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Complete list of Big Data Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

How AI Happens

116 Episodes


Avg Length 30m


Latest episode 25 days ago

How AI Happens is a podcast featuring experts and practitioners explaining their work at the cutting edge of Artificial Intelligence. Tune in to hear AI Researchers, Data Scientists, ML Engineers, and the leaders of today’s most exciting AI companies explain the newest and most challenging facets of their field. Powered by Sama.

164 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 3 days ago

A podcast dedicated to all things quantitative, ranging from the relevant to the highly irrelevant. Co-hosts Patrick Curran and Greg Hancock talk about serious statistical topics, but without taking themselves too seriously. Think: CarTalk hi-jacked by the two grumpy old guys from the Muppets, grousing about quantitative methods, statistics, and data analysis, all presented to you with the production value of a 6th grade school project. But in a good way.
Let's Data

62 Episodes


Avg Length 59m


Latest episode 4 months ago

O Let's Data traz pessoas inteligentes e interessantes para conversar sobre ciência de dados, inteligência articificial e outras aleatoriedades da vida. Criado e apresentado por Bernardo Lago, Felipe Schiavon e Leon Silva, com o objetivo de divulgar conhecimentos da área de dados aliando dois enfoques: técnico e humano. Os episódios são transmitidos ao vivo pelo nosso canal no YouTube e disponibilizado nas principais plataformas de podcat. Junte-se a nós e venha aprender mais sobre ciência de dados e IA!
Data Science Salon Podcast

39 Episodes


Avg Length 48m


Latest episode 9 days ago

The official podcast of Data Science Salon. We interview top and rising luminaries in data science, machine learning, and AI on the trends and business use cases that are propelling the field forward. The Data Science Salon series is a unique vertical focused conference which brings together specialists face-to-face to educate each other, illuminate best practices, and innovate new solutions in a casual atmosphere with food, great coffee, and entertainment.
No Password Required

59 Episodes


Avg Length 56m


Latest episode 1 day ago

The No Password Required Podcast connects with the cybersecurity industry’s most interesting professionals and shares their stories. No Password Required covers a variety of tech topics, from the cyber-related challenges facing law enforcement to the advent of quantum computing, this podcast explores the people and topics at the forefront of the field.
Data Science Salon Podcast

39 Episodes


Avg Length 48m


Latest episode 9 days ago

The official podcast of Data Science Salon. We interview top and rising luminaries in data science, machine learning, and AI on the trends and business use cases that are propelling the field forward. The Data Science Salon series is a unique vertical focused conference which brings together specialists face-to-face to educate each other, illuminate best practices, and innovate new solutions in a casual atmosphere with food, great coffee, and entertainment.
Making Data Simple

398 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Hosted by Al Martin, WW VP Technical Sales at IBM. Making Data Simple provides the latest thinking on leadership, big data, A.I., and the implications for the enterprise from a range of experts.
You Say Data, I Say Dayta

39 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 1 month ago

The place where founders and entrepreneurs talk about their successes, failures, and a certain 4 letter word - “dayta.” We are the podcast for the Analytics Impact Network. Please visit us at https://www.analyticsimpactnetwork.org/

125 Episodes


Avg Length 24m


Latest episode 1 month ago

From equities and fixed income to commercial real estate, ESG and climate change, join us as we explore the issues global investors are talking about and uncover insights from industry experts that help keep it all in perspective.
The Harry Glorikian Show

135 Episodes


Avg Length 47m


Latest episode 9 months ago

At The Harry Glorikian Show, I, Harry Glorikian, am your host. In short, I have talks with leaders in the healthcare & life sciences industry about the ongoing data-driven transformation of their industry. From new ways to diagnose & treat patients, bring down costs & creating new value, all the way to AI algorithms that increase efficiency & accuracy, better data is revolutionizing healthcare. I turn to doctors, hospital administrators, IT directors, entrepreneurs, & others for help mapping out the changes & their impact on everyone from patients to researchers. Welcome to the show!
No Password Required

59 Episodes


Avg Length 56m


Latest episode 1 day ago

The No Password Required Podcast connects with the cybersecurity industry’s most interesting professionals and shares their stories. No Password Required covers a variety of tech topics, from the cyber-related challenges facing law enforcement to the advent of quantum computing, this podcast explores the people and topics at the forefront of the field.
ReelCast by ReelMetrics

26 Episodes


Avg Length 52m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Data science firm, ReelMetrics, is the world's largest independent aggregator of slot machine data. In ReelCast, we discuss data-driven insights, tips, and tricks that can help any professional slot team.
Data Hurdles

45 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Data Hurdles is a podcast that brings the stories of data professionals to life, showcasing the challenges, triumphs, and insights from those shaping the future of data. Hosted by Michael Burke and Chris Detzel, this podcast dives into the real-world experiences of data experts as they navigate topics like data quality, security, AI, data literacy, and machine learning. Each episode features guest data professionals who share their journeys, lessons learned, and the impact of data on industries, technology, and society. From overcoming obstacles in data pipelines to implementing groundbreaking AI solutions, Data Hurdles highlights the human side of data and the stories behind the innovations that are transforming the world. Join us to hear firsthand accounts of how data professionals are solving complex problems and driving the future of technology.
Beers & Bytes Podcast

31 Episodes


Avg Length 61m


Latest episode 3 months ago

Beer is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. Cybersecurity is required today for businesses to protect themselves from the persistent threat of malware and ransomware. Hosts Chris Jordan, CEO of Fluency Security, and Jeremy Murtishaw, CEO of Fortify 24x7 discuss cybersecurity, information technology, and hockey with their guests while enjoying some of their favorite beers. Grab your favorite beer, wine, or spirit and enjoy the conversation. If you are interested in being booked as a guest on the show, please visit our website at https://BeersAndBytesPodcast.comhttps://linktr.ee/beersandbytes
Managerial Analytics: Powering Your Career

12 Episodes


Avg Length 5m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Every manager today may not have the need to know how to program in R or SQL but every manager at every level needs to know how to solve key business challenges using data analytics. This podcast is dedicated to helping managers around the globe to hone their skills and knowledge around managing data to solve the business challenges they face.
Robotics for All Podcast by AV&R

19 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 10 days ago

At AV&R our mission is to humanize robotics. We decided to create this podcast series to help you demystify the world of robotics and discover what some of the brightest minds in the field are doing. Welcome to Robotics for All Podcast by AV&R!
AI for Business

28 Episodes


Avg Length 29m


Latest episode 4 years ago

"Künstliche Intelligenz ist wie Teenager Sex ist: Alle reden drüber, keiner macht es." Unsere Mission ist es, die Themen KI und Daten für Manager, Unternehmer und Innovatoren verständlicher zu machen und deren Potenziale aufzuzeigen - und das Ganze ohne Buzzwords und Übertreibungen. Dazu spricht Fabian Merkel in diesem Podcast mit Menschen aus der Praxis, die mit Artificial Intelligence und Big Data arbeiten, zu diesen Themen forschen oder sogar neue Geschäftsmodelle erschaffen. Ziel ist es, Hörer zu "Machern" zu machen, die ein aktiver Teil der KI-Revolution werden.
Martech Zone Interviews

174 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Douglas Karr Interviews Business, Marketing, and Sales Leaders
Energy Bytes

63 Episodes


Avg Length 70m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Welcome to Energy Bytes - your essential guide to the intersection of data and energy. Hosted by industry veterans John Kalfayan and Bobby Neelon, this podcast dives deep into the world of energy, shedding light on how data, AI, and technology are revolutionizing this sector. Each episode equips listeners with insights into the most efficient tools and resources, paving the way for a data-driven future in energy. From technical nuances to broader industry trends, Energy Bytes offers an unparalleled perspective on the evolution of the energy industry. Join us as we decode the algorithms of energy, one byte at a time.
Data in Depth

26 Episodes


Avg Length 23m


Latest episode 2 months ago

Data in Depth explores the world of advanced analytics, business intelligence, and machine learning within the context of the manufacturing industry. In each episode, we talk with industry leaders and analytics experts to help manufacturers gain a 360-degree view of the shop floor, their business processes, and their customers. We dig into the concepts of descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive analytics to help solve modern manufacturing problems. From MRP to quality control, from field service to customer experience, our conversations are designed to spur innovative, data-driven thinking for those working to build the factories of the future.
Zielony Zwrot

9 Episodes


Avg Length 15m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Podcast ZIELONY ZWROT podąża śladem zielonej rewolucji na przykładzie Grupy TAURON, która transformację energetyczną rozpoczęła w 2019 roku wraz z decyzją zmiany miksu energetycznego na korzyść odnawialnych źródeł energii (OZE). Skupiamy się na różnych aspektach tej zmiany, od produkcji energii na lądowych i morskich farmach wiatrowych, poprzez elektrownie fotowoltaiczne, wodne i gazowe, aż po kluczową modernizację sieci dystrybucyjnej.Podczas naszej podróży badamy także innowacyjne technologie, takie jak projekty wodorowe i nowoczesne źródła jądrowe. Zagłębiamy się również w elektromobilność, od rozwoju sieci ładowarek samochodów elektrycznych do realizacji wizji Polski, w której elektromobilność staje się rzeczywistością. ZIELONY ZWROT to nie tylko podcast, to przystanek na drodze do neutralności klimatycznej w 2050 roku.
DatenDurchblick - Denn Zahlen gehen uns alle an.

91 Episodes


Avg Length 9m


Latest episode 10 days ago

Der Energieverbrauch in Deutschland, Klimastudien, Pandemie- und Grippe-Fallzahlen: Zahlen und Studien sind mittlerweile überall und deshalb gehen sie uns alle etwas an. In der Wissenschaft und Medizin kommt man ohne Studienkompetenz nicht weit. Aber man findet auch kaum noch eine Newsseite ohne aktuelle Statistiken, kaum ein Werbespot ohne die Angabe, wie viele Leser und Leserinnen das Produkt weiterempfehlen und keine öffentliche Diskussion ohne eine zitierte Studie. Doch wissen wir immer, was wir da diskutieren? Wie gehen wir mit all den Daten richtig um? Was gibt es für Studien? Welche Studien sind seriös und welche schon veraltet? Und was bedeuten all die Begriffe, Zahlen und Methoden, die uns beim Lesen begegnen? Das sind die Fragen mit denen sich Dr. Irit Nachtigall und Katharina Schüller im DatenDurchblick beschäftigen. Es geht um medizinische Studien, den Umgang mit Statistiken und Anekdoten rund um Zahlen, Daten und Wissenschaft - Denn Zahlen gehen uns alle an! DatenDurchblick ist eine Produktion der Georg Thieme Verlag KG. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Wichtiger Hinweis - Der Podcast kann das persönliche Arztgespräch, die Diagnose und Behandlung NICHT ersetzen! Wie jede Wissenschaft ist die Medizin ständigen Entwicklungen unterworfen. Forschung und klinische Erfahrung erweitern unsere Erkenntnisse, insbesondere was Behandlung und medikamentöse Therapie anbelangt. Soweit in diesem Podcast eine Dosierung oder eine Applikation erwähnt wird, darf der Zuhörer zwar darauf vertrauen, dass die Hosts große Sorgfalt darauf verwandt haben, dass diese Angabe dem Wissensstand bei Fertigstellung des Podcast entspricht. Für Angaben über Dosierungs- und Behandlungsanweisungen und Applikationsformen kann vom Verlag jedoch keine Gewähr übernommen werden. Jede*r Benutzende ist angehalten, durch sorgfältige Prüfung der Beipackzettel und Bedienungsanleitungen der verwendeten Präparate, Methoden oder Geräte und gegebenenfalls nach Konsultation eines Spezialisten oder einer Spezialistin, im Arztgespräch deren korrekte Applikation festzustellen und festzustellen, ob die dort gegebene Empfehlung für Behandlungsformen, Dosierungen oder die Beachtung von Kontraindikationen gegenüber der Angabe in diesem Podcast abweicht. Eine solche Prüfung ist besonders wichtig bei selten verwendeten Behandlungsformen, Präparaten oder solchen, die neu auf den Markt gebracht wurden. Jede Anwendung, Dosierung oder Applikation erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr des Benutzenden. Podcast Hosts und Verlag appellieren an alle Benutzenden, ihnen etwa auffallende Ungenauigkeiten dem Host oder dem Verlag mitzuteilen. Without Thieme Group's prior express written permission, the following use is strictly reserved: You shall not 1) use the content for commercial text and data mining as under § 44b German Copyright Act, i.e. use robots, spiders, scripts, service, software or any manual or automatic device, tool, or process designed to data mine or scrape the content, data or information from the service, product or content, or otherwise use, access, or collect the content, data or information using automated means; 2) use the content or any part thereof for the development of any software program, algorithm or other automated system, including, but not limited to, training a machine learning or artificial intelligence - AI - system, including generative AI. Impressum: Georg Thieme Verlag KG Oswald-Hesse-Straße 50 70469 Stuttgart Postfach 30 11 20 70451 Stuttgart Telefon: +49 711 8931-0 Kontakt: [email protected] Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 147 638 607
La tecnología de Hoy por Hoy

121 Episodes


Avg Length 16m


Latest episode 1 year ago

¿Sabes de verdad lo que es el Big Data? ¿Entiendes realmente cómo puede afectarnos en nuestro día a día la inteligencia artificial? Jaime García Cantero te ayuda a entender conceptos de los que oyes hablar a menudo pero no terminas de comprender. La idea de esta sección es aprender a relacionarnos con nuevos aspectos de la tecnología con información realista. En directo en Hoy por Hoy los martes a las 11:15 y a cualquier hora si te suscribes.
Ex Machina

17 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Les algorithmes nous entourent, ils sont partout. On les trouve dans nos smartphones, dans nos ordis, dans la cuisine, et même dans nos chambres à coucher. Les plus connus s’appellent Google, Siri, Alexa, et ils apprennent de nous et de nos données. Avec Ex Machina, les chercheuses et les chercheurs de l’Université Paris Dauphine–PSL nous emmènent dans leurs réflexions pour mieux comprendre l’intelligence artificielle et ce que son arrivée dans notre quotidien implique pour nous, les humains. Le podcast Ex Machina aborde l’impact des intelligences artificielles et des algorithmes au travers de l’expertise de chercheuses et de chercheurs de l’Université Paris Dauphine – PSL, dans des domaines aussi variés que les computer science, la sociologie du travail, le marketing. Une fois par mois, le journaliste Eric Nahon, directeur adjoint de l’Institut Pratique du Journalisme IPJ Dauphine – PSL, interroge deux experts dauphinois sur une thématique liée à l’intelligence artificielle. À travers l’exposé de leurs recherches respectives, les points de vue se croisent, se confrontent, se complètent, et reflètent les enjeux multifacettes de l’IA. Ex Machina est un podcast du programme "Dauphine Numérique", un projet de recherche transdisciplinaire qui développe une approche réflexive de l’IA, ses modalités, ses usages et ses effets. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Technology and Security

27 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Technology and Security (TS) explores the intersections of emerging technologies and security. It is hosted by Dr Miah Hammond-Errey. Each month, experts in technology and security join Miah to discuss pressing issues, policy debates, international developments, and share leadership and career advice. https://miahhe.com/about-ts | https://stratfutures.com
Lunchtime BABLing with Dr. Shea Brown

51 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 11 days ago

Presented by Babl AI, this podcast discusses all issues related to algorithmic bias, algorithmic auditing, algorithmic governance, and the ethics of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems.
Dati, Intelligenza Artificiale e Formazione: Un Incontro Possibile

1 Episodes


Avg Length 29m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Dati, algoritmi e intelligenza artificiale stanno entrando sempre più nelle nostre vite, sia nella sfera privata che in quella lavorativa. Michele Barbera, Alberto Danese e Stefano Gatti, tre amici e data lovers, dalla diversa e complementare esperienza in questo mondo, ne discutono partendo dal presente e provando a tracciare evoluzioni future con particolare attenzione sul tema legato alla formazione.
Handelsblatt KI-Briefing - Das News-Update zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

38 Episodes


Avg Length 9m


Latest episode 7 days ago

Mit dem Handelsblatt KI-Briefing hören Sie einmal die Woche die wichtigsten Nachrichten rund um Künstliche Intelligenz. Erfahren Sie, worüber die KI-Szene spricht, welche neuen Innovationen den Markt bewegen und wie sie Unternehmen und Arbeitswelt verändern. Jeden Freitag bringen wir Sie in weniger als zehn Minuten auf den neuesten Stand. Hier berichtet das Handelsblatt KI-Team unter der Leitung von der Journalistin Larissa Holzki und unseren Korrespondentinnen und Korrespondenten aus dem Silicon Valley oder Shanghai über die spannendsten Entwicklungen zu der Technologie. Das Wichtigste fasst Larissa Holzki im KI-Briefing kurz und knapp für Sie zusammen. Vorgetragen wird der Nachrichtenüberblick allerdings nicht von ihr selbst, sondern von ihrer mit KI geklonten Stimme. Unser Podcast über KI entsteht auch mit KI. Das Handelsblatt KI-Briefing erscheint immer freitags um 15 Uhr auf Handelsblatt.com und allen relevanten Podcast-Plattformen. Folgen Sie uns jetzt oder klicken Sie die Glocke, damit Sie sofort über neue Episoden benachrichtigt werden. Und wenn Sie noch mehr über Künstliche Intelligenz erfahren wollen, dann abonnieren Sie das Handelsblatt KI-Briefing auch per E-Mail. In dem Newsletter finden Sie nicht nur alle Links zu den Reportagen, sondern erfahren außerdem, wie Sie selbst KI einsetzen können, welche Köpfe aus der KI-Szene Sie kennen müssen und wo Sie unsere KI-Reporter als nächstes treffen. Melden Sie sich kostenlos an unter: https://newsletter.handelsblatt.com/ki-briefing/ Sound-Design: Christian Heinemann Logo-Design: Michel Becker
Into the Hopper

11 Episodes


Latest episode 6 days ago

An occasional podcast about machine learning, data science, software engineering, and more.
HR Data Labs podcast

211 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 8 days ago

The HR Data Labs® podcast is dedicated to Human Resource professionals hearing the latest thoughts of innovators and experts from around the world of business focusing on HR Process, Technology, Regulations, Data and Analytics. Sometimes we may get passionate or a little carried away, but we are always fun and insightful. Podcast website at http://hrdatalabs.com. HR Data Labs is a registered trademark of David Turetsky. Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.
HR Data Labs podcast

211 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 8 days ago

The HR Data Labs® podcast is dedicated to Human Resource professionals hearing the latest thoughts of innovators and experts from around the world of business focusing on HR Process, Technology, Regulations, Data and Analytics. Sometimes we may get passionate or a little carried away, but we are always fun and insightful. Podcast website at http://hrdatalabs.com. HR Data Labs is a registered trademark of David Turetsky. Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.
HR Data Labs podcast

211 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 8 days ago

The HR Data Labs® podcast is dedicated to Human Resource professionals hearing the latest thoughts of innovators and experts from around the world of business focusing on HR Process, Technology, Regulations, Data and Analytics. Sometimes we may get passionate or a little carried away, but we are always fun and insightful. Podcast website at http://hrdatalabs.com. HR Data Labs is a registered trademark of David Turetsky. Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.
Tsunam-IA: surfez sur la vague du changement apporté par l'intelligence artificielle

67 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 3 days ago

Plongez dans l'univers fascinant de l'intelligence artificielle avec Tsunam-IA, votre balise dans l'océan tumultueux du numérique. Dimitri et son assistant IA, Josh, vous guident à travers la déferlante de l'IA, déchiffrant ses mystères, ses innovations et ses impacts. Que vous soyez novice en matière d'IA ou un technophile aguerri, ce podcast vous offre des éclairages uniques, des interviews d'experts et des discussions enrichissantes. Rejoignez-nous et surfez sur la vague du changement apporté par l'intelligence artificielle. Votre voyage au cœur de la révolution numérique commence ici. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Moscow Digital School

4 Episodes


Avg Length 52m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Moscow Digital School — это школа инновационных знаний. У нас каждый сможет получить ключевые навыки для работы в цифровой среде и освоить профессии будущего.
Real Digital Transformation

50 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Insights, opinions and expert perspectives about the ever-changing world of AI, digital technology and digital transformation. Brought to you in a concise, to-the-point podcast series by LinkedIn Top Voice and best-selling IT author Thomas Erl. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Marketing Mojo Show

15 Episodes


Avg Length 21m


Latest episode 7 years ago

The Marketing Mojo Show, innovative tips, strategies and approaches to give you a thoughtful edge to maximize your marketing momentum.
Our Industrial Life

34 Episodes


Avg Length 33m


Latest episode 2 months ago

We investigate how data and technology are shaping the present and future of the industrial economy. Join hosts Rebecca Ahrens and Joe Renshaw as we talk with experts from critical industries—from water and power to manufacturing, pharmaceutical production, and beyond—about the cutting-edge industrial technologies that are changing how engineers keep the everyday parts of life running.
Data Myths

26 Episodes


Avg Length 46m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Uniting dataphiles and dataphobes one podcast at a time. Listen as the Gagnons interview industry leaders and startup founders, review new tech trends and products, and examine how data and technology drive our professional and personal worlds.
The Brandon Bornancin Show

295 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 5 years ago

So the question is this, how do entrepreneurial sales people like us, who have traditionally sold alone and used gut and intuition to hit their number, take their innate talents and begin selling using science, technology, and the secrets of thousands who have done it before---to crush their quota and change the world. That is the question and this podcast provides the answers.
Cloud Gossip

15 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Cloud Gossip is a technology podcast dedicated to discovering the world of cloud computing. Join us as we dive deep into interviews with leading industry experts, taking you on a journey that does not stop at the technology itself, but also explores the people behind the products and tools we all know, use, and love.
Into Our Future

8 Episodes


Avg Length 12m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Innovation arrivals over the next decade will contain 200 years of advancements--but what impact will there be on privacy, daily lives, our relationships, and our future? With political and cultural polarization dominating headlines, who is asking the questions and discussing the impacts of innovations that is not rooted in a reality show format? As humans become one with their innovations (e.g., biohacks, transhumanism, artificial intelligence), we are ignoring "the ramifications of innovation singularity." This podcast show is focused on the ramifications, questioning the implications and giving decision making back to consumers who too often view innovations as benevolent.
Innovation Roundtable Insights

77 Episodes


Avg Length 26m


Latest episode 11 months ago

The Innovation Roundtable® Insights Podcast features interviews with leading corporate executives and professors in the innovation landscape. Our aim is to delve deep into innovation issues, ask the hard questions and illuminate perspective in key areas, such as innovation culture, emerging tech, digital transformation, and more.
Advantest Talks Semi

28 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Dive into the world of semiconductors and Automatic Test Equipment with our educational podcast, Advantest Talks Semi, where we explore the power of knowledge in this dynamic field. Hosted by Keith Schaub, Vice President of Technology and Strategy and Don Ong, Director and Head of Innovation for Advantest Field Service Business Group, at Advantest, this series features insightful conversations with experts and thought leaders in the industry.In today's fast-paced environment, continuous learning is essential for staying ahead. Join us in these thought-provoking discussions, where you can learn about the latest trends and cutting-edge strategies being used in the semiconductor industry. Explore how innovative technologies are revolutionizing testing processes and shaping the future.Stay updated on the ever-evolving semiconductor industry with Advantest Talks Semi, and gain exclusive insights into the future of technology.The views, information, or opinions expressed during the Advantest Talks Semi series are solely those of the individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent those of Advantest.
The Yondr Podcast | Data centers

20 Episodes


Avg Length 18m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Yondr is a global developer, owner operator and service provider of data centers.We deliver complex data center capacity needs for the world’s largest tech companies. Bringing stability, clarity and confidence to data center operations, with global consistency, flexibility and speed. Our mission is: Global capacity responsible delivery.
Pricing Heroes

18 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Pricing Heroes: Insights for Retail Pricing SuccessElevate your retail pricing strategy with Pricing Heroes, the premier monthly podcast for pricing managers and retail professionals. Each episode features industry leaders and pricing experts sharing exclusive insights to transform your approach.Whether you're a pricing manager optimizing promotional calendars, a retail professional navigating dynamic markets, or a business leader implementing AI-driven pricing models, Pricing Heroes delivers the structured insights you need to excel. Each episode features:- Expert Interview: Deep-dive discussions with industry leaders- Case Study Analysis: Real-world strategy breakdowns- Actionable Takeaways: Implementable insights for your businessFrom e-commerce to brick-and-mortar, global retail to local markets, our discussions span the complete pricing spectrum:- Innovative pricing technologies and emerging trends- Data-driven consumer behavior analysis- Strategic solutions to complex pricing challenges- Tactics to boost profit margins and market share- Pricing topics making headline newsJoin our thriving community of retail pricing innovators and master sophisticated pricing strategies that drive sustained business growth. Together, we're transforming the art and science of retail pricing in today's dynamic market.New episodes release on the last Thursday of each month. Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
Het Datanieuws van de Dataloog

16 Episodes


Avg Length 35m


Latest episode 3 years ago

Dit is het DataNieuws gepresenteerd door de Dataloog in samenwerking met contentpartners, zoals Computable. Iedere twee weken brengen we jou op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws op het gebied van Data Science, Artificiële Intelligentie, Cloud Computing, Security en de uit agenda.
Proof Of Concept Podcast

19 Episodes


Avg Length 29m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Welcome to the Proof of Concept podcast! Data science podcast for individuals who want to learn, grow & upskill themselves in the field of AI, Data Science and Machine Learning. Stay up to date, broaden your knowledge and get inspired with technology and business in the field of enterprise AI. Join host Grant Case as he explores real-life questions from the field, will share insights, discuss FAQs around the place of data and data science.