E25. Change Champions: Psychology of the Struggle Juggle
01/04/23 • 80 min
E25: Change Champions: Psychology of the Struggle Juggle
(Special Guest: Dai Manuel)
Go to https://TherapyBites.myshopify.com & grab some Dai Manuel GUEST MERCH, specially designed to help keep this episode’s message “top of mind” in your life! Don’t forget friends & family members who could use a mental boost too.
Audience: Struggling with weight, body image, addiction, derailed relationships? Seeking purpose? Derailed by despair? Looking for a life of meaning? Trying to come back from trauma, abuse, self-concept struggles? This episode has YOUR name written all over it.
Full show notes & transcript at https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/strugglejuggle
IN THIS EPISODE . . . Join today’s special guest, Doc Heath, & The TBAL Team on a journey into the depths of despair & an epiphany of self-discovery & hope.
TODAY'S SPECIAL GUEST: Dai Manuel is a SuperDad, dating his wife, with a contagious personality and a lead by example committment. He is an award-winning digital thought leader & author, Distinguished Toastmaster & TEDx speaker, former partner and Chief Operating Officer of a multi-million dollar retail company, & a sought-after lifestyle mentor & executive performance coach. He models his work based on 5 F’s: Fitness, Family, Faith, and Finances with an overarching roof of FUN, built on a rock-solid foundation of Health.
1. Thought quality determines STRUGGLE-JUGGLE success
2. Success Strategies & the 5 F’s in YOUR life
3. Adapting to change & avoiding SELF-sabotage
4. New ways of THINKING about CHANGE
6. Real life stories of “CHANGE CHAMPIONS
7. Importance of “Meaning-Making”
“GET STARTED! The rest will take care of the rest.” - Doc Heath
MORE INFO from our Change Champion Dai, go to: http://www.joinwlfm.com/ The Whole Life Fitness Manifesto 28-Day program is simple in design. You'll receive a daily email with various prompts, tips, workouts (with or without equipment), & feel good challenges; all with the end goal in mind of helping you enjoy a lifestyle of fun, fitness, family, & friends.
Live the A.R.T. LIFE! Become a TBAL TeamMate inner circle supporter on Patreon at patreon.com/TherapyBites
You can also Buy Us A Cup of Coffee, which helps FUEL purchases of HIGH OCTANE equipment & resources that get POURED back into PERCOLATING highly CAFFEINATED CONTENT for YOU! Just click https://www.buymeacoffee.com/g6rLIt6PXu
***Fresh from the therapy couch REAL LIFE stories of HELPING & HEALING with Doc Heath on INVISIBLE EMOTIONS, Mind Reading, & Healthy Communication.
***A.R.T. LAB Library CouchCrumbs Quote from Soren Kierkegaard
NEXT EPISODE - “Speaking Naked: Psychology of Life on Stage” with Special Guest & Hollywood Actor Tyler Foley.
Visit the TBAL Team Page: TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB
Want to Dig Deeper into Today’s Topic?
Bushkin H, van Niekerk R, Stroud L. Searching for Meaning in Chaos: Viktor Frankl's Story. Eur J Psychol. 2021 Aug 31;17(3):233-242. doi: 10.5964/ejop.5439. PMID: 35136443; PMCID: PMC8763215.
Gutierrez, D. (2019). Spiritus contra spiritum: Addiction, hope, and the search for meaning. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 6(4), 229–239. https://doi.org/10.1037/scp0000201
Lau, J., Khoo, A.M.-G., Ho, A.H.-Y. and Tan, K.-K. (2021), Psychological resilience among palliative patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review of definitions and associated factors. Psycho-Oncology, 30: 1029-1040. https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.5666
FOR OUR READERS . . . GOBBLE UP THE WHOLE THING!!! (Transcript): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m6tXoNBoziL19lpuZD6DjlC9C4IPl1njY7p8ZWWg7oc/edit?usp=sharing
E25: Change Champions: Psychology of the Struggle Juggle
(Special Guest: Dai Manuel)
Go to https://TherapyBites.myshopify.com & grab some Dai Manuel GUEST MERCH, specially designed to help keep this episode’s message “top of mind” in your life! Don’t forget friends & family members who could use a mental boost too.
Audience: Struggling with weight, body image, addiction, derailed relationships? Seeking purpose? Derailed by despair? Looking for a life of meaning? Trying to come back from trauma, abuse, self-concept struggles? This episode has YOUR name written all over it.
Full show notes & transcript at https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/strugglejuggle
IN THIS EPISODE . . . Join today’s special guest, Doc Heath, & The TBAL Team on a journey into the depths of despair & an epiphany of self-discovery & hope.
TODAY'S SPECIAL GUEST: Dai Manuel is a SuperDad, dating his wife, with a contagious personality and a lead by example committment. He is an award-winning digital thought leader & author, Distinguished Toastmaster & TEDx speaker, former partner and Chief Operating Officer of a multi-million dollar retail company, & a sought-after lifestyle mentor & executive performance coach. He models his work based on 5 F’s: Fitness, Family, Faith, and Finances with an overarching roof of FUN, built on a rock-solid foundation of Health.
1. Thought quality determines STRUGGLE-JUGGLE success
2. Success Strategies & the 5 F’s in YOUR life
3. Adapting to change & avoiding SELF-sabotage
4. New ways of THINKING about CHANGE
6. Real life stories of “CHANGE CHAMPIONS
7. Importance of “Meaning-Making”
“GET STARTED! The rest will take care of the rest.” - Doc Heath
MORE INFO from our Change Champion Dai, go to: http://www.joinwlfm.com/ The Whole Life Fitness Manifesto 28-Day program is simple in design. You'll receive a daily email with various prompts, tips, workouts (with or without equipment), & feel good challenges; all with the end goal in mind of helping you enjoy a lifestyle of fun, fitness, family, & friends.
Live the A.R.T. LIFE! Become a TBAL TeamMate inner circle supporter on Patreon at patreon.com/TherapyBites
You can also Buy Us A Cup of Coffee, which helps FUEL purchases of HIGH OCTANE equipment & resources that get POURED back into PERCOLATING highly CAFFEINATED CONTENT for YOU! Just click https://www.buymeacoffee.com/g6rLIt6PXu
***Fresh from the therapy couch REAL LIFE stories of HELPING & HEALING with Doc Heath on INVISIBLE EMOTIONS, Mind Reading, & Healthy Communication.
***A.R.T. LAB Library CouchCrumbs Quote from Soren Kierkegaard
NEXT EPISODE - “Speaking Naked: Psychology of Life on Stage” with Special Guest & Hollywood Actor Tyler Foley.
Visit the TBAL Team Page: TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB
Want to Dig Deeper into Today’s Topic?
Bushkin H, van Niekerk R, Stroud L. Searching for Meaning in Chaos: Viktor Frankl's Story. Eur J Psychol. 2021 Aug 31;17(3):233-242. doi: 10.5964/ejop.5439. PMID: 35136443; PMCID: PMC8763215.
Gutierrez, D. (2019). Spiritus contra spiritum: Addiction, hope, and the search for meaning. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 6(4), 229–239. https://doi.org/10.1037/scp0000201
Lau, J., Khoo, A.M.-G., Ho, A.H.-Y. and Tan, K.-K. (2021), Psychological resilience among palliative patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review of definitions and associated factors. Psycho-Oncology, 30: 1029-1040. https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.5666
FOR OUR READERS . . . GOBBLE UP THE WHOLE THING!!! (Transcript): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m6tXoNBoziL19lpuZD6DjlC9C4IPl1njY7p8ZWWg7oc/edit?usp=sharing
Previous Episode

E24. Quantum Success: Psychology of Spirituality & the Subconscious
Quantum Success: Psychology of Spirituality & the Subconscious
(Special Guest: Dr. Vic Manzo)
Go to https://TherapyBites.myshopify.com & grab some Dr. Vic Manzo GUEST MERCH, specially designed to help keep this episode’s message “top of mind” in your life! Don’t forget friends & family members who could use a mental boost too.
Audience: Success-Seekers, Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, Life Coaches, Student of Life
Full show notes & transcript at https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/quantumsuccess
IN THIS EPISODE . . . Are you aware of the “codes” controlling your life? What is a “success mindset” and how do you develop one? How can your brain be trained to see UNSEEN opportunities? What actual areas of the brain can be trained for success? Are you a victim of the PLACEBO or NOCEBO effect?
Dr. Vic is a Business Mindset Coach, Certified Pediatric Chiropractor, 3x Author, Podcaster & popular guest speaker. He is the author of 3 books, with the most recent one being, "Decoding The Matrix: Powerful Tips for Unleashing Your Potential and Accelerating Your Spiritual Awakening”. Dr. Vic has helped 100’s of entrepreneurs learn how to create their dream life and lead a fulfilled life mastering the Quantum world inside their own brains.
Join Dr. Vic, Doc Heath, & The TBAL Team on a journey into the science of designing success UPWARD from the subconscious and INTO your life beginning with the smallest (quantum) components to the major building blocks of healthy lives.
- Knowledge versus Wisdom
- Identifying the “codes” controlling your life
- Shifting perspective changes your world
- Brains can be trained to seek out CATASTROPHE or OPPORTUNITY.
- Power of Visualization to Materialization
- In the brain, what FIRES together WIRES together.
- Discipline is built on the back of motivation & motivation is built on the back of accurate thoughts.
“We FIRST engineer our thoughts; THEN our thoughts engineer our lives.” - Doc Heath
MORE INFO from Dr. Vic, go to: www.EmpowerYourReality.com/links
Enjoy the first chapter of his new book, "Decoding the Matrix," for FREE!
Live the A.R.T. LIFE! Become a TBAL TeamMate inner circle supporter on Patreon at patreon.com/TherapyBites
You can also Buy Us A Cup of Coffee, which helps FUEL purchases of HIGH OCTANE equipment & resources that get POURED back into PERCOLATING highly CAFFEINATED CONTENT for YOU! Just click https://www.buymeacoffee.com/g6rLIt6PXu
***Creature Feature: Hold onto your neurons as we go in search of the insidious Mind-Reading N.A.T.
***Slip down into the darker recesses of the psychotherapy couch with Doc Heath on this segment of PSYCH SECRETS about “Dangerous Diagnosis”.
NEXT EPISODE - “Change Champions: Psychology of the Struggle Juggle” with Special Guest Dai Manuel.
Visit the TBAL Team Page: TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB
Want to Dig Deeper into Today’s Topic?
Heslin, P. A., Burnette, J. L., & Ryu, N. G. Does a growth mindset enable successful aging? Work, Aging and Retirement. https://doi.org/10.1093/workar/waaa029
Najarro, E., & Risi, S. (2020). Meta-learning through hebbian plasticity in random networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33, 20719-20731.
Tallal, P., Merzenich, M., Miller, S. et al. Language learning impairments: integrating basic science, technology, and remediation. Exp Brain Res 123, 210–219 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1007/s002210050563
van Leeuwen, C. (2007). What Needs to Emerge to Make You Conscious? Journal of Consciousness Studies, 14(1-2), 115–136.
Next Episode

E26. SPEAKING NAKED: Psychology of Life On Stage
SPEAKING NAKED: Psychology of Life On Stage
(Special Guest & Hollywood Actor: Sean Tyler Foley)
Go to https://TherapyBites.myshopify.com & grab some Sean Tyler Foley GUEST MERCH, specially designed to help keep this episode’s message “top of mind” in your life! Don’t forget friends & family members who could use a mental boost too.
Audience: Nightmares about public speaking? Struggling with the look of your own face or sound of your own voice? Do you have distorted thoughts of what OTHERS might think of you or self-directed DISGUST? Sensitive to the critique or judgment of others? Need a dose of confidence?
Full show notes & transcript at https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/speakingnaked
IN THIS EPISODE . . . Join Sean Tyler Foley, Doc Heath, & The TBAL Team to discover the MAGIC of self-acceptance, competence, confidence, & the value of YOUR place in the universe.
TODAY'S SPECIAL GUEST: A wildly entertaining story teller, author, actor, & performer for 35 years, Tyler’s selected credits from IMDB include: Sex, Lies & Murder (TV Series), Tru Calling (TV Series), Valentine, Freddy vs. Jason, Carrie (TV Movie), Just Deal (TV Series), Door to Door (TV Movie), See Jane Run, Jeremiah (TV Series), The Sausage Factory (TV Series), You, Me and the Kids (TV Series), and Cold Squad (TV Series). He authored the #1 bestselling book: The Power To Speak Naked and is a contributing author to the best selling Podcast Guest Mastery book and co-founded Endless Stages training group.
- Competence nurtures confidence
- Humans are engineered for public speaking
- How Future-casting/Fortune Telling sabotages confidence
- Your audience WANTS you to WIN!
- Tackling the DISTORTED PROGRAMMING sabotaging YOUR self-confidence
- Your story EXISTS to be TOLD
- How courageously sharing YOUR story can deeply impact OTHERS’ lives
“Confidence is created by the STORIES we tell ourselves ABOUT ourselves.” - Doc Heath
MORE INFO from Sean Tyler Foley, go to: https://www.endlessstages.com/ where you’ll get immediate access to . . . Ongoing weekly trainings to help you rapidly accelerate your ability to get your message heard ~Exclusive Member Benefit~ "Drop The Mic”; a free self-paced online training giving you little known behind the scenes speaker tips and strategies to help you radically increase your speaking opportunities.
Live the A.R.T. LIFE! Become a TBAL TeamMate inner circle supporter on Patreon at patreon.com/TherapyBites
You can also Buy Us A Cup of Coffee, which helps FUEL purchases of HIGH OCTANE equipment & resources that get POURED back into PERCOLATING highly CAFFEINATED CONTENT for YOU! Just click https://www.buymeacoffee.com/g6rLIt6PXu
***Let’s Get Ready to REASON...with Doc Heath on Social Media SMACKDOWN!
***A.R.T. LAB Creature Feature on the hunt for the elusive AVOIDANCE N.A.T.
NEXT EPISODE - “Understanding Uncertainty: Psychology of Change” with Special Guest & Change Management Specialist Kevin Cahill.
Visit the TBAL Team Page: TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB
Want to Dig Deeper into Today’s Topic?
Graham D. Bodie (2010) A Racing Heart, Rattling Knees, and Ruminative Thoughts: Defining, Explaining, and Treating Public Speaking Anxiety, Communication Education, 59:1, 70-105, DOI: 10.1080/03634520903443849
Price, Richard & Edwards, Hazel. (2008). Harnessing competence and confidence: Dimensions in education and development for advanced and consultant practice. Radiography. 14. 10.1016/j.radi.2008.11.005.
Stewart, J., O’Halloran, C., Barton, J.R., Singleton, S.J., Harrigan, P. and Spencer, J. (2000), Clarifying the concepts of confidence and competence to produce appropriate self-evaluation measurement scales. Medical Education, 34: 903-909. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00728.x
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