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PurposeFULL Living Podcast

PurposeFULL Living Podcast

T.H. Meyer, Amy Breitmann

Amy Breitmann and TH Meyer (Tammy) are authors, entrepreneurs, wives, and mothers, helping you (and each other) to live a more fulfilled, intentional, and encouraged life. They also co-authored the book, A God of All Seasons. Amy and Tammy understand how our worlds can be full of things that discourage us. How distractions can keep us from fully being ourselves, fully present, content, or happy. They understand how hard seasons of the soul can leave us empty. Or how we might be on a journey to new and exciting adventures with God. They’ve also known the search for their our own unique calling. Join them to explore God’s design for your life. Listen in and discover ways to fully live the life you were created for. Their weekly radio show, PurposeFULL Living, originally airs on graceandtruthradio.world every Thursday at 12:30pm CST.
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Top 10 PurposeFULL Living Podcast Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best PurposeFULL Living Podcast episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to PurposeFULL Living Podcast for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite PurposeFULL Living Podcast episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

PurposeFULL Living Podcast - Ep 11: Perseverance

Ep 11: Perseverance

PurposeFULL Living Podcast


04/26/19 • 23 min

Perseverance is often a hidden work, taking tiny obedient steps. God may ask us to pick back up an idea, passion, or project we laid down.

Listen in as Amy and Tammy talk about being open to not only letting go of a project or ministry but also to returning to it when God prompts us.

How does perseverance challenge the best of us? Where might God be asking you to persevere or lay something down?

Episodes originally air on the radio every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/

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Even though Bobbie Schaeperkoetter is a writer, speaker, teacher, YouTuber, community builder, and an empowerer of women, she has struggled to be vulnerable and authentic. Hear what it took for her to leave a place of isolation to step into a place of new community even as she felt inadequate. Learn about the invitation that surprised her and how it brought her defensive walls down.

Listen in as we (Amy, Bobbie, and Tammy) talk about the challenges of finding community, the fear of rejection or being known for our true selves. And discover the power of community OVER competition.

In this episode you'll hear:

  • Through her speaking engagements, what has Bobbie discovered to be the most pressing topic about being in community? It might not be what you think.
  • Conversations about the fear of authenticity, rejection, and letting people in
  • The awkward ask that Bobbie experienced in reaching out to build a community
  • What is a Grace Ninja?
  • Encouragement and ideas for building or connecting with community right where you are

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

Episodes originally air on the radio every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.

You can find Bobbie at bobbieshae.com

You can also find Amy and Tammy at:

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/


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PurposeFULL Living Podcast - Ep 5: Overcoming Lies

Ep 5: Overcoming Lies

PurposeFULL Living Podcast


03/15/19 • 27 min

And that “anyone” can include our self. Some seasons or days (or hours), we need to contend for our freedom, fighting the good fight over our soul. What we believe about ourselves is the life we live out. Some lies are obvious—as apparent as the nose on our face. But what about the secret lies we say about ourselves? How do we root those weeds out especially when they’ve been planted as a normal part of our inner landscape?

Amy and Tammy talked about the lies they’ve believed, how they broke free, and their (sometimes daily) journey in maintaining it. Hear how Amy struggled to embrace her beloved-ness and what became her turning point in grasping the depths of God’s love (and freedom) for her. Tune in as Tammy shares how one small group of women, a bible study, and a short drive home revealed the mystery of a familiar deception.

“Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.” —From the Message, Galatians‬ ‭5:1‬

Episodes originally air on radio every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/


Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/

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We are excited to welcome Jamie as she shares her family's call to foster and adopt in the middle of raising their four biological kids. Listen in as one mother, who already mothered 11 of her younger siblings, realizes that all her parenting practice and years of raising her kids didn't always provide her with answers.

As parents, our kids teach us a lot about ourselves, especially how desperately we need God’s grace to parent well. And when you blend families through foster or adoption, we learn even more about ourselves than we cared to know. Listen in today as Jamie Young shares about her family’s call to foster and adopt and one of the most valuable insights she’s gained in parenting, one we can all benefit from hearing. If you feel this is something God’s asking of you or if you want to support those in your community who are already fostering or have adopted, join us as we explore the process and the journey through Jamie’s experience. She will give you tools, resources, and encouragement to be a better parent for your kids and a good friend to those called to opening up their home. Join us as we discover different tempos of grace, being adaptable, and how we benefit by staying teachable.

Episodes originally air on the radio every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/

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PurposeFULL Living Podcast - Ep 2: Getting Started

Ep 2: Getting Started

PurposeFULL Living Podcast


03/02/19 • 27 min

Getting started is not based on how “good” you are or how young you are or how wise you are (although, that definitely helps). It is not even based on how able you are. When God calls you to start, He takes you just as you are, right now. You don’t have to wait for that “magical” time whether it be January or a Monday or some other fairy-tale hour. You do not even have to be comfortable. In fact, what you’re planning on doing might seem near impossible. Most times, getting started on something entirely new will stretch you.

Listen in on how Amy moved past her negative self-labels to finally do the one thing she challenged herself in 2019. And learn about Tammy’s realization that God was asking her to revisit something she’d long ago given up. And hear how your own purpose does not expire with God but how it also does not always fit into our neat-n-tidy timelines.

Episodes also air every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/


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PurposeFULL Living Podcast - Ep 3: Walking Through Your Valley

Ep 3: Walking Through Your Valley

PurposeFULL Living Podcast


03/02/19 • 27 min

How do you live in a season where you can’t see the path in front of you? How do you overcome when mountainous burdens suddenly crash upon your soul like a tsunami, sweeping you out to (what appears to be) an endless ocean of winter?

What does it look like to give up your dream only to land in your darkest valley? Or to have ovarian cancer and have a baby in one fell swoop? And where might the critical tools or desperate encouragement be found in times when life’s crisis blinds you with the darkness of overwhelming struggles and sheer survival?

Listen in as Tammy and Amy share about giving up dreams and fighting for the lives that they never imagined they’d have to surrender. Join them as they talk about the hard moments, what exactly they learned, how it changed them, and what they could see (looking back) once they reached the other side.

Episodes also air every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/


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PurposeFULL Living Podcast - Ep 13: Fear & What it Teaches Us

Ep 13: Fear & What it Teaches Us

PurposeFULL Living Podcast


05/09/19 • 27 min

In the scriptures, 241 times in the New King James, “fear not” or “do not fear” appeared in the Bible. 241 times, God took His people into their calling, their purpose, or their next step which required more than their own strength (and courage) to fulfill. 241 times, His people saw glimpses of what He had in store and it seemed too impossible, too big, too fantastical for their imaginations to fathom. 241 times, His people felt the weight of where He was taking them and fear was right there trying to hold them back.

But God.

Amy and Tammy get vulnerable and honest about their most debilitating fears. They share about how fear can teach us about ourselves. But how fear does not get to dictate what we will or will not do when God calls.

"I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13 NIV

PurposeFULL Living originally airs every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on @graceandtruthradio.world. You can also download the podcast and not miss an episode at, purposefulllivingpodcast.com (with 3 “L”s).

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.

You can also find Amy and Tammy at:

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/


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Having being trained and educated in traditional therapeutic nutrition, Bryn became a dietitian who also struggled to understand the “why” behind her eating struggles. But when she took part in a group session with a psychologist as a nutritional consultant, an epiphany changed everything for her.

Listen in on Bryn’s journey out of the yo-yo lifestyle, how she discovered functional medicine, and how she now treats the root issue of disease as a dietitian. Learn what eating habits factored into the elevation of mood that positively impacted women she led in a private group. And how we can’t serve others well if we aren’t serving ourselves well.

Tune in Bryn, Amy, and Tammy share how taking care of our bodies can be an act of worship and how we can’t walk in our purpose when we are sick and tired. Hear how Bryn finally embraced a reluctant calling to be a “me too” source of hope and encouragement to others as she leads them (and herself) into wholesome lives and mindsets. Join us in a journey toward a more vibrant you–a you that has the energy to fully embrace your (sometimes reluctant) purpose.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”-Romans 12:1 NIV

Episodes originally aired on radio Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/


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PurposeFULL Living Podcast - Ep 1: Unexpected Beginnings

Ep 1: Unexpected Beginnings

PurposeFULL Living Podcast


03/02/19 • 26 min

New beginnings can happen from the unlikeliest of places or situations. At times, we may be stretched beyond our comfort zones. Or other times, we may be clueless about what is just around the corner. Either way, beginnings can catch us by surprise.

Listen in as Amy and Tammy talk about how they met and how they never would’ve guessed where their friendship would lead. You’ll hear about the journey that eventually brought them to do radio and podcasting. A multi-collaborative journey that might’ve terrified or overwhelmed them had they known, after the first meeting, the things they would end up doing the last several years.

Learn how God might be using your current season as a starting point for something new (to you). Join Tammy and Amy as they share how God prepares the way ahead of our beginnings. And how you too can be surprised by the path that God has prepared for you.

Episodes also air every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please help us with the algorithms so others can find us, by leaving a review on iTunes here.

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/


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PurposeFULL Living Podcast - Ep 19: The Imposter Syndrome - Interview with Deanna Herd

08/01/19 • 30 min

Imposter Syndrome:
  • a consistent inability to believe that one's success is a result of one's own efforts, skills, or hard work
  • a pattern in which a person doubts their achievements
  • a person who has persistent thoughts and fear of being exposed as a "fraud"
  • despite evidence of competence, they incorrectly attribute any success to random luck or that others have wrongly perceived them as being more intelligent than they really are

Join us as we understand how the imposter syndrome prevents us from stepping in the purposes that God created us for. Deana shares how she discovered the lies that kept her from her purpose. And how, through a simple exercise, you can discover God's truth for yourself too.

If you enjoyed one of our shows, please share with a friend!

You can also find Amy and Tammy at:

Tammy's Website: http://thmeyerauthor.com/

Amy's Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/


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How many episodes does PurposeFULL Living Podcast have?

PurposeFULL Living Podcast currently has 19 episodes available.

What topics does PurposeFULL Living Podcast cover?

The podcast is about Purpose, Christianity, Selfhelp, Talkshow, Religion & Spirituality, Podcasts, Spiritual and Life.

What is the most popular episode on PurposeFULL Living Podcast?

The episode title 'Ep 19: The Imposter Syndrome - Interview with Deanna Herd' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on PurposeFULL Living Podcast?

The average episode length on PurposeFULL Living Podcast is 27 minutes.

How often are episodes of PurposeFULL Living Podcast released?

Episodes of PurposeFULL Living Podcast are typically released every 7 days.

When was the first episode of PurposeFULL Living Podcast?

The first episode of PurposeFULL Living Podcast was released on Mar 2, 2019.

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