Quantum Computing Now
Ethan Hansen
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Top 10 Quantum Computing Now Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Quantum Computing Now episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Quantum Computing Now for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Quantum Computing Now episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
Modern Quantum Programming with Roger Luo – Episode 41
Quantum Computing Now
11/14/21 • 38 min
In which Roger and I talk about Yao, mostly
- That’s Cool News talking about ITER: https://thatscoolnews.com/episode/62/
- Yao tutorials: https://yaoquantum.org/tutorials/
- Roger’s Blog post on building a quantum simulator from scratch: https://blog.rogerluo.dev/2020/03/31/yany/
- Yao docs: https://docs.yaoquantum.org/dev/
- Yao Summer of Code: https://yaoquantum.org/soc/
- Roger’s Github: https://github.com/Roger-luo
- Roger’s Website: https://rogerluo.dev/
- Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
- https://www.minds.com/1ethanhansen
- [email protected]
- QRL: Q0106000c95fe7c29fa6fc841ab9820888d807f41d4a99fc4ad9ec5510a5334c72ef8d0f8c44698
- Monero: 47e9C55PhuWDksWL9BRoJZ2N5c6FwP9EFUcbWmXZS8AWfazgxZVeaw7hZZmXXhf3VQgodWKwVq629YC32tEd1STkStwfh5Y
- Ethereum: 0x9392079Eb419Fa868a8929ED595bd3A85397085B
QC Zero to Hero Day 001 & 002
Quantum Computing Now
01/01/22 • 25 min
If you're listening on the podcast version, so you don't waste your time I recommend using a podcatcher that can automatically skip silence like AntennaPod: https://antennapod.org/ (that's what I use!)
Links to resources used today:
- https://jupyter.org/install
- https://www.codecademy.com/article/how-to-use-jupyter-notebooks
Links for QC Zero to Hero:
- Join the next meeting! https://meet.jit.si/moderated/dab76a5dc57f13ba62e454ebd1bc5ab3222ed7b0df78a860fe90e912c170378c
- Download the curriculum! https://gitlab.com/1ethanhansen/zero-to-qc-hero/-/blob/main/Zero_to_QC_Hero_in_One_Year.ods.torrent
ALL the Frameworks 2: Electric Boogaloo – Episode 29 [Basics]
Quantum Computing Now
03/01/21 • 41 min
In which I refresh the list I gave a while back and actually make good on the promise of talking about ALL the frameworks (because I speedrun 2 lists of them at the end of the show)
- Silq: https://silq.ethz.ch/
- Qiskit: https://qiskit.org/
- Junye Huang Interview: https://anchor.fm/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/Junye-Huang---Episode-12-Interview-edec3o
- PyQuil: https://github.com/rigetti/pyquil
- Pennylane: https://pennylane.ai/
- Q#: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/quantum/overview-what-is-qsharp-and-qdk
- Braket: https://aws.amazon.com/braket/
- Anastasia’s Video on Braket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcCWcERVM_I
- Braket SDK: https://github.com/aws/amazon-braket-sdk-python
- Cirq: https://quantumai.google/cirq
- OpenQASM: https://qiskit.github.io/openqasm/index.html
- IBM Q Experience: https://quantum-computing.ibm.com/composer/new-experiment
- Ocean: https://docs.ocean.dwavesys.com/en/stable/
- Yao.jl: https://yaoquantum.org/
- Awesome Quantum Computing: https://github.com/desireevl/awesome-quantum-computing#development-tools
- QOSF list: https://qosf.org/project_list/
- QC Opporunities: https://gitlab.com/1ethanhansen/Quantum-Computing-Opportunities
- Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
- https://www.minds.com/1ethanhansen
- [email protected]
- https://thequantumdaily.com/
- QRL: Q0106000c95fe7c29fa6fc841ab9820888d807f41d4a99fc4ad9ec5510a5334c72ef8d0f8c44698
- Monero: 47e9C55PhuWDksWL9BRoJZ2N5c6FwP9EFUcbWmXZS8AWfazgxZVeaw7hZZmXXhf3VQgodWKwVq629YC32tEd1STkStwfh5Y
- Ethereum: 0x9392079Eb419Fa868a8929ED595bd3A85397085B
Contributing to Pennylane with Jack Ceroni - Episode 34
Quantum Computing Now
05/03/21 • 40 min
Quantum computing and the space race share some commonalities if you ask Jack and I, but that’s not all we’re here to talk about today. Join Jack Ceroni and myself for a discussion of pennylane, QML, getting started with quantum, and what in the world are QNodes?
- Pennylane tutorials: https://pennylane.ai/qml/
- Pennylane website: https://pennylane.ai/
- Pennylane Community Demos: https://pennylane.ai/qml/demos_community.html
- Jack’s Pennylane Tutorials:
- Jack’s Website: https://lucaman99.github.io/
- Quantum Decision Diagrams: https://iic.jku.at/eda/research/quantum_dd/tool/
- Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
- https://www.minds.com/1ethanhansen
- [email protected]
- QRL: Q0106000c95fe7c29fa6fc841ab9820888d807f41d4a99fc4ad9ec5510a5334c72ef8d0f8c44698
- Monero: 47e9C55PhuWDksWL9BRoJZ2N5c6FwP9EFUcbWmXZS8AWfazgxZVeaw7hZZmXXhf3VQgodWKwVq629YC32tEd1STkStwfh5Y
- Ethereum: 0x9392079Eb419Fa868a8929ED595bd3A85397085B
Brandon Solo and Machine Learning with Tequila – Episode 27
Quantum Computing Now
02/01/21 • 48 min
In which Brandon and I spend a while chatting about his experience with the Quantum Open Source Foundation Mentorship program (which you can apply for now!), and the project he worked on as part of that. Make sure you listen until we start trying to describe code over audio ;)
- APPLY FOR THE QOSF MENTORSHIP PROGRAM NOW: https://qosf.org/qc_mentorship/
- Coding with Qiskit Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1NZC5rqQD8&list=PLOFEBzvs-Vvp2xg9-POLJhQwtVktlYGbY
- SuperPostion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UvtyzMrqII&list=PLOFEBzvs-VvqBTjGFWzqc632tYTWst_CH
- QC Opporunities: https://gitlab.com/1ethanhansen/Quantum-Computing-Opportunities
- Tequila Dev Branch: https://github.com/aspuru-guzik-group/tequila/tree/devel
- Tequila+Tensorflow Tutorial: https://github.com/aspuru-guzik-group/tequila-tutorials/blob/main/Tensorflow_Interface.ipynb
- Tequila arXiv paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.03057
- QCN with Abraham Asfaw: https://anchor.fm/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/Abraham-Asfaw--Episode-11-Interview-ecsvmf
- QCN with Michał: https://anchor.fm/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/Micha-Stchy-and-QOSF--Episode-21-Hybrid-ej5e2u
- QCN with Amira: https://anchor.fm/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/Amira-Abbas---Episode-6-Interview-e8n2ud
- QCN with Mike: https://anchor.fm/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/Mike-Strike-and-the-Quantum-Resistant-Ledger--Episode-26-Hybrid-eo9m78
- QCN with John: https://anchor.fm/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/John-Prisco-and-Quantum-Cryptography--Episode-20-Hybrid-eit1s1
- Brandon’s github profile: https://github.com/MIBbrandon
- QCN AMA Strawpoll: https://strawpoll.com/sud1jou4d
- Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
- https://www.minds.com/1ethanhansen/
- [email protected]
- https://thequantumdaily.com/
- QRL: Q0106000c95fe7c29fa6fc841ab9820888d807f41d4a99fc4ad9ec5510a5334c72ef8d0f8c44698
- Monero: 47e9C55PhuWDksWL9BRoJZ2N5c6FwP9EFUcbWmXZS8AWfazgxZVeaw7hZZmXXhf3VQgodWKwVq629YC32tEd1STkStwfh5Y
- Ethereum: 0x9392079Eb419Fa868a8929ED595bd3A85397085B
Coherence Times Longer Than My Attention Span – Episode 33
Quantum Computing Now
04/19/21 • 18 min
If only the progress of quantum computing could also help me not bounce from idea to idea like a pin ball...
- https://thequantumdaily.com/2021/04/05/uk-based-quantum-motion-researchers-report-they-have-blueprint-for-scalable-future-in-quantum-computing/
- https://quantummotion.tech/quantum-computing-breakthrough-shows-blueprint-for-scalable-future/
- https://sifted.eu/articles/quantum-motion-9-second-silicon-qubit/
- https://journals.aps.org/prxquantum/abstract/10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.010353#fulltext
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/were-hacking-the-process-of-creating-qubits-how-standard-silicon-chips-could-be-used-for-quantum-computing/
- IBM’s Kolkata device specs: https://quantum-computing.ibm.com/services?systems=all&system=ibmq_kolkata
- More info on IBM device specs: https://www.ibm.com/blogs/research/2019/03/power-quantum-device/
- Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
- https://www.minds.com/1ethanhansen
- [email protected]
- QRL: Q0106000c95fe7c29fa6fc841ab9820888d807f41d4a99fc4ad9ec5510a5334c72ef8d0f8c44698
- Monero: 47e9C55PhuWDksWL9BRoJZ2N5c6FwP9EFUcbWmXZS8AWfazgxZVeaw7hZZmXXhf3VQgodWKwVq629YC32tEd1STkStwfh5Y
- Ethereum: 0x9392079Eb419Fa868a8929ED595bd3A85397085B
The Quantum Encabulator
Quantum Computing Now
04/01/21 • 3 min
In which I give the details of an interesting project I’ve been working on
- The Turbo Encabulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac7G7xOG2Ag
- A website I used for the script: https://www.thechiefstoryteller.com/2014/07/16/turbo-encabulator-best-worst-jargon/
- Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
- https://www.minds.com/1ethanhansen/
- [email protected]
Noisy Intermediate Scale Podcast - March Showcase – Episode 31
Quantum Computing Now
03/21/21 • 47 min
In which I play the first episode of the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/show/noisy-intermediate-scale-podcast
----- Notes from Michał’s Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/13914305/1-what-quantum-software-engineers-do
- In this episode I talk about the job of quantum software engineers. What this job is about and how it's different from similar positions? What challenges do QSEs face? What are some typical tasks that they work on? I tried to answer all these questions.
Some links to useful resources:
- My blog: www.mustythoughts.com
- A pull request containing some of the changes I've talked about testing validity of gates: https://github.com/zapatacomputing/z-quantum-core/pull/145/files
- The code containing the ansatz interface I talked about: https://github.com/zapatacomputing/z-quantum-core/blob/master/src/python/zquantum/core/interfaces/ansatz.py
- Episode 21 with Michał: https://anchor.fm/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/Micha-Stchy-and-QOSF--Episode-21-Hybrid-ej5e2u
- Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
- https://www.minds.com/1ethanhansen
- [email protected]
- https://thequantumdaily.com/
- QRL: Q0106000c95fe7c29fa6fc841ab9820888d807f41d4a99fc4ad9ec5510a5334c72ef8d0f8c44698
- Monero: 47e9C55PhuWDksWL9BRoJZ2N5c6FwP9EFUcbWmXZS8AWfazgxZVeaw7hZZmXXhf3VQgodWKwVq629YC32tEd1STkStwfh5Y
- Ethereum: 0x9392079Eb419Fa868a8929ED595bd3A85397085B
Reprogrammable Quantum Secure Hardware with Mamta Gupta - Episode 47
Quantum Computing Now
07/14/23 • 51 min
We've heard on the show before about software needed to secure devices in a post-quantum world, but what about the hardware? Mamta Gupta from Lattice Semiconductor is here to tell us all about that!
A note: at one point, Mamta talks about massive parallelism being the reason for quantum computing's speedup. As far as I can tell, it's not. I didn't think during the podcast was the best time to bring it up, but if you want to learn more, I recommend looking at the episode I did with Scott Aaronson and also the episode with Jon Skerrett
- CNSA 2.0: https://media.defense.gov/2022/Sep/07/2003071834/-1/-1/0/CSA_CNSA_2.0_ALGORITHMS_.PDF
- Isara timeline: https://www.isara.com/blog-posts/quantum-computing-urgency-and-timeline.html
- Cryptographic Agility with Mike Brown – Episode 37: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/Cryptographic-Agility-with-Mike-Brown--Episode-37-e133ela
- https://www.latticesemi.com/
- Quantum Open Source Foundation: https://qosf.org/
- QOSF showcase: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/QOSF-Showcase--Episode-28-Hybrid-eqir0q
- Interview with Michal Stechly (founder of QOSF): https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quantumcomputingnow/episodes/Micha-Stchy-and-QOSF--Episode-21-Hybrid-ej5e2u
- Lattice LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lattice-semiconductor
- Lattice twitter: http://www.twitter.com/latticesemi
- Lattice Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/latticesemi
- https://www.minds.com/1ethanhansen
- [email protected]
- QRL: Q0106000c95fe7c29fa6fc841ab9820888d807f41d4a99fc4ad9ec5510a5334c72ef8d0f8c44698
- Monero: 47e9C55PhuWDksWL9BRoJZ2N5c6FwP9EFUcbWmXZS8AWfazgxZVeaw7hZZmXXhf3VQgodWKwVq629YC32tEd1STkStwfh5Y
- Ethereum: 0x9392079Eb419Fa868a8929ED595bd3A85397085B
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How many episodes does Quantum Computing Now have?
Quantum Computing Now currently has 59 episodes available.
What topics does Quantum Computing Now cover?
The podcast is about Podcasts and Technology.
What is the most popular episode on Quantum Computing Now?
The episode title 'Coherence Times Longer Than My Attention Span – Episode 33' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Quantum Computing Now?
The average episode length on Quantum Computing Now is 38 minutes.
How often are episodes of Quantum Computing Now released?
Episodes of Quantum Computing Now are typically released every 14 days, 23 hours.
When was the first episode of Quantum Computing Now?
The first episode of Quantum Computing Now was released on Jul 7, 2019.
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