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Brand Shorthand - Positioning for Professionals - Exploding Myths Part 3

Positioning for Professionals - Exploding Myths Part 3

Brand Shorthand

06/17/24 • 32 min

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In the final part of Positioning for Professionals, Lorraine and Mark knock down the last five positioning myths: 11) All clients are good; 12) full-service exists; 13) focus is limiting; 14) more means more; and 15) the middle is safe. Find out why these myths are simply not true, and what you can do about it. Mark also laments the "expiration" of so many great brands who have lost their positioning way.
Spend 30ish with the positioning duo as they discuss everything marketing, advertising, and positioning!

06/17/24 • 32 min

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Brand Shorthand - Positioning for Professionals - Exploding Myths Part 3


Mark Vandegrift
Welcome to the Brand Shorthand Podcast. I'm your host, Mark Vandegrift, and with me today is the exploding myth of positioning, Lorraine Kessler. Lorraine, how goes it?
Lorraine Kessler
Yeah. Good. I feel like I'm exploding, right? With what? I have no idea.
Mark Vandegrift
Well, it looks like you're up at Bear Lake now.
Lorraine Kessler
Yes, we are at Bear Lake. We stayed an extra couple days. We had a painting marathon. I think I painted. Painted for four

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