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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday

Wisdom for the Day - Everyday

Rick Yuhas

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Wisdom for the Day: Everyday is a daily devotional podcast offering brief, impactful reflections drawn directly from the Bible. Each episode is designed to provide encouragement, insight, and practical wisdom... grounded in Scripture, making it easy to incorporate God’s Word into the rhythm of daily life. Whether you're starting your morning or winding down in the evening, Wisdom for the Day: Everyday offers a moment of spiritual focus, helping you grow in your faith... Every Day!

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Top 10 Wisdom for the Day - Everyday Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Wisdom for the Day - Everyday episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Wisdom for the Day - Everyday for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Wisdom for the Day - Everyday episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 46 Gods Marriage Gift | Proverbs 5:15-16

02/15/24 • 4 min

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Marriage Gift
Verses 15-16
Here, Solomon talks about water. In dry countries, water is valuable. Clean water is very precious. You should not waste water. It should not flow into the streets. It should not pour out, into the town. Your family and your animals should drink it. You should water your crops. Use it wisely!

Think about your own life in the same way. You should use your strength wisely. If you follow your emotions, you will waste your energy. You should have sex with your husband or wife, and not with anyone else. Our lives belong to God. God has shown us how we should live. He will be kind to us when we obey his instructions.

As your own taps belong to you (verse 15), so a husband and wife belong together.


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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 52 Ants | Proverbs 6:6-8

Day 52 Ants | Proverbs 6:6-8

Wisdom for the Day - Everyday


02/21/24 • 6 min

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Verses 6-8

As Christians, we should work. We might have a job. We might look after people, for example our families. We might do God’s work, perhaps as a church leader. We might do various tasks. Whatever we do, we should not be lazy.

Solomon writes about insects. Ants are a common type of insect. Ants work together, in groups. They are wise because they store food. They do not waste their time.

In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, some Christians refused to work. The church gave food to them. Paul told the church not to do this. ‘If a man will not work, then he shall not eat.’ He added, ‘Do not get too tired to do the right things.’ (2 Thessalonians 3:13)

Paul obeyed this lesson himself. Daily, he spoke about God to the people. However, the church did not provide Paul’s wages. Paul deserved money, because he worked for God. Paul deserved money, but he did not accept money from the church. Instead, he decided to work. He made tents. He earned enough money for himself, and also for other Christian workers. He worked very hard. Paul did this, because Jesus taught, ‘God makes the giver even more glad than the person who receives.’ (Acts 20:35)

We also must work to help other people. ‘Belief is good, only if you do good things. Perhaps someone has no food and no clothes. You might tell him, “Go away! I hope that you will be warm. I hope that you get a meal.” But then you do nothing to help. This is not good. Belief achieves nothing unless you help people.’ (James 2:14-17)


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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 68 Successful Seduction | Proverbs 7:18-20

03/08/24 • 4 min

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Successful Seduction
18 Come, let’s drink our fill of love until morning.

Let’s enjoy each other’s caresses,

19 for my husband is not home.

He’s away on a long trip.

20 He has taken a wallet full of money with him

and won’t return until later this month.
The promiscuous wife (Proverbs 7:19) of Solomon's lesson about adultery (Proverbs 7:6–12) invites the foolish young man to accompany her, with the promise of a night filled with pleasure. She has already tempted him with seductive clothing (Proverbs 7:10), surprise (Proverbs 7:13), flattery (Proverbs 7:15), and the promise of a prepared boudoir (Proverbs 7:16–17). Using these elements in his tale is one way for Solomon to remind his son (Proverbs 7:1) of the tactics wicked people will use to tempt others to join in their sin. As such, these are dangers which just as easily apply to women as they do to men, and just as easily to other forms of sin as to adultery.
This predatory woman assures her victim the experience will be delightful. The love she promises is not divinely sanctioned love, but shallow lust.
In John 3:16 we read about true love, the highest form of love, in connection with the Father's gift of His Son as our Savior. He "so loved the world, that he gave his only Son." The word for "love" in John 3:16 is derived from agape, meaning self-sacrificing love. The same word appears in Romans 5:8, where we read, "But God shows his love [agape] for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." It appears in Ephesians 5:25, where husbands are commanded to love [agape] their wives. Agape love puts others' interests ahead of one's own interest. It always gives and never takes.


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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 43 Consequences | Proverbs 5:5-7

Day 43 Consequences | Proverbs 5:5-7

Wisdom for the Day - Everyday


02/12/24 • 7 min

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Verse 5

If our behaviour is evil, then the result, in the end, is death. Solomon’s son might die if he follows the married woman. Solomon does not say how his son could die. The woman’s angry husband may kill the young man. The woman herself might be a murderer. Or the whole town might punish the son for his evil actions.

Occasionally, evil actions lead straight to death. Usually, the process is slower, step by step. Every evil action brings death nearer, because our evil behaviour takes us away from God. We can only receive true life, if we trust God.

When the Bible speaks about death, often this does not mean the death of our bodies. Often the Bible means the death of our spirits. If your spirit is dead, then you will go to hell. If your spirit is alive, you will go to heaven. ‘Jesus became alive again after he died, by the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit lives in you, then your bodies will also live again.’ (Romans 8:11) The result of our evil actions is death. But God brings life to our bodies and spirits by his Holy Spirit.

Verse 6

Again, the verse compares life to a journey. Sometimes a person, like this woman, refuses to hear God’s law. The woman lives in the way that she chooses. She does not care about what is right or good. She lives by her emotions. She has forgotten God. She does not know where her life will lead. She does not even know that her actions are wrong.

We have heard God’s law. We know what is wise. We must trust God. We must not copy people like this woman. Solomon advises that his son should not even meet the married woman. Solomon’s son must be very careful. He should not enter her house. He should not even walk near her door.


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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 47 Gods Marriage Provision | Proverbs 5:17-19

02/16/24 • 4 min

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Marriage Provision
Marriage is God’s gift. A husband and wife should give themselves to each other. They should enjoy their marriage. They should love each other. They attract each other, and this is good.


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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 49 Adultery Trap | Proverbs 5:22-23

Day 49 Adultery Trap | Proverbs 5:22-23

Wisdom for the Day - Everyday


02/18/24 • 4 min

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Adultery Trap
Verses 22-23

The evil man is foolish. He thinks that he is free. But his evil behaviour will make him into a slave. He can hide his actions from other people. But he cannot hide from God (Numbers 32:23). This man’s evil behaviour will destroy him. This man should invite God into his life. This man needs to ask God to forgive him. God will save the evil man, but only if the man trusts God.


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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 44 The Ruin of Adultery | Proverbs 5:8-12

02/13/24 • 7 min

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The Ruin of Adultery
Solomon advises that his son should not even meet the married woman. Solomon’s son must be very careful. He should not enter her house. He should not even walk near her door.

If the son walks near her door, then he might enter. If he enters, he might listen to her. Her speech is attractive (verse 3). She will tempt him. If he listens to her, he might want to have sex with her.

Solomon’s father, David, had a similar experience (2 Samuel 11-12). From a distance, he saw a beautiful woman. She was having a bath, naked.

David did not look away. If he had looked away, he would have avoided many troubles, avoided the ruin of adultery.

Instead, David watched the woman. He sent a servant to call her. She was a married woman, but she came to David. David talked with her. They had sex. They even had a baby together.

David tried to hide his actions. He even caused the woman’s husband to die in battle. Then David married the woman.

God knew what David had done. David’s older sons fought David, because of his evil deed. The baby, who was David’s youngest son, died.

God did not kill David for his evil deed. This was because David turned to God. David asked God to forgive him. His prayer is in Psalm 51.

Later, David and the same woman had another son. This second son was Solomon, who wrote the Book of Proverbs.

Verses 9-10

A young man should not waste his strength with another man’s wife. He should use his strength wisely. When he marries, perhaps he will have his own family.

We must all be careful with our strength. We should use our strength for good things, not for evil things. Our energy is precious. Our time is valuable.

Verses 11-12

These verses teach us the result, if we live for our desires. In the end our wrong desires will ruin us. They will bring us to the ruin of adultery.

Solomon warns his son. He explains what will happen to a foolish son. The son will become an old man one day. Then the son will ask himself what his life achieved. He will see that he achieved nothing. He ruined his life, because he did not serve God. Instead, the foolish son served his emotions and desires. He wasted his energy on cruel people (verse 9). His strength brought wealth to another man’s home (verse 10).

We should think about our lives. Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 7:24-27. A wise man built a house on rock. When the storms came, the house was strong. A fool built his house on sand. When the storms came, the house fell down.

We should be like the wise man in Jesus’ story. We should build our lives on a strong base. That base should be God. When problems come, God will protect us. And he will help us.

If we build a house on something weak, the house will fall down (Matthew 7:26-27). In the same way, our lives need a strong base. Our emotions are not a strong base for our lives. If we trust our emotions, we shall become very weak.

Let us build our lives in God’s way.


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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 71 Wisdom Calls Out | Proverbs 8:1-4

Day 71 Wisdom Calls Out | Proverbs 8:1-4

Wisdom for the Day - Everyday


03/11/24 • 7 min

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Wisdom Calls Out
Listen as Wisdom calls out!
Hear as understanding raises her voice!


On the hilltop along the road,
she takes her stand at the crossroads.


By the gates at the entrance to the town,
on the road leading in, she cries aloud,


“I call to you, to all of you!
I raise my voice to all people.

Verse 1

This is the second of Solomon’s three great poems. Wisdom, like a woman, gives a speech to all the people.

In verse 1, there are not two women. Wisdom is one woman, but she has two names. Her names are Wisdom and Intelligence. This is because wisdom is the same thing as intelligence. Right decisions and accurate knowledge are also the same thing as wisdom.

All these things will be ours when we trust in God. They do not come immediately. We need to learn to be wise. This is a slow process. Each day, we should learn new lessons. God teaches us in different ways. Sometimes he teaches us from the Bible. Sometimes he uses other people to teach us. Sometimes he uses nature or other methods to teach us.

If we are teachers, then we must be patient. It takes many years to learn law or medicine. In the same way, many people are slow to learn wisdom. Even for true Christians, some lessons can take years to learn.

A church leader is a type of teacher. He teaches the people that he serves. Often, he must repeat the same lessons several times. The teacher must try to be a model for his people. He cares for them. He tries to advise them about the Bible. He prays for them. The teacher himself also needs to learn more. He knows that he is not perfect.

Verses 2-3

The evil woman (in Proverbs 7:12) went everywhere. Wisdom is also everywhere. Wherever people are, Wisdom is there. (Wisdom is like a woman.) She is waiting to advise them. She wants to help them. She will guide them to make right decisions. She will show them good ways. She will help them to trust in God.

Many people do not listen to Wisdom. They do not want her advice. She still calls out, because her message is important to everyone.

Verse 4

This is a message to everyone. Wisdom (the woman) speaks to the people in every nation. You may be rich or poor. You may be a ruler, or an ordinary person. You may be a man or a woman. You may be young or old. Everyone needs to be wise.

Proverbs now returns to the personification of God’s

Wisdom. Yahweh wants everyone to receive His Wisdom and


Wisdom does cry out in warning, but those people who

intend to live life on their own terms will not listen to Wisdom’s

cry. The Bible has a name for such people. They are stiff-necked

and proud. If people are determined to control their lives, then

God will let them ignore Wisdom’s cries. And there are those

who know how God wants them to live but refuse to obey

Yahweh’s laws. That is a sure path to trouble and death.

Finally, there are those who listen. Both husband and

wife are pure before and during their marriage. Deep intimacy

develops as they learn to trust each other. There is no fear of

STD’s. Their marriage flourishes because they live their

marriage according to the Creator’s plan.

Contemplate: Do you think that God’s laws really

help people live in harmony with the Created W


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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 40 Best Life | Proverbs 4:26-27

Day 40 Best Life | Proverbs 4:26-27

Wisdom for the Day - Everyday


02/09/24 • 5 min

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Verses 26-27

Again, this compares life to a journey. We will live ‘the best life’ if we obey God. This is like the best route for a journey. If we serve God, then we will help other people. We will be like a postman who brings good news. ‘On the mountains, the postman takes a good message. He has good news about peace and rescue. He says to Jerusalem, “God is king.” ’ (Isaiah 52:7)


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Wisdom for the Day - Everyday - Day 53 Warning Lazy People | Proverbs 6:9-11

02/22/24 • 4 min

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Warning Lazy People
Verses 9-11

Solomon emphasises that we must not be lazy. When it is time to work, we must not sleep. In verse 9, Solomon asks the sleeper how long he will sleep. In verse 10, we hear what the sleeper thinks. He does not want to get up. However, he must wake. It is time to work. It is as if a thief is at the door. The sleeper must act quickly. Otherwise, he is in great trouble. He might lose everything.

1 Thessalonians 5 discusses this idea. However, the situation in 1 Thessalonians is different. The Bible says that, one day, Jesus will return to this world. That day will come suddenly, like the arrival of a thief. Some people will not be ready. ‘We must not sleep. We must stay awake. We must be ready. Sleepers sleep at night. Drunks drink alcohol at night. But we belong to the day.’ (1 Thessalonians 5:6-8).


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How many episodes does Wisdom for the Day - Everyday have?

Wisdom for the Day - Everyday currently has 373 episodes available.

What topics does Wisdom for the Day - Everyday cover?

The podcast is about Christianity, Wisdom, Religion & Spirituality, Podcasts, Self-Improvement, Education, Jesus and Bible.

What is the most popular episode on Wisdom for the Day - Everyday?

The episode title 'Day 44 The Ruin of Adultery | Proverbs 5:8-12' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Wisdom for the Day - Everyday?

The average episode length on Wisdom for the Day - Everyday is 5 minutes.

How often are episodes of Wisdom for the Day - Everyday released?

Episodes of Wisdom for the Day - Everyday are typically released every day.

When was the first episode of Wisdom for the Day - Everyday?

The first episode of Wisdom for the Day - Everyday was released on Dec 29, 2023.

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