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Podcaster Q&A
Tell us about yourself – what is your background?
We are three friends who have known each other for over 30+ years.
Why did you get into podcasting?
We felt that we wanted to make people laugh, not only laugh but we push the envelope in all our episodes and free speech is a huge thing on the show.
How did the idea for the show come about?
Few months of planning when Patty Flea threw some ideas to the crew and it snowballed from there.
What do you hope listeners take from the show?
That we love to have a great time , make people laugh, encourage to have an open mind, do the research and don’t just be a sheep. Plus we have no problem offending anyone as long as it’s in good fun.
What's been the biggest challenge for you?
Growing more of an audience. Getting more content out consistently.
How can your listeners support your show?
Join our mailing list and we are going to be doing a tip jar soon.
Any future plans that you'd like to share?
We plan on being a household name and won’t stop till we get there.
Anything else you'd like to share?
Come join TID Nation at our website. Join the movement. www.thetakeitdeepshow.com
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