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Soul Touched by Dogs - Leah Gunn Ermerick - Capturing Love Through the Lens: Pet Photography at Life's End

Leah Gunn Ermerick - Capturing Love Through the Lens: Pet Photography at Life's End

Soul Touched by Dogs

06/16/24 • 21 min

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In this episode, I had a heartfelt conversation with Leah, a Kansas City-based photographer specializing in end-of-life and celebration of life photography for pets.

Leah shares how she started this unique service, inspired by her own experiences and connections with animals.

She explains the emotional yet rewarding process of photographing pets and their owners during some of their most tender moments. Leah also discusses the importance of capturing these memories and offers insights into how she manages the emotional aspects of her work.

If you're interested in learning more about her services, including how to prepare for such a photoshoot, and hearing touching stories about the bond between pets and their humans, tune in to this deeply moving episode.

Find out more and get in touch with Leah at https://www.lgemerick.com/end-of-life-pet-photography

All about Soul Touched by Dogs at https://soultouchedbydogs.com/

00:00 Welcome and Introduction

00:19 Leah's Background and Business

01:33 The Emotional Journey of Pet Photography

05:15 Handling Grief and Emotional Boundaries

09:25 Client Experiences and Repeat Customers

13:22 Preparing for a Pet Photoshoot

17:51 Contact Information and Final Thoughts

06/16/24 • 21 min

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Soul Touched by Dogs - Leah Gunn Ermerick - Capturing Love Through the Lens: Pet Photography at Life's End


Welcome to the Soul Touched by Dogs Podcast, the show for dog lovers who see dogs not as toys or tools, but wise souls worth our respect and care. I'm an Herrmann, and I'm your host. I talk to poor some humans, people who do great work for dogs and their people. So come and join us for today's conversation.


Hello and welcome, Leah.


I'm super excited to have you here.

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