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Adam Gilbert and Haley Pulli

On the MyBodyTutor podcast, we're all about helping you get off the couch and make real changes in how you think and act. This isn't just another "eat less, work out more" kind of show. We're going deep to help you understand why sticking to good habits is so hard and how you can finally make it easier to stay consistent.

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Top 10 MyBodyTutor Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best MyBodyTutor episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to MyBodyTutor for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite MyBodyTutor episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Do you want to get by, or do you want to get stronger?
What do I mean?
Okay, let's say you're determined to eat intentionally all day—from breakfast to bedtime. And you're totally on track until...
You get a text from a friend:
"Wanna grab dinner tonight?"
Ugh! I mean, who doesn't want to hang out with friends? But you know the drill: appetizers, desserts, drinks. You can practically feel your day going off the rails.
So much for sticking to your plan, huh?
That last-minute invite—that's what we call a trigger. It's something that pops up that "triggers" an action, and it's usually an action we'd prefer not to do.
And we want to dodge triggers, don't we? 'Cause why slay the dragon when we can avoid it?
But what if that's not always the best strategy...
What if triggers aren't always the enemy?
And what if they're actually an opportunity to test the skills you've been working on?
Imagine being able to go out to dinner with friends while still being in 100% control.
Imagine proving to yourself that this change you’re working on—it’s actually sticking.
Wouldn't that feel amazing?
When you start rolling with your triggers instead of avoiding them, you unlock a new level of self-control.
Because, let's be real, sooner or later, you've got to face them head-on. And ignoring them? It's like pretending a ticking time bomb isn't ticking.
And when you confront the triggers you'd rather avoid, you’re not just getting by—you’re getting stronger!
So let's learn to turn the tables on triggers and make them work for you.
Tune in, and let's make it happen.

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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Found yourself in the same spot again, haven't you?
There you are, glued to the couch, endlessly scrolling, as your gym clothes collect dust in the bedroom...
You finally snap out of it, check the time, and "Whoa!"—there goes an hour you’ll never get back.
And now? It's way too late to start anything productive.
That's when the inner critic chimes in:
"You swore you'd hit the gym today, and here you are. Seriously, what’s the point?"
You know the voice I'm talking about.
We've all got that inner critic who’s not only a pro at pointing out every slip-up but also loves to rub salt in the wound.
And you know what's even worse?
It constantly tries to convince us we're just not cut out for this and maybe it’s time to stop trying.
That critic isn’t very helpful, is it?
But it could be...
Like, what if the critic changed its tune?
What if, instead of repeating the tired old "I've screwed up again" mantra, it started tossing out some genuinely helpful questions?
Like this: "What got in my way this time?"
Or: "What was the first domino that set off this whole chain reaction?"
Even better, what if it challenged you with: "What exactly can I change so I don’t end up here again?"
That shift from critic to questioner would be super helpful, wouldn't it?
When your inner critic STOPS being a bully and STARTS helping you learn from the situation...
Well, that's when you start to see some real change.
The goal today?
To turn those "mess-up" moments into actionable lessons learned.
So, how can you turn a slip-up into a step forward?
Stick with us because we’re about to dive into exactly how you can make every slip count.

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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You know how it goes...
You set a goal to lose weight, and, suddenly, everything feels urgent.
You want to see the scale drop now, you want your clothes to fit now, and you’re ready to go all-in.
So, what do you do? You go hard—restricting calories, working out like you’re training for the Olympics, feeling like this time, it’ll stick.
Then, after a week (or maybe two if you’re lucky), something cracks.
Maybe it’s the stress from work, maybe it’s that birthday cake you couldn’t resist, or maybe it’s just plain exhaustion...
Whatever it is, you find yourself eating more than before, wondering how things spiraled so fast.
You’re right back where you started—frustrated, stuck, and asking yourself, "Why does this keep happening?"
This cycle—going too hard, too fast, and then burning out—keeps repeating.
The problem? It’s NOT willpower.
It’s the approach.
The approach you're taking ignores reality—the reality of the world and the reality of your life.
Here’s where we introduce a new way of thinking: reality neutrality.
Reality neutrality means accepting where you are, even if it’s not where you want to be.
It’s about seeing your situation clearly and working with it, not against it.
Okay, so here's a quote to sit with—
“If you can't change what is, at least try to love what is, or else you're going to suffer.”
If you’re resisting reality—whether it’s your fitness level or your packed schedule—you’re setting yourself up for a world of frustration.
So what’s the answer? It’s not giving up on your goals—it’s changing how you approach them.
Instead of going all-in with unrealistic expectations, reality neutrality asks you to slow down, recognize what’s possible right now, and build from there.
Think of it as playing the long game instead of sprinting toward a moving finish line.
Want to know how to make this shift?

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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Sounds like a big, scary monster, doesn't it?
But what if it's actually the key to something amazing?
Now -
When I talk about discomfort, I'm not suggesting you gotta turn into David Goggins and pound out a 25-mile run at 3 AM during a blizzard.
But imagine for a moment that you intentionally added a bit of discomfort to your daily life.
Imagine the kind of change that could bring!
Here's the thing -
Stick to the same old, same old, and you're bound to get the same old results, right?
But step out of your routine, embrace a bit of discomfort—and watch the transformation happen.
So, adding a bit of discomfort to your life? It's not just a nice-to-have.
And here's the best part:
You're in charge of how much discomfort you take on. Whether it's a big leap or a small step, it's your call.
Maybe start with something easy, like taking a new route to work.
Or how about brushing your teeth with the other hand?
How about a one-minute jog when you really, REALLY don't want to?
Or try this -
Pause intentionally before eating.
(Sounds simple, doesn't it? But it can be surprisingly challenging.)

As long as it's doable, any kind of discomfort counts.
So -
How about a little challenge?
1. Listen to this pod.
2. Pick a discomfort challenge that works for you.
3. Share your choice with me and Haley.
4. Go do that thing.
And guess what? After you've done it, you'll end the day feeling incredible for tackling something difficult.

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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Can you guess what's on the agenda today?
That's right: FEELINGS.
We're talking about those emotions that we love to ignore but, at the same time, are throwing a wrench in your weight loss plans.
I can almost hear you now...
"Feelings? Seriously? I'm out."
But hang on a sec.
We're about to serve up some real talk that's going to shake things up and hand you the key to keeping those pounds off for good.
See, just focusing on what's on your plate or how many reps you're doing isn't going to cut it.
And why's that?
Because ignoring what's bubbling up inside is a recipe for a diet disaster.
Sure, you might drop a few pounds, and things might seem great for a bit.
But is that change here to stay?
It depends on this:
If you don't tackle the emotions sending you to the fridge, it's like taking aspirin for shoulder pain.
Are you going to feel better for a bit? Sure.
Will the pain come back? No doubt about it.
The same is true with unsorted feelings.
Yeah, they're uncomfortable to deal with. I know they're a pain. But pretending they're not affecting you? That's not an option.
And if you're worrying this is going to turn into a therapy session—don't.
We're all about breaking through those emotional barriers with no-fuss, actionable strategies.

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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When listening to some of the excuses people use, do you ever find yourself grinding your teeth?
Oh, let me tell you, in the world of health and fitness coaching, Haley and I know all about it.
And, boy, do we have some stories to tell.
So -
Do you mind if we vent for a minute?
Great, here we go:
When someone drops the old, “I don’t want to have to think about it,” when it comes to their meal or exercise plan.
It's like nails on a chalkboard.
It’s like saying you want to drive a car without ever touching the steering wheel.
Uh, hello? That's what we ALL want. But when it comes to our health and fitness, autopilot just isn't a thing.
We'll get you on the right road and ride it with you, but, dang, you've got to put a hand on the wheel.
And don’t even get me started on the “I have too much going on right now” excuse.
It’s like the ultimate cop-out, isn’t it? Like life’s gonna give you a free pass because your schedule's packed.
Life gets crazy, but do you really think letting your health and fitness go is going to help? Come on.
Missed your workout because you “just didn’t feel like doing it.”
If only getting in shape was about doing things ONLY when we felt like it.
Or, here's one that really gets me -
The second anything feels slightly uncomfortable or doesn’t go as planned, boom, they hit the eject button.
Look, we’re all about keeping it real.
We get it, life’s messy, plans get derailed, and perfection is a myth. And this talk's all about shaking up those beliefs and thoughts that keep you stuck.
It’s about challenging the excuses you use and changing your perspective.
So, if you’re ready for some hard truth, some laughs, and maybe a lightbulb moment or two, pull up a chair.
Welcome to the complaints department, where we're all about turning gripes into growth.
Tune in, get inspired, and let’s tackle those excuses head-on.

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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Stuck in a resentment rut?
Ugh, it's the worst.
It's like biting into a sandwich stuffed with everything you can't stand: disappointment, a side of anger, and let's not forget a generous sprinkle of shame on top.
Sounds tasty, right?
Not even close!
So life throws you a curveball, and you think, "Hey, let's even the score with some good ol' chocolate."
Or maybe you use that pent-up resentment as your "Get Out of Jail Free" card for, well, everything.
You think you're letting off steam, but guess who's getting burned? Oh, right, you are.
You're handing yourself the short end of the stick and then wondering why things aren't getting better.
It's like taking a hammer to your TV and then complaining that there's nothing good to watch. Makes no sense, right?
Look, holding onto resentment is the same as digging a hole, jumping in, and then tossing the shovel out.
So, you're stuck in a pit of resentment—now what?
Haley and I have some hacks to get you out and give you a fresh new view.
First step? Do the opposite of what resentment's telling you to do. Sounds like a puzzle, but it's the key to a better (and happier) you.
And for goodness sake, please stop shoving your feelings into the back of the fridge like last week's leftovers. Time to pull 'em out and actually deal with what's bugging you.
Had enough of being resentment's punching bag?
We're about to jump into this emotional mess and pull out some treasure.

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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Listen up, Moms and Dads!
Ever lie awake, staring at the ceiling, worrying that your kid's gonna grow up with all sorts of hang-ups about how they look?
You're not alone—I'm right there with ya!
I've been at this long enough to know that body image issues sinks its claws in early.
I meet folks every single day—from 20-somethings to people in their 80s—still wrestling with those same ol' body issues and negative self-talk that got its roots back when they were young.
And now for the wake-up call -
The things you say to yourself and about yourself? It plays just as big a role in your kid's future as what you tell them directly.
So, we're going to nip that toxic self-talk in the bud, so it doesn't follow our kids into adulthood like some sort of emotional baggage.
We're gettin' real and answering the questions:
- How do we talk about ourselves without passing along any negativity?
- What's the real deal with talking about food?
- Should we push 'em to eat clean and work out, or let 'em find their own way?
And the BIG question:
- What is the ONE thing we have complete control over that can set our kids up for a lifetime of feeling great about themselves?
Parents, let's make sure your kid doesn't spend their life wrestling with a bad self-image.
You can't afford to miss this.

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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Got your hands full, don't ya?
Between the job, kids, and that endless list of stuff to do, you're probably feeling a few things starting to slip...
Like -
-- Maybe that extra piece of "something sweet" is becoming a regular thing.
-- Or your workouts have been demoted from "gotta do it" to "eh, maybe tomorrow."
-- Or you're exhausted, but somehow taking a break is always tomorrow's problem.
Consider these your "check engine" lights. And when you notice 'em, it's time to pop the hood and see what's going on.
Now here's the deal:
We all slip. That's life.
And it's not about never slipping as much as it's about grabbing the wheel before you go spiraling out of control.
So, how do you get back on track?
We'll show you what to do.
It's time to pump the brakes, take a deep breath, and let's really look at where things might be going sideways.
We'll show you how to spot (and stop) the slide before you're along for the ride.

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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Do you feel that mix of excitement and panic as summer rolls in?
Sure, we're all looking forward to a well-deserved break, but...
There's a nagging question keeping us up at night—
“How on earth am I going to keep everything running with the kids at home and no set routine?!”
Well, what if I told you that the freedom of summer and the inevitable change in routine could actually pave the way for something new, something even better?
See, the summer isn’t just a time-out; it's the perfect chance to shake things up.
It's your shot at becoming more adaptable and ready for anything—whether it's a holiday, a random day off, or any moment life decides it's time for us to dodge a wrench.
Now, I can almost hear you saying:
"That sounds great and all, but I'm seriously worried this is going to derail everything."
And the fear of everything spiraling out of control? It’s totally valid. Really, it is.
But that doesn’t mean it has to become your reality.
Heading into summer doesn’t mean you have to ditch everything and hope for the best.
The trick?
Identify those critical actions that set the stage for success and find ways to work them into your more fluid summer schedule.
Sounds easier said than done, I know.
That's why we're going to give you practical, actionable advice that will help keep you on track, no matter what the calendar throws at you.
So how do you turn this summer challenge into a golden opportunity? And how do you keep up your momentum when every day starts to feel like a never-ending Saturday?
Well, tune in, and let's find out how to turn flexibility into your superpower.

Tried every diet out there and nothing sticks?
Imagine having a coach checking in on you EVERY day—keeping you on track and adapting your plan to whatever life throws your way.
A personalized, 1:1 coaching program designed just for you can really change the game.
Why don't we talk and see if we're a good fit for each other? Let’s set up a chat.
What've you got to lose?

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How many episodes does MyBodyTutor have?

MyBodyTutor currently has 45 episodes available.

What topics does MyBodyTutor cover?

The podcast is about Health & Fitness, Nutrition, Accountability, Psychology, Mindset, Fitness, Podcasts, Diet, Health, Habits and Coaching.

What is the most popular episode on MyBodyTutor?

The episode title 'It Starts with You: How Your Self Talk Influences Your Child's Future' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on MyBodyTutor?

The average episode length on MyBodyTutor is 20 minutes.

How often are episodes of MyBodyTutor released?

Episodes of MyBodyTutor are typically released every 7 days.

When was the first episode of MyBodyTutor?

The first episode of MyBodyTutor was released on Oct 24, 2023.

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