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SBS Tetum

SBS Tetum


Notísia no istória independente husi SBS Audio, liga ita-boot sira ba informasaun moris iha Australia no komunidade Timor oan sira iha Australia.
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Top 10 SBS Tetum Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best SBS Tetum episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to SBS Tetum for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite SBS Tetum episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Learn how to talk about getting a gift for someone. Plus, find out what the Secret Santa tradition is all about. - Komprende no ko'alia lian Inglés bele ajuda ita-nia moris iha Australia. Kada episode programa aprende Inglés , ami sei esplika kona-ba Australia nia moris no espresaun iha kualker eventu. Iha episode ida ne’e ita sei aprende oinsá atu ko'alia kona-ba fo no simu prezente husi ema. No mós, buka hatene saida maka tradisaun Santa Segredu nian.
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New research has highlighted the high rates of workplace sexual harassment and assault experienced by migrant women. Experts say there are many reasons why this type of abuse often goes unreported. - Peskiza foun hatudu katak númeru asediu seksuál no asaltu aas tebes ba feto migrante sira iha serbisu fatin Australia nian. Espesialista sira hateten katak iha razaun barak ne'ebe hatudu tanba sa maka abuzu seksuál hanesan ne'e dala barak la relata.
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Country is the term at the heart of Australian Indigenous heritage and continuing practices. The environments we are part of, carry history spanning tens of thousands of years of First Nations presence, culture, language, and connection to all living beings. So, how should architects, government bodies and creative practitioners interact with Indigenous knowledge when designing our urban surroundings? - Nasaun maka termu ne'ebé iha sentru hosi patrimóniu Indíjena Austrália nian no prátika ne'ebé sira kontinua. Ambiente ne'ebé ita halo parte, lori istória ne'ebé mai husi tinan rihun sanulu resin hosi prezensa, kultura, lian, no ligasaun ba ser moris hotu-hotu hosi ema Primeira Nasaun sira. Entaun, oinsá maka arkitetu, órgaun governu sira nian no pratikante kriativu sira halo interasaun ho koñesimentu ema Indíjena bainhira dezeña ita-nia ambiente urbanu?
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Grupu ida ho naran RUNFLY Run Club ne'ebe base iha Western Sydney halo mudansa ba sira nia komunidade nia moris, liu-liu ba joven sira ne'ebe hela iha Cabramata West. Grupu ida ne'e involve sira nia komunidade liu husi atividade ka inisiativu desportu halai ka lao, ne'ebe antes hahú husi enkontru entre kolega na'in tolu ba halai semana-semana, no agora sai ona komunidade ida-ne'ebé vibrante tebes ho membru hamutuk 90 pesoas husi kultura no esperensia oi-oin. Grupu ida ne'e hari'i atu kria unidade no amizade diak iha komunidade liuhusi desportu. Iha dia 5 de Maio fulan ida ne'e grupu ne'e partisipa iha HOKA Runaway Sydney Half Marathon.
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In this five-minute lesson you’ll improve your pronunciation by listening and following along with Janice Petersen. Learning objectives: Can pronounce /iː/ and /aɪ/ (sheep and eye) - Iha lisaun minutu lima mai ita sei hadi'a ita-nia liafuan Inglês balun liuhusi rona no tuir hamutuk lisaun husi Janice Petersen. Objetivu Aprendizajen: ita bele pronunsia liafuan /i: / no /aI/ ( sheep / bibi-malae no eye/ matan)
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Australia has many venomous animal and insect species. Knowing what to do and what to avoid when bitten by a snake or spider can help save a life. Here’s the expert advice on how to respond whether you suffer a venomous or non-venomous bite. - Iha Austrália, sira iha animál no insetu barak ne'ebe mak iha veneno ne'ebe bele fo perigu ba ema nia moris. Tanba ne'e hatene kona-ba saida mak ita presiza halo bainhira ita hetan tata husi samea ka labadaen iha Australia bele azuda salva ita-nia moris. Tuir mai konsellu husi peritu balun kona-ba oinsá atu salva ita-nia an kuandu ita moras husi veneno bainhira hetan tata.
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Learn about verbs and their tenses. The 'Bad English Made Better' minipods are short and simple English grammar lessons. - Komprende no ko'alia lian Inglés bele ajuda ita hadi'a ita-nia moris iha Australia. Kada episode programa Aprende Inglés , ami sei esplika kona-ba Australia nia moris no espresaun. Ita boot sei hadi'a Ita-nia abilidade lian Inglés, aprende mos kona-ba Australia no iha tempu hanesan senti haksolok mos. Iha episode ohin loron ita boot sei aprende kona-ba hadia ita lian Inglés ho idioms balun ne'ebe ema uza. Episode ida ne’e bolu “bad English made better" ou ka Ingles at sai diak liu tan. Mai aprende hamutuk.
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Astronomical knowledge of celestial objects influences and informs the life and law of First Nations people. - Koñesimentu astronómiku kona-ba objetu selestiál sira influensia no informa moris no lei ema Primeira Nasaun sira nian.
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Hanesan nasaun foun ne’ebe mak foin hetan independente dekade rua liu ba, desenvolvemenentu iha setor infrastrutura fisiku no mos ba umanu nian kontinua sai hanesan prioridade ba governu no mos ba nia setor privadu sira iha Timor-Leste. Desenvolvementu ida ne'e, dala barak hetan mos apoiu husi organizasaun internasional no nasional sira. Iha tempu hanesan, joven timoroan sira mos hare potensialidadi iha rai laran hodi kome sa hari'i negoisu iha setor oi-oin. Ida ne'e inkluido Ismenio Martins Da Silva, ne'ebe hatete nia mehi no planu husi iha tempu uluk kedas, atu halo buat ruma iha setor area hortiklutura no pekuaria nian. Inisiativu ida ne'e mosu ho intensaun atu hadia liu tan ekonomia, ambiente nasaun nian, aumeismo tempu mos bele inspira ema seluk atu kontribui mos. Ho idea ida ne'e, iha tinan 2021, nia hamosu produsaun enerjia biogas ne'ebe hanesan premeiru produsaun iha Timor-Leste.
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Atór filme ho idade tinan 10 hosi Timor-Leste hetan nia esperensia premeiru ho filmi iha Disney. Solomon Bravery Horta, ne'ebe hela iha Irlanda Norte, ho aman Helio Dos Reis Horta hosi Timor no Inan, Maria Siahaan Horta, hosi Indonesia, koalia kona-ba nia esperensia halo filmi "The Boy and The Octopus". Liu husi filmi ne'e nia dehan nia hetan inspirasaun husi animal tasi nian, Kurita, ne'ebe hanesan animal matenek no laran diak.
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How many episodes does SBS Tetum have?

SBS Tetum currently has 77 episodes available.

What topics does SBS Tetum cover?

The podcast is about Radio, News, Lifestyle, Housing, Sbs, Podcasts and Talk Radio.

What is the most popular episode on SBS Tetum?

The episode title 'MiniPod: We light a new light | Pronunciation practice with Janice - MiniPod: Ami fó naroman foun| Prátika pronunsiá ho Janice' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on SBS Tetum?

The average episode length on SBS Tetum is 11 minutes.

How often are episodes of SBS Tetum released?

Episodes of SBS Tetum are typically released every 5 days, 23 hours.

When was the first episode of SBS Tetum?

The first episode of SBS Tetum was released on Aug 2, 2023.

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