Truth and Consequences Ep 141
Explicit content warning
07/08/18 • 60 min
Chapters 49-50
Week 26
“Truth and Consequences”
****Warning: This podcast contains discussion about abortion, rape, and hastening death****
Claire contemplated offering and performing an abortion if Brianna wanted it. She and Jamie fought over the mere idea of it. Brianna wanted to keep the baby. Young Ian proposed to Brianna at the behest of Jamie. Brianna refused the offer. A fight ensued between her and Jamie. Later the truth came out after Brianna described Roger, sketched a likeness, and gave his true family name. The fair fight on the mountain was discussed. Jamie and Young Ian gave Roger to the Iroquois. Jamie accused Brianna of crying wolf. The gold ring was revealed. Bonnet was the rapist. Claire felt guilty. Jamie internally raged. Young Ian was stunned. Brianna was brutally honest.
Inside the Chapters:
Chapter 49
Choices - November 1769
Claire was going through her medicine box that used to belong to Daniel Rawlings. She was going through the contents contemplating offering Brianna an abortion. She said something aloud but didn’t expect a response. When Jamie answered the question, she jumped and sliced herself with the blade she was holding. She told Jamie she was going to use the blade to cut up the root, but he’d only seen her use the blades on people. He asked her what she was doing (p824, Nook). She went on to tell him about her patient Graham Menzies that she helped to die. He thought of Graham as a mercy killing and even duty to help him out of his misery. He reminded her of Dougal easing Rupert after Falkirk and hastening his death. Isn’t it the duty of a doctor who cannot heal a patient and save the man from pain? Claire agreed and tried to explain why she wanted to offer the choice to Brianna (p825, Nook). The conversation turned ugly as they discussed the various aspects of the situation (p826, Nook). So that was it, not the question of paternity, but that Brianna would have to stay in the 18th century. They argued more. The other truth was revealed that Jamie wanted nothing more than a child of his blood. More tension arose as he grabbed her bleeding hand and held it above her claiming her arrogance believing she had power over life and death. To Claire, it was about offering the choice. To Jamie, it was about murdering his grandchild. Claire believed it was no different than Jamie acting in a manner to protect another even if it meant a death occurred. Jamie left with only the word, please.
Claire was upset by the fight. She wondered if it would be safer to take Brianna to Cross Creek, but decided her daughter was safer with her. She thought about what Jamie’s “please” had meant (p829, Nook). Claire thought about the procedure and how she would do it. Claire saw Brianna’s horse in the penfold and went to offer her the choice.
Brianna had thought about it when she figured out she was pregnant. Claire explained it would have to be surgical with the gestation of the pregnancy. Brianna asked if Claire would have aborted her (p831, Nook). Brianna went on to tell her how she felt about the pregnancy (p831, Nook). Claire explained implantation and Brianna said at the moment of implantation she knew someone else was with her. Claire remembered Faith and how she was given two miracles though no longer part of her physically had never left her completely. Claire worried Brianna didn’t know how much she loved her. Brianna knew and had always known.
Brianna could not and would not abort the baby. Claire didn’t want to offer the option to Brianna but felt compelled given all the circumstances. Claire confuses me a bit in this situation, she had never been able to perform abortions in the twentieth century but could offer it to her child out of fear and concern for her future. This chapter is meant to show us the complexities involved in abortion. It is not black and white. It isn’t a question of whether or not the fetus is living for Claire; it is her being terrified Brianna will be stuck. To Jamie, who has killed countless men, a matter of unnecessary murder in taking the life of an unborn without exigent circumstances. To Brianna, she carries a baby, her baby, and she cannot choose to part with him or her. Women carry the joy and burden of being the ones who grow and birth the children. The burden is in the physical risk, and alteration women must undergo in the process of pregnancy and birth. The burden is in the cultural, religious, governmental, and individual mindset surrounding sexuality, marriage, and procreation. The burden is in not being able to hide it. The burden is in the responsibility and consequences being held entirely by women because we get pregnant, not men. Vilifying women is easy. I...
Chapters 49-50
Week 26
“Truth and Consequences”
****Warning: This podcast contains discussion about abortion, rape, and hastening death****
Claire contemplated offering and performing an abortion if Brianna wanted it. She and Jamie fought over the mere idea of it. Brianna wanted to keep the baby. Young Ian proposed to Brianna at the behest of Jamie. Brianna refused the offer. A fight ensued between her and Jamie. Later the truth came out after Brianna described Roger, sketched a likeness, and gave his true family name. The fair fight on the mountain was discussed. Jamie and Young Ian gave Roger to the Iroquois. Jamie accused Brianna of crying wolf. The gold ring was revealed. Bonnet was the rapist. Claire felt guilty. Jamie internally raged. Young Ian was stunned. Brianna was brutally honest.
Inside the Chapters:
Chapter 49
Choices - November 1769
Claire was going through her medicine box that used to belong to Daniel Rawlings. She was going through the contents contemplating offering Brianna an abortion. She said something aloud but didn’t expect a response. When Jamie answered the question, she jumped and sliced herself with the blade she was holding. She told Jamie she was going to use the blade to cut up the root, but he’d only seen her use the blades on people. He asked her what she was doing (p824, Nook). She went on to tell him about her patient Graham Menzies that she helped to die. He thought of Graham as a mercy killing and even duty to help him out of his misery. He reminded her of Dougal easing Rupert after Falkirk and hastening his death. Isn’t it the duty of a doctor who cannot heal a patient and save the man from pain? Claire agreed and tried to explain why she wanted to offer the choice to Brianna (p825, Nook). The conversation turned ugly as they discussed the various aspects of the situation (p826, Nook). So that was it, not the question of paternity, but that Brianna would have to stay in the 18th century. They argued more. The other truth was revealed that Jamie wanted nothing more than a child of his blood. More tension arose as he grabbed her bleeding hand and held it above her claiming her arrogance believing she had power over life and death. To Claire, it was about offering the choice. To Jamie, it was about murdering his grandchild. Claire believed it was no different than Jamie acting in a manner to protect another even if it meant a death occurred. Jamie left with only the word, please.
Claire was upset by the fight. She wondered if it would be safer to take Brianna to Cross Creek, but decided her daughter was safer with her. She thought about what Jamie’s “please” had meant (p829, Nook). Claire thought about the procedure and how she would do it. Claire saw Brianna’s horse in the penfold and went to offer her the choice.
Brianna had thought about it when she figured out she was pregnant. Claire explained it would have to be surgical with the gestation of the pregnancy. Brianna asked if Claire would have aborted her (p831, Nook). Brianna went on to tell her how she felt about the pregnancy (p831, Nook). Claire explained implantation and Brianna said at the moment of implantation she knew someone else was with her. Claire remembered Faith and how she was given two miracles though no longer part of her physically had never left her completely. Claire worried Brianna didn’t know how much she loved her. Brianna knew and had always known.
Brianna could not and would not abort the baby. Claire didn’t want to offer the option to Brianna but felt compelled given all the circumstances. Claire confuses me a bit in this situation, she had never been able to perform abortions in the twentieth century but could offer it to her child out of fear and concern for her future. This chapter is meant to show us the complexities involved in abortion. It is not black and white. It isn’t a question of whether or not the fetus is living for Claire; it is her being terrified Brianna will be stuck. To Jamie, who has killed countless men, a matter of unnecessary murder in taking the life of an unborn without exigent circumstances. To Brianna, she carries a baby, her baby, and she cannot choose to part with him or her. Women carry the joy and burden of being the ones who grow and birth the children. The burden is in the physical risk, and alteration women must undergo in the process of pregnancy and birth. The burden is in the cultural, religious, governmental, and individual mindset surrounding sexuality, marriage, and procreation. The burden is in not being able to hide it. The burden is in the responsibility and consequences being held entirely by women because we get pregnant, not men. Vilifying women is easy. I...
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Of Partial Truths, Protection, and Forgiveness Ep 140
Chapters 47-48
Week 25
“Of Partial Truths, Protection, and Forgiveness”
****Warning: disturbing content and discussion of rape****
Summary: Jamie needed doctoring upon his return. Brianna told her news. Jamie and Brianna bonded. Claire and Jamie walked and talked. Claire kept the rapist’s identity secret. Jamie lied and kept his secret about the man MacKenzie. A ghost from the past rose. Claire left to attend a birth. Jamie and Brianna attended a delivery in the stable. Brianna feared the future. Brianna asked difficult questions. Jamie showed her a valuable lesson. Jamie couldn’t make Brianna fully understand. Jamie surrendered and forgave. (2:00)
Inside the Chapters:
Chapter 47
A Father’s Song
Claire is aggravated waiting for Jamie to return. She and Brianna were waiting to tell him Brianna is pregnant and maybe by a rapist. Claire had been pondering Jamie’s possible reactions since learning of the pregnancy and how it may have come to be. Though controlled at the moment, Brianna could let loose the Fraser temper when pushed too far. Up until then, Jamie and Brianna had been delicate with the other as they built a relationship, but this news needed to be dealt with head-on. When Jamie came in it was clear he had washed at the creek. This always seems to be the remedy in the books for returning home with something serious going on. Being clean may take the sting out of it. Jamie lied to Claire when she asked why he was out so late. He needed her to mend his hand that he damaged by dropping a stone on it. That fourth finger needed examining. Claire closed her eyes, so she could see the finger in her mind through her hands and experience. She found the fracture. Master Raymond teaching her how to still and see the inner workings of the body has proved to be a useful gift. It is an awareness that can be learned. I do this when I examine a baby at full term or during labor. What is the baby telling me? What is going on? What is her body telling me? It is part intuition and part sight. Jamie likens Claire looking like a priest seeing past the bread to the body of Christ. It was only a minor fracture. Claire thought Jamie was giving off an odd vibe. She knew he was hiding something. (4:05)
Brianna wondered if she should tell him or not. Claire told her she needed to tell him tonight. Claire splinted his finger and Brianna placed ointment on the abrasions. She is mending him after he pummeled the hell out of Roger. Jamie spoke to Brianna in Gaelic. He’d been giving her lessons. He asked her if she was pregnant, not having enough Gaelic she answered in English. She apologized and didn’t think it could ever be okay (p789, Nook). Brianna sobbed into Jamie’s shoulder. Claire went out to get milk from the shed into the quiet, cold darkness. She sent a question into the dark and heard back they had each other to get through the situation. Claire gathered everything for dinner as Jamie and Brianna sat together in front of the fire. She thought about some wise advice a monk had given her about the helpfulness of a meal. She heard Jamie talking to Brianna (p791, Nook). What a beautiful moment to hold close between father and daughter. Brianna informed him that he could not sing, but she didn’t want him to stop. He then told her she weighed as much as a full-grown deer, but he didn’t want her to get up. As they nuzzled close, Claire was thankful they were both hers. (9:20)
Brianna slept after dinner, but Claire felt terrible and out of sorts and didn’t want to deal with any other the things that had to be managed. She longed for peace. She longed to bed down with Jamie, but trouble was in the air with no peace to be had. Jamie acted like a caged animal while Claire cleaned up the dinner dishes. She wanted to talk to him but had promised Brianna she wouldn’t tell about Bonnet. Both restless, he asked Claire to walk with him. She felt his tension, the anger below the surface, and finally asked what he had done to his hands (p795, Nook). They talked without giving detail. Then Claire asked what he was thinking (p796, Nook). He kissed her hard then but couldn’t be with her. He couldn’t be with her after rehashing what transpired between him and Black Jack. She understood (p798, Nook). A gentle kiss and utter stillness enveloped them. Claire thought for a while and spoke again. Jamie asked if Roger would accept Brianna and the baby. Claire hoped so. She had liked him when she knew him from the twentieth century. She asked Jamie if he would accept the situation if it was her (p799, Nook). They went back to the house as Jamie hoped Roger was a better man than him or Frank. Then Jamie said if he weren’t he would beat him. Well then, there is that. Claire asked Jamie if he knew she loved him since...
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Betrayal and Blame Ep 142
Chapters 51-53
Week 27
“Betrayal and Blame”
Roger found himself a prisoner. He was concussed and battered. He forcibly traveled with the Tuscarora for more than a week. He escaped hoping they would not pursue him. He found a stone circle. He was recaptured. Brianna was at River Run until her parents returned. She was angry and distant from Jamie. She fell into the rhythm of River Run, and Aunt Jocasta loved her company. She and Claire had a difficult goodbye. Jamie offered his promise before they left to find Roger. Claire was reunited with a familiar face. Young Ian had a heart to heart with Claire. The Tuscarora pointed them north to a Mohawk village. Jamie and Claire finally made peace with each other and themselves. They reached Snake-Town and hoped to find Roger and secure his release. (1:45)
Inside the Chapters:
Part Eleven: Pas du Tout (not at all)
Chapter 51 – Betrayal – October 1769
Roger woke with vomit in his hair, thinking he was on the Gloriana. He was tied up, in pain, and vomited again. He was on the back of a horse, lying across it on his belly. His captors took him off the horse, and he fell face first into the leaves. He grappled with memory to figure out where he was and what had happened. The pain in his head and his body was excruciating. Then he remembered. Indians. Where was he though? His memories swirled. He remembered the Gloriana and Bonnet, then Brianna and the handfasting. A face like Brianna’s came into his mind, but it was fleeting when one of the Indian men grabbed him. Roger thought the Indian meant him harm and he fought. The man had meant to loosen Roger’s hands not hurt him. He was in the mountains with four Indian men. He drank from a nearby brook. His teeth were loose; there were cuts in his mouth and upon his chapped lips. A jolt of memory, Claire, Brianna, and Jamie Fraser. He had been at Fraser’s Ridge. The face of Jamie seared in his mind. He remembered it now. The meeting, the fight, and how Jamie and the other man had meant to kill him. He thought they had given him to the Indians, but to what end? As he stood and relieved himself, he couldn’t look at the men around the fire because it filled him with rage (p854, Nook). (4:00)
As he shared dinner with the Tuscarora, he tried to speak with them in various languages, but they responded to none of them. When it was time to sleep, they tied him with a noose around neck and feet. He had a little room to move before he would choke himself. He slept restlessly as his dreams were filled with violence. The next morning, they left the camp. Roger walked with a noose around his neck and wrists tied to the horse’s harness. He thought they headed north and couldn’t have traveled very far from Fraser’s Ridge. He memorized landmarks, so he could come back this way after he escaped. Days were passing as if in a trance, so Roger made a small knot in his coat for each day. He was going back to Fraser’s Ridge no matter what it took. (4:59)
He found his opportunity to escape on day 8. He cut his hands free and ran. They called after him, but he didn’t stop. He saw them and kept going. He was terrified when he found cover. He had no idea what direction he had come. His foot was bleeding from a gash in it. He made a makeshift bandage. He found a place to rest. He slept. When Roger woke, he was hungry and thirsty. Surely, they didn’t follow him? He picked a direction and went. He cautiously listened for pursuit. Roger scrabbled around a rock face and in the clearing in front of him was another set of standing stones. He couldn’t hear them and tried to remember what the date could be. As close as he could figure it had to be near to just past Samhain. He didn’t know if this circle worked on the same dates as Craigh na Dun. He had the gems in his pocket, and if they were open, he could escape. He struggled with the thought of abandoning Brianna. Could he leave her behind? He decided if he wasn’t going to step through the stones then he had to go back to hidden safety or climb the cliff face. When he looked up, a face was looking down and a noose settled around his neck again. (6:25)
Poor Roger. He has a concussion, loose teeth, cuts, bruises, scrapes, and was a prisoner of the Tuscarora. Even though he escaped, he gashed his foot and was caught again. Even though his attempt was foiled, he found a stone circle. That might serve for future purposes.
Chapter 52 – Desertion – River Run, December 1769
Brianna stood outside of Hector Cameron’s tomb. The inscription read Semper Fidelis. Had he been a faithful man and to whom? She and Jamie hadn’t spoken to each other since that terrible day. Brianna had screamed at him in her final words of rage, and he had left the cabin and not returned that night. She wa...
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