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Podcaster Q&A
Tell us about yourself – what is your background?
30+ Years building businesses and training Salespeople and managers and CEO's on how to build businesses the right way! I teach you how to be Productive NOT busy and how to get the most out of your ay in the least amount of time.
Why did you get into podcasting?
COVID put my speaking business on ice so ineeded to getthe voices in my head out and started journaling, which led to recording them and someone suggested i start a Podcast. So istarted it for FREE using Spotify and my phone and have a following of 12k+ people now with almost no money spent.
How did the idea for the show come about?
Using my life experiences in business and the desire to help people overcome the obstacles i struggled with.
What do you hope listeners take from the show?
Something that makes their day Less Stressful, More free time and More Money in shorter amount of time.
What's been the biggest challenge for you?
BUilding an engaged audience, lots of listens just not alot of interaction.
How can your listeners support your show?
My spotify page has a Donation button and GoodPods page has a Tip Jar.
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