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Let's Data

Let's Data

Let's Data

O Let's Data traz pessoas inteligentes e interessantes para conversar sobre ciência de dados, inteligência articificial e outras aleatoriedades da vida. Criado e apresentado por Bernardo Lago, Felipe Schiavon e Leon Silva, com o objetivo de divulgar conhecimentos da área de dados aliando dois enfoques: técnico e humano. Os episódios são transmitidos ao vivo pelo nosso canal no YouTube e disponibilizado nas principais plataformas de podcat. Junte-se a nós e venha aprender mais sobre ciência de dados e IA!
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How many episodes does Let's Data have?

Let's Data currently has 55 episodes available.

What topics does Let's Data cover?

The podcast is about Analytics, Data, Podcasts, Big Data, Technology, Data Science, Machine Learning and Python.

What is the most popular episode on Let's Data?

The episode title '#047 - O que eu faria se começasse hoje?' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Let's Data?

The average episode length on Let's Data is 62 minutes.

How often are episodes of Let's Data released?

Episodes of Let's Data are typically released every 14 days.

When was the first episode of Let's Data?

The first episode of Let's Data was released on Mar 17, 2021.

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