038: Virtual Showings with Craig Wilburn
04/20/20 • 54 min
In our changing times, REALTORS® have had to learn to adapt in a way that allows them to serve their clients, while also complying with new laws and policies surrounding COVID-19. Virtually viewing and virtually showing properties is becoming more popular and attainable. In today’s episode, Craig Wilburn shares some of the developments his team has made in creating a process to continue facilitating the viewing of properties during this time. Craig and Monica also talk about some different platforms you can use to create these virtual showings, and what you can do for buyer’s agents to help them out.
Even before it was a necessity, Craig has been taking advantage of technology to do some virtual showings. Social distancing has required him to look into all the different aspects of his business and how they carry these out. Craig talks about his first virtual open house experience, and how they structured it for themselves.
Some of the logistics of their first virtual open house were to run it on their team/business page, but you might want to consider hosting it on whatever page gets the most likes/traffic. Craig also talks about the personnel involved, and how each person played a specific role to help interaction. You can also create a watch party, which can help engagement. Monica also shares some other things she did for her own Facebook live event.
There are ways to get sellers involved! They can help by hosting a virtual tour. Craig and his team came up with their own process to help sellers that has 10 steps, including a CDC-safe walk-through, virtual consults and listing appointments, and emailing documents for electronic signatures. He also talks about the way they handle onboarding, closing, and moving processes remotely.
One of the things Craig created during this time was a forum for buyers, sellers, and contractors to help everyone stay connected during this time. Craig talks about what they do for the seller and seller’s agent, as well as the buyer and the buyers’ agent. They are doing the most they can to help people navigate through this time that we’re in. These protocols are to keep everyone in the industry safe and still able to practice real estate. Monica discusses some additional different ways to connect people remotely when it is essential to buy or sell.
REALTORS® can help buyers’ agents who want to use video for transactions, by creating a visually stimulating product. Craig and Monica talk about three main ways to do this: Matterport, using the live video, and a short video walkthrough with commentary that can be shared with buyers’ agents. Zillow also has a 3D option and video through their Premier Agent app. Zoom has also been a great alternative for getting your clients what they need during this time. Craig and his team have been able to get clients who otherwise wouldn’t be selling, due to their creativity in finding ways to continue their business.
Some of the main platforms you can utilize for speaking and video are FaceTime, What’s App (especially for international clients), Zoom, and Skype. It’s important to use something that’s easy to access and simple to figure out; it should be easily integrated into what you’re already using and doing. Some apps for creating video on your phone are InShot and Quik.
If you are able to do something during these unprecedented times, do it! Be supportive of other agents in this industry. For people who need to buy or sell right now, your creative approach will be crucial in helping them.
“It’s an opportunity for us to get out there and be visible and be present, and do it in a way that’s respectful of what’s going on. If you can find a way to add value to people who really do have to buy and do have to sell, this is a great way to do that.” — Craig
“For those of us that are still able to practice, for now, we have to be really diligent about how we do that, and make sure that everyone knows we are putting every protocol in place to follow the rules, so we can stay essential in the transaction.” — Craig
“It’s a great alternative right now for getting people what they need. I think the main part is what we are doing is being creative. We’re thinking outside the box, and we’re giving people alternatives. You can do almost anything virtually.” — Craig
Guest Links:
Covid – 19 Questionaire items from Craig’s team - http://funtentionalliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/COVID-19_REAL-estate-Questionaire-1.pdf
Virtual Showings Infographics - http://funtentional...
In our changing times, REALTORS® have had to learn to adapt in a way that allows them to serve their clients, while also complying with new laws and policies surrounding COVID-19. Virtually viewing and virtually showing properties is becoming more popular and attainable. In today’s episode, Craig Wilburn shares some of the developments his team has made in creating a process to continue facilitating the viewing of properties during this time. Craig and Monica also talk about some different platforms you can use to create these virtual showings, and what you can do for buyer’s agents to help them out.
Even before it was a necessity, Craig has been taking advantage of technology to do some virtual showings. Social distancing has required him to look into all the different aspects of his business and how they carry these out. Craig talks about his first virtual open house experience, and how they structured it for themselves.
Some of the logistics of their first virtual open house were to run it on their team/business page, but you might want to consider hosting it on whatever page gets the most likes/traffic. Craig also talks about the personnel involved, and how each person played a specific role to help interaction. You can also create a watch party, which can help engagement. Monica also shares some other things she did for her own Facebook live event.
There are ways to get sellers involved! They can help by hosting a virtual tour. Craig and his team came up with their own process to help sellers that has 10 steps, including a CDC-safe walk-through, virtual consults and listing appointments, and emailing documents for electronic signatures. He also talks about the way they handle onboarding, closing, and moving processes remotely.
One of the things Craig created during this time was a forum for buyers, sellers, and contractors to help everyone stay connected during this time. Craig talks about what they do for the seller and seller’s agent, as well as the buyer and the buyers’ agent. They are doing the most they can to help people navigate through this time that we’re in. These protocols are to keep everyone in the industry safe and still able to practice real estate. Monica discusses some additional different ways to connect people remotely when it is essential to buy or sell.
REALTORS® can help buyers’ agents who want to use video for transactions, by creating a visually stimulating product. Craig and Monica talk about three main ways to do this: Matterport, using the live video, and a short video walkthrough with commentary that can be shared with buyers’ agents. Zillow also has a 3D option and video through their Premier Agent app. Zoom has also been a great alternative for getting your clients what they need during this time. Craig and his team have been able to get clients who otherwise wouldn’t be selling, due to their creativity in finding ways to continue their business.
Some of the main platforms you can utilize for speaking and video are FaceTime, What’s App (especially for international clients), Zoom, and Skype. It’s important to use something that’s easy to access and simple to figure out; it should be easily integrated into what you’re already using and doing. Some apps for creating video on your phone are InShot and Quik.
If you are able to do something during these unprecedented times, do it! Be supportive of other agents in this industry. For people who need to buy or sell right now, your creative approach will be crucial in helping them.
“It’s an opportunity for us to get out there and be visible and be present, and do it in a way that’s respectful of what’s going on. If you can find a way to add value to people who really do have to buy and do have to sell, this is a great way to do that.” — Craig
“For those of us that are still able to practice, for now, we have to be really diligent about how we do that, and make sure that everyone knows we are putting every protocol in place to follow the rules, so we can stay essential in the transaction.” — Craig
“It’s a great alternative right now for getting people what they need. I think the main part is what we are doing is being creative. We’re thinking outside the box, and we’re giving people alternatives. You can do almost anything virtually.” — Craig
Guest Links:
Covid – 19 Questionaire items from Craig’s team - http://funtentionalliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/COVID-19_REAL-estate-Questionaire-1.pdf
Virtual Showings Infographics - http://funtentional...
Previous Episode

037: Life Management in Real Estate with Cheryl Knowlton
Establishing a work-life balance is important in overall life management. In today’s episode, Cheryl Knowlton returns to the show to talk about life management in real estate. It can be challenging to set boundaries when you don’t necessarily work a traditional nine to five job. In this episode, they talk about making shifts in our business, what systems you can put in place, and the importance of making time for yourself and the people you love. As you listen, take a breath, and use this opportunity to think about what changes you may need to make.
Many people get into real estate for the job flexibility, but sometimes this flexibility can backfire and turn into too much work or end up taking an emotional toll. Cheryl talks about some statistics about some realities in real estate. One of the biggest factors to upset work-life balance is expectations — of what the industry really is and what it requires.
Cheryl shares her own journey of getting into real estate. She started on the mortgage side of things, and after getting her real estate license, she had to change her mindset and her skill set. Education and designations were instrumental in getting her to where she is today. Education can help you restructure and improve your business in ways that will remove stress from you and your clients.
Cheryl shares a resource you can use to identify and diagnose what aspects of your life are out of balance. Knowing this can help you pick out the pain points that you need to adjust to balance things out. Use the code BONUS with the Self-Assessment link below to find out yours. She talks about the importance of having a coach or accountability partner and setting measurable goals.
If you are struggling to find balance, it is important to get feedback from others. You can identify which area is causing you stress, and then focus on fixing that. Monica talks about taking a sabbatical, and how this helped to reinvigorate her business. They talk about things you can do on sabbatical, to refuel not only in business but also in your personal life.
Cheryl talks about her daily schedule, and how having systems in place helps her keep her business structured. Anytime anything isn’t working, we need to create a new system to figure out how to make it work. Monica and Cheryl talk about some of their business systems, including a transaction coordinator, an assistant (if you can), and also people to help with other chores so you can take things off your own plate.
Make today count — whatever systems you are putting in place for your business or personal life, it’s important that it’s affording you more time to be with the people that you love. When you’re with them, try to make sure you don’t have any outside distractions so you can be in the moment. Setting these types of boundaries is especially important for individuals who don’t work a traditional nine-to-five job.
Setting goals for your personal life can also inspire you to work harder. Having goals that are beyond paying the bills can keep you motivated. Cheryl talks about 10 areas in her life and the goals she is working toward in each area. She also shares how she is able to find joy in each area, even when it’s hard. As you set these goals for yourself, make sure they are things you are in control of. When you control what you can control, everything else seems to fall into place.
“Anyone who has any business background at all, you don’t have to have an MBA to know that starting a business of any kind is expensive, and it requires blood, sweat, and tears.” — Cheryl
“No matter where you are in your real estate career, education is the key to get you behind the wheel of that Ferrari and help you drive it successfully.” — Cheryl
“Any time we do something, even if it’s a small thing, that creates marital harmony or greater happiness in ourselves, that has ripple effects on every aspect of our lives.” — Cheryl
Guest Links:
High-Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way, by Brendon Burchard
Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, by Amy Cuddy...
Next Episode

039: Business Practices for the New Normal with Kim Cameron
In today’s dynamic world, the methods and means of communication are shifting, especially for REALTORS®. Maintaining relationships is a key part of the real estate business. Kim Cameron is the special guest on the show today to share some of her systems for staying in touch with past clients and friends. She and Monica talk about the importance of what they are doing now, and how some of these practices may carry forward even once we are out of this time.
Kim talks about her mindset when she is checking in with her clients. When you approach the relationship from service rather than sales, it helps to establish long-term relationships when they need help with real estate. Having these routine conversations keeps both you and your clients energized, and you can check in on things not related to real estate. This may also help you find businesses or organizations that may need some support during this time.
What we do today is going to affect our business down the road. Kim talks about what preparations she is making as she plans for the remainder of the year. REALTORS® are able to work remotely pretty easily, but they now are empowering their clients to be able to participate in real estate virtually. Kim talks about using FaceTime and a photographer to be able to list properties with very minimal contact or exposure. She also has been hosting virtual happy hours that offer an open forum for clients to ask real estate questions.
One of the most important things Monica has found during this time is constant contact, especially when working through challenging situations. It’s important to communicate what you know with your clients, and invite a cooperative approach to keep each other informed. As you connect with and continue to help your clients, it’s also important to find a way to celebrate wins with your clients and find ways to adapt during this time. Kim and Monica talk about some “drive-up” closings and other ways they are able to tweak their arrangements to still provide that personal connection.
Kim shares some of the systems she uses to communicate with her team and her clients. One of these is the “Weekly 35” which outlines 35 different ways of communication each week, including hand-written notes, phone calls, and compliments. She also talks about how they have adapted this during our time of social distancing. She also talks about some of the ways they strategically maintain relationships with the top 50 or so clients in their database. Monica has a 4-3-2-1 system that she focuses on.
Monica and Kim talk about the potential shifts and changes we might see coming out of COVID-19, specifically a slower market. Real estate is local, so it will vary from market to market, but will likely be slower overall. Kim shares her tips for keeping up with her clients during a longer process. The number one thing is to organize your finances. If you can get your business financially lean, you will be more profitable. Focus on the more economical ways to contact your clients, such as phone calls vs. newsletters. Share the actual data that you can with your clients about your specific market. Kim shares some of the ways she works on price reductions with her clients to adjust to the market.
Regular and intentional communication is what will help you and your clients get through this difficult time. You can cater your content to the needs of your clients, and also remain empathetic towards their situation. As a REALTOR® you may have to have some hard conversations, but do it from a place of caring.
To wrap up, Kim shares some of her final thoughts on moving into a new normal. They’ve shifted to try to prevent clients from going out to see properties, to save time, and practice safe social distancing. Changing how we communicate with clients about showings may also change the approach for house hunting. As you are communicating with your clients, now and as we move out of this time, listen between the lines for what your client really needs.
“The big part of the motivation is just showing you care. Those little calls go such a long way. Right now, since we don’t have as much face-to-face time with people, those calls are deeper and more meaningful.” — Kim
“I thought it would feel impersonal, but what I’m finding is it’s not because we’re actually having more face-to-face time with the client that we have in the past.” — Kim
“Worst-case scenario, you are showing someone that they are thought of and cared about and you feel glad to connect as well. If that’s the worst-case scenario, it’s all up from there.” — Monica
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