The Strength Log
Daniel Richter & Philip Wildenstam
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Top 10 The Strength Log Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best The Strength Log episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to The Strength Log for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite The Strength Log episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
Mailbag: Your Best Questions on Arm Training!
The Strength Log
10/21/24 • 46 min
It’s time to wrap up the mini-series on training for bigger arms, with your best questions on how to succeed.
Should you, for instance, train your arms daily for better gains?
And how do you train if one of your arms is in a cast because it’s broken?
You guys had so many good questions today! See the timestamps below. And don’t miss the last one, where we discuss muscle asymmetry between the left and right arm. Having one arm that’s bigger and stronger than the other one, is quite a common worry out there ...
- 03:15—Question 1: Is it counterproductive to train arms every day? By that, I mean to train them hard and with high volume—not just a few reps after the regular training. Some believe that it is not possible to overtrain the arms.
- 09:30 – Questions 2 & 3: What has more visual impact, big biceps or big triceps? And how much of a difference do the shoulders make for the appearance of the arms?
- 12:25 – Question 4: Please give us some fun and effective exercises for the forearms!
- 17:50 – Question 5: Is it possible to train your arm to prevent tearing the bicep tendon while deadlifting?
- 22:00 – Question 6: How should you train if you have a broken arm?
- 26:40 – Question 7: When doing overhead triceps extensions I get a cramp in my left rotator cuff. Is that because of mobility issues, and will it disappear if I just continue doing this movement?
- 30:30 – Question 8: What is the best exercise method to increase 1RM in barbell bicep curls?
- 35:50 – Question 9: I’m 79 years old and I have, against all odds, managed to build substantial biceps and triceps muscles after 5 years of strength training. The problem is that I got bigger muscles in my left arm. I’m right-handed and can handle more with that arm. Should I do more reps with the right arm to trigger those muscles more?
Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that subscribe button!
You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam.
Become a part of our community on Facebook here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden.
To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
How to Choose the Right Training Program
The Strength Log
12/09/24 • 41 min
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your training is not following a training program. Today, we’re discussing why this is the case and how to find the right workout routine for you!
There are many factors you might consider when picking a training program. We run through the following and give you our opinion on how much they actually matter:
- Your age.
- Your sex.
- How strong you are.
- Your training goals.
- Your experience level.
- How you train today.
- Will you enjoy the new program?
- How many days can you train weekly, and for how long each time?
We finish the episode by answering two listener questions:
- Is "greasing the groove" productive, or does it count as junk volume?
- As an experienced novice, how should I periodize for strength?
Also, check out the free fitness advent calendar in our workout tracker app StrengthLog! It’s live now and gives you a new workout every day up until Christmas Day.
Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that follow button!
You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam.
Become a part of our community on Facebook here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden.
To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
Is More Training Always Better?
The Strength Log
11/18/24 • 33 min
How many sets should you do weekly for the biggest and fastest gains in strength and muscle size?
Is the sky the limit, where more training always leads to more muscle growth?
Today, we cover a new meta-study that hints at what the upper limits of muscle growth, strength gains, and training frequency might be.
Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that subscribe button!
You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam.
Become a part of our community on Facebook here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden.
To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
Great News! Everyone Was Wrong about Protein Timing
The Strength Log
02/01/24 • 24 min
Welcome to The Strength Log, a podcast about strength training, nutrition, health and fitness. Your hosts, Daniel Richter and Philip Wildenstam, are two Swedish gym rats and science nerds, with decades of experience of helping people reach their fitness goals.
In this premiere episode, we’ll jump straight into a new study that finally shows us that protein timing is of much less importance than your total daily protein intake.
For decades, the evidence has pointed to a rather low upper limit when it comes to how much protein from a single meal your body can use to build muscle. That gave everyone the conclusion that if you want to maximize your gains, you should space out your protein intake with many meals each day – each one containing around 20 to 30 grams (or around 1 oz) of protein – to not waste those precious amino acids on silly stuff like energy.
That never made much sense, and we finally have the study to prove it didn’t.
In it, the researchers compared meals of 25 grams (0.9 oz) of protein with meals of a whopping 100 grams (3.5 oz), ingested after a full-body workout. And wouldn’t you know it, the participants who ate the larger portions also built a lot more muscle mass!
Listen to the episode and we’ll break down the study for you, as well as give you our practical take-aways.
Let’s go!
Want to learn more about this subject? Read Daniel’s article on the study here.
Want to calculate how much protein you should eat daily? Check out our protein calculator here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden. If you want to support us, download and use our free workout tracker app StrengthLog. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
Ten Things Every Beginner Should Know
The Strength Log
01/06/25 • 39 min
If you are a beginner in the gym, wanting to learn how to lift weights, get stronger, and become more muscular, this is the episode for you.
How should you plan your training? What exercises should you do? And which equipment is worth your money?
In short, we discuss the ten things you should know for a successful strength training journey—tips that can save you from years of mistakes.
If you already are a loyal listener, we believe this one has good stuff to teach you, too—it’s quite easy to forget the basics, so view this as a refresher course. And once again, happy new year!
Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that follow button!
You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam.
Become a part of our community on Facebook here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden.
To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
10 Tips to Increase Your Bench Press
The Strength Log
06/26/24 • 43 min
There’s been much ado about bench press in this podcast. In episode 6, we talked about the mistakes you should avoid if you want to become a great bench presser.
But that episode focused on the negatives, and today we feel much more positive.
What are the best practices of training the bench press, that you should implement immediately in your own workout routine?
We’ve gathered our 10 best tips on how to increase your bench press, no matter if your goal is to build bigger pecs or to compete in powerlifting.
Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that subscribe button!
You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam.
Become a part of our community on Facebook here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden.
To support us, download the best free gym workout tracker app, StrengthLog, here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
We Answer Eleven Great Questions on Strength & Health
The Strength Log
05/23/24 • 65 min
You asked, we answered. And what an amazing bunch of questions you sent in! Thank you for both listening and contributing to the podcast.
The timestamps for all questions are listed below. We’ll discuss yoga, sleeping positions, high-rep training for squats and deadlifts, rest days, and more!
- 04:30 – Question 1: Do you think the sleeping position matters for muscle growth?
- 08:45 – Question 2: I want tips on calluses in the palms of my hands! What do you do to keep them at a reasonable level?
- 12:40 – Question 3: What’s your view on endurance-focused strength training such as Body pump?
- 19:25 – Question 4: If you are training for strength, would you expect better gains over time (say after 2-3 months) if you did yoga (45-minute sessions) on rest days (at least 2-3 times a week) vs. just resting?
- 23:30 – Question 5: How important are rest days really?
- 28:10 – Questions 6 and 7: If one is doing suboptimal training (at least by the definitions for what is considered optimal) but still “working hard,” can gains and/or maintenance still be made? And: If you stop progressing in weightlifting and keep on lifting the same weights (same sets, reps, and weights), what happens with your strength and muscle size?
- 38:30 – Question 8: Why does high-rep training work better for the bench press than for squats and deadlifts?
- 43:15 – Question 9: What is the body recomposition method, and does it have any credibility?
- 48:30 – Question 10: How do I train to maintain being a good runner and a great powerlifter simultaneously?
- 58:00 – Question 11: Does poor form/technique when lifting weights in the gym cause injuries?
Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that subscribe button!
You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam.
Become a part of our community on Facebook here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden.
To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
Lift as Fast as Possible for Better Strength Gains
The Strength Log
05/16/24 • 26 min
How much does the lifting tempo you use in the gym matter? Well, a lot, at least according to a new meta-analysis that lays the foundation for today’s episode.
The study showed that lifting weights intentionally slowly leads to slower strength gains, while lifting them as fast as possible leads to faster ones.
But what about injury risk? The eccentric phase of the lift?
Take our hand and we’ll show you the way to faster gains!
Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that subscribe button!
You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam.
Become a part of our community on Facebook here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden.
To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
Protein for Muscle Growth: All You Need to Know!
The Strength Log
05/08/24 • 38 min
Strength training and enough protein are the keys to stimulating muscle growth. Recovery and sleep matter, too, of course, and we’ll cover those subjects in future episodes. But today we’re talking about protein, buddy.
Because everybody loves protein.
How much protein should you eat daily for muscle growth? Does the amount change if you’re also trying to lose weight? How much protein can you use for hypertrophy from a single meal? And what are the best sources of high-quality protein?
In this episode, we cover all the basics about protein for anyone looking to pack on more muscle mass!
Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that subscribe button!
You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam.
Become a part of our community on Facebook here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden.
To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
How to Set Goals (and Reach Them)
The Strength Log
12/30/24 • 28 min
Do you have a New Year’s resolution prepared? Setting and chasing goals can be fun and inspire you to become better, but it’s way too easy to set the wrong kind of goal—and then fail after just days or weeks.
Whether you want to lose weight, hit a new PR in the gym, or create the habit of working out a few times per week, this is the episode for you.
We discuss evidence-based methods for goal setting, that will increase your chances of success, boost your motivation, and make you feel better about yourself while pursuing them.
Happy New Year, everybody!
Do you like what you hear so far? Please leave a five-star review in your podcast player. And hit that follow button!
You can also follow us on Instagram. You’ll find Daniel at @strengthdan, and Philip at @philipwildenstam.
Become a part of our community on Facebook here.
This podcast is brought to you by Styrkelabbet AB, Sweden.
To support us, download the world's best gym workout tracker app StrengthLog here. It's completely ad-free and the most generous fitness app on the market, giving you access to unlimited workout logging, lots of workouts and training programs, and much, much more even if you stay a free user for life.
If you want a t-shirt with ”Train hard, eat well, die anyway”, check out our shop here.
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How many episodes does The Strength Log have?
The Strength Log currently has 39 episodes available.
What topics does The Strength Log cover?
The podcast is about Health & Fitness, Exercise, Training, Strength, Fitness, Podcasts, Gym, Sports, Health and Workout.
What is the most popular episode on The Strength Log?
The episode title '10 Tips to Increase Your Bench Press' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on The Strength Log?
The average episode length on The Strength Log is 38 minutes.
How often are episodes of The Strength Log released?
Episodes of The Strength Log are typically released every 7 days.
When was the first episode of The Strength Log?
The first episode of The Strength Log was released on Feb 1, 2024.
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