How to sell more courses with successful Joint Ventures
08/23/18 • 31 min
Are you looking to help more students, grow your impact and leverage the power of your online course? Then Joint Ventures might be something to consider. There is a dark side and a beneficial side to doing joint ventures. I’ll share how to do it the right way with practical advice.
The Course Accelerator Coaching Group
Are you struggling to grow your audience create your online course and sell it to your audience? Perhaps you’ve been too busy to, overwhelmed with all the technical aspects, or just not sure how to create an effective course. Or maybe you already have an online course but sales have been lower than expected. I can help.
Starting September 18th, I’m leading a 6-week coaching group for only 10 people. We’ll be going through my proven system to plan & create your online course. We’ll also develop a custom marketing strategy to fit your needs. Not only will you have access to me for 6 weeks, you’ll also be with other motivated course creators. This powerful dynamic will help create and market your course in 6 weeks...if you’re willing to put in the work.
Watch the video below or click to learn more about the coaching program, look at the pricing packages and fill out the application to join.
Learn more at: https://onlinecoursecoach.com/course-accelerator-coaching-group
Joint Ventures can have an ugly connotation. You might picture spammy 3 part video series where they give out limited information but a long sales pitch. I’ve been hesitant to partner with a lot of people for this reason. I see it done poorly, even though one of my first courses found success because of a joint venture.
First, if you don’t have a course or product then you can’t do joint ventures. Get off the sidelines and create the course. Don’t be shy about the value you provide and the expertise you have...even if you’re just starting out.
If you’re shy about the value you provide, take a few minutes to write out all the things you’re good at. Are you good with people, technology, business, animals, numbers, art, language? Do you have schooling, certifications, proven results, or other things that set you apart? Write down as many skills as you can think of. Revisit this for a few days and you’ll see that you’re more valuable than you might think.
On the flip side, joint ventures have revived many businesses and have worked well with several course creators such as the owner of this podcast. That’s why this episode covers the good, the bad and the ugly of joint ventures.
The Bad – why you might have a bad taste in your mouth
The most obvious one is when everyone sends out the same emails, maybe using the same template, and you all end up bombarded with a ton of non-so-useful emails.
Second, it usually feels weird to send out emails that promote someone else’s product in an attempt to make a quick buck, yet taking advantage of your own audience.
The Good – why you will want to consider joint ventures
First of all, if you don’t have a course or product, then there’s no point in doing joint ventures. If you do have a following, influence, or email list, just to mention, you could find other people that have valuable content which you can promote. So you don’t really need to have a course to start promoting other people’s content.
Another thing, don’t be shy about the value you provide and feel free to share your expertise if even you are just starting out. If you feel shy about the value you offer, then take a few minutes to write about all the good things you are good at. Are you good with technology, business, art, numbers, language, animals, etc? Do you have schooling in certain areas, certifications, proven results, or other things that set you apart? Write down as many skills as you can think of and you will realize you are more valuable than you can imagine.
Once you have a good course, be sure you have many students in your course before approaching someone for a joint venture. It’s awkward if you just approach someone for this kind of partnership when you are just launching a course. Even so, don’t be afraid to ask even if you feel intimidated.
The key to a successful joint venture is finding audiences with similar interests, especially if they are underserved. For instance, if you have a course on how to teach English to Spanish, then you may partner with travel agencies. They can then sell your courses to tourists traveling to Spain.
Ideally, you don’t want to find five affiliate partners in the same industry who share the same audience.
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Are you looking to help more students, grow your impact and leverage the power of your online course? Then Joint Ventures might be something to consider. There is a dark side and a beneficial side to doing joint ventures. I’ll share how to do it the right way with practical advice.
The Course Accelerator Coaching Group
Are you struggling to grow your audience create your online course and sell it to your audience? Perhaps you’ve been too busy to, overwhelmed with all the technical aspects, or just not sure how to create an effective course. Or maybe you already have an online course but sales have been lower than expected. I can help.
Starting September 18th, I’m leading a 6-week coaching group for only 10 people. We’ll be going through my proven system to plan & create your online course. We’ll also develop a custom marketing strategy to fit your needs. Not only will you have access to me for 6 weeks, you’ll also be with other motivated course creators. This powerful dynamic will help create and market your course in 6 weeks...if you’re willing to put in the work.
Watch the video below or click to learn more about the coaching program, look at the pricing packages and fill out the application to join.
Learn more at: https://onlinecoursecoach.com/course-accelerator-coaching-group
Joint Ventures can have an ugly connotation. You might picture spammy 3 part video series where they give out limited information but a long sales pitch. I’ve been hesitant to partner with a lot of people for this reason. I see it done poorly, even though one of my first courses found success because of a joint venture.
First, if you don’t have a course or product then you can’t do joint ventures. Get off the sidelines and create the course. Don’t be shy about the value you provide and the expertise you have...even if you’re just starting out.
If you’re shy about the value you provide, take a few minutes to write out all the things you’re good at. Are you good with people, technology, business, animals, numbers, art, language? Do you have schooling, certifications, proven results, or other things that set you apart? Write down as many skills as you can think of. Revisit this for a few days and you’ll see that you’re more valuable than you might think.
On the flip side, joint ventures have revived many businesses and have worked well with several course creators such as the owner of this podcast. That’s why this episode covers the good, the bad and the ugly of joint ventures.
The Bad – why you might have a bad taste in your mouth
The most obvious one is when everyone sends out the same emails, maybe using the same template, and you all end up bombarded with a ton of non-so-useful emails.
Second, it usually feels weird to send out emails that promote someone else’s product in an attempt to make a quick buck, yet taking advantage of your own audience.
The Good – why you will want to consider joint ventures
First of all, if you don’t have a course or product, then there’s no point in doing joint ventures. If you do have a following, influence, or email list, just to mention, you could find other people that have valuable content which you can promote. So you don’t really need to have a course to start promoting other people’s content.
Another thing, don’t be shy about the value you provide and feel free to share your expertise if even you are just starting out. If you feel shy about the value you offer, then take a few minutes to write about all the good things you are good at. Are you good with technology, business, art, numbers, language, animals, etc? Do you have schooling in certain areas, certifications, proven results, or other things that set you apart? Write down as many skills as you can think of and you will realize you are more valuable than you can imagine.
Once you have a good course, be sure you have many students in your course before approaching someone for a joint venture. It’s awkward if you just approach someone for this kind of partnership when you are just launching a course. Even so, don’t be afraid to ask even if you feel intimidated.
The key to a successful joint venture is finding audiences with similar interests, especially if they are underserved. For instance, if you have a course on how to teach English to Spanish, then you may partner with travel agencies. They can then sell your courses to tourists traveling to Spain.
Ideally, you don’t want to find five affiliate partners in the same industry who share the same audience.
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7 Simple Things to Improve Your Online Courses Sales
This article dives into how course creators can improve their online course sales. First of all, online courses are more about your students and the best way to serve them than simply looking to sell to your audience. Nonetheless, below are seven simple things a course creator can do to improve their sales.
Are you looking to grow your audience and create, market & sell more courses? What training and content will help you the most? I’d love to help! Pick what you need most at onlinecoursecoach.com/vote to share your thoughts of how I can best help you. As a thank you, I created a free training called “3 Simple but Powerful Ways to Grow Your Email List” when you fill out the survey.
[ctt template=”5′′ link=”Odefd” via=”no” ]Sales is about telling stories of past client’s success, not convincing someone to buy. – Jeff Long[/ctt]
1. Get crystal clear on who your audience is, what their problems are and how your courses solve their problem
Start by defining your audience, especially if you’re starting out with your courses. Conduct surveys and try to get feedback from your audience just to understand their problem. Not sure where to start? Go to resources page and check the “5 Ways to Build an Audience for Your Online Course”. Aim your courses in solving those particular problems and make sure the content is connected to your mission. If you have been in business for some time, then you should already have a good understanding of your audience needs.
2. Only give out what is absolutely necessary for each course
Many people want to pack too much into a single course. The truth is, students usually get overwhelmed or intimidated by a ton of information. Course creators must learn how to calculate the minimum amount of content that gets the maximum amount of value. Give students bite-size chunks rather than a full bundle that would be hard to consume. If you want a detailed guide on this, follow this link to learn how to create courses that don’t overwhelm students.
3. Build trust with your audience
No one will buy from you if they don’t know you, like or trust you. Try to connect with your audience regardless of its size and find out what they need in a course, which goes back to point number one. A course should always come after getting feedback from your audience and not before. Make sure that you’re involved in a community (s) that are in alignment with your course.
4. Build a community that grows your impact and influence
There are several platforms that course creators can utilize in building their communities. These include Facebook/LinkedIn groups, Facebook Live videos, YouTube Live videos, podcasts, meetups, among other social media platforms. As long you are providing valuable content, people are most likely to pay attention to it. When it comes to Facebook, for example, here are a few ways on how you can maximize the use Facebook Live videos to your advantage.
5. Have a pre-marketing and post-marketing strategy in place
Course creators ought to build their courses with a plan rather than throwing everything together and hoping for success. Pre-marketing strategies are all about building your audience and growing your audience. This is where things such as building email lists, starting a podcast, creating a Facebook group, and meetups come in. It’s about getting people to know you without necessarily doing much of selling.
On the other hand, post-marketing involves circling back to your already established audience and launching your new content. Running Facebook ads, YouTube ads, and doing joint ventures should be high on your post-marketing strategies.
6. Treat your courses like a business
Be available to your students without giving too much of your time. This idea stems from one of the successful students who has benefited from the onlinecoursecoach.com. Her name is Janet. Janet has a great course, she has established a social media community for her courses and everything seems to go in the right direction except for one problem – she spends a lot of time on her Facebook group. Indeed, you want to be available for your students but the amount of time you spend with them should match the price of the course. Additionally, keep in mind the effort you put into preparing a course. If you want to learn more about pricing s...
Next Episode

How to 10x Your Online Course Business
This podcast is for beginners and experts alike. So whether you don’t have a course or have many you’ll learn something about how to 10x your online course business.
If you are listening to this podcast, I know that you are excited about planning building and marketing your online course. Whether it’s your first course or you’ve created many you want to leverage the power of online courses, build your impact and increase your income. So while you can keep listening to these podcasts and consuming content I want you to get the maximum result. Do yourself a favor, watch the video below and go to onlinecoursecoach.com/groupcoaching to learn more because the upcoming group coaching program that starts on September 18th. (if you see the doors close then you can sign up to get on the waiting list for the next session).
The Course Accelerator Coaching Group
Are you struggling to grow your audience create your online course and sell it to your audience? Perhaps you’ve been too busy to, overwhelmed with all the technical aspects, or just not sure how to create an effective course. Or maybe you already have an online course but sales have been lower than expected. I can help.
Starting September 18th, I’m leading a 6-week coaching group for only 10 people. We’ll be going through my proven system to plan & create your online course. We’ll also develop a custom marketing strategy to fit your needs. Not only will you have access to me for 6 weeks, you’ll also be with other motivated course creators. This powerful dynamic will help create and market your course in 6 weeks...if you’re willing to put in the work.
Watch the video below or click to learn more about the coaching program, look at the pricing packages and fill out the application to join.
Learn more at: onlinecoursecoach.com/groupcoaching
How to 10x Your Online Course Business
The market for online courses is growing bigger with each passing day, and showing no signs of relenting any time soon. In fact, it is even getting bigger. Are you an online course creator? Do you want to learn how to 10x your online course business? A lot of course creators are lately on the path of doing so with the hope of leveraging their power of online courses, building their impact, and boosting their income levels. So, how do you go about growing your online course business 10 times?
1. Sell the benefits and results not a course
You’re not a course maker, you’re a solution provider. First of all, ensure that you make your potential clients realize the benefits of the course that you are selling. Here, you may be compelled to carry out surveys in a bid to understand the problems that your audience is facing. You need to make sure that the content being marketed is geared towards solving a particular problem that your audience has. This can be achieved by making sure that your content is connected to your mission. You can achieve this by having a good comprehension of the needs of your audience.
2. You have to have a plan for growth and success
Planning for growth and success includes building an audience that likes, knows, and trusts you. This is very vital before, during, and after you have gone ahead to create your first online course that you intend to market to those willing to try it. Here, you may also want to ensure that you only give what is only necessary for a course as opposed to overwhelming students with a ton of material that may end up being hard to consume. By so doing, you will be planning for growth and success of your online course. This includes building an audience that knows, likes and trusts you – vital before, during and after you create your first course.
3. Borrow the confidence of a spouse, business partner, your audience, etc.
If they think you can do it you probably can. If you think you can/can’t you’re right. Nobody will attempt to interact and buy from you if they have no idea about you, trust or like you. To sell, it would be of great benefit if you attempt as much as possible to connect well with your audience regardless of the size in a bid to find out what they require in a course. This should always come only after getting some feedback from your targeted audience and not before. At this point, you really need to make sure that you are involved with an audience that is aligned with your course.
4. Build your network – the more people that know you the more success you will have with more projects and larger projects
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