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Snack Overflow

Snack Overflow


Podden för dig som är utvecklare, är nära utvecklare eller har allmänt intresse för teknik.

I Snack Overflow snackar vi konkreta problem som vi stöter på i våra uppdrag och nördar ner oss i de mest tekniska detaljerna. Vi tar oss även an ämnen som moderna agila team, hur man sköter devOps på riktigt, samt work life balance och hur vi tar hand om både kropp och knopp. En svårslagen kombination enligt oss.

Följ med på resan som konsult och få en inblick i de svåraste problemen som vi stöter på här och nu!

Podden drivs av några av Avegas utvecklare i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Top 10 Snack Overflow Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Snack Overflow episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Snack Overflow for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Snack Overflow episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

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How many episodes does Snack Overflow have?

Snack Overflow currently has 116 episodes available.

What topics does Snack Overflow cover?

The podcast is about Tech, Consulting, Development, Software, Podcasts, Technology, Business and Programming.

What is the most popular episode on Snack Overflow?

The episode title '112. Är inte release-strategi ett löst problem?' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Snack Overflow?

The average episode length on Snack Overflow is 48 minutes.

How often are episodes of Snack Overflow released?

Episodes of Snack Overflow are typically released every 7 days.

When was the first episode of Snack Overflow?

The first episode of Snack Overflow was released on Jun 15, 2020.

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