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This is Life

This is Life

Bianca Barnard

We talk about all things related to personal growth, shifting perspectives, finding the balance between the extremes of life and living a life filled with hope. We read in Proverbs that we need to guard our hearts, because everything flows from that. I want to approach this platform as an opportunity to do some 'heart-gardening'. Gardening requires planting seeds, compost, pulling out weeds, pruning, watering, sunshine and even the occasional tree felling!Join me, Bianca, as we turn our perspectives to the places where hope grows!PS: Hope is gaining momentum on the earth and we want to talk about this. Wherever you are in your life, there is always hope. Hope is not a weak, flickering candle in the wind, but rather a forrest fire set ablaze and unquenchable! In John 10:10, Jesus said that He came to give us life and the fulness of it. Life is messy, but we have a Friend and Counselor who is not afraid to meet us where we're at and lead us into freedom.
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What is the most popular episode on This is Life?

The episode title 'To Listen with Grace' is the most popular.



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