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Top 10 Bear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文 Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Bear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文 episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Bear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文 for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Bear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文 episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
EP.31畢馬龍效應/ Pygmalion Effect(Bear老師原創故事#8)
02/22/23 • 8 min
歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。
Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,新的學期開始了,你過得怎麼樣呢(The new semester has begun, how are you doing)?有沒有新的煩惱呢(Are there any new worries)?讓我們來聽聽小朋友Jasper的煩惱,也想想你可以怎麼幫他喔(Let's listen to Jasper’s troubles, and think about how you can help him)。
Amy:Jasper, 怎麼了(What's wrong with you)?看起來垂頭喪氣的(Why do you look so dejected)?
Jasper:我覺得我完蛋了(I think I’m doomed)。
Amy:什麼事(What's up)?這麼嚴重(Why it’s so serious)?
Jasper:才剛開學不久,我就發現功課好難(The new semester just started and I found that the homework is really difficult),如果這學期成績再不好,升高年級以後我一定完蛋了(If my grades are not good this semester, I will be totally finished when I move up to the next grade)。
Amy:(呼~~)我以為誰要死了(I thought somebody was going to die)?原來只是這件事(It turned out to be just this)。
Jasper:這件事很嚴重,而且我不知道應該怎麼辦(This is very serious and I don't know what to do),我完了(I’m just so doomed)。
Amy:我覺得你太悲觀了(I think you are too pessimistic),首先,你應該停止說「我完了」(First, you should stop saying "I’m doomed"),你聽過心理學的「畢馬龍效應」嗎(Have you ever heard of the " Pygmalion Effect" in psychology)?
Jasper:那是什麼(What’s that)?
Amy:「畢馬龍效應」(Pygmalion Effect),是我表姊告訴我的(my cousin told me about it)。她說,你對你自己有什麼期待,就會使你變成那樣的人(She said what you expect from yourself makes you who you are)。所以,如果你一直覺得你完了,那你就真的完了(So, if you keep feeling like you're doomed, then you really are)。
Jasper:真的嗎(Really)?所以如果我覺得自己很厲害,我就會變得很厲害嗎(So if I think I'm great, am I going to be great)?
Amy:是的(Yes)。我表姊還教我一句英文說「Fake it till you make it.」(My cousin also taught me an English saying "Fake it till you make it.")。意思是「你先假裝,直到你做到為止。」(It means "You fake it first until you can really make it.")
Jasper:喔~~所以如果我一直假裝我的成績很好,偷偷改分數,我的成績就會真的變好嗎(So if I keep pretending my grades are good, and secretly change the score, will my grades really get better)?
Amy:當然不可以欺騙(Of course you can't cheat)!這句話的意思是你應該先相信你自己做得到,然後努力試著去做,最後就會變成真的(This saying means that you should first believe that you can do it, and then try hard to do it, and finally it will become true)。
Jasper:可是我怕我做不到(But I'm afraid I can't make it)。
Amy:所以你得先假裝(So you have to fake it first)。 我知道你很害怕,可是你得先假裝你自己不害怕,最後你就真的不怕了(I know you're scared, but you have to pretend you're not scared first, and then you won’t be)。
Jasper:可是如果最後成績還是不好呢?我怕自己是真的很笨(But what if the final result is still not good? I'm afraid I'm really stupid)。
Amy:那你可以試試看別的事啊(Then you can try something else)!誰說成績是最重要的,我看你打籃球打得很好啊(Who said grades are the most important thing, I see you play basketball very well)!我爸爸說打籃球的時候腦子裡要想著策略,那些球員一定也很聰明(My dad said when you play basketball you need a strategy in your head, so those players must be very smart too)。
Jasper:謝謝你,我一定會試試看(Thanks, I’ll definitely try)。
Amy:不客氣,我會為你加油(You're welcome, I will cheer for you)。
Jasper:你知道我還有什麼夢想嗎(Do you know what else I dream of)?
Amy:說來聽聽吧(Tell me)!
Jasper:我想像超人一樣在天上飛(I want to fly in the sky like Superman),從今天起,我要fake it till I make it.
Amy:欸~~夢想實不實際也很重要喔(It's important to have dreams that are practical)!你永遠不可能像超人一樣飛(You'll never be able to fly like Superman)。
Jasper:畢馬龍效應(Pygmalion Effect)!Fake it till you make it. 現在我覺得沒有不可能的事(Now I feel like nothing is impossible)!
Amy:好吧(All right~~~)~~~
小朋友,我們一起說: “Fake it till you make it.” 請跟 Bear老師再說一次: “Fake it till you make it.”
「Fake it」就是「假裝」,「make it」就是「做到」。「Fake it till you make it.」意思就是先假裝你能做到,然後一直努力,最後你就真的能做到。但是記得喔,這裡的「假裝」並不是「要你去騙人」,而是「先相信你自己會做到」。還有,重點是「Make it」,所以「努力去做」才是最重要的喔。
Fake it till you make it. Believe in yourself. 相信你自己,You can do it. 加油!
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
Hosting provided by SoundOn
1 Listener
EP.51 新鬼與老鬼/A new ghost and an old ghost
09/03/23 • 9 min
FB:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (
Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,現在是農曆七月,是華人文化中的鬼月(It is the 7th month of the lunar calendar, which we call “ghost month” in Chinese culture)。在這個月當中,很多事都不能做,比如說,不能搬家,不能結婚,不能到水邊去玩...等等(During this month, we avoid many things – for example, you cannot move house, get married, or play in the water, and several other things)。你也一定聽過有一些老人說,晚上少出門,免得碰到鬼(Most likely you’ve heard old people say it’s better to avoid going out at night, to avoid meeting a ghost)。今天,就讓我們來聽聽一個「新鬼與老鬼」的故事(Today, let’s listen to a story about “A new ghost and an old ghost”)。
很久很久以前,有一個地方叫胡家村,這個胡家村,一到晚上就鬧鬼,比如說,門忽然打開了,蠟燭忽亮忽暗,或是院子裡的樹忽然倒了(A long time ago, there was a place called HuJia village. At nightfall, this village was haunted by ghosts – which is to say, the door might suddenly open, or the candle may flicker on and off, or the trees in the yard might suddenly fall)。每次遇到這樣的情況,那戶人家就必須準備一頓好吃的來拜拜,安撫那些鬼(Whenever this happened, the family of the house had to prepare a tasty meal for the ghosts to appease them)。
可是,有一個人,名叫胡田生,他一點都不怕,所以啊,常常在晚上出門閒晃,就是想看看鬼到底長什麼樣子(However, there was one man, called Hu TianSheng, who was not afraid at all. He often went outside for a stroll, just to see what the ghosts looked like)。有一天,他半夜從朋友家離開後獨自走路回家,忽然,他看到一個面色蒼白的人飄過來,越來越近,越來越近(One day, he was leaving a friend’s house in the middle of the night, and started walking home alone. Suddenly, he saw a pale figure, floating closer and closer)。胡田生心想:「我該不會是碰到鬼了吧()?」(Hu TianSheng thought to himself: “Surely, this must be a ghost!”)就在這時,那個鬼忽然先開口了:「你這個大膽的人,居然敢一個人走夜路,看我怎麼嚇你!」(and at that moment, the ghost suddenly spoke. “Such a brave man you are - you dare to walk the streets alone? Let’s see how I can scare you!”)
胡田生忽然靈機一動地說(But an idea occurred to Hu TianSheng, and he replied):「老大哥您誤會啦,我也是鬼啊!(Big brother, you misunderstand – I am also a ghost!)」
那個鬼半信半疑地說(The ghost said, doubtfully):「真的嗎?那...你為什麼看起來這麼像人呢(Is that so? Then ... why do you look so human)?」
胡田生回答(Hu TianSheng replied):「唉~~那是因為我剛死不久啊!是個新鬼。(it was only recently that I died. I am a new ghost!)」
那個鬼說(The ghost said):「哎呀!難怪你走路的樣子這麼笨重(Aha! No wonder you walk in that clumsy way)。來來來,你跟著我這個老鬼吧!我教你怎麼去找吃的(Come along, you follow this old ghost, and I’ll teach you how to find food)。」
於是,胡田生跟在老鬼後面,邊走邊聊了一會兒(So Hu TianSheng followed along behind the old ghost, chatting as they walked)。
胡田生:「大哥,謝謝您跟我說了這麼多經驗(Brother, thank you for relating to me your experience)。不過,我很好奇的是,我們鬼,到底怕什麼啊(But I am very curious: what are we ghosts afraid of)?」
老鬼:「對了,我忘了告訴你,千萬別讓人在你身上吐口水啊(Ah yes, I forgot to tell you: you must never, ever let anyone spit on you)!要不然,你會馬上化作一陣煙,然後永遠消失,再也沒有機會投胎啦(Otherwise, you will disappear in a puff of smoke and never be seen again, even losing your chance to be reincarnated)!」
胡田生一聽,立刻朝老鬼身上吐了一大口口水(Upon hearing this, Hu TianSheng immediately spat a big mouthful at the old ghost)。「啊~~~~( Aaaah)!」就這樣,老鬼一聲慘叫,化作一陣煙,消失得無影無蹤了(just like that, the old ghost screamed, and with a puff of smoke, disappeared without trace)。
小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你有什麼想法呢(What are your thoughts when you hear this story)?你覺得鬼很可怕嗎(Do you think ghosts are scary)?你是否曾聽過一句話說「有的時候,人比鬼還可怕」,這句話是什麼意思呢(Have you heard the saying: “sometimes, people are more scary than ghosts”? What does the saying mean)?
其實,Bear老師也不清楚世界上到底有沒有鬼(I’m not so sure if there are any ghosts in the world),可是,Bear老師很清楚的是世界上有很多壞人(but I am certain that there are lots of bad people)。他們做的事比鬼還要可怕多了,而且,你常常看不出來他們是壞人,直到你被他們害了才知道(What they do is much scarier than ghosts, and you can’t always tell that they’re bad people – you won’t know until you’re harmed by them)。因此,我們真正該害怕的或許並不是鬼,而是那些可惡的人(So perhaps what we should really be afraid of is not ghosts, but those terrible people)。你同意嗎(Would you agree)?
“I am not afraid of ghosts.” 或是 “I am not scared of ghosts. ”
“I am not afraid of ghosts.” 或是 “I am not scared of ghosts. ”
小朋友,Bear老師希望你能夠勇敢,同時,也學會保護自己喔(I hope that you can be brave, and at the same time, learn to protect yourself)。如果你還想聽跟鬼月有關的故事,歡迎你去聽聽第八集和第九集喔(If you still want to hear stories about Ghost Month, you are welcome to listen to episode eight and nine )。
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
Hosting provided by SoundOn
EP.44 英文繪本《親愛的動物園》/An English Picture Book “Dear Zoo”
06/26/23 • 6 min
FB:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (
Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,你喜歡動物嗎(Do you like animals)?你最喜歡哪種動物呢(Which animal do you like the most)?你想不想擁有一隻寵物,並且好好地照顧牠呢(Do you want to own a pet and take good care of it)?如果你有機會寫信給動物園,你希望動物園寄什麼動物給你呢(If you had a chance to write to the zoo, what animal would you want the zoo to send you)?讓我們來聽聽這位小朋友的經驗(Let's listen to this kid's experience)。
英文繪本《親愛的動物園》(An English Picture Book “Dear Zoo”)
作者:羅德 坎博(author:Rod Campbell )
I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet.
They sent me an elephant.
He was too big. I sent him back.
So, they sent me a giraffe.
He was too tall. I sent him back.
So, they sent me a lion.
He was too fierce. I sent him back.
So, they sent me a camel.
He was too grumpy. I sent him back.
So, they sent me a snake.
He was too scary. I sent him back.
So, they sent me a monkey.
He was too naughty. I sent him back.
So, they sent me a frog.
He was too jumpy. I sent him back.
So, they thought very hard, and sent me a puppy.
He was perfect. I kept him.
小朋友,有人說「狗是人類最忠實的好朋友」,你同意嗎(Some people say "dogs are the most faithful friends of humans", do you agree)?你家裡也養狗嗎(Do you have a dog at home too)?還是養了其他寵物呢(Or do you have other pets)?照顧寵物是一個非常大的責任(Taking care of pets is a very big responsibility),如果你家裡已經有寵物了,請善待牠就像善待你的家人一樣(If you already have a pet at home, please treat it like your own family)。如果你沒有寵物,可是很想養,那麼,你必須好好地思考你有沒有能力照顧牠喔(If you don't have a pet, but want to keep one, then you must think carefully about whether you have the ability to take care of it)。
“I will take care of you.”
“I will take care of you.”
小朋友,雖然不是每一種動物都適合當寵物(Although not every animal is suitable as a pet),可是世界上的每一種動物都很重要,都值得我們珍惜(every animal in the world is very important and worthy of cherishing),希望你能夠愛護動物,保護動物喔(I hope you can love and protect animals)。
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
Hosting provided by SoundOn
EP.23 夏蟲不可語冰/You can’t speak of ice to insects that live only one summer.
12/18/22 • 7 min
歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。
Hello,This is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。
小朋友,你聽到了嗎(Did you hear that)?這是什麼聲音呢(What is this sound)?這是蟬鳴,也就是蟬在叫的聲音(This is the sound of cicadas chirping )。
蟬是一種昆蟲(Cicadas are a kind of insect),他們還是蟲寶寶的時候,生活在黑暗的泥土裡(When they are babies, they live in the dark soil),等到長大了,他們就爬出泥土,享受夏天的陽光,繁衍後代(When they grow up, they crawl out of the soil, enjoy the summer sun, and reproduce),然後就死去了(and then die)。因此,他們的一生沒有機會親眼看見冬天(Therefore, they don't have the opportunity to see winter with their own eyes in their lifetime)。
有一天,有一隻蟬在樹上快樂地唱著歌(One day, a cicada was singing happily on a tree),他看到一隻松鼠忙著把堅果藏起來,便好奇地問(He saw a squirrel busy hiding nuts, and asked curiously)。
蟬:「你為什麼要把堅果藏起來啊(Why are you hiding the nuts)?」
松鼠回答:「冬天裡沒有什麼東西能吃,所以我要準備食物(There is nothing to eat in winter, so I have to prepare food)。」
蟬:「冬天?什麼是冬天(Winter? What is winter)?」
松鼠:「你不知道冬天(You don't know winter)?!就是天氣很冷,有的時候還會下雪的季節啊(It's a very cold season and sometimes it snows)。」
蟬:「冷(Cold)?雪(Snow)?那是什麼(What is that)?」
松鼠:「『冷』是一種感覺('Cold' is a feeling),『雪』是一種白白的,像冰一樣的東西('Snow' is a white thing like ice)。」
蟬:「冰(Ice)?『冰』是什麼(What is 'ice')?」
松鼠:「天啊(My goodness)!你在跟我開玩笑嗎(Are you kidding me)?別浪費我的時間(Don't waste my time),我忙著為冬天準備食物,沒時間理你了(I’m busy preparing food for winter, I don't have time to talk to you)。再見(Bye~~)!」
蟬:「別走啊(Don't go)!請你別生氣(Please don't be angry),我是真的不知道啊(I really don't know)!」
所以,松鼠真的誤會蟬了(Therefore, the squirrel really misunderstood the cicada),蟬沒有開玩笑,他是真的不知道冬天的一切( the cicada was not kidding, he really didn't know anything about winter),因為他的生命太短,根本沒有機會看到冬天(Because his life was too short, and he had no chance to see winter at all)。
小朋友,如果以後你碰到不能溝通的人,你需要有多一點耐心來讓他明白你的想法(if you meet someone in the future who you can’t communicate with, you need to be more patient to let him understand your thoughts),因為,他可能真的沒有過跟你一樣的經驗(because he may really have never had the same experience as you),就像井底之蛙一樣,需要別人的幫助(just like the frog who lives in a well,he needs help.)。不過,如果你很忙,有更重要的事情得做,那麼,你就只好離開去做你的事(However, if you are busy and have more important things to do, then you have to leave and do your work),但是記得,不需要生他的氣喔,因為「夏蟲不可語冰」(But remember, you don’t need to be angry with him, because " You can’t speak of ice to insects that live only one summer."),那不是他的錯(That's not his fault),而是他不像你這麼幸運能有豐富的經驗(You may have a lot of experience, but he's not as lucky as you)。
小朋友,一年裡有四個季節(four seasons),你知道用英文怎麼說嗎?
小朋友,如果你不想當夏蟲或井底之蛙(If you don't want to be a summer insect or a frog living in a well),記得多學習喔(remember to learn more)!
我們下次見嘍!See you next time!
Hosting provided by SoundOn
EP.9 善良的水鬼/A Kind Water Ghost
08/16/22 • 9 min
Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。
在上一集當中,Bear老師提到了農曆七月(the seventh lunar month)是華人文化當中的鬼月(the ghost month)。在鬼月的時候,你是不是常聽到老人說別去水邊,因為有水鬼(water ghost)會抓人。小朋友,你一定覺得奇怪,水鬼為什麼要抓人呢?傳說啊~那是因如果一個水鬼能抓一個人來代替祂,那麼,這個水鬼就可以去投胎 (to reincarnate),重新當一個人。而被抓的那個人就會淹死,也變成水鬼,必須等到抓了下一個人代替祂,才能離開。聽起來真可怕,對不對?(It sounds scary, right?)
不過,你知道嗎?大部分的鬼都不是壞鬼,有的鬼甚至於很善良 (very kind)。今天,Bear老師就要來跟你們說一個善良的水鬼的故事。
有一個水鬼 (There was a water ghost),等著抓一個人來代替祂 (he was waiting to catch someone to replace him)。可是過了好多年 (But after many years),祂卻因為不忍心 (because he couldn't be ruthless),所以一個人都沒抓 (so he didn't catch anyone)。一年一年地過去了 (years passed),水裡又黑又冷又寂寞 (it was dark, cold, and lonely under the water),所以啊,今年祂決定一定要離開這條河(so, this year he decided that he must leave this river.)。祂說:「我這次一定要抓一個人來代替我 (I must catch someone to replace me this time)。」
有一天,來了一個抓魚的男孩 (One day, a boy came to catch a fish),水鬼準備好了 (the water ghost was ready),正要抓他的時候 (and just as he was about to catch the boy),忽然這個少年說:「希望今天能抓到一條魚給弟弟吃 (I hope I can catch a fish for my brother to eat today),這樣他的病就會快一點好了 (so that his illness will get better as soon as possible)。」原來,這個少年是一個孤兒 (It turned out that the boy was an orphan),家裡有一個生病的弟弟需要他照顧 (and there was a sick younger brother at home who needed him to be cared for)。水鬼不忍心,就放棄了 (The water ghost couldn't be ruthless, and gave up)。
過了幾天,來了一個女人到河邊洗衣服 (A few days later, a woman came to wash clothes by the river),水鬼正準備要抓她,忽然看見她摸著肚子 (The water ghost was about to catch her, but suddenly saw her touching her belly)。她說:「孩子啊!再過幾個月就能見到你了 (My child! I will see you in a few months),希望你健康長大 (I hope you grow up healthy) 。」原來,這個女人懷孕了 (It turned out that this woman was pregnant),這樣是兩條生命啊 ( This is two lives)!水鬼又不忍心,只好再次放棄 (The water ghost couldn't be ruthless, and gave up again)。
又過了幾天,水鬼下定決心,無論如何今天都要抓一個人來代替 (A few days later, the water ghost made up his mind, no matter what, he would catch someone to replace him today)。過了不久,有一個年輕人到河邊來取水 (Not long after, a young man came to the river to fetch water),水鬼把握機會狠狠地把他拖下水去 (the water ghost took the opportunity and dragged him into the water ruthlessly)。就在這時,水鬼想起了這個年輕人上個月才帶著他的老母親來河邊散步 (At this moment, the water ghost recalled that this young man took his old mother for a walk by the river last month),如果他死了,那麼他的老母親怎麼辦呢 (If he died, what would happen to his old mother)?想到這裡,水鬼立刻放手了(Thinking of this, the water ghost immediately let him go)。
最後,水鬼還是一個人都沒抓 (In the end, the water ghost caught no one)。又過了好久好久以後,有一天(After a long, long time, one day),玉皇大帝經過這裡,看見了水鬼,祂很驚訝 (the Emperor of heaven passed by here and saw this water ghost, he was very surprised),祂說:「已經過了這麼多年,你怎麼還在這裡 (It has been so many years, why are you still here?)?唉~~看來你不適合當水鬼(Alas~~ It seems that you are not suitable to be a water ghost),這樣吧,最近天上的工作太多 (well - there is too much work in Heaven lately),我忙不過來 (I am too busy to finish my work),你來幫我吧(you come to help me)!」就這樣,水鬼變成了神仙,到天上去工作啦 (With that, the water ghost became an angel and went to work in Heaven)!
小朋友,你看這個鬼是不是跟你想的很不一樣呢?特別善良 (especially kind)。不過,不管怎麼樣,不管你相不相信這個傳說,你去水邊玩的時候,還是得注意安全,好好地保護自己,知道嗎?(You have to pay attention to safety and protect yourself, okay? ) 一定一定要注意安全、保護自己喔!永遠記住,安全第一(Safety first)!
“You are very kind.”
“You are very kind.”
I hope Ghost Month won’t make you scared, but you can learn more about ghosts in Chinese culture.
See you next time.
Hosting provided by SoundOn
EP.32小兔誤會了/ The Little Rabbit Misunderstood
03/05/23 • 9 min
歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。
Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。
小朋友,你知道什麼是「誤會」嗎(Do you know what "misunderstanding" is)?你誤會過別人,或是被別人誤會過嗎(Have you misunderstood others, or been misunderstood by others)?如果發生了誤會,你覺得最好應該怎麼辦呢(If a misunderstanding occurs, what do you think is the best way to handle it)?最近小兔子婷婷也誤會了她的新朋友,害自己好傷心啊(Recently, the little rabbit Tingting misunderstood her new friend, making herself very sad)。如果你是她,你會怎麼做呢(What would you do if you were her)?
現在我們聽聽那天到底發生了什麼事(Now let's listen to what happened that day):
那一天,天氣真好,小兔子婷婷在草原上跳著跳著,在不遠處,她看到了她上個月才認識的新朋友土撥鼠波波(One day, the weather was really nice, and the little rabbit Tingting was jumping on the grass. Not far away, she saw her new friend Bobo the groundhog that she met only last month)。
婷婷:波波,你好(Hello, Bobo)!你在那裡做什麼啊(What are you doing there)?
但奇怪的是,波波完全沒有反應(the strange thing is that Bobo didn't respond at all),於是婷婷往波波那兒跳了過去,但就在同時,波波卻往另一個方向跑走了(so Tingting jumped over to Bobo, but at the same time, Bobo ran away in the other direction),婷婷加快腳步追了上去,一不注意,卻掉進了一個很深的洞裡,跳不出來了(Tingting jumped faster to catch up. Suddenly, she fell into a deep hole and couldn't jump out)。婷婷很害怕,她想大聲叫波波回來救她,可是,她也想 (Tingting was scared, she really wanted to call Bobo to come back and save her, but she also thought):「這一定是波波的惡作劇(This must be a prank by Bobo),他一定不喜歡我,所以故意挖了這個洞讓我掉進來 (he must not like me, so he dug this hole on purpose to make me fall in),難怪他不但不理我,還跑走了(no wonder he ignored me and ran away)。(哭起來)怎麼辦(What should I do)?為什麼他不喜歡我(Why doesn’t he like me)?為什麼他要害我(Why does he want to hurt me)?(越哭越大聲)」忽然,婷婷聽到了小象康康的聲音(Suddenly, Ting Ting heard the voice of the Little Elephant Kangkang)。
康康:婷婷,原來是你在哭啊(Tingting, so it’s you crying there!),你怎麼掉到獵人的陷阱裡了(how did you fall into the hunter's trap)?
康康伸長了鼻子,把婷婷拉了出來(Kangkang stretched out her nose and pulled Tingting out)。
康康:別哭了(Don't cry),現在你安全了(you are safe now)。
婷婷:(哭)是波波害我的(Bobo hurt me)!
康康:波波?應該不是(Bobo? I don’t think so),這是獵人的陷阱(this is a hunter's trap)。
婷婷:一定是他,一定是他(It must be him, it must be him)!(繼續哭)
康康:如果你不相信,我建議你明天好好地找他談一談(If you don't believe me, I suggest you have a good talk with him tomorrow)。
隔天,婷婷在池塘邊碰到了波波(The next day, Tingting met Bobo by the pond),她很想鼓起勇氣去打招呼,但是想到波波的惡作劇,她轉頭就想跑走(She really wanted to muster up the courage to say hello, but thinking of Bobo's prank, she turned her head and wanted to run away),忽然波波叫住了她(but suddenly Bobo called and stopped her)。
波波:婷婷,你怎麼剛來就要走(Tingting, why are you leaving right after you arrived)?你要去哪裡(where are you going)?
婷婷:哼!我知道你要害我,所以,我不敢靠近你(Huh! I know you want to hurt me, so I don’t dare to be close to you)。
波波:我為什麼要害你(Why would I want to hurt you)?
婷婷:那昨天我叫你,你為什麼不理我?還跑走了(I called you yesterday. Why did you ignore me and run away)?你害我掉進你挖的洞裡(Then I fell into the hole you dug)。
波波:真的嗎(Really)?我沒聽到啊(I didn't hear you)!而且昨天我也沒有挖洞啊(And I didn't dig a hole yesterday)!
婷婷:那你為什麼跑走(Then why did you run away)?
波波:因為我聽到附近有聲音(Because I heard a sound nearby),我以為是獵人來了,所以要趕快跑啊(I thought it was a hunter coming, so I had to run quickly)!
婷婷:喔~~我誤會你了(Oh~~ I misunderstood you)。對不起(Sorry)。
波波:沒關係(It doesn't matter),你一定是掉進獵人的洞裡了(You must have fallen into the hunter's hole)。你還好嗎?有沒有受傷(Are you alright? Are you injured)?
婷婷:幸好康康經過救了我(Fortunately, Kangkang passed by and saved me)。放心,我沒事了(Don't worry, I'm fine)。
波波:下次不要自己胡思亂想了(Try not to think like that next time),有問題隨時問我喔(If you need to talk to me about anything, just ask)。
小朋友,在你的生活中,有沒有發生過類似的情況呢(Has anything like this happened in your life)?如果你是婷婷,是不是也會誤會波波呢(If you were Tingting, would you also misunderstand Bobo)?我們常常會因為不夠了解,或沒有自信,所以胡思亂想,誤會了對方(We often make bad assumptions and misunderstand each other because we don't understand enough or have no self-confidence)。小朋友,你覺得避免誤會最好的辦法是什麼呢(what do you think is the best way to avoid misunderstanding)?Bear老師覺得可以好好地找對方談一談(I feel that you can have a good talk with that person)。如果你好好地找對方談了以後,結果還是讓你失望,這個時候,你再決定應該怎麼做。(If you have a good talk with that person and the result still disappoints you, then you’ll need to decide what to do about that)。
“This is really a misunderstanding, please let me explain.”
“This is really a misunderstanding, please let me explain.”
小朋友,避免誤會或解決誤會還有很多辦法(There are many ways to avoid or resolve misunderstandings),Bear老師希望你能多跟長輩談一談,相信你一定會有收穫的(Hope you can talk to your elders more. I believe you will learn something for sure)。
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
Hosting provided by SoundOn
EP.74英文繪本《我愛我爸爸》/An English Picture Book “I love my Daddy”
07/30/24 • 11 min
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
PS. 感謝7月19日某位不具名聽眾的贊助,Bear老師感受到大大的鼓勵 : )
Hello, this teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。
Kids, Father’s Day is coming on August 8th. What do you want to say to your dad?
How do you get along with your father?
Today, I would like to introduce to you an English picture book. Let’s listen to how the Little Squirrel in the picture book interacts with his father!
An English Picture Book “I love my Daddy”/英文繪本《我愛我爸爸》
Created by David Bedford and Brenna Vaughn/創作者David Bedford and Brenna Vaughn
Translated by Bear Weir/翻譯 Bear Weir
One day little squirrel went out to play with his daddy. Little squirrel wanted to show Daddy squirrel all the things he could do.
“What shall we play first?” said Daddy.
“I know.” said Little Squirrel excitedly.
“Digging! Look, Daddy!” said Little Squirrel. As he dug and dug and dug, with his little tail wagging.
“Well done!” said Daddy.
But suddenly Little squirrel's tail stopped wagging.
“Help Daddy!” cried Little Squirrel. “I'm stuck!”
Daddy Squirrel helped Little Squirrel wriggle out of the hole and gave him a soothing hug.
“You are a good digger!” said Daddy.
“What shall we play next?”
“I know!” said Little Squirrel.
“Climbing! Look, Daddy!” said Little Squirrel, and he climbed as high as he could go, looking
around as far as he could see.
“Well done!” said Daddy.
But suddenly Little Squirrel closed his eyes tightly.
“Help Daddy!” cried Little Squirrel. “I'm stuck!”
Daddy squirrel helped little squirrel climb down and gave him a soothing hug.
“You are a good climber!” said Daddy.
“What shall we play next?”
“I know. Jumping! Look Daddy!” said Little Squirrel as he jumped and jumped and jumped with a big
smile on his little squirrel face.
But suddenly Little Squirrel stopped smiling, and...Splat!
“Help Daddy!” cried Little Squirrel. “I'm stuck again!”
Daddy squirrel helped Little Squirrel out of the sticky mud and gave him a soothing hug.
“You are good at jumping!” said Daddy.
But Little Squirrel shook his head sadly.
“I don't want to play anymore.” said Little Squirrel!
“I always get stuck. I can't do anything.”
Daddy squirrel lifted little squirrel high onto his shoulders.
“Let's play together.” he said.
“Let's run!” cried Daddy Squirrel.
Little Squirrel held on tightly as he whooshed through the woods.
“Yippeee!” he shouted.
“Let's climb!” said Daddy Squirrel.
Little Squirrel kept his eyes open wide as they reached the top of a tree.
“Wheeee!” he shouted.
“And now,” said Daddy Squirrel. “Let's jump!”
“Oh help!” cried Daddy Squirrel. “Now I'm stuck.”
Little squirrel giggled as he helped his Daddy out of the sticky mud.
“You can do everything Little Squirrel!” said Daddy proudly, as they washed their muddy paws in the stream.
“You can even save a Daddy Squirrel!”
Little Squirrel climbed high onto his daddy's shoulders again.
“I love playing with you, Daddy.” he said. “And...I love my daddy!”
Shouted Little Squirrel, as they raced home happily together.
Kids, after hearing this story, what do you want to play with your father?
EP.46 萬事保研究所〈寵物狗走失篇〉(下)/ Universal Insurance Institute "The pet dog got lost" (Part II)
07/13/23 • 10 min
FB:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (
Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。本集節目是Bear老師與富邦產險合作播出的喔(This episode is in cooperation with Fubon Insurance
繪本《萬事保研究所──寵物狗走失篇》(A picture book “ Universal Insurance Institute : The pet dog got lost ")
「富邦產險」出版(published by "Fubon Insurance")
作者:富邦產險(story by Fubon Insurance)
繪者:鍾宛妤 (picture by Zhōng Wǎnyú )
小朋友,你覺得小花會在狗骨頭公園裡嗎(What do you think, everyone? Could Flora be at Dog Bone Park)?讓我們繼續跟著保哥與樂樂一起尋找走失的狗狗小花(Let’s pick up on Bao and LeLe’s story, and try to find the lost dog Flora)。
樂樂:「我好擔心小花會被車子撞(I’m so worried that Flora will be hit by a car),怎麼辦(what should I do)?(哭了起來) 」
保哥:「你先別太悲觀(Don’t expect the worst)。別哭了,我們快去狗骨頭公園看看吧(Come on, don’t cry, we’ll go to Dog Bone park)!」
樂樂:「嗯~~我平常都會帶小花到那裡去跟朋友玩耍、奔跑(I usually take Flora there to play and run around with her friends),我覺得她一定在那裡(I feel sure she’s there)。」
Bao and LeLe set off through the little street towards Dog Bone Park, and LeLe darted quickly around a parked car 。
保哥:「小心(Be careful)!」
樂樂:「啊!嚇死我了(so scary)!我又差一點被撞到了(I almost got hit again)!」
Luckily, Bao had grabbed LeLe in time, so she wasn’t hit by the passing scooter.
保哥:「你剛才那樣做是很危險的(Doing that was really dangerous)。巷子裡的空間狹小,要是行人突然出現在路上,車輛可能會因為不容易閃避而迎頭撞上(This alleyway is so small. If you run out into the road like that, oncoming cars could hit you because there’s no way for them to avoid you),所以一定要先確認有沒有來車,才能繼續行走喔(Check whether there’s an approaching car before stepping out)。」
樂樂:「是!我記住了!謝謝(Sure! I’ll remember! Thank you)。」
Shortly, Bao and LeLe arrived at Dog Bone Park safely. LeLe looked anxiously around the park.
保哥:「你看到小花了嗎(Did you see Flora?)?」
樂樂:「嗯~~啊!我看到了,她在那裡(There, I see her)。小花!小花(Flora! Flora)!」
保哥:「我們過去找她吧(Let’s go to get her back)!」
樂樂:「不過她好像很緊張,好像不認得我了(But she seems nervous ... like she doesn’t recognize me)。」
保哥:「別擔心,跟著我一步一步做(Don’t worry, just follow what I do)。」
To make sure Flora didn’t feel threatened, Bao brought LeLe slowly towards Flora.
保哥:「眼睛不要直視小花(Don’t stare directly at Flora),眼神要溫柔一點喔(and be gentle)。」
保哥:「噓~~小聲一點(not so loud),還有,不要馬上摸小花的頭(And don’t touch her head right now),你看她打哈欠的樣子,代表她有點緊張,再慢一點(You see how she is yawning? It means she’s a little nervous, so slow down a little)。」
樂樂:「小花~小花(Flora~ Flora)。」
Bao and LeLe walked over to Flora and squatted down gently, then slowly stretched out their hands to let Flora sniff.
Flora recognized LeLe and happily jumped into her arms!
樂樂:「小花!小花(Flora! Flora)!」
Bao took the chance to help attach Flora’s leash, and then handed the leash to LeLe.
保哥:「不管小花多乖,愛她就要好好地繫好牽繩,並且讓她靠路邊走,這才是真正保護她的方法(However well-behaved she is, you need to make sure Flora is properly on her leash, and walk between her and the road. That’s the best way to protect her)。」
樂樂:「謝謝你一路陪伴並適時提醒我(Thank you for coming with me all this way and reminding me of things at the right time),我以後一定會牽好牽繩(I will definitely keep hold of the leash in future)。」
保哥:「如果下雨天遛狗,也一定要記得穿亮色雨衣(If you’re walking your dog in the rain, you can wear a bright-coloured raincoat),或把亮色的雨傘拿高一點,別擋住視線喔(or hold a bright-coloured umbrella higher – don’t block your view)。」
樂樂:「我一定會注意(For sure, I’ll pay attention)。」
保哥:「還有,遛狗的時候也要觀察地面的溫度,記得帶著水,並且避免太熱的時候出門喔(And do check the pavement temperature on a hot day – bring water, and avoid going out at all when it’s really hot)。」
樂樂:「我知道(I know),而且,要記得撿狗大便,保持環境清潔(And we have to remember to keep the environment clean by scooping up our dog’s poop)。」
保哥:「沒錯!這樣才是好主人(Right! That’s a good pet owner)。」
And so, with Bao’s help, LeLe and Flora had a nice day together without a single mishap.
“I am so happy for you.”
“I am so happy for you.”
小朋友,生活中充滿了危機(sometimes in life things go badly wrong),所以不管做什麼活動,除了小心以外,你也要做好萬全的準備(so whatever you’re doing, take care, and be fully prepared)。
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
Hosting provided by SoundOn
EP.26 一首中文詩〈眼睛〉/ A Chinese Poem “Eyes”
01/10/23 • 8 min
歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。
Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。
小朋友,你的眼睛大,還是小呢(Are your eyes big or small?)?有多大?有多小(How big or how small are they?)?有芝麻那麼小嗎(Are they as small as a sesame seed)?有拳頭那麼大嗎(Are they as big as a fist)?Bear老師最近在網路上讀到了一首很有想像力的詩(I recently read a very imaginative poem on the Internet),這首詩的作者是八歲的陳科全(The poet is eight-year-old Chén Kēquán)。讓我們一起來聽聽他的眼睛有多大,有多小(Let's listen to this poem about how big his eyes are )?
Bear老師先用中文讀一次,然後再用英文讀一次喔(I will read it in Chinese first, and then again in English)。不過,英文的翻譯有兩個版本。第一個版本對英文母語者來說是比較清楚明白的。第二個版本比較有詩的感覺,但對英語母語者來說,需要多思考一下才能明白。現在Bear老師來唸詩嘍~
英文的第一個版本(The first version in English):
My eyes are so big,
There are mountains inside,
There are oceans inside,
There is the blue sky inside,
There is the whole world inside.
My eyes are so small,
Sometimes when something bothers me,
My eyes can’t fit even two tracks of tears.
英文的第二個版本(The second version in English):
My eyes are very very big,
They can hold mountains,
They can hold oceans,
They can hold the blue sky,
They can hold the whole world.
My eyes are very very small,
Sometimes when I am troubled,
Even just two tracks of tears,
They can’t hold back.
小朋友,你覺得這首詩美不美呢(Do you think this poem is beautiful?)?是不是很有想像力(Isn't it very imaginative)?他談的不是眼睛實際的大小,而是他的眼界與感情(He was not talking about the actual size of the eyes, but about his vision and feelings)。其實一個人的眼睛小,還是大,並不重要(Actually, it doesn't matter whether a person's eyes are small or big),美醜是很主觀的(Beauty and ugliness are very subjective),Bear老師覺得有自己的特色才是最重要的(I think the most important is to have your own characteristics)。更重要的是,你的眼界大不大(And more importantly, whether you have vision or not)。如果你是井底之蛙,或是夏蟲,你的知識太少,就沒辦法有更好的發展或幫助別人(If you are a frog in a well, or a summer insect, your knowledge of the world is too little, and you will not be able to develop yourself or help others)。
“You are so imaginative!”意思是「你真有想像力!」
“You are so imaginative!”
小朋友,想像力很重要喔(Imagination is very important)!比如說(For example),如果以後你當翻譯人員,有的句子的意思不能直接翻譯,這個時候你就需要想像力(if you are a translator in the future, the meaning of some sentences cannot be directly translated, and you need imagination at this time)。還有,想像力也能幫助你面對許多困難,或者發明許多新東西(Also, imagination can help you face many difficulties or invent many new things)。總而言之(Anyway),多看書、多學習能訓練你的想像力喔(reading more and learning more can train your imagination),加油(You can do it)!
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.64 一束花的力量/ The power of a bouquet of flowers(Bear老師原創故事)
02/29/24 • 13 min
本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道/JR Floral Boutique」贊助播出。
Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。
本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道」贊助播出。(This episode is sponsored by the dream flower house "JR Floral Boutique".)這是一間溫暖又美麗的花店喔。(This is a warm and beautiful flower shop.)
小朋友,中國新年期間,你去拜訪了哪些人呢?(Who did you visit during the Chinese New Year?)去拜訪的時候,你帶了什麼禮物呢?(What gifts did you bring when you visited?)你相不相信有的小禮物能帶來大大的改變呢?(Do you believe that some small gifts can bring about big changes?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友的經驗。(Let’s hear about other children’s experiences.)
Amy:Jasper,謝謝你陪我一起去探望Vivian奶奶。(Thank you for coming with me to visit Grandma Vivian.)
Jasper:不客氣,我也很想去探望她。(You're welcome, I'd love to visit her too.)
Amy:其實,我有點怕一個人去。(Actually, I'm a little afraid of going alone.)她家很昏暗,而且,有點亂。(Her house is very dark and a bit untidy.)
Jasper:我知道。(I know.)我覺得那是因為Vivian奶奶還沒走出悲傷。(I think that's because Grandma Vivian hasn't gotten over her sadness yet.)
Amy:一定很痛苦吧!(It must be painful!)唯一的家人走了,換作是我,一定不知道該怎麼辦。(The last of her family is gone. If it were me, I would not know what to do.)
Jasper:我也是。(Me too.)孤單的感覺很可怕。(To be lonely is terrible.)
Amy:我好希望她快點走出悲傷,再來我們學校當志工。(I really hope she can get over her grief quickly and come back to volunteer in our school.)
Jasper:對啊!我也好想念她在圖書館給我們讀繪本的樣子。(Yes! I miss her reading picture books to us in the library.)
Amy:到了到了。我們要開心點。(We are here. We need to cheer up a bit.)
Jasper:嗯~~( Yes~~)
Amy、Jasper:Vivian奶奶。(Grandma Vivian.)
Vivian奶奶:歡迎歡迎,請進請進。(Welcome, please come in.)
Amy、Jasper:謝謝。(Thank you.)
Amy:哇!Vivian奶奶,你家...你家不一樣了!(Wow! Grandma Vivian, your house...your house is different!)
Jasper:是啊!你家...你家好明亮啊。而且...而且...(Yes! Your house...your house is so bright. And...and...)
Vivian奶奶:而且不亂了,是嗎?(And it’s not messy anymore, right?)
Jasper:沒有沒有,我們不是那個意思。(No, no, that's not what we meant.)
Vivian奶奶:沒關係,我知道。(That’s okay, I know.)我也很喜歡我家現在的樣子。(I also like the way my house looks now.)
Amy:是誰來幫你整理的?(Who came to help you organize it?)
Vivian奶奶:這一切啊,都要從朋友送給我的一束花說起。(It all started with a bouquet of flowers given to me by a friend.)你看,就在那個花瓶裡。(See there in that vase.)
Jasper:哇!好美,看了心情真好。(Wow! So beautiful, it’s really so cheerful to see.)
Vivian奶奶:是啊!為了放那束花,我把多年前我先生送給我的花瓶找了出來。(Yes! I found the vase that my husband gave me many years ago to arrange the bouquet.)
Amy:他很愛花嗎?(Did he love flowers?)
Vivian奶奶:是啊,他總是買花送給我。(Yes, he always used to buy flowers for me.)他總是說擁有生活樂趣很重要。(He always said that it’s very important to have joie de vivre.)
Jasper:所以你為了放那束花,把那張桌子清乾淨了?(So you cleaned that table to put that bouquet of flowers?)
Vivian奶奶:是啊!不但把那張桌子清乾淨了,為了看清楚那束花,我還裝了新燈泡。 (Yes! I didn’t just clean the table, I also installed new light bulbs so I could see the flowers properly.) 看清楚以後,我發現我該打掃了屋子了。(Then, when I could see clearly, I realized it was time for me to clean the house.)
Amy:你還換了新窗簾!(You also got new curtains!)
Vivian奶奶:是啊,我把多年沒用的縫紉機拿出來用,自己做了新窗簾。(Yes, I took out the sewing machine that I hadn’t used all these years, and made new curtains for myself.)你看,我還自己做了新的桌巾。(Look, I made new tablecloths by myself too.)喔,對了。這兩個我自己做的零錢包送給你們。(Oh, right, these are for you - two coin purses I made.)
Amy、Jasper:謝謝Vivian奶奶。(Thank you, Grandma Vivian.)
Amy:真不好意思,我們不但沒帶禮物來,還收了你的禮物。(We feel really sorry. We’re just receiving your gifts but didn’t bring anything for you.)
Vivian奶奶:哪裡的話!(Don’t say that.)你們來看我,送給我你們寶貴的時間,這是最棒的禮物。(You came to see me and spend precious time with me. This is the greatest gift.)
Jasper:Vivian奶奶,我們學校的小朋友都很想念你。(Grandma Vivian, the children in our school miss you very much.)
Amy:是啊,以前下課後常到圖書館聽你說故事。(Yes, I used to go to the library after class to listen to you tell stories.)你還會再回來嗎?(Will you come back again?)
Vivian奶奶:會的會的,我最近覺得好多了。(Yes, yes, I feel much better recently.)我想,是時候走出去了。(I think it’s time to go out.)喔!對了,我給你們做了小點心,我去廚房把它們拿出來,我們邊吃邊聊。(Oh! By the way, I made some snacks for you. I will go to fetch them from the kitchen and then we can chat while eating.)
Amy:好,我們幫你一起拿!(OK, let’s help you.)
Vivian奶奶:謝謝!(Thank you!)
Amy、Jasper:不客氣!(You’re welcome!)
小朋友,去年Bear老師心愛的狗狗過世了,我悲傷了好一陣子,家裡也亂糟糟的,無心打理。(My beloved dog passed away last year. I was sad for quite a while. My house was in a mess and I had no motivation to take care of it.)後來,也是從一盆花開始,...
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Bear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文 currently has 82 episodes available.
What topics does Bear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文 cover?
The podcast is about Kids & Family, Podcasts and Education.
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The episode title 'EP.31畢馬龍效應/ Pygmalion Effect(Bear老師原創故事#8)' is the most popular.
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The average episode length on Bear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文 is 10 minutes.
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Episodes of Bear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文 are typically released every 10 days, 23 hours.
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The first episode of Bear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文 was released on May 30, 2022.
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