Accepting Charity: Part 1
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11/14/24 • 0 min
1 Listener
Accepting Charity: Part 1 A Puritan virgin begins her journey.
By RomanCEisdead2. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.
Charity Begins
Charles was a lowly cordwainer (a cobbler in modern terms). A religious man whose wife died during the plague outbreak in 1665. He lived in an isolated community in Essex, of England; with his only daughter, Charity.
Age and failing eyesight meant that he could no longer make much of a living. He worried about his daughter who, having reached the age of 18 was still unmarried. His concerns were mainly because he had maintained her sheltered upbringing, deliberately keeping her away from other people, especially young men. The exception being the Pastor and his wife, who they usually saw on Sundays at the small building that served as a church for the local community.
Realizing that he could no longer support both himself and Charity, Charles came up with an idea and at the next church meeting, he approached the Pastor.
"Pastor Smith, as you know, I'm getting old and my hands are tired and weak. I am unable to do as much as I used to, and my income is poor nowadays. I am a frugal man and I can survive on truly little, but I fear for my daughter Charity. She is a good girl, a hard worker and carries out all the household duties that her Mother used to do. I wonder, would it be asking too much if you could see your way to providing a roof over her head? She could work for her food and lodging, so you would not have to pay her. I'm sure that your wife would welcome such able help around the house."
"Well William, I can understand your troubles. How old are you now? Sixty-two?"
"Sixty-seven Summers, this June Pastor. I feel fortunate that my father taught me to count when I was young, so that I could keep track as the years went by. People said he was foolish to do so, as I only need to count two shoes!" he joked.
"It's not surprising then that your body is struggling. Not many men make it to your age. As for your daughter, well, I had been thinking that Elizabeth could do with a little help. I had been thinking about a young woman to come in occasionally, but a permanent addition to our household? I will have to think about that. I will let you know next Sunday."
William had not mentioned his idea to Charity yet, but he knew that he would have to broach the subject soon, because if the Pastor agreed, she might well not be accompanying him home in seven days' time. He prayed that the Pastor would agree, because he knew that Charity would be safe and looked after under their protection. She would be in a Christian environment, far from the temptations of the young farm hands in the area. But he just could not find the right time to explain his plan.
One week later, Charles' prayers were answered when Pastor Smith confirmed his agreement to take Charity as a household servant and to continue her religious education. But now he had to explain to his daughter. She was waiting for him outside.
"Charity, I am old. I am tired and I can no longer earn enough to keep us both."
"Oh! Father!" She was taken by surprise by this sudden admission. She had realized that her father was struggling but had hoped that God would help find a way to improve their situation.
"Ever since your Mother passed, bless her soul, all I have ever wanted to do is to provide for and protect you. I can no longer do this, so I have made a decision."
Charity knew that he was about to tell her something that would change her life and she dreaded what she was going to hear.
"I have spoken to the Pastor and he has agreed to take you into his home as a servant, to help his wife in her daily duties. He has agreed to continue your religious education. I know that you will work hard and earn your keep. I know that you will be a good girl and make me proud."
"Oh, Father! Are you sure? How will you manage without me?"
"I need very little child and I'm sure that I can earn just enough to feed myself."
"But Father,"
"No "buts" my dear. I am afraid it must happen. I took the liberty of bringing your things with us today."
Charity had wondered why her father had brought the sack with him. It was not exceptionally large, she only had three shifts and two changes of clothes and she was already wearing her best set.
Accepting Charity: Part 1 A Puritan virgin begins her journey.
By RomanCEisdead2. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.
Charity Begins
Charles was a lowly cordwainer (a cobbler in modern terms). A religious man whose wife died during the plague outbreak in 1665. He lived in an isolated community in Essex, of England; with his only daughter, Charity.
Age and failing eyesight meant that he could no longer make much of a living. He worried about his daughter who, having reached the age of 18 was still unmarried. His concerns were mainly because he had maintained her sheltered upbringing, deliberately keeping her away from other people, especially young men. The exception being the Pastor and his wife, who they usually saw on Sundays at the small building that served as a church for the local community.
Realizing that he could no longer support both himself and Charity, Charles came up with an idea and at the next church meeting, he approached the Pastor.
"Pastor Smith, as you know, I'm getting old and my hands are tired and weak. I am unable to do as much as I used to, and my income is poor nowadays. I am a frugal man and I can survive on truly little, but I fear for my daughter Charity. She is a good girl, a hard worker and carries out all the household duties that her Mother used to do. I wonder, would it be asking too much if you could see your way to providing a roof over her head? She could work for her food and lodging, so you would not have to pay her. I'm sure that your wife would welcome such able help around the house."
"Well William, I can understand your troubles. How old are you now? Sixty-two?"
"Sixty-seven Summers, this June Pastor. I feel fortunate that my father taught me to count when I was young, so that I could keep track as the years went by. People said he was foolish to do so, as I only need to count two shoes!" he joked.
"It's not surprising then that your body is struggling. Not many men make it to your age. As for your daughter, well, I had been thinking that Elizabeth could do with a little help. I had been thinking about a young woman to come in occasionally, but a permanent addition to our household? I will have to think about that. I will let you know next Sunday."
William had not mentioned his idea to Charity yet, but he knew that he would have to broach the subject soon, because if the Pastor agreed, she might well not be accompanying him home in seven days' time. He prayed that the Pastor would agree, because he knew that Charity would be safe and looked after under their protection. She would be in a Christian environment, far from the temptations of the young farm hands in the area. But he just could not find the right time to explain his plan.
One week later, Charles' prayers were answered when Pastor Smith confirmed his agreement to take Charity as a household servant and to continue her religious education. But now he had to explain to his daughter. She was waiting for him outside.
"Charity, I am old. I am tired and I can no longer earn enough to keep us both."
"Oh! Father!" She was taken by surprise by this sudden admission. She had realized that her father was struggling but had hoped that God would help find a way to improve their situation.
"Ever since your Mother passed, bless her soul, all I have ever wanted to do is to provide for and protect you. I can no longer do this, so I have made a decision."
Charity knew that he was about to tell her something that would change her life and she dreaded what she was going to hear.
"I have spoken to the Pastor and he has agreed to take you into his home as a servant, to help his wife in her daily duties. He has agreed to continue your religious education. I know that you will work hard and earn your keep. I know that you will be a good girl and make me proud."
"Oh, Father! Are you sure? How will you manage without me?"
"I need very little child and I'm sure that I can earn just enough to feed myself."
"But Father,"
"No "buts" my dear. I am afraid it must happen. I took the liberty of bringing your things with us today."
Charity had wondered why her father had brought the sack with him. It was not exceptionally large, she only had three shifts and two changes of clothes and she was already wearing her best set.
Previous Episode

The Tribe
Hardcore sex in the Jungle.
by Tommy8305. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.
A tribe of scantily glad, statuesque, women are out in the jungle hunting cock!Unlike other local tribes the warriors are white with the exception of the leader and a couple of the girls who have darker, olive coloured skin.
Having lured him into a trap they snare a Tarzan like figure. He is dressed in just a loincloth, is really well built and muscular. It takes 4 or 5 of the warriors to wrestle him to the ground.
As he is pinned to the floor a couple of the girls are already grabbing the front of his loincloth, checking out his equipment!
Once they have him tied up they march him back to their camp, which is in a small clearing in the jungle and as night falls it is time for fun by the campfire!
They are keen to assess his 'potential' so they have him standing with his hands tied behind his back around a large wooden pole driven into the ground, in the open space in the centre of the village. The prisoner is at one side of the space and the Queen of the tribe's 'throne' is on the other side of the space, directly opposite the prisoner. The scantily clad warriors are sat around in a semi circle fanning out from the throne.
The space is illuminated by a number of small fires burning around the perimeter. Their light creates an eerie yet warm glow.
The Queen walks slowly into the circle and goes across to the throne. Laya is stunning; she's a tall, athletic type, with long legs and slender thighs that are topped by a short animal-skin skirt. Her long dark hair is tied back in a tail. She is buxom and her top barely contains her ample breasts. Either the cool night air or the anticipation of what might be to come has made her nipples hard and push up against the soft material of her top.
She sits down and crosses her legs showing off her slender thighs. She stares at Tarzan's loincloth wondering whether what lies beneath will please or disappoint.
Tarzan stares back wondering whether he will get to feel those thighs around his waist whilst he pleasures her pussy! He feels the blood start to surge into his cock.
A short command from Laya brings Tarzan back to his senses and causes one of the olive skinned warriors to rise up from the her position in the semi circle and move toward Tarzan.
Ona is slightly shorter than most of the other warriors. Nonetheless she has ample breasts and long dark hair like Laya.
As she stands a few feet away she stares into Tarzan's eyes as she takes off her short, little skirt. Then in just an animal skin, bikini like outfit she starts a slow, erotic dance as the tribe start to clap and chant rhythmically!
As she gyrates around in front of him she slides her hands up and down her body, occasionally stroking her ample breasts through her taught little top. At other times she runs her long slender fingers across the front of her knickers provocatively.
It is not long then before the warriors see the first signs of a bulge in the front of Tarzan's loincloth.
Encouraged by his response, Ona slowly removes her top and her ample breasts spill out. Her nipples are long and hard and the dark circles around the base are so swollen they distort the perfect shape of her tits. As she continues her dance she massages her tits and the long hard nipples poke between her fingers.
Now her hands slide down to her hips. Slowly, as she continues to gyrate, she hooks her thumbs into the waist of her knickers and as she slides them down over her slender hips her dark bush is gradually revealed. Despite it being thick and curly, Tarzan can just make out her perfect peach-shaped pussy and can see that her clit is hard and swollen.
Instinctively he runs his tongue around his lips as he imagines flicking it across her magic button!
She moves towards him thrusting her pussy at the bulge in his loincloth and gyrating against his hardness. Tarzan thrusts his hips at her and they both imagine his cock in her pussy!
As she dances up close to him now she slowly turns, bends slightly forward and pushes her pert little arse against his growing bulge. Again he thrusts at her and as he looks down he visualises splitting her big round cheeks with his co...
Next Episode

Accepting Charity: Part 2
A Puritan Minister’s Marriage Succumbs to Natural Sexuality.
By RomanCEisdead2. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.
The next day, Elizabeth's mind was in turmoil. Her actions of the night before were bad enough, but the feelings and thrill she gained from those actions had to be sinful. She felt as though she had acted like the Devil's Whore.
The Pastor's libido was satisfied for the next few days after such a strenuous evening. However, once that time passed, he found himself once more becoming aroused by Charity during their evening lessons. He retired to bed, determined to gain release with his wife. However, her behavior was muted and without speaking her actions insisted that their intimacy return to their normal form.
Whilst the Pastor was initially sated, subsequent evenings (although resulting in orgasm), left him feeling disappointed that his wife would not participate more freely.
While Elizabeth had become cool and unresponsive to her husband's advances, she could understand that his desires were kindled by Charity. She was a sweet young woman. Hard working, diligent, obedient, Godly. She was all these things and more; her face had a natural beauty and when she walked it was with a lithesome grace. The Pastor's wife found herself wishing she had looked like her at the age of 18, but this was not jealousy so much as admiration. She quickly became fond of the girl and while she was a servant, she accepted her as more of a companion.
It was during a warmer early Summer month that Elizabeth suggested a bath. Not their usual weekly wash, but bathing in the nearby river. She knew of a little used path that led to a deep, yet relatively still pool which had been created during heavy rains. It was remote, away from regular paths and therefore away from prying eyes. They arranged to go there on the next occasion that the Pastor was away for the day on parish business.
It was mid-morning, after the necessary chores had been completed that the two women set off. Charity had never been far from her Father's home and had been even less distance since joining the Pastor and his wife. So, this felt quite an adventure for the young woman. The journey was only about half an hour, but in that time, they had crossed several fields and gone through two areas of woodland. When they arrived at the river it came as a surprise; one moment they were walking through dappled woodland and then suddenly there was a river with trees on the other side. They moved along the bank a short distance and found the pool. It was calm and the bank leading down to it was a shallow slope.
In a happy mood, both women took off their shoes and stripped down to their shifts. But before they entered the water, Elizabeth reached into a small bag she had brought with her.
"I have a gift for you Charity," she said.
"For me?"
"Yes." She took her hand out of the bag and held out the gift to Charity.
"What is it Mistress?"
"Soap. Not the kind for washing clothes, but the type used for gentlewomen to bathe with."
Charity's mouth formed a perfect O at the wonder that some people had such things and that furthermore she was being presented with it.
"Come, let us enter the water."
Elizabeth invited Charity to step down first. She then took Elizabeth's hand and helped her down into the cool water. They took their time getting into the deepest point, getting used to the temperature. The river pool came up to around their waist, soaking the lower part of their shifts.
Now that they were in the water, Elizabeth realized she hadn't thought about how each of the women would bathe, but as Charity dipped down, soaking the remainder of her shift, she heard herself say, "Perhaps you had better remove you shift and turn around, then I can soap your back.
Charity paused, wondering if she had heard correctly, but her mistress was obviously waiting, so she reached down and raised it up over her head. Elizabeth held back a gasp when the young woman's breasts came into view. All too quickly she had turned around, so the soaping began.
After doing Charity's neck, shoulders, back and hips, the young woman dipped down into the water to wash the suds away. Elizabeth bade her to turn around and with a deep breath began to soap her upper chest, moving down slowly onto her breast...
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