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The 318 Project

The 318 Project

Ryan Hare

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Ryan Hare brings The 318 Project podcast that is designed to help equip men through Godly kingdom principles to grow as husbands, fathers and sons. We will help you to grow in your Christian faith and also tips on how to mentor and disciple other men to reach their full potential. We will have tips, discussions and interviews on various topics that we, as men, face in our daily life.
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It is through God’s divine guidance that God's shows us the path that He has for each individual's life. This guidance comes from being discipled. This can be as a child and your parents teaching you the “rights and wrongs” for your actions and behavior. Or it comes from a teacher or counselor helping you learn skills for as you grow and use in life.

As christians, we get guidance from our pastors and evangelists that bring a word from God to strengthen, encourage, correct or rebuke us. But each of us should have a close relationship with a leader or mentor that is discipling us.

Paul wrote letters to Timothy and Titus as their mentor to strengthen them as leaders. This is what discipleship is about.

This is evident when Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy chapter three verses 16 & 17 that “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”

You know that the Word of God is inspired or God breathed and that it is useful for the training and edification of the saints. So how does each person apply this in their individual life?

There are 4 points that Paul shared with Timothy in those verses that I am going to share. Two of them are on beliefs, what we should or shouldn’t believe. The other two are on behavior, what each of us should or shouldn’t do.

  1. Teaching-These are instructions through God’s Word. God reveals His Word through His Spirit to us.
    • 1 Corinthians 2:12-13
    • John 6:64
    • Psalms 71:17
    • Colossians 3:16
  2. Rebuking-This is when God through the Holy Spirit brings conviction of sinful actions.
    • 1 Timothy 2"14
    • 1 Corinthian 15:33
    • Proverbs 15:32
    • Romans 8 :5
    • 1 John 2:16
    • Titus 3 :3
  3. Correction-This is a revealing of bad behavior that comes from conviction of those sinful actions.
    • Proverbs 15:32
    • Proverbs 10:17
    • Proverbs 3:11-12
    • Proverbs 19:20
  4. Righteous training. This is developing the right behavior of what God wants you to do and act.
    • Romans 7:6
    • 1 Peter chapter 3:1
    • 1 timothy 2:14
    • Titus 2 :1
    • 1 Peter 1:15
    • 1 Peter 3:17
    • Ephesians 5:1- 2
    • 1 Corinthians 11:1

In conclusion, I want to go back to those verses in 2 Timothy chapter 3, but this time as you read it, insert your personal name, where it says “man of God”.

It would sound like this” All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training righteousness, so that Ryan Hare, may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Music - Egg Rollz by Jobii Baegel

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The 318 Project - Shaun Miles: The Plans I Have For Your Life

12/17/20 • 57 min

In this episode, I have a conversation with Dr. Shaun Miles of Salm67 Ministries. Shaun shares about how he had a troubled childhood and that finally after a night of alcohol and drugs, he was arrested. At that moment in jail he surrendered his life to Christ and God radically changed him.
Shaun talks about how he went from being a high school drop out and finally just getting his GED because of learning issues, to then how God directed him to attend Bible College and receive not only his Bachelor's Degree in Theology but also his Doctorate.
Shaun met his wife, Lien, while on a mission trip to Vietnam. They have been married 10 years and have 2 sons. Together they minister and help train and develop pastors and leaders throughout Vietnam. They are currently back in the United States, but God has led them to plant and pastor another Church/training center in the city of Da-Nang.
Shaun share how he has experienced what he calls "God Moments" throughout his life from his sister providing financially for him to go to Bible College to even being at home with his mother when she passed away earlier this year.
If you want to see more resources of what they are doing in their ministry go to http://www.salm67.com/
Also Shaun has a podcast called "Shaun and the Word" available on Apple Podcast and Podbean.

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The 318 Project - Rob Carman: The Toxicity of the Mind

10/22/20 • 73 min

In this episode, I talk with Rob Carman. Rob has been in ministry for over 44 years with his wife Ginger. They were lead pastors for over 22 yrs in Albuquerque, New Mexico before going into evangelism and leadership training. Rob has traveled to over 70 nations and trained over 60,000 ministry leaders worldwide.
Rob has also sat as the Executive International Director for the Christ of the Nations Bible College and their 40 schools worldwide. Rob and Ginger started and continue to head up Victory World Missions that supports many projects around the world including a hospital in Papua, New Guinea. He also provides the 412 Leadership school for free on his website. He has written several devotionals for the YouVersion Bible app and also host his own podcast.
We talk about the issue of depression men are facing in society today and why it has become such a passion of his. Rob explains how suicide is at an all time high and especially in California recent studies showed that the suicide hotline has increased over 8000% during the pandemic and that there have been more deaths in one month from suicide than the six months from covid.
Rob tells of a personal experience of dealing with and being diagnosed with clinical depression. We see that in todays society that 1/3 of Americans suffer with some sort of depression. The root is not all physical but a majority is traced back to the Bible of how to get and keep out of depression. It had to be dealt with from a Biblical standpoint.
Just as the need to wash the body that gets dirty, we need to also wash our mind of the toxicity of the debris we pickup throughout the day. Rob shares the reference of a plank suspended between two blocks on each end and you begin to layer dirt at the center of the plank that over time the board can no longer hold the weight and breaks; much like the human soul. This is caused by fear, anxiety, stress, bitterness, unforgiveness and many other issues. This can then develop into an attitude of being negative and having resentment.
Rob tells that while reading a book on the diplomat from the 1800's by the name of Lawrence Townsend and when a young man asked what was the secret to why God used him powerfully. He took the young man and showed him that he prayed. He took about 15 minutes at the conclusion of each day as if communicating with God to remove from his mind anything that wasn't in harmony with Him and then to fill him with his Holy Spirit. Rob shared how this moment impacted him profoundly to not just at night remove the toxicity of the dayl, but to start each day by inviting the presence of Jesus each morning to set the stage for your day.
The cure for depression can start with thought replacement. God gives us over 7,000 promise of hope in the Bible. Hope is the anchor to the soul and a place of refuge.
To say that a situation is hopeless is to say that God is helpless; and God is never helpless, so nothing is hopeless.
Men need relationships with other men, because isolation will kill you. We were not made for isolation; we were created to gather together in fellowship.
Our life follows our thoughts. Our feelings are the results of your thoughts and then manifest themselves into emotions. If we can change a day, we can change a life of devotion.
How can I change?
You can't change dramatically, but you can do it for a day. Live for God one day at a time joyfully. Life is an accummulation of days, We need a purpose or we will die in boredom.
Our greatest adversity is the evil twins of fear and worry. To counter this we must inject hope into our lives.
You are the right man in the right place at th

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The 318 Project - Do You Have A Band Of Brothers?

02/24/22 • 17 min

Do you have an armorbearer?

In the Bible, you only see an armor bearer mentioned in the Old Testament, but the same duties and responsibilities continue on even today.

An armor bearer was a young man that would carry the weapons and shield of the man he was under, much like a knight's squire that would carry the weapons into combat, but also use the shield to protect his master. Over time he would train and even be able to fight alongside the warrior or knight.

Sometimes the armor bearer would use the shield or weapon to protect or defend the flank of his master.

In 1 Samuel 14: 1-14 we read of Jonathan and his armor bearer defeating the Philistines.

We see that David became Saul's armor bearer in 1 Samuel 16:21

But it isn't just about having one person, there are times you need a full garrison of brothers.

The foundation of the 318 Project comes from Genesis 14:14. Here we see that Lot was taken captive and Abraham raised up with his 318 men and servants that were trained in his household to go and rescue Lot.

Proverbs 17:17 says " A friend loves at all times, but a brother is born for adversity."

Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friends."

To sharpen a sword or weapon means that it has been used in a battle and has been dented, chipped and gotten dull from hitting against the enemies armor and shield.

As an armor bearer and brother in arms that is what we are required to do for our fellow brothers. We may see their flaws, just as they see ours and through guidance and prayer allow the Holy Spirit to mend us.
The thing is that Satan doesn't just attack us from the same direction. He may first come at us with a frontal assault then the next time a sneak attack from behind or end tries to side swipe you or me, that is why we need brothers praying for us on all sides, almost like we are covered in a box on all six sides.

Going back to David, Over time he rose from being just a young shepherd that became King Saul’s armor bearer, to became King David that had his mighty warriors that stood out as his elite force of mighty men that is stated in 2 Samuel 23:8-36. Many of these warriors risked their lives because they believed in King David.

He even had his army of 600 men that followed him when he was running from King Saul.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 talks about the value of a friend.. When you and I read it, we tend to associate it with marriage , but this also applies to any friendship.

This is that unity and bond that when the enemy comes and attacks you, there is strength in numbers to overcome and defeat Satan.

So as I am coming to a close, my challenge to you is to start praying about and looking for those brothers that you can unite with that will be your band of brothers, but also that you can be theirs also. It isn’t just to say that you have a brother by your side, but to also know that they won’t abandon you in times of trouble. I want to encourage you to really search for that man that will be a mentor and brother in your life, but to also look for those men that you can be a mentor and brother to help encourage them.
Music from Epidemic Sound:
song during Intro: Choirs of War by Dream Cave- https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/FR6Ed05Tc0/I
song - The Gallant Squire by Jon Bjork https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/8nGHn5OQSj/
Anvil sound effect -https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/ysH73yQcGi/

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The 318 Project - Who Are You?

Who Are You?

The 318 Project


10/12/24 • 16 min

We tend to associate ourselves with a college team, pro team or any sports team that we are a fan of; but does that really identify who we are?

We see people, in today’s society, questioning their very identity. They want to be identified in so many different ways that it is no wonder our society is in turmoil and confusion; yet we know that God created 2 identifiable genders in Male and female. Does that still truly explain who each of us are?

People everywhere are struggling with that very question and we see how more and more are going to counseling and are put on medication and still they can’t find a peace with it.

I want to pose 3 questions for you to answer for yourself. You can write them down on your notepads or wherever you can.

  1. What is your Title? - Pastor, deacon, teacher, coach, engineer, firefighter, chief, doctor. This is usually associated with your work or something you do.
  2. What do people call you? Dad, mom, grandma, granddaddy, Pops, son, daughter, jerk, loser, dummy, idiot, explicit names, Sir, maam, jock, dead-beat or something that describes your personality or behavior.
  3. Who do you see yourself as, especially spiritual traits or gifts? Prayer-warrior, mentor, comforter, Word of Knowledge, healing, prophecy, and discernment.

How does God see each of us and do we see ourselves the way that He sees Us?

So, how are we to see ourselves?

It isn’t through a title, a description from yourself or others, and it isn’t through what you have or haven’t done as a child of God.

Paul told the church in Ephesians 2:10 that, “we are His workmanship , created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.”
Ephesians 3:20 say, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,”.

Song - Identity by Velvet Moon https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/XUoXHitDzJ/

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The 318 Project - You Are A Living Monument To God

11/18/21 • 21 min

What is your first thought when you think back to school and having to take History?
Did you enjoy learning about the history of your country and the people back then? Or did you dread it and feel that history was nothing more than dates and dead people?

Did you feel like it had no meaning or relevance to your life today?

Have you taken the time to understand why a memorial or monument was built; and the significance it had for being built?

What if I told you that God has a purpose for memorials and monuments in our lives?
So thinking back as a kid, I remember going to Washington D.C. and seeing the different monuments honoring leaders or memorials to remember those that gave their lives in the Vietnam and Korean War. For me, seeing those images or names felt like such an honor to know that so many gave their lives for our freedom.

Then we went to see several battle grounds of the Civil War such as Gettysburg. That feeling I had when I walked along the fields and saw the monuments honoring the men that gave their lives on both sides of the war.

But as a Christian, what do monuments and memorials have to do with our salvation?

Many people in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, would build an altar, monument or memorial to remind them of what God did for them or reveal Himself to them in a mighty and miraculous way.

In Joshua chapter 4, we see that God placed Joshua to lead the children of Israel after Moses. They are about to cross the Jordan River when the Lord gives Joshua a command about what they should do once they cross.

Before Joshua, God had given Moses instructions about what should be done during the first Passover. In Exodus chapter 12 God tells Moses that this day will be a memorial and that when the children ask why we do this, to remind them of what God did as He passed over the houses of the Israelites while they were in Egypt.

Then in chapter 13, God tells Moses what to say to the future generations when they ask why they redeemed the first born lamb as a sacrifice, which again was a reminder of the Passover and being brought out of Egypt.

Finally in Deuteronomy, God tells Moses on again to remind the children of Israel and the future generations of how God delivered them from the hands of Pharaoh and the Egyptians.

Then in 1 Samuel chapter 7 verse 12 it tells of Samuel setting a large stone and calling it “Ebenezer” to remind the Israelites of the great difficulty they had with the Philistines, but that God had rescued them. This was to be a reminder of a critical turning point in their past and that God had helped them through it to the present time.

Memorials can help you and me remember God’s past victories in our past and help us gain confidence and strength for the future.

Even the Pilgrims had a memorial that they did when celebrating surviving those first couple of harsh winters. They would take 5 kernels of corn before they ate as a memorial to remind them of the times that it was difficult and the food supply was low and that all they had as rations were 5 kernels of corn to eat each day. Once through those hard times and now having a bountiful crop and meat they wanted to remind the future generations of the sacrifice they made.

That is what God has for us. He wants us to remember at times where we have come from. That is where our testimony comes from. It isn’t to dwell on the past faults, failures, struggles and sins; but to remind us of what God brought us out of to call us His Children.
The truth is that YOU are that monument.

Chaxti/Eighties Kid/courtesy of www.epidemicsound.c

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The 318 Project - God's Desire To Bring You Into His Promise Land

01/13/22 • 24 min

In this episode, my guest host Cliff Hare shares a message about the Five sins that kept the children of Israel out of Canaan.
It is those same five sins that can keep you and I from reaching God's Promise Land that He has for our lives.
This teaching is taken from the book "Maximized Manhood" by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole.
0:00 - Intro
1:58 - Beginning of message and Introduction by Cliff Hare.
2:48 - Canaan Land is that place that many see as Heaven.
5:15 - Dr. Cole's direction to call men that are craving direction in their lives.
5:52 - Story about the TV show Monk and how it relates to men wandering for direction.
7:44 - Direction from God
8:09- The Five sins mentioned by Dr. Cole in Maximized Manhood.
8:21- #1 LUST - The desire to benefit self at the expense of others.
Love is the desire to give as mentioned in John 3:16
9:28- #2 IDOLITRY - Esteeming something more worthy of our devotion than
devotion to God.
11:07-#3 FORNICATION - Every kind of sexual sin.
12:55-#4 TEMPTING GOD - Demanding that God do what is contrary to His
character. The characteristics of the kingdom emanate from the character of the king.
15:14-#5 MURMURING - The negative confession
Psalms 19:14
18:20- Conclusion -
Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 10:6-10
1 Peter 2:9
John 17:15-17
22:07- Outro
Transition sound provided by:
Nerve by Dream Cave courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

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The 318 Project - Jay Parker: (DGF) Displaying God's Forgiveness

08/12/21 • 44 min

Jay Parker shares his testimony from growing up in a rough environment in Yonkers, New York, where he was raised by a abusive and drug addicted father after his alcoholic mother left when he was 8 yrs. old.
After giving his life to Christ at the age of 8 in a store front ran by a dear lady, Mother Gaskins, Jay was introduced to alcohol by a brother-in-law around the same time. Then began smoking marijuana by age 12, hooked on crack and cocaine by 15 and in and out of jail by age 16.
Jay met his wife, Valeska, in 1992 and married in 1997. By 2000, they were facing divorce because he had gone back to drinking, drunks and partying.
After calling Valeska on Mother's Day in 2000, she told him that she was going to church. He decided to go also, because he thought there was another man in her life and he was going to beat him up. During the service, a former drug buddy got up to speak and God changed Jay's life forever.
Jay tells of how as a teenager he had a tattoo on his arm that had a vulger saying with the initials "DGF", but after getting saved God showed him the new meaning it has in his life of "Displaying God's Forgiveness".
Jay then had a spiritual father figure, Bishop Clarence Lassister, that poured into his life and gave him opportunities to serve. After time, Jay was a part of 13 different ministries at the Gospel Tabernacle Outreach Ministry in Rhode Island. One of those ministries was going into a Maximum Security Prison and ministering to the inmates.
In 2018, after Bishop Lassiter passed away, Jay felt that God was moving him from Rhode Island and ended up in Jacksonville, Florida and finding the Springs Church.
Jay is now part of the men's ministry team and also speaks each week at the Duval County Juvenile Detention Center to around 60-120 young men.
During the recent pandemic, Jay started a weekly Facebook Live video that is now called the "Porch Chat" that he and Valeska teach and speak what God has shown them, as well as, guest ministers and other guest that share their testimony.

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The 318 Project - Clifford Hare: Sent By The Father

11/04/21 • 15 min

Do you remember as a kid when your parents sent you to do a chore or task?
Maybe you thought, "I'm the favorite if they asked me to do this", or "they don't like me if I have to do this chore"?
Probably once you were old enough to drive they asked you to run errands for them.
Do you feel the same way when God wants you to do something for Him?
Clifford Hare, President of Faithful Men Ministries, talks about how God used certain men and how their natural fathers sent them for an assignment.
In Genesis chapter 37, we see that Jacob loved his son Joseph. Jacob made him a coat and it even says in the chapter how he was his favorite and had him go check on his brothers.
Then in 1 Samuel chapters 16 &17 we see the opposite. Jesse had several sons including David and when the prophet Samuel came to anoint the next king, Jesse didn't even consider David and had him out in the field watching the sheep.
Later you see that Jesse does send David also to check on his brothers when Israel was battling the Philistines and how God used David to defeat Goliath.
In Matthew chapter 21, Jesus tells the parable of the evil vinedressers and how the owner of the fields left them to harvest the field and after he had sent several servants to get the harvest from them, he decided to send his son, who they then killed.
So how does that apply to us with God?
In Galatians 4 verses 4 through 7 it tells you and me that we have become son's of God through the inheritance and adoption through faith in Jesus; and that we aren't just heirs, but joint-heirs with Christ.
God is sending each of us to further His Kingdom. Just as Jesus told the disciples in Matthew 28 verses 19 & 20 that we are to Go forth and make disciples and share the Gospel in the Great Commission.
God will remind you that you were created for such a time as this and that He has a purpose and plan for each of us. You may feel that you aren't smart enough, strong enough or talented as others that you see, but God has a specific plan for you .
Even when others will reject you and it may feel tough, sometimes He requires us to get out of our comfort zones to do what He has called us to do.
Genesis 37:3
1 Samuel Chapter 16 & 17
Matthew 21:33-45
Galatians 4:4-7
Romans 8:16-17
Matthew 28:19-20

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The 318 Project - The Importance Of A Father's Affirmation

06/17/21 • 60 min

In this episode, I talk with Clifford Hare, my dad and President of Faithful Men Ministries; and David Hare, my brother.
We talk about the importance of a father's blessing of affirmation in a child's life. The meaning of affirmation and where we first hear of the father's affirmation, or blessing, in the Bible.
Cliff shares about how he grew up in a non-christian home and had caring parents, but never had that affirmation of you are a good son.
Many people grow up with an image of the only way we get affirmation, or love, is out of fear unless we accomplish goals in life. Other times we may have a fear that we never measure up to receive that love and affection.
As men, we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable in front of our children and those we mentor. This isn't to show weakness, but that we have difficult time and how we work through them.
The origin of the father's blessing goes back to the book of Numbers 6:23-27 when God speaks to Moses and shares with him the Aaronic Blessing. Later we see when Jesus is being baptized by John that as He comes up from the water that God speaks and tells Him, "This is My Beloved Son, in whom I AM well pleased." This comes before Jesus has done the first miracle, sermon or teaching; yet God was affirming him as his son.
Our identity in society come from the father. This comes with us going back to learn to hear the voice of the Lord.
The way to truly know of that love is not just by having a conversation with God, but having those intimate times with Him; whether in prayer, praise, both or simply just resting in His presence.
Even for Jesus after was affirmed by God, he went into the wilderness that brought a time of testing a walking by faith that we see that Jesus had confidence in His heavenly Father.
Clifford Hare has been married to Patricia Hare for 48 years. They have 2 sons, 1 daughter-in-law, 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. Cliff took over Faithful Men Ministries for Jack King in 2016. He serves as an elder and pastor at the Springs Church in Jacksonville, Florida.
David has works for the Florida State Corrections 6 years and has also is an ordained minister for almost 10 years.

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How many episodes does The 318 Project have?

The 318 Project currently has 59 episodes available.

What topics does The 318 Project cover?

The podcast is about Christianity, Faith, Discipleship, Religion & Spirituality, Mentor, Podcasts, Religion and Spiritual.

What is the most popular episode on The 318 Project?

The episode title 'Are You An Empty or Overflowing Vessel For God?' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on The 318 Project?

The average episode length on The 318 Project is 34 minutes.

How often are episodes of The 318 Project released?

Episodes of The 318 Project are typically released every 14 days.

When was the first episode of The 318 Project?

The first episode of The 318 Project was released on Mar 28, 2020.

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