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Top 35 Soul Podcasts
Mar 11, 2025
The Best Soul Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.
Did you know that there are 9 psychic senses and that we all possess at least one of these psychic abilities – if not more? Whether we choose to believe, nurture or use our abilities is up to each one of us. A top charted spiritual podcast in all 195 countries around the world, A Psychic's Story gives a behind-the-scenes look at and has conversations with people who lead supernatural lives among the ordinary. Each episode is different, dispelling the myths and misconceptions we’ve been taught during our lives. The show’s host – Nichole Bigley – is on a mission to help others not feel alone in their spiritual journeys. By better understanding our spiritual paths and psychic abilities we are able to live in authentic truth, be in alignment with our soul’s purpose and reach our fullest potential. We are, after all, spiritual beings here on Earth having a human experience. And the world needs each and every one of us to be a source of love, light and inspiration – to lean into and embrace that unique resonance that is ours and ours alone – and to share it. In doing so, we will collectively create a living “Heaven on Earth” together.

295 Episodes
Avg Length 51m
Latest episode 2 days ago
Sven Erlandson, TikTok star, best-selling author & founder of BadassCounseling (NYC), is a CEO-whisperer & soul counselor, who kicks your ass, taking you to the dark places of life to finally heal into true ALIVENESS! Listen for new counseling sessions every Thursday, and Sven's responses to his followers' questions every Sunday. Explicit content.

1008 Episodes
Avg Length 75m
Latest episode 11 days ago

188 Episodes
Avg Length 62m
Latest episode 7 months ago

113 Episodes
Avg Length 18m
Latest episode 15 hours ago
What happens to our soul when our human body dies? As a medium since childhood, Majona has had many other-worldly experiences and conversations. In this podcast, she shares thought-expanding experiences, insights and musings. You are invited to join Majona's journey as she seeks unbiased answers and perspectives, has conversations with disincarnate beings, and expands our understanding of the soul's journey.
Intro music “Flying High”
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

91 Episodes
Avg Length 131m
Latest episode 20 days ago
Sneakers 54 was established in 1976 when a group of friends got together after deciding they had to do something about the lack of good West end clubs that played Jazz,Funk & Soul music. They found that in order to gain entry into clubs they would need to dress in suits, pay extortionate entrance fees, and then have to listen to pop music for hours until the DJ decided to play the odd Soul or Jazz tune at the end of the night.
Their next move was to hire venues in the West End and hold their own club nights playing the music we loved. The nights became more regular and soon built up a following that had been looking for the same things; they wanted to listen and dance to the best in Jazz, Funk & Soul in a friendly and safe environment. They decided to name themselves "Sneakers 54" after the classic Jazz-Funk track by Sea Level , the one track which closely resembled the spectrum of music they most enjoy and play at their club nights.... And they still believe's all about the vinyl !
This is a sample of the music they played; If you enjoy any of the music played here, please support the artists and buy their music ...As without them we have no music !......Thanks for listening !

153 Episodes
Avg Length 47m
Latest episode 1 year ago
Do you have a burning desire to live an enriching life: physically, mentally and spiritually? Boom Vision ® podcast is all about health, wealth and higher self! This show dives deep on how to create a fulfilling and abundant life: it starts with a powerful mindset! Your host, Benjamin Yeh, is a Business Alignment Coach. His diverse background as an ex-corporate executive, investment officer deploying over $1 billion in real estate & investments, serial entrepreneur, investor, advisor and coach gives him multidimensional vantage points on how to bridge the gap between your inner world and outer reality. Ben shares valuable perspectives and action steps to help you build optimal health, create aligned wealth, and connect to your higher self. It's time for you to live an extraordinary life that YOU design where anything is possible! If you're ready to grow your life to the next level, hit subscribe and let's start THRIVING together!

477 Episodes
Avg Length 8m
Latest episode 1 day ago

440 Episodes
Avg Length 49m
Latest episode 9 months ago

233 Episodes
Avg Length 9m
Latest episode 2 months ago

649 Episodes
Avg Length 131m
Latest episode 3 days ago

418 Episodes
Avg Length 103m
Latest episode 6 days ago

63 Episodes
Avg Length 25m
Latest episode 3 months ago
The podcast is about everything soul, widening the conversation around what it is, how we experience it and can lean into it so that we can live it, trust it and be it.
Nicola has worked with energy and soul for over 25 years and is passionate about people leaning into it as a conscious, expansive energy - being soul confident in every area and aspect of life.
And yet, we are all different, with varying opinions and a wide variety of experiences. One person's viewpoint doesn't necessarily resonate with everyone else's and so in Being Soul Confident Nicola wants to both share her experiences, insight and understanding but also talk to other people about what soul is to them.
Is it aligned with inner truth, fearlessness or confidence? Does soul make you authentic or does authenticity enable you to be soul-led?
Is courage necessary to enable a confidence within soul? Is soul light, gentle and full of ease or is it fierce and boundary-breaking? - Let's find out!
New episodes will be released each Wednesday.
About Nicola Tonsager:
Nicola is a Soul Mentor & Coach and the Founder of Soul Signatures® - a unique and relatable way to understand the core qualities of soul guiding and supporting you. She is the best-selling author of Being Soul Confident and also the author of the Sacred Soul Guidance Deck.
She has worked with energy for over half her life - from crystals and angels, to reiki, sound and spirit. She has channelled Angelic Signatures and Soul Signatures®, holds a Certificate in Education and is a passionate advocate for you realising all that you can be - Nicola believes that starts within, through a deep yet practical alignment with soul.
'You are the journey - and you matter deeply.'

36 Episodes
Avg Length 33m
Latest episode 7 months ago

399 Episodes
Avg Length 62m
Latest episode 11 days ago

190 Episodes
Avg Length 27m
Latest episode 5 days ago
The Initiates Podcast is an exploration of spirituality, mysticism and awakening. Join your host and guide Natalie Grace for spiritual deep dives, intuitive guidance and channeled wisdom teachings, plus conversations with others on the spiritual path.

293 Episodes
Avg Length 36m
Latest episode 5 days ago
Dedicated to 5 decades of dance music, this podcast features both new and classic house music, soul, disco, new jack swing, chill out, and old school hip hop. Listen & Subscribe in iTunes, Amazon, Google & iHeartRadio under Podcasts.

158 Episodes
Avg Length 74m
Latest episode 1 year ago

472 Episodes
Avg Length 81m
Latest episode 2 days ago

90 Episodes
Avg Length 55m
Latest episode 11 months ago

185 Episodes
Avg Length 76m
Latest episode 4 days ago
Welcome to the BMS Family where DJ Rhythm Dee spins the rhythms and beats into elements that open new dimensions into the music of your life. For all of us who love music, it dances back to memories one note at a time. And if the jam is new to you, it creates what you need now. Think about the good times and we will be there with you. We will bring to you artists that you wanted to catch up with or learn something new about. DJ Rhythm Dee is the heart of vinyl as he truly spins on the table. And when he is not spinning he brings out the beat by any means necessary. Enjoy the groove...You won’t be disappointed. Remember when music was Music! [email protected]

60 Episodes
Avg Length 50m
Latest episode 2 years ago

307 Episodes
Avg Length 37m
Latest episode 2 years ago
Soul Podcasts
Step into the world of Soul Podcasts, where we take a deep dive into the realms of spirituality, human consciousness, and the journey toward personal development. Our conversations with renowned thought leaders, experts, and seekers are a treasure trove of wisdom, insights, and experiences that can inspire and guide you on your path of self-discovery. Through exploring topics like meditation, mindfulness, mysticism, and metaphysics, we delve into the many facets of the soul's journey and how we can align ourselves with our ultimate purpose.
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Top 100 Soul Podcasts
Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top soul podcasts for you. Come and join us on this transformative journey as we unravel the mysteries of the soul and discover the keys to living a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
What's the best soul podcast now in 2025?
Goodpods aggregates the best soul podcasts people are choosing to right now. From soul-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated soul podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Music Podcasts, Rock Podcasts, and Songwriting Podcasts.
Frequently Asked Questions About Soul Podcasts
What are Soul Podcasts?
Soul Podcasts are audio programs that delve into topics related to spirituality, personal growth, mindfulness, and the exploration of the soul's journey. These podcasts often feature discussions, interviews, and reflections on various aspects of the human experience, offering insights into finding meaning, purpose, and connection in life.
How can Soul Podcasts benefit listeners seeking spiritual and personal development?
Soul Podcasts provide a platform for listeners to explore and deepen their understanding of spirituality and personal growth. They offer discussions on topics such as mindfulness, meditation, self-discovery, and the pursuit of a meaningful life. These podcasts can inspire and guide listeners on their journey toward greater well-being and spiritual fulfillment.
What topics are commonly covered in Soul Podcasts?
Soul Podcasts cover a broad range of topics, including spiritual practices, meditation techniques, discussions on consciousness, interviews with spiritual leaders and practitioners, insights into different religious traditions, and reflections on the interconnectedness of mind, body, and soul. Some podcasts also address topics related to mental health and emotional well-being.
Are Soul Podcasts suitable for individuals with various spiritual beliefs or those exploring spirituality?
Absolutely! Soul Podcasts are designed to be inclusive and cater to individuals with diverse spiritual beliefs or those who are exploring spirituality. These podcasts often draw from a variety of traditions and perspectives, offering content that resonates with people at different stages of their spiritual journey.
Can you recommend some popular Soul Podcasts?
Certainly! Some well-regarded Soul Podcasts include "On Being with Krista Tippett," "The SoulFeed Podcast," "Super Soul Conversations" by Oprah Winfrey, and "The Mindful Kind." These podcasts cover a variety of topics related to spirituality, mindfulness, and personal development.
Check out these Soul Podcasts

40 Episodes
Avg Length 41m
Latest episode 1 year ago
UPDATE - I am not currently making future episodes as of November 2023 but you are very welcome to listen to previous episodes for the next month or two. Alternatively, you will find all previous episodes on my YouTube channel.
Welcome to From Hoping to Having. I'm your host Julie Poole, a law of attraction coach, hypnotherapist and spiritual teacher. This show is for anyone interested in living their best life on all levels; mind, body and soul. My aim is to uplift, inform, and inspire you. So, let’s chat, and move you FROM HOPING TO HAVING!
Find me @juliepoole on YouTube or at my website

383 Episodes
Avg Length 75m
Latest episode 7 years ago

57 Episodes
Avg Length 120m
Latest episode 7 days ago
A Northern Soul and Motown Mix 2 hours of Top Tunes and Requests

15 Episodes
Avg Length 15m
Latest episode 6 years ago
Nick Tosches écrivait en 1965 : » Mais il n’y avait pas beaucoup de Rock’n’Roll dans l’air (...) Les Beach Boys étaient à la mode. Et les Beatles, avec leurs petits costumes débiles, leurs petites coiffures débiles et leurs petites chansons débiles. Quand je les vis arriver, je pensai : ces gens-là ne s’en sortiront jamais. Or non seulement ils étaient prospères, mais ils se reproduisaient, faisaient sortir à tout instant de leurs poches ovariennes des Dave Clark Five et des Herman Hermits ... ».
C’est dans ce désert qu’est apparue une oasis musicale: Just A Little Blues avec au commande un des plus grand spécialiste français qui collabore aux publications les plus prestigieuses: Master Gilbert.

31 Episodes
Avg Length 46m
Latest episode 4 years ago

175 Episodes
Avg Length 60m
Latest episode 2 days ago
Broadcast every Sunday at 9:00pm GMT on The Face Blues & Grooves brings the best in soul, funk, R&B, reggae, disco and a whole lot more!

46 Episodes
Avg Length 110m
Latest episode 6 years ago

431 Episodes
Avg Length 79m
Latest episode 4 years ago

25 Episodes
00Latest episode 11 years ago

555 Episodes
Avg Length 25m
Latest episode 10 months ago

470 Episodes
Avg Length 61m
Latest episode 4 days ago

121 Episodes
Avg Length 24m
Latest episode 1 day ago
Welcome to the Love Spirituality and Freedom podcast. I'm your host Jena Jake.
I am a therapist, coach and lover of spirituality, love and freedom!
This used to be the Soul Streaker Podcast but I thought it was too esoteric.
This podcast is for my fellow lovers of a self-growth, spirituality, love, relationships and how be our highest and freest selves doing just that! Let's live with more soul!
Do you want to know all of the goodness the universe has in store for you? Are you looking for guidance and clarity? You need some self-love, comfort or inspiration? You have come to the right place! If you find yourself feeling lost, scared, anxious, broken or stuck I have been there. I know how scary it can be. The good news is that small changes have a big impact and not only add up but gives you confidence when the opportunity for bigger changes come along! You have everything inside of you to have the life that you have dreamed of you. You just need to trust yourself and me to get you there. I have had a ton of heartache in my life. I have learned that playing victim is not going to get me what I want or a remedy for anything. There truly is a better way! Thank you for joining me on this journey. I have lots of wisdom, hugs and guidance to share! All my guests are top notch and experts in their field.
This podcast is a gift you give to yourself. What are you waiting for? Let's dive in!
Send me a message on my website. I can help you with communication to make you a winner in your relationships or in life! Let's work together!
Can't wait!
Find me OR instagram @Jena.Jake Tik tok