Episode 54: Frailty, Geriatric Trauma & TBI with Dr. Bellal Jospeh
09/20/22 • 47 min
In this episode we sit down with the Chief of Trauma, Surgical Critical Care, Burns, & Acute Care Surgery at the University of Arizona, Dr. Bellal Joseph, who share with us his thoughts and research findings on hot topics including frailty, geriatric trauma, leadership, and more.
00:12 Introductions
01:30 What is frailty? Your physiologic NOT chronologic body.
06:58 Injured elderly trauma patients can have good outcomes
07:30 Trauma specific frailty index
10:48 Failure to rescue
13:57 Geriatricians and the trauma surgeons
15:08 4Ms-What Matters, Mobility, Mentation, Medication
16:48 Geriatric cohorting/wards
22:24 ACS geriatric centers of excellence
29:35 Brain Injury Guidelines (BIG)
38:17 The importance of teamwork & servant leadership
40:28 Imposter syndrome
43:19 Leadership considerations
45:25 Final thoughts
Joseph B, Friese RS, Sadoun M, Aziz H, Kulvatunyou N, Pandit V, Wynne J, Tang A, O'Keeffe T, Rhee P. The BIG (brain injury guidelines) project: defining the management of traumatic brain injury by acute care surgeons. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Apr;76(4):965-9. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000000161. PMID: 24662858.
Joseph B, Obaid O, Dultz L, Black G, Campbell M, Berndtson AE, Costantini T, Kerwin A, Skarupa D, Burruss S, Delgado L, Gomez M, Mederos DR, Winfield R, Cullinane D; AAST BIG Multi-institutional Study Group. Validating the Brain Injury Guidelines: Results of an American Association for the Surgery of Trauma prospective multi-institutional trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Aug 1;93(2):157-165. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003554. Epub 2022 Mar 28. PMID: 35343931.v
Joseph B, Pandit V, Haider AA, Kulvatunyou N, Zangbar B, Tang A, Aziz H, Vercruysse G, O'Keeffe T, Freise RS, Rhee P. Improving Hospital Quality and Costs in Nonoperative Traumatic Brain Injury: The Role of Acute Care Surgeons. JAMA Surg. 2015 Sep;150(9):866-72. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2015.1134. PMID: 26107247.
Joseph B, Pandit V, Sadoun M, Zangbar B, Fain MJ, Friese RS, Rhee P. Frailty in surgery. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Apr;76(4):1151-6. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000000103. PMID: 24662884.
Orouji Jokar T, Ibraheem K, Rhee P, Kulavatunyou N, Haider A, Phelan HA, Fain M, Mohler MJ, Joseph B. Emergency general surgery specific frailty index: A validation study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 Aug;81(2):254-60. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000001120. PMID: 27257694.
In this episode we sit down with the Chief of Trauma, Surgical Critical Care, Burns, & Acute Care Surgery at the University of Arizona, Dr. Bellal Joseph, who share with us his thoughts and research findings on hot topics including frailty, geriatric trauma, leadership, and more.
00:12 Introductions
01:30 What is frailty? Your physiologic NOT chronologic body.
06:58 Injured elderly trauma patients can have good outcomes
07:30 Trauma specific frailty index
10:48 Failure to rescue
13:57 Geriatricians and the trauma surgeons
15:08 4Ms-What Matters, Mobility, Mentation, Medication
16:48 Geriatric cohorting/wards
22:24 ACS geriatric centers of excellence
29:35 Brain Injury Guidelines (BIG)
38:17 The importance of teamwork & servant leadership
40:28 Imposter syndrome
43:19 Leadership considerations
45:25 Final thoughts
Joseph B, Friese RS, Sadoun M, Aziz H, Kulvatunyou N, Pandit V, Wynne J, Tang A, O'Keeffe T, Rhee P. The BIG (brain injury guidelines) project: defining the management of traumatic brain injury by acute care surgeons. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Apr;76(4):965-9. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000000161. PMID: 24662858.
Joseph B, Obaid O, Dultz L, Black G, Campbell M, Berndtson AE, Costantini T, Kerwin A, Skarupa D, Burruss S, Delgado L, Gomez M, Mederos DR, Winfield R, Cullinane D; AAST BIG Multi-institutional Study Group. Validating the Brain Injury Guidelines: Results of an American Association for the Surgery of Trauma prospective multi-institutional trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Aug 1;93(2):157-165. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003554. Epub 2022 Mar 28. PMID: 35343931.v
Joseph B, Pandit V, Haider AA, Kulvatunyou N, Zangbar B, Tang A, Aziz H, Vercruysse G, O'Keeffe T, Freise RS, Rhee P. Improving Hospital Quality and Costs in Nonoperative Traumatic Brain Injury: The Role of Acute Care Surgeons. JAMA Surg. 2015 Sep;150(9):866-72. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2015.1134. PMID: 26107247.
Joseph B, Pandit V, Sadoun M, Zangbar B, Fain MJ, Friese RS, Rhee P. Frailty in surgery. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Apr;76(4):1151-6. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000000103. PMID: 24662884.
Orouji Jokar T, Ibraheem K, Rhee P, Kulavatunyou N, Haider A, Phelan HA, Fain M, Mohler MJ, Joseph B. Emergency general surgery specific frailty index: A validation study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 Aug;81(2):254-60. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000001120. PMID: 27257694.
Previous Episode

Episode 53: Insights into Modern Critical Care with Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent: Part II
In this episode, we talk all things critical care the one and only, Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent aka. JLV. This episode is a MUST listen. We touch upon the evolution of early goal directed therapy, measures of fluid responsiveness, optimizing oxygen delivery, and the importance of integrating data points versus examining them in isolation when caring for our critically ill and injured patients. This and MUCH MUCH more in arguably one of my favorite episodes to date!!
00:00 Introduction
01:21 What happened to SG catheters and should we use them?
04:05 What decreases mortality in critical care patients?
05:30 When to transfuse critical care patient? Use your brain!
08:55 Measures of tissue perfusion and fluid responsiveness
09:36 JLV breaks down the Rivers trial
10:36 Recent EGDT papers
10:54 How to optimize O2 delivery? Late ScVO2, dob challenge, and fluid challenges
13:21 Dynamic measures of fluid responsiveness
13:46 CVP as a relative value
15:14 Passive leg raising (PLR) as a measure of fluid responsiveness
21:20 JLV's take on therapeutic nihilism
24:45 Don’t isolate; integrate!
26:46 Navigating the future of critical care – JLV’s thoughts on AI in the ICU
29:55 Rapid fire hot topics in the ICU – Yes or No
-Metabolic cocktail
-Corticosteroids for septic shock
-Albumin and Lasix or Lasix alone
PCT/CRP and sepsis/Abx
International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ISICEM):
ISICEM Chats Platform:
Passive leg raising:five rules, not a drop of fluid! https://ccforum.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13054-014-0708-5
The fluid challenge
Blood lactate levels in sepsis: 8 questions
Vincent JL, Bakker J. Blood lactate levels in sepsis: in 8 questions. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2021 Jun 1;27(3):298-302. doi: 10.1097/MCC.0000000000000824. PMID: 33852499.
We should avoid the term "fluid overload"
EGDT in the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
A Randomized Trial of Protocol-Based Care for Early Septic Shock
Next Episode

Episode 55: AAST 2022 Hot Topics - From Sex Dimorphisms in Coagulation to TXA, TEG, Calcium and Beyond with Drs. Bryan A. Cotton, Neil Parry, Nori Bradley, Jordan Weinberg, Joshua Brown & Alyssa MacLean
Join us after hours at Dr. Bryan A. Cotton's pop-up bourbon bar at the AAST 2022 Meeting in Chicago. In this FANTASTIC & FUN episode, we talk amongst friends about cutting edge research at this year's meeting. To no one's surprise, coagulopathy, damage control resuscitation, whole blood, and factor replacement therapy just happen to be but a few of the topics discussed on Rounds.
Time Stamps:
00:12 AAST 2022 - Intro
00:42 Sex diamoprhisms in coagulation
01:52 Hemostatic profiles of female donors
02:48 Pediatric whole blood (WB) is safe
03:10 WB for TBI
03:31 Leukoreduction is unnecessary
05:30 TXA, TEG and trauma
06:44 STAAMP trial
07:21 TXA: go early, big or go home
07:52 Calcium...early!
09:33 Canadian perspective on TXA and TEG – Neil Perry from London, ON
11:25 Nori Bradley from Edmonton, AB
13:53 Jordan Weinberg, not Canadian – Phoenix, AZ
16:12 Issues with WB – COMBAT vs PAMPer
17:31 Cold stored platelets
18:22 Rapid transfusers and whole blood: Only the strong survive!!
19:42 How are we doing with our resuscitation? 1:1:1 is just the beginning, not the end!
21:44 Timing is everything!
23:38 Plasma first resuscitation: “...God damn good!” -BAC
24:37 Dr. Joshua B. Brown - Pittsburgh, PA
25:31 More Canadian perspectives with Perry and Bradley
29:48 Less is best!
31:27 Prothrombin complex concentrate: Yay or nay?
32:18 More on the endotheliopathy of trauma
33:38 Just messing around and having a blast
34:22 What was the best bourbon tonight?
CRASH-2 trial collaborators, Shakur H, Roberts I, Bautista R, Caballero J, Coats T, Dewan Y, El-Sayed H, Gogichaishvili T, Gupta S, Herrera J, Hunt B, Iribhogbe P, Izurieta M, Khamis H, Komolafe E, Marrero MA, Mejía-Mantilla J, Miranda J, Morales C, Olaomi O, Olldashi F, Perel P, Peto R, Ramana PV, Ravi RR, Yutthakasemsunt S. Effects of tranexamic acid on death, vascular occlusive events, and blood transfusion in trauma patients with significant haemorrhage (CRASH-2): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2010 Jul 3;376(9734):23-32. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60835-5. Epub 2010 Jun 14. PMID: 20554319.
Gruen DS, Guyette FX, Brown JB, Okonkwo DO, Puccio AM, Campwala IK, Tessmer MT, Daley BJ, Miller RS, Harbrecht BG, Claridge JA, Phelan HA, Neal MD, Zuckerbraun BS, Yazer MH, Billiar TR, Sperry JL. Association of Prehospital Plasma With Survival in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Secondary Analysis of the PAMPer Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Oct 1;3(10):e2016869. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.16869. PMID: 33057642; PMCID: PMC7563075.
Guyette FX, Brown JB, Zenati MS, Early-Young BJ, Adams PW, Eastridge BJ, Nirula R, Vercruysse GA, O'Keeffe T, Joseph B, Alarcon LH, Callaway CW, Zuckerbraun BS, Neal MD, Forsythe RM, Rosengart MR, Billiar TR, Yealy DM, Peitzman AB, Sperry JL; STAAMP Study Group. Tranexamic Acid During Prehospital Transport in Patients at Risk for Hemorrhage After Injury: A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surg. 2020 Oct 5;156(1):11–20. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2020.4350. Epub ahead of print. Erratum in: JAMA Surg. 2021 Jan 1;156(1):105. PMID: 33016996; PMCID: PMC7536625.
Moore HB, Moore EE, Chapman MP, McVaney K, Bryskiewicz G, Blechar R, Chin T, Burlew CC, Pieracci F, West FB, Fleming CD, Ghasabyan A, Chandler J, Silliman CC, Banerjee A, Sauaia A. Plasma-first resuscitation to treat haemorrhagic shock during emergency ground transportation in an urban area: a randomised trial. Lancet. 2018 Jul 28;392(10144):283-291. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31553-8. Epub 2018 Jul 20. PMID: 30032977; PMCID: PMC6284829.
Pusateri AE, Moore EE, Moore HB, Le TD, Guyette FX, Chapman MP, Sauaia A, Ghasabyan A, Chandler J, McVaney K, Brown JB, Daley BJ, M
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