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Top 13 Devops Podcasts
Feb 8, 2025
The Best Devops Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.
The Dev Interrupted Podcast is the premier podcast for software engineering leaders. Hosts Dan Lines, Ben Lloyd Pearson, and Andrew Zigler invite expert guests from around the world to explore strategy and day-to-day topics ranging from dev team metrics to accelerating delivery. Join us weekly for new episodes.
The Cloudcast (@cloudcastpod) is the industry's #1 Cloud Computing podcast, and the place where Cloud meets AI. Co-hosts Aaron Delp (@aarondelp) & Brian Gracely (@bgracely) speak with technology and business leaders that are shaping the future of business. Topics will include Cloud Computing | AI | AGI | ChatGPT | Open Source | AWS | Azure | GCP | Platform Engineering | DevOps | Big Data | ML | Security | Kubernetes | AppDev | SaaS | PaaS .

90 Episodes
Avg Length 25m
Latest episode 4 years ago

156 Episodes
Avg Length 65m
Latest episode 1 month ago

551 Episodes
Avg Length 64m
Latest episode 1 month ago
De épocas mais remotas, onde a Hotmart era uma promissora startup mineira trabalhando na sua fundação, até as estruturas de uma gigante da Creator Economy que está na vanguarda da tecnologia impactando milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo.
Você meu amigo(a) tech, Pod & Dev se aventurar conosco nesse podcast cheio de conhecimento e bom humor que vai transformar o seu dia a dia de trabalho para melhor.

35 Episodes
Avg Length 27m
Latest episode 2 years ago
Devops Podcasts
DevOps is a methodology that combines software development and IT operations to improve the efficiency and speed of software delivery. As this approach has gained popularity, a growing number of podcasts have emerged to provide valuable insights, tips, and best practices for implementing DevOps. DevOps podcasts cover a wide range of topics, including continuous integration and deployment, infrastructure automation, containerization, and more. These podcasts feature interviews with industry experts, provide case studies of successful DevOps implementations, and offer practical advice for overcoming common challenges.
Top 100 Devops Podcasts
Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top Devops podcasts for you. So, whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, DevOps podcasts provide a valuable resource for staying up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in this rapidly evolving field.
What's the best Devops podcast now in 2025?
Goodpods aggregates the best Devops podcasts people are choosing to right now. From Devops-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated Devops podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Technology Podcasts, Artificial Intelligence Podcasts, and Blogging Podcasts.
Frequently Asked Questions About DevOps Podcasts
What are DevOps Podcasts?
DevOps Podcasts are audio programs dedicated to discussions, insights, and information related to the field of DevOps, a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). These podcasts cover various aspects of DevOps, including tools and technologies, best practices, cultural considerations, and updates on the evolving landscape of DevOps in the tech industry.
How can DevOps Podcasts benefit IT professionals, software developers, and individuals interested in DevOps practices?
DevOps Podcasts provide valuable resources for IT professionals and software developers by offering insights into the latest tools and technologies, best practices in DevOps implementation, real-world case studies, and discussions on the cultural aspects of DevOps adoption. For individuals interested in DevOps practices, these podcasts serve as educational tools, providing a comprehensive view of the DevOps philosophy and its impact on the software development lifecycle.
What topics are commonly covered in DevOps Podcasts?
DevOps Podcasts cover a diverse range of topics, including discussions on continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), automation, infrastructure as code (IaC), containerization, security in DevOps, site reliability engineering (SRE), and collaborations between development and operations teams. These podcasts aim to keep listeners informed about the latest trends and best practices in the dynamic field of DevOps.
Can you recommend some popular DevOps Podcasts?
Certainly! Some well-regarded DevOps Podcasts include "DevOps Radio," "Arrested DevOps," and "The Ship Show." These podcasts feature a mix of expert interviews, discussions with industry leaders, and insights into practical implementations of DevOps principles, catering to both seasoned DevOps professionals and those new to the field.
Are DevOps Podcasts suitable for both experienced DevOps practitioners and individuals looking to learn more about DevOps practices?
Yes, DevOps Podcasts are designed to be inclusive for both experienced practitioners and individuals looking to expand their knowledge of DevOps practices. They provide content that is both informative and accessible, fostering a deeper understanding of DevOps principles, methodologies, and their application in real-world scenarios.
Check out these Devops Podcasts
Two DevOps engineers sharing their hands-on experience, a dash of knowledge, a bit of brainstorming, and having fun along the way.

61 Episodes
Avg Length 34m
Latest episode 2 months ago
Covering topics ranging from pipeline security to engineering team efficiency, The Confident Commit is for anyone looking to join the conversation on how to deliver software better and faster. Listen in today!

62 Episodes
Avg Length 24m
Latest episode 3 years ago
Vous avez l’envie d’en connaitre plus sur le mouvement DevOps ? Les problématiques liées au déploiement vous titillent... Alors, vous êtes au bon endroit !
Radio DevOps est la Baladodiffusion des Compagnons du DevOps.
Le podcast en français dédié à notre mouvement.
Nos émissions :
- 🗞 Actus Devops : est une émission animée par des membres de la communauté des Compagnons du DevOps. Dans chaque épisode nous étudierons l’actualité Cloud et DevOps.
- 📻 Radio DevOps : est l'émission phare animée par des membres de la communauté des Compagnons du DevOps. Dans chaque épisode nous débattrons sur un sujet de fond.
- 🛋️️ En aparté : est une émission où je m’entretiendrai avec un invité sur le mouvement DevOps en entreprise.
- 🎙️ En Solo : est une émission où je serai seul pour vous parler de DevOps ou de Cloud.
📩 Si tu n’es pas déjà abonné, alors abonne-toi pour ne pas rater ces émissions.
💖 Tu peu soutenir mon travail et la communauté sur :
🎓 Développe tes compétences DevOps avec un mentor :
🎁 Télécharge mon antisèche git :
💬 Si tu as envie de discuter du mouvement, le plus simple est que tu nous rejoignes dans la communauté des compagnons du DevOps :
❓ Pose moi une question :
☁️ Suis-moi sur les autres réseaux sociaux :
🌐 Les Compagnons du DevOps est une initiative de Lydra. NOTRE SITE:
Chez Lydra, nous nous sentons seuls entre deux Meetups ou deux conférences. Nous n’avons pas trouvé de lieu où échanger et avoir des débats en français sur le sujet qui nous passionne.
Nous avons donc décidé de créer et d’animer une communauté qui partage nos valeurs :
- La passion de l’infrastructure as code.
- La conviction que les logiciels libres et open sources sont émancipateurs.
- L’envie de partager des méthodes, bonnes pratiques ou retours d’expériences.
- L’amélioration continue fait de nous des experts en devenir.
Rejoins les Compagnons du DevOps !
#DevOps #InfraAsCode #Ansible #OpenStack #OpenShift #K8S #Docker #Packer #Terraform #GitLab
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

8 Episodes
Avg Length 22m
Latest episode 5 years ago

33 Episodes
Avg Length 41m
Latest episode 1 month ago
Inside the outer loop – brought to you by the Curiosity Software team! Together with industry leaders and experts, we uncover actionable strategies to navigate the outer loop of software delivery, streamline test data management, and elevate software quality. Tune in to transform the way you think about software delivery, quality, and productivity!

636 Episodes
Avg Length 36m
Latest episode 4 days ago

55 Episodes
Avg Length 72m
Latest episode 4 months ago
Un espacio donde ayudamos a las personas y a las organizaciones a mejorar sus formas de trabajar para hacer el lugar de trabajo más humano
Enfocada en desarrollar nuevas maneras de trabajar
Hacemos emerger el potencial oculto en las personas y organizaciones
Presentado por Ulises González Díaz y Guillem Hernández Sola
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Now in its seventh season, The DevLab Podcast (brought to you by hackajob) is a deep dive into the lives, tips and tricks of the world's best developers working in the UK and US' best tech companies. So if you're an engineer or someone with an interest in tech, get ready to level up in your skills, knowledge and career. Every week we’ll invite experts to share their journeys and provide you with technical know-how, new skills, and career insights.
0800-DEVOPS is a sociotechnical podcast exploring technical excellence, organizational improvements, and productivity. Join your host Ivan Krnic (@ikrnic) as he talks with industry experts, book authors, and thought leaders to demystify what successful organizations do differently and pay attention as his guests provide practical advice to set you on the road to success!
Subscribe to the 0800-DEVOPS newsletter here
Ramblings about W. Edwards Deming in the digital transformation era. The general idea of the podcast is derived from Dr. Demming's seminal work described in his New Economics book - System of Profound Knowledge ( SoPK ). We'll try and get a mix of interviews from IT, Healthcare, and Manufacturing with the goal of aligning these ideas with Digital Transformation possibilities. Everything related to Dr. Deming's ideas is on the table (e.g., Goldratt, C.I. Lewis, Ohno, Shingo, Lean, Agile, and DevOps).

64 Episodes
Avg Length 40m
Latest episode 4 years ago

122 Episodes
Avg Length 19m
Latest episode 2 months ago

53 Episodes
Avg Length 47m
Latest episode 11 days ago

39 Episodes
Avg Length 47m
Latest episode 3 years ago
Welcome to our podcast conversations with our clients, friends and associates of Agility by Nature -
About us
You want to solve the problems that you are experiencing, so you’ll (also naturally) be highly curious as to what we’re about: we are here to listen, advise and, act together in facilitating success.
In a nutshell we have the best, trusted network of consultants to solve your business agility problems. We believe that, as with all of our clients, you and the challenges you face are unique, requiring a unique fit with the expertise of any person coming in to help you – so we only recommend people who we have extensive experience, provenance and references.
We are an associate-driven consultancy. Our focus is not utilisation and “the bench”; instead, it is to deliver outcomes with people and always focus on value.
If you are one of our competitors, we’ll see you soon.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

2029 Episodes
Avg Length 40m
Latest episode 1 day ago

177 Episodes
Avg Length 44m
Latest episode 2 days ago
A podcast for developers about building great products. Join us in discussing engineering excellence with top experts and sharpening your coding skills with technical tips from the Semaphore team. Your host is Semaphore’s co-founder, Darko Fabijan.

29 Episodes
Avg Length 29m
Latest episode 3 months ago
ShipTalk is the podcast series on the ins, outs, ups, and downs of software delivery. This series dives into the vast ocean Software Delivery, bringing aboard industry tech leaders, seasoned engineers, and insightful customers to navigate through the currents of the ever-evolving software landscape. Each session explores the real-world challenges and victories encountered by today’s tech innovators.
Whether you’re an Engineering Manager, Software Engineer, or an enthusiast in Software delivery is your interest, you’ll gain invaluable insights, and equip yourself with the knowledge to sail through the complex waters of software delivery.
Our seasoned guests are here to share their stories, shining a light on the do's, don’ts, and the “I wish I knew” of the tech world.If you would like to be a guest on ShipTalk, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Be sure to check out our sponsors website -

2 Episodes
Avg Length 33m
Latest episode 7 months ago

7 Episodes
Avg Length 25m
Latest episode 3 years ago