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Indian Crime Story - Geetika Sharma: The air hostess who killed herself, accused Congress minister Gopal Kanda of harassment

Geetika Sharma: The air hostess who killed herself, accused Congress minister Gopal Kanda of harassment

Indian Crime Story

07/07/20 • 5 min

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A Delhi court on Friday framed charges of abetment of suicide and conspiracy against former Haryana Home Minister Gopal Kanda and paved the way for his trial in the ex-air hostess Geetika Sharma suicide case.

Along with 46-year-old Kanda, his close aide and employee Aruna Chadha, 40, will also face trial for similar charges.

The court also on its own framed charges under section 376 (rape) and 377 (unnatural sex) of IPC against Kanda.

Chadha was also charged under section 376 and section 109 (abetting of commission of offence) IPC.

The charges of rape, unnatural sex and its abetment were framed against Kanda and Chadha by the court on the basis of material on record even though the police had not booked them under these penal provisions.

They have also been charged with offence of forgery with intention to cheat and harm the reputation of the victim.

eetika, a former air hostess, who was earlier employed with Kanda's MDLR airlines, was found dead on August 5 at her Ashok Vihar residence in North West Delhi. In her August 4 suicide note, she had said she was ending her life due to "harassment" by Kanda and Chadha.

Kanda was forced to resign from his post of minister of state for home in Haryana following the registration of the case.

The court, while framing charges, said that incriminating materials placed by the police, prima facie established that Kanda has "repeatedly committed rape" upon the deceased during her employment with MDLR and this fact was reflected by her behaviour of leaving the organisation again and again.

Six months after Geetika Sharma's death, her mother commits suicide

Geetika Sharma suicide: Gopal Kanda charged with rape, unnatural sex

Six months after Geetika Sharma's death, her mother commits suicide

07/07/20 • 5 min

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