletes, what to do and what not to do. Getting clarity around your role and what you're working to so that you can prioritise. What clues you might be drawing from the environment, the culture that can help you connect with others and be more effective. Importantly we discuss how some of our behaviours, actions and the bonds between us change under the pressure of competition.

What is it like to work with an elite athlete?

Understanding the culture and environment of sport

Applying your skill and experience to the high performance training environment

Step into the shoes of your athlete, see and experience what they do.

Working with high level performers, winning Olympic medals, but the hard work is completed day in day out on the track or pool

What if they are not interested in the science?

The world doesn't revolve around you

Team sports have their own culture and identity

Cultural intelligence, what do you learn and how do you apply it?

Using humility and credibility in a high performance environment...it's not about you!

Losing naivety, understanding your role, the athlete role and clarity of knowledge

Expecting less from a performance based relationship

Don't fall into the trap of wanting to be valued!

Team identity and the pressure that increases the close to high performance moments

Recognising the pressure for others increasing when you might also be feeling an increase in pressure

Wanting a sense of team belonging and an amplification when under pressure

Searching for certainty in pressure situations

Consistency in training and consistency in performance is a good marker as how you will perform on the day

Get involved in the culture, atmosphere and connect with the individual. The relationships you build on a one to one basis and the development of trust is invaluable.

'Athletes don't care what you know until they know that you care' Emma Gardner

Supporting Champions on Twitter www.twitter.com/support_champs

Steve Ingham on Twitter www.twitter.com/ingham_steve

Supporting Champions on Linkedin, www.linkedin.com/company/supporting-champions

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/supportingchampions/

A reminder if you’re keen to pre-register for the next wave of Graduate Membership enrolments then you can do so at https://supportingchampions.co.uk/membership/

If you’re looking for some coaching support or some virtual team development help to support you to get to the next level in work, life or sport then take a look at https://supportingchampions.co.uk/coaching-mentoring/

or drop us a note at [email protected] then you can sign up for a free consultation to explore which package is right for you.

09/26/18 • 35 min

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