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The Rabbi and The Shrink

The Rabbi and The Shrink

Rabbi Yonason Goldson and Dr. Margarita Gurri, CSP

What do you get when you cross an Orthodox hitchhiking rabbi and a Catholic Cuban psychologist? An award-winning podcast with unpredictable conversations about everyday ethics and the secrets for successful relationships in business, family, and community.
Contact us with questions and comments: http://therabbiandtheshrink.com/ [email protected]

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Top 10 The Rabbi and The Shrink Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best The Rabbi and The Shrink episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to The Rabbi and The Shrink for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite The Rabbi and The Shrink episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

The Rabbi and The Shrink - Archive Episode #33 Daryl Davis- Hate and Harmony

06/23/22 • 65 min

Why are we reluctant to "walk across the cafeteria" to start a conversation?
What is the soundtrack to your life?
Why don't books and history tell the whole story, and where should we turn to get it?
These and other critical questions for building a harmonious world are addressed when award-winning musician and race reconciliator Daryl Davis joins The Rabbi and the Shrink.

1:00 Music is a bridge

The benefit of a global perspective

Legal desegregation took years to take effect

Attacked for being a Cub Scout?

Learning about racism at age 10

How can you hate me if you don’t know me?

7:30 Responding to injustice and hate with genuine curiosity

Breadth of experience provides perspective to moderate our responses

10:00 Books and histories did not explain hate

Meeting the head of the American Nazi Party as a high school student

The coming race war?

“Joining” the Nazi rally before the White House

The “rationalism” of white supremacy

18:00 What happens when whites become the minority in the U.S.?

What does the fear of that do to people?

Charleston, PIttsburgh, El Paso

22:30 A chance encounter with the KKK

Here was the answer to the question

28:00 We have to know who we are

Exposure to different cultures and ideologies make us broader

The five values all humans want:

Love, respect, to be heard, to be treated fairly, we want those values for our families

A missed opportunity for dialogue is a missed opportunity for conflict resolution

33:00 Meeting the Imperial Wizard of the KKK

The “noise”

We all feel fear of the unknown, we are all relieved when that fear is removed

We hate what we don’t understand because it frightens us

Awareness of our collective ignorance can bring us together

Education cures ignorance, which cures fear, which cures violence

48:00 What can we all do to transcend and eliminate hate?

Spend time listening to people to learn who they are

Debate doesn’t bring people together; getting to know one another as human beings does

53:45 Music contains the key

Harmony allows our differences to become a source of strength and unity

57:00 The word of the day: liminal

of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold : barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response

What if life had background music?

Any moment can offer the opportunity to change our lives and our world

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The Rabbi and The Shrink - #38: Sam Horn - The Ethics of Eloquence

11/18/21 • 51 min

Do you suffer from infobesity?

How do you make billions in 60 seconds?

How do you avoid becoming a bore, a snore, and a chore?

These and other urgent topics are addressed when Tongue-fu black belt Sam Horn joins the Rabbi and the Shrink.




1:30 We want to do things worth doing

We succeed through community

Access to the successful is a shortcut to success

4:30 Ink it when you think it

If we don’t write down ideas when they enter our minds, we will lose them

Make your life your lab

You will make a difference in others’ lives

7:00 Ethics requires us to market the truth to benefit others

Be intriguing to get people on the hook

Infobesitiy vs. intrigue: a practical technique

Alliteration makes ideas memorable

Rhyme and rhythm

Crafting a message changes lives

14:00 tonality and musicality

Read out loud to self edit

Shift from undesirable to desirable

How can the study of ethics make us less ethical?

The qualities of E.T.H.I.C.S.

20:00 Our expertise is perceived by the clarity of our thoughts

How to not be a bore, snore, or chore

How to make billions in sixty seconds

The goal is to raise eyebrows

  1. Ask three “did you know” questions
  2. “Imagine this...”
  3. You don’t have to imagine

30:00 Words matter; every one of them

Don’t yell at a barking dog

What words can we use to get the desired behavior?

Ask for what we want

Real life examples have power

35:00 Why was the woman crying on the beach?

Arrogance vs. offerings

We have a responsibility to share the wisdom of our experience

39:00 How Tom got to Mission Control

Recognizing our abilities and accomplishments does not make us un-humble

What’s the greatest gift you can give someone else?

45:00 The word of the day: inconcinnity

lack of proportion and congruity; inelegance.

The way we phrase and frame our message determines how it is received

Showing order emerging from chaos is the way we broaden thinking

46:30 Too many people believe that happiness is selfish

Finding our gifts is the purpose of life; giving away our gifts is the meaning of life

Don’t wait until there’s no time left to do what you want to do

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The Rabbi and The Shrink - #18:  Dave Bricker - The Meta-truth of Storytelling

07/01/21 • 47 min

Does lying ever serve a higher truth?

Why is it better to be a journeyist than a journalist?

Is marketing ever more than manipulation?

Learn the answer to these and other fascinating topics as the Rabbi and the Shrink discuss the interplay between fact and fiction with business presentation coach and storysailor Dave Bricker.



1:30 Do the stories we tell have to be 100% true?

Our job as storytellers is to transport the audience

Be a journeyist, not a journalist:

Your story is a metaphor to inspire and teach

The story vs. the meta-story

“Disbelieve everything I say; I am telling the truth.”

How much creative license are we allowed?

Life doesn’t unfold in a neat order

Blend details for narrative effect

Miracle -- a true story that embellishes facts

9:00 When is the truth not good enough?

Drama vs. documentary

Don’t we all have different versions of the truth, anyway?

You can end up being accurate but not interesting

14:00 At what point am I fabricating?

Should we be teaching children about Santa Claus?

The unpleasant history of our most enduring children’s story

19:00 The Hebrew words for truth and falsehood contain deeper meanings

“Distance yourself from a false word or thing”

When is it truthful to lie?

There’s more to truth than facts...

But now we can rationalize anything

How Aaron the High Priest brought people closer together

22:30 What’s the difference between a salesperson and a con artist?

One delivers on his or her promises

The difference between fooling people and delighting them

The psychology of marketing: service or manipulation?

Don’t I have a duty to convince others of the value I can provide them?

Does it matter what you bait the hook with?

28:00 Political and religious evangelism

Pushing vs. pulling in sales

If we don’t believe in ourselves or in those we serve, we resort to unethical tactics

33:00 Sometimes intention makes all the difference, sometimes no difference

That’s the grayness of ethics with which we have to grapple

Fictionalizing the truth?

Narrative vs. parable

Stories carry truth better than facts

39:00 Word of the day: Streeteries -- restaurants that move their establishment onto the street because of COVID

Words evolve as culture evolves

It’s important to preserve the integrity of language and thought while adapting to a changing world

Ethical principles don’t change but situations do, so we’re called on us to navigate the complexities of life by following our moral compass

42:00 Is it possible to stay neutral when telling a story?

Always take a position of service and promote transformation

43:30 James Thurbur’s retelling of Little Red Riding Hood

Classic stories evolve into classic spinoffs

The lessons keep giving

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The Rabbi and The Shrink - Episode #2: A Good Apology?

Episode #2: A Good Apology?

The Rabbi and The Shrink


04/08/21 • 68 min

2:00 Assertiveness training doesn’t always teach that the rest of the world isn’t always assertive.

Choose your battles; don’t engage in conflict over little things, but save your conflict for substantive issues.

What we choose to say and do is the foundation of ethics.

3:30 Word of the day: Zeitgeber -- an environment cue that helps an organism regulate its metabolism.

We need to take cues from our environment so we can regulate our ethical metabolism.

5:00 Isn’t it unethical to never speak up?

Compliance can be the enemy of ethics if it becomes an excuse not to grapple with ethical decision making.

Constructive disagreement enables us to see an issue from all sides.

7:30 What makes us act unethically?

We human beings are in conflict with ourselves. The amygdala wants immediate gratification and the frontal lobe looks ahead for long term consequences.

11:30 How do we respond ethically to others’ misbehavior?

Situational ethics? The principles of ethics don’t change, but situations do.

14:30 Most people want to do the right thing. So what gets in the way?

We combat the Freudian id by asking what serves the greater good.

Kamikaze pilots believed they were serving the greater good. Did that make it so?

17:30 Is there a difference between morality and ethics?

Morality descends from a higher authority which is cultural.

Ethics emerges from a collective sensitivity for what’s right.

20:30 Golden rule vs. the platinum rule. Is it all about me?

24:00 Character traits are neither good nor bad; they all have good and bad applications.

Conflict is not bad if it is constructive, but enabling us to see both sides of an issue more clearly so we can better understand the whole picture and thereby make better decisions.

26:30 Anger turned inward produces violence. Anger is a gift when it invites you to pay attention.

If we’re so angry that we can’t take a sip of water without spilling it, we shouldn’t be having an argument.

We should ask ourselves with empathy: Why is this person angry? Did I contribute to their anger?

31:45 The sages compare anger to idolatry; they also teach the importance of timing.

If we can recognize the irony in the moment and laugh at ourselves, we can defuse the ange.

Hillel: Don’t do to others what is hateful in your eyes. Consider with empathy. 36:00 It’s an art to interpret words and circumstances in a way that brings us together.

39:00 What’s the difference between anger and aggression? This is the kind of question we need to ask ourselves.

Anger is an emotion; aggression is a behavior. Aggression can be good or bad; anger is always bad.

43:00 If your neighbor is using a leaf blower at 7:00 Sunday morning, is it acceptable to respond by blasting your stereo at 3:00 the next morning?

46:00 Responding to immorality from a loved one is very different from responding to a stranger or casual acquaintance.

48:00 Don't let the devil in the door. Protect yourself by protecting your own environment.

50:30 “I don’t understand” vs. “That makes no sense.” First look inside myself.

52:00 Fix yourself first. Set limits. Lay down ground rules. Ask “why are you mad?”

3-yes technique.

The more clearly we see our own perspective, the more passionate and single minded we become. It takes an act of will to look from a different perspective.

1:02:00 The steps to a good apology

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The Rabbi and The Shrink - Episode #12: Sajal Thakkar - Lawyer Against Litigation

05/20/21 • 59 min

What is the connection between ethics and civility?
Can democracy survive without a civil culture?
How do we balance insensitivity against hyper-sensitivity?
These and many other critical matters of human interaction are discussed in this week's episode with Chief Civility Officer Sejal Thakkar.

1:00 Harassment and discrimination vs. civility

Evaluating and filtering our own behavior

What are our core values? What are the guidelines?

4:00 Internal vs. external behavior

A mindset of commitment to standards

Unclear definitions promote inappropriate behavior

Prevention vs. reaction

7:00 Checking boxes vs. addressing root causes

Over- vs. under-reaction

What can individuals do to improve a culture?

3 out of 4 people do not report cases of harassment

11:00 Have we overcorrected in promoting respect?

When leaders set an example of dignity and respect, openness and civility become more natural

15:00 How do we become conscious of unconscious bias?

Create a culture of awareness

Civility = civilization

19:00 Raise awareness so bias becomes conscious

Communication is the beginning of raised awareness


23:00 Compliance is the collective response that must be filtered through individual response

Thin-skinned vs. thick-sinned

25:00 Sometimes it’s best to let small affronts pass

When leaders and colleagues can be trusted to intervene, we all feel safer

29:30 Civility includes addressing every form of improper behavior

32:00 How do we manage different perceptions of civility based on personality types and culture

Authentic respect for others and willingness to engage in genuine discourse to find common ground

35:00 A smile and a flame are the only things you can give away without giving up

In healthy environments, we project positivity

38:00 “He stole my property, not my dignity or my manners”

40:00 Can democracy survive without civility?

Civility promotes creativity, productivity and, ultimately, profitability

43:00 Is cancel-culture out-of-control civility

Is shaming consistent with civility?

47:00 Word of the day: verbicide -- killing a word through misuse

Civility vs. political correctness

Political correctness become weaponized civility

51:00 How does a community handle the genuinely or maliciously hypersensitive?

Hiring and retaining the wrong people

58:00 We need more common sense, which is anything but common

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The Rabbi and The Shrink - #14: John Register - Heroism on One Foot

06/03/21 • 62 min

Why is ignorance a gift?
Children come with innocence; when do we lose our own?
Why are we afraid to tell our own truth?
How does sympathy drive us apart?
If I have 16,729 friends , why do I feel so alone?
Join us as we discuss these and other compelling topics with Paralympian and executive coach John Register on this episode of The Rabbi and the Shrink.




1:00 People are uncomfortable telling their truths and articulating the object of their fears

All fear stems from fear of the unknown

2:30 Kids are willing to say what adults are afraid to

Embrace the new normal

New is “no prior frame of reference”

5:00 Kids come with innocence... when did we lose ours?

Labels and categories create tension

Empathy vs. sympathy

Honor and respect others for who they are and on their terms

10:00 Have low expectations and work to raise the bar

11:00 Ignorance is a good thing if it makes us curious

We need to be inquisitive and want to expand our knowledge base

14:00 The fear of being misinterpreted of of inadvertently giving offense suppresses our curiosity

16:00 Swifter, higher, stronger -- always set the bar higher above each plateau

The nature of steps -- the top of one is the bottom of the next

A door is a point of transition: always look for the next door

20:00 How do we manage a step backward?

Always tell the truth and take responsibility

23:00 We all have disabilities -- some are more evident than others

Give every person the benefit of the doubt that they are trying to overcome their own challenges

27:00 Find the quiet space in your daily routine and use them as anchoring rituals

Develop good habits and avoid decision fatigue

32:00 We need support systems

Friendship is a profound gift, and we need to seek out people of quality and invest ourselves in them

34:00 We need to be able to take so others can give

36:00 Giving hard news, making hard decisions, supporting others in their decisions

38:30 Relationships may never recover from trust betrayed

Standing up for principles, even when there’s a price to pay

42:00 In a culture of trust, there is less opportunity for giving or taking offense

When truth outweighs fear, we commit to a courageous life

46:00 Tell people closest to you your secrets, then you won’t have to be afraid they will come out

Integrity calls us to take responsibility and be accountable

50:00 Word of the day: interstice -- take a pause

We should respond, not react, which requires us to take a moment before we speak or act

52:00 What’s one area where you can bring a truth to light and share it with another?

56:00 The founder of the Paralympics

The refusal to accept that circumstances can’t be improved is the essence of ethics

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The Rabbi and The Shrink - Episode #11: Jennifer Elder - Build a Sustainable Future

05/13/21 • 63 min

Could you be the next Bernie Madoff? Could I?
What is the ethics diamond?
What is meliorism and why can't we be ethical without it?
These and many other gems of wisdom are found in this week's episode with executive coach Jennifer H. Elder, CSP, CPA, CVP.

1:00 The ethics diamond (the fraud triangle + one)

  1. Facing the dilemma of choosing knowing someone will get hurt
  2. Pressure from one side or both: angel and devil on your shoulder
  3. Rationalization
  4. What’s the likelihood of getting caught?

2:30 The crisis of COVID magnifies all these elements

5:30 Gray areas are fertile ground for rationalization:

How honest can I be with myself?

How much we need a community to hold us accountable

*8:00 Slippery slope: small violations lead to bigger ones

Without consequences, we get bolder

10:30 Transgressions become permitted and then become values

11:30 The fallacy of the slippery slope?

13:00 An ethical culture allows for making mistakes and missteps as a mechanism to do better

Change starts with individuals, and is modelled from the top down

The damage caused by mixed messages and double standards

Noble behavior inspires higher personal standards

18:30 Keep ethical values up front

Don’t just print, post, and pray

Organizational responsibility

21:00 Is this the right thing to do?

Ethics begins where compliance ends

Take the moment of failure and focus on past successes

24:00 The story of Noah and the ark: the world was filled with violence and on the brink of self destruction

Try to raise up others while not letting them pull you down

27:00 Does the ethics of a company resonate with the culture of the time and fit with its own people?

*30:00 In a polarizing culture, finding common core values becomes increasingly essential to survival

Harvard/ University of London study: ethical businesses have 4 times higher sales

“Help me understand your position”

Learn to be curious

35:00 Whistleblowing: “What is lawful can be awful”

The importance of having a hotline

“Hold me accountable”

Report but verify

41:30 Why is it so hard to sell ethics?

The evil of “soft skills”

Sincerity sells

45:30 Word of the day: meliorism -- the belief that the world can be improved through effort

Ethics is impossible without optimism

*47:30 Organizational ethics defines the culture

Three questions for employees to create an ethical climate

52:00 Communication, collaboration, and problem-solving

55:00 Ethics requires courage; courage requires support and rewards (when they work)

1:01:00 Whistleblowing should be hard and should be worth it

FEAR: false expectations appearing real

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The Rabbi and The Shrink - #15: Bob Burg - Give and the World Will Give Back More

06/10/21 • 38 min

Episode #15: Bob Burg

How do you create a context that promotes everyone's success?
How do you communicate information for maximum impact?
What are your unconscious operating systems and are they serving you?
How do you find and foster successful partnerships?
What should your target be to increase your chances for success?
Join us as we discuss these and other fascinating questions with Bob Burg, NYT bestselling author and Hall of Fame speaker on The Rabbi and the Shrink.

1:00 How the rabbi met Bob

Extraordinary accomplishments while keeping the common touch

3:30 What is a go-giver

Focus on others is the best formula for business

Internally motivated but outwardly focused

Ethics: being selfless is selfish

Business is about how we make others feel

Benevolent context for everyone’s success

8:00 Collaboration is people with different skill sets complementing each other

Stories carry the message so they become implanted in us

Parables and allegories

14:00 Being a giver is not being a doormat

How Bob got his start

18:00 Knute Rockne -- invest in people

19:30 How do we get people to connect with our message?

Unconscious operating systems make us think others think like us

Value is in the eye of the beholder

Success begins by asking questions, then listening with every part of your body

24:00 Dialogues of the deaf

Paraphrasing establishes understanding and trust

25:30 Compromise is not the answer

First look for the win-win

27:00 Go-Giver success alliance

29:00 Finding and fostering successful partnerships

35:00 Word of the day: meliorism -- the belief that the world can be made better through effort

Don’t make making money your target; aim to serve others, and success will follow.

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The Rabbi and The Shrink - #13: Shep Hyken - Customer Service or No-Service?

05/27/21 • 55 min

What happens when leadership is disconnected from the front lines?

Is deception ever necessary or ethical?

Is it possible to set the bar too high?

These and other fascinating topics are discussed in this interview with customer service guru and NYT/ WSJ bestselling author Shep Hyken on The Rabbi and the Shrink.


1:00 No excuses or false expectations

Ethics applies to big ideas and principles but never at the expense of little details

If I take your money for my product or service, I have an ethical responsibility to make it as easy as possible for you to use it

4:00 Customer experience is integral to business

Why do businesses fail to anticipate customer needs?

7:30 Major disconnect between leadership and frontlines

Experience the real experience

11:00 Critics have to engage in deception to avoid preferential treatment

Is this ethical?

14:00 The element of positive surprise

Creativity without dirty tricks or deceit

17:00 The ethics of doing business during COVID

The principles of business remains the same but practices change to meet changing expectations

22:00 Increased quality leads to increased expectations

Communication and information prevent frustration

26:00 What businesses do we love?

What are they doing right?

How can we do what they’re doing?

Improving our work environment will spill over into everyday lives

29:00 Have we confused ethics and politics?

31:00 Does politically correct language cause confusion?

Open-mindedness goes both ways

35:00 Do companies need to cut customer service expenses to remain competitive?

40:00 During COVID, how do we balance safety against service?

How do we balance physical well-being against psychological well-being?

43:30 The word of the day: quotidian -- ordinary to the point of mundane

Elevate the ordinary to a level of extraordinary

Create exceptional experiences

47:00 A little better than average stands out as exceptional

48:00 “Gold is a very rich color”

50:00 Personalize the experience and win loyal customers

53:00 Use good judgment to make ethical decisions

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The Rabbi and The Shrink - #67: Commander Mary Kelly - Ethical Battle Plans

07/21/22 • 51 min

Should we be more afraid of pit bulls or chihuahuas?

How do the rules of the war room apply to the rules of the boardroom?

What are the six phases of crisis response?

These and other compelling questions are addressed when retired Naval Commander Mary Kelly joins The Rabbi and the Shrink.



How can we transform our daily professional lives in five minutes a day?

Every morning ask yourself: “What does my leadership need to look like today?”

Leadership skills prepare us to default to the right decision amidst chaos and confusion.

Proximity to greatness makes us great.

What are the ethics of self-sacrifice vs. scapegoating?

Use the Socratic method to correct bad behavior.

Influencing through facts vs. emotions.

Civility allows us to disagree while remaining friends.

Leaders have to create commonality and channel emotions in a healthy way.

Establish your reputation as a person of honor and integrity.

Value individuals for who they are, not for assumptions we make based on their identity labels.

The job of a team is to support decisions once they’re made even if we don’t like them.

Choosing character over ideology is key to success.

Earn trust and loyalty by admitting mistakes and take responsibility for them.

How do we balance hierarchical structure against individual initiative?

Word of the Day: Martinet

  • a strict disciplinarian, especially a military one.
  • someone who stubbornly adheres to methods or rules

Successful leaders demand high standards and respect while showing respect and earning trust.

Kīnāʻole: Do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, in the right place, to the right person, for the right reason, and with the right feeling, the first time! In other words, “Just do the next right thing!”

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How many episodes does The Rabbi and The Shrink have?

The Rabbi and The Shrink currently has 103 episodes available.

What topics does The Rabbi and The Shrink cover?

The podcast is about Culture, Success, Society & Culture, Accountability, Society, Leadership, Trust, Podcasts, Self-Improvement, Education, Relationships, Business, Communication and Ethics.

What is the most popular episode on The Rabbi and The Shrink?

The episode title 'Archive Episode #57: Train your Brain to Succeed w/ Dr. Melissa Hughes' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on The Rabbi and The Shrink?

The average episode length on The Rabbi and The Shrink is 49 minutes.

How often are episodes of The Rabbi and The Shrink released?

Episodes of The Rabbi and The Shrink are typically released every 7 days.

When was the first episode of The Rabbi and The Shrink?

The first episode of The Rabbi and The Shrink was released on Apr 7, 2021.

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