26 Soil Depleted Foods
07/20/14 • 18 min
- Q. How does Soil Deficiency affect what we eat in the Plant kingdom? A. Don explains a little bit about the history behind this, the 20 year Experiment they did and points out the false information given. Plants don't eat dirt. They Synthesise from Sunlight and the uptake of Solubility of Water, and they synthesise everything they need. They make Iron, Magnesium and everything they need from sunlight and water. It's not the dirt they eat. There are organisms in the dirt that stimulate Electrical Force that can assist it to grow. Water Mineralises itself from Sunshine, as do Plants and Humans. It's like Parasites in our Body are not the problem, their there to clean up the Rot, Decay and Crud that there feeding and breeding in. The rot and decay are the problem. Through Fasting and other things, the parasites will leave because they don't like the Environment. In 1998 a Published study in USA alone, identified over 26,000 kinds of dirt. They found out that every kind of dirt doesn't want to grow what you decide to plant in it. Therefore, if something you plant doesn't grow, move it to another place, it will most likely be another type of dirt and it should grow just fine. To find out more, jump in and do some studies about the New Soil Sciences.
- Q. How do we avoid Dental work and Root Canals? A. If it's a minor tooth ache use Essential Clove Oil (a natural analgesic) put it in the palm of your hand, rub it and put it on the gum and around the tooth. One of the biggest problems with Tooth Enamel and Receding Gums is brushing your Teeth. So stop brushing your teeth. According to the Principles of Natural Dentistry you should take a cotton cloth, put the cloth around your finger, wet it, then rub Vegetable Glycerin soap on it, wash your teeth and tongue with it then rinse it out. If it's something more serious, like you need a Root canal, search Google for Natural Dentistry (dentists who understand the teeth and it's relationship to the Spine and the Brain) and they can answer the questions that you have.
- Q. With having Ulcerative Colitis in the large Intestine, what can you eat that isn't harsh on the system and what do you recommend for high Mercury Toxicity? A. The best way to go is making 60-70% of your diet Fermented foods. Buy any kind of Mucilaginous foods, things like Whole Flaxseed and Okra. Add Extra Virgin Oil to everything you are eating so the oil is used as a lubricant that is Nutritional. Salt will also correct the Lesions and Ulcerations. Each morning drink 1L of Water with 1 heaped tablespoon of Sea salt. Eat Raw food that is smooth, without a lot of fibre which can also help to alleviate the condition. Add olive oil, salt and lemon juice to high fibre content foods. In 2-3weeks you will be more comfortable and Healing will take place.
- There's a meal that targets Ulcerative Colitis and Prostate Cancer. Eat this meal every morning for breakfast: Prepare the night before - 2 cups of un-cooked rolled Oats, 1 tablespoon of Flaxseed and 1 tablespoon of Wheatgerm and squeeze Lemon juice on top of it. The next morning add a little Apple juice or Organic Milk to moisten it before eating. By doing this you can typically Remise the problem within about 90days. To help further remise, eat 2-3 handfuls of Raw Brazil Nuts everyday. Brazil Nuts have a Nutritional Component, called Selenium, and they have the highest Naturally occurring Selenium of any nut or seed they have ever studied.
- A young man fights to figure out what's best for his brothers future health and well being. Don explains that you "Can not Serve Two Masters" as you are going to create a constant Chaos. There can only be one path. It is a choice he gets to make. A principle of the ancient world was 'The First shall be Last, and the Last should be First'. This is how Disease comes upon you and how it Remises. It's a Truest Truth, that's the way it is. If you have a Lesion, Ulcer or bed sore, put Salt or Raw Honey on the wound and it will Heal everything up and be gone within 1 month. The problem is that Truth that is Free has little to no Value to most people. Unless you pay for it you don't think your getting value.
- Q. How does Soil Deficiency affect what we eat in the Plant kingdom? A. Don explains a little bit about the history behind this, the 20 year Experiment they did and points out the false information given. Plants don't eat dirt. They Synthesise from Sunlight and the uptake of Solubility of Water, and they synthesise everything they need. They make Iron, Magnesium and everything they need from sunlight and water. It's not the dirt they eat. There are organisms in the dirt that stimulate Electrical Force that can assist it to grow. Water Mineralises itself from Sunshine, as do Plants and Humans. It's like Parasites in our Body are not the problem, their there to clean up the Rot, Decay and Crud that there feeding and breeding in. The rot and decay are the problem. Through Fasting and other things, the parasites will leave because they don't like the Environment. In 1998 a Published study in USA alone, identified over 26,000 kinds of dirt. They found out that every kind of dirt doesn't want to grow what you decide to plant in it. Therefore, if something you plant doesn't grow, move it to another place, it will most likely be another type of dirt and it should grow just fine. To find out more, jump in and do some studies about the New Soil Sciences.
- Q. How do we avoid Dental work and Root Canals? A. If it's a minor tooth ache use Essential Clove Oil (a natural analgesic) put it in the palm of your hand, rub it and put it on the gum and around the tooth. One of the biggest problems with Tooth Enamel and Receding Gums is brushing your Teeth. So stop brushing your teeth. According to the Principles of Natural Dentistry you should take a cotton cloth, put the cloth around your finger, wet it, then rub Vegetable Glycerin soap on it, wash your teeth and tongue with it then rinse it out. If it's something more serious, like you need a Root canal, search Google for Natural Dentistry (dentists who understand the teeth and it's relationship to the Spine and the Brain) and they can answer the questions that you have.
- Q. With having Ulcerative Colitis in the large Intestine, what can you eat that isn't harsh on the system and what do you recommend for high Mercury Toxicity? A. The best way to go is making 60-70% of your diet Fermented foods. Buy any kind of Mucilaginous foods, things like Whole Flaxseed and Okra. Add Extra Virgin Oil to everything you are eating so the oil is used as a lubricant that is Nutritional. Salt will also correct the Lesions and Ulcerations. Each morning drink 1L of Water with 1 heaped tablespoon of Sea salt. Eat Raw food that is smooth, without a lot of fibre which can also help to alleviate the condition. Add olive oil, salt and lemon juice to high fibre content foods. In 2-3weeks you will be more comfortable and Healing will take place.
- There's a meal that targets Ulcerative Colitis and Prostate Cancer. Eat this meal every morning for breakfast: Prepare the night before - 2 cups of un-cooked rolled Oats, 1 tablespoon of Flaxseed and 1 tablespoon of Wheatgerm and squeeze Lemon juice on top of it. The next morning add a little Apple juice or Organic Milk to moisten it before eating. By doing this you can typically Remise the problem within about 90days. To help further remise, eat 2-3 handfuls of Raw Brazil Nuts everyday. Brazil Nuts have a Nutritional Component, called Selenium, and they have the highest Naturally occurring Selenium of any nut or seed they have ever studied.
- A young man fights to figure out what's best for his brothers future health and well being. Don explains that you "Can not Serve Two Masters" as you are going to create a constant Chaos. There can only be one path. It is a choice he gets to make. A principle of the ancient world was 'The First shall be Last, and the Last should be First'. This is how Disease comes upon you and how it Remises. It's a Truest Truth, that's the way it is. If you have a Lesion, Ulcer or bed sore, put Salt or Raw Honey on the wound and it will Heal everything up and be gone within 1 month. The problem is that Truth that is Free has little to no Value to most people. Unless you pay for it you don't think your getting value.
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25 Self-Care Tips Continued
- Don believes that Adrenal Fatigue is a loss or lack of Energy, Emotional Stress and problems caused from disturbed Sleep Patterns. Your not being revitalized and aren't rested. If you have enough Salt, Drink 1L of Water (for every 22 kgs of body weight), and do a 28 day Raw Plant Food Diet you should see yourself re-established in about 14days. Don's other advise to help lack of sleep is to have Hot Salt Water baths, light a Soy Candle (non paraffin) and add 15 drops of Lavender Oil for about 20mins every Evening.
- It used to be that our Grandparents and there Parents used to have Separate bedrooms, it is a lost brilliant Wisdom of lasting Relationships.
- Salt is the fourth most Critical Nutrient of the Human Body. Every Physiology, especially the Brain and it's Electric Force, is kicked in by Adrenal Cortex. It's relationship to the Adrenals is the Electrolyte, that we know as 'Salt'.
- Fat on the body are Stem Cells, when you loose Weight the stem cells are activated and they'll go in to those areas that need Healing, Repairing and Re-establishment and get the job done.
- Don shares the good news about his Terminally Ill Patients in Episode 24.
- Q. What can be done about Cataracts on the Eye? A. It's blocked drainage channels. To unblock these you buy the plant or herb called 'Eye bright', steep it into a tea, strain it through a cotton cloth into a glass container, let it cool, carefully tip it up and pour it into your eye, roll your eye ball around for 30-45 seconds, then rinse it out and do the other eye. You then take Raw Organic Honey in a glass jar, put it in a pan of water on low heat and when the top of the honey is Liquid, take a Glass Eye Dropper, fill it with the Honey and put 3-4 drops of honey in each eye, do this right before you go to bed. Also eat at least 1 Carrot between Noon and Sunset everyday. Within 7 days the Blood supply to the eyes will Increase by about 25%, within 14days 50%. Q. Does this help with Eye Sight also? A. Yes. If you wear Glasses and Contacts all the time your eyes are going to get Weaker and weaker. Take them off whenever your not Driving or Reading, then get a piece of string/yarn as long as your arm (a Cubic Measurement) and times it 13 times, tie 13 knots, one knot each distance of the elbow to your fingertip. Sit in a chair, tie it on a door knob, pull back and look at the entire string. Come to the first knot and stare at it and bring it in till you have complete Clarity, once it's as Clear as you can get it, move to the next knot and do the exact same thing till you get to the end. Once at the door knob work your way back to the very first knot. If you do this 1-2 times (depending on the condition of your eyes) every single day, Drink the Kabbalah juice, Eat the Carrot, go on a Raw Food Diet and keep the glasses off whenever your not driving or reading, you will start to see something happen. One fine day you will be able to throw them away. Don's seen close to 2,000 people over the last 4 years Achieve this.
- Honey does not grow Mould. Bacteria, Fungus nor Viruses can live in honey. It is a brilliant Nutritional Health and Healing.
Next Episode

27 The Myth of Cancer
- Host Paul Dunn recommends the show 'The Lion in the House'.
- We need to unravel the Mystery of Disease. In the 21st century we've got to get back some of the most Basic, Common sense, Logical and Reasonable approaches to things that are wrong in the body.
- Most people are not aware that it is stated in Published Medical Journals that nearly every case of childhood Leukaemia was brought on by the Vaccinations they received as children.
- Today in the USA alone, Iatrogenic Genocide (doctor induced deaths) is the Number 3 killer of American people (2 million deaths per year).
- We have been Trained regarding 'Health Care' by the Medical schools that are built, paid for and whose curriculums are written and put into place by the Pharmaceutical Industry, who put in lobbyists and passed State Laws for state Licensing of the Medical Doctors all done by the pharmaceutical industry, the largest Industry in the World.
- Health care today is Sick care and it is the perpetuation of Disease for the sales and use of products and procedures.
- The Cancer Foundation have spent over 47 years and 3 Trillion Dollars in the War against Cancer, yet still they have no answer.
- We've gone from 1 in 8,000 people in 1908 having cancer, to 1 in 3 people today having cancer.
- What if Cancer is nothing but a Myth, it's actually our friend, what if the Body and its Autogenic Self Healing and Replicating system knows how to Heal itself if we will simply support the Process.
- There's so much Money in Fear and the Control that comes from that fear and the consumption of the procedures and the products and medications that play in all of that.
- We have to realise that Physically the Human body is nothing more and nothing less than a set of tubes and there's only so many things that can happen to tubes, they can be Smashed, Cut, Burnt, become Weak in there lining and Burst, Balloon or most commonly become Clogged.
- Clogged tubes is the money making mystery and 90% of all human disease.
- Alot of people don't realise that the Symptoms of disease are the bodies method of Curing the disease. Instead of getting to the real cause of the Problem we take that symptom and treat it like it is the problem.
- 9 out of 10 Headaches are caused by Dehydration of the brain, people aren't drinking enough water.
- When we Medicate we are stopping the bodies cure, not Assisting it
- We need to get clear on how to support the body so that it can undo all the crap and the Macrophage (large Eating Cells) will come in and take on the construction.
- Don't take your Doctors word for anything and don't take lab tests first time around, get a different lab test if your really that concerned, but make sure the labs don't know each other.
- It is absolutely the Reverse and we are creating the Death of Millions of people in our Attack and in our Fight against Disease.
- More people die of the Treatments for Prostate and Breast Cancer in the USA than any other cancers, and yet by there own Admission those 2 cancers are the most easily Remitted on your own.
- Don says "I'm just a guy, that understands some simple little things that have worked for Humanity for Thousands of years, and they still work, the world hasn't changed, our technologies have, but Mother Nature and Creation is Complex, but it hasn't Changed".
- Self Care takes having enough Knowledge that you have enough Confidence to embrace the Natural Processes of our Physiology and going into it knowing fully well that you can Remise the conditions that are not good in Anatomical sights and within our Physiology. Just long enough to get the confidence of getting a Result.
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