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Practical Intuition with Kay

Practical Intuition with Kay

Kay Lock Kolp, M. Ed.

Supporting the inner lives of us grown-ups... I help people "knock the bricks off their wings and truly fly," as one client beautifully put it... I'm Kay, an artist, author, and coach. I live in Massachusetts, USA, with my husband, sons, and our 12-1/2-year-old pet chicken. Connect with me at kaylockkolp.com. PS This show used to be called We Turned Out Okay... You're in the right place! The first 375-ish episodes were created with that name. Much has changed around here, but much has stayed the same. I'm glad you are here!
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Top 10 Practical Intuition with Kay Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Practical Intuition with Kay episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Practical Intuition with Kay for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Practical Intuition with Kay episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Practical Intuition with Kay - 331: How to handle your child's rage

331: How to handle your child's rage

Practical Intuition with Kay


05/19/20 • 43 min

"My biggest struggle is with my five-year-old. When she is angry she scratches, bites and sometimes hits. She also yells very loudly. I would love some advice on how to get her to stop."

A listener wrote in with this question, and I knew it would probably resonate with many listeners.

Like us adults, kids are experiencing lots and lots of angry feelings – more so than pre-pandemic, without the usual outlets or often even the ability to leave the house and get a change of scene.

It can be difficult for adults to deal with our own rage, after years and decades of experience... It's so much harder for kids to deal with their rage.

They need our help! Today I share a 3-part formula that I hope you find helpful in handling your child's angry outbursts.

We've also got an impromptu Parenting News, featuring the following: The Forge article "Your Only Goal Is to Arrive," about how only one thing really matters right now in bringing our families through the pandemic.

A new book – Why are You Still Sending Your Kids to School? – from friend-of-the-podcast and expert in raising self-directed learners Blake Boles. I share the Amazon link here, but Blake asks that you consider purchasing it through "local bookstores, which could certainly use the business right now." (I share about this book both in the Parenting News, and also in the main part of this episode. I think it's required reading, not just in handling your young child's rage, but also in raising resilient and happy kids. Highly recommended!)

Join us!

Notes, including tons of links and a cheat sheet of the 3-part formula to handle your child's angry outbursts, are at weturnedoutokay.com/331 : )

Also: I have been working hard behind the scenes, creating a 5-module course on "How to keep going" and a training on "how to handle your child's angry outbursts," not to mention spring cleaning in the Ninja Parenting Community... and in this episode I share when registration opens once more for NPC! The response from NPC members has been wonderful, and I'm excited to open up the community for those of you who want the extra support coming through the pandemic. Listen in to this episode to find out when registration opens, if you need that supportive community, and help from an expert in child development.

Join the We Turned Out Okay book club!

I wrote a newsletter recently on how to handle it if you're feeling anxiety in the pandemic (and after). Click the link below to read it: https://weturnedoutokay.com/it-is-normal-to-be-anxious-when-everything-is-changing/

To watch the Free Virtual Summit I created in response to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic go to: weturnedoutokay.com/OkayCon2020

We will get through this together <3

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How can I stop my child from being so impulsive? How can I stop her from hurting others with her bad behavior? How can I stop him from alienating people because he's hitting, or spitting, or worse?

Sometimes it is scary how much anger and frustration our little kids have inside. And when it erupts, we can feel so powerless.

This week's We Turned Out Okay podcast episode guest, Maureen Healy, has written a book called The Emotionally Healthy Child, to help us deal with these aspects of our young children.

When I invited Maureen on the show, I knew she had written a wonderful book for us. A useful tool, helping us parents figure out how to get our kids' behavior to be more what we want to see.

But I was not prepared for the kind of depth that Maureen Healy brings to the conversation. This gentle, thoughtful woman can teach us all about what it means to be human, and how to truly connect with our loved ones, especially our children.

Hope you enjoy this conversation!

Go to weturnedoutokay.com/261 for:

  • A cheat sheet of favorite ideas from our conversation
  • Key links from our conversation, including to Maureen's wonderful book, The Emotionally Healthy Child
  • The scoop on my latest book! One reviewer says of 10 Secrets Happy Parents Know: I love how much "Karen" is in these pages... I can foresee myself using these chapter titles as self-talk mantras to remind myself to get out of discipline mode ASAP; that conflicts are opportunities; and so on."
  • The video of the week: "Stop my young child being impulsive"

And thank you so much for listening!

Temper Tantrums and Potty Training:

During today's break I share about two helpful free guides I offer. While the podcast is long-form – your opportunity to look into the mind of a child development expert – the free guides are super quick.

You can watch the video, read the checklist, and immediately handle the temper tantrums or get started with potty training (depending on which guide you choose : )

  • Click here for the FREE video and checklist to handle every temper tantrum
  • Click here for the FREE video and checklist to successfully potty train your child
  • Want to receive valuable ideas and tips on parenting, without either free guide above? Click here for my weekly parenting newsletter!
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Recently one of the moms in my parent coaching community wrote in to share that her 4-year-old sons were about to start school... in a preschool-through-12th-grade school where corporal punishment is used.

"I can't imagine [my boys] doing anything that would warrant a paddling, but I could not make myself check that box saying it was okay," she wrote in our forums.

She then shared that, if parents check the "no, don't spank my kid" box, children are exposed to other punishments such as a 3-day suspension and zeros on any assignments missed!

I was shocked. In every state there are laws against striking people in prisons and in the military; in most every state it's illegal to strike an animal.

But it turns out that in 19 states, it's okay to strike a child in school.

Come down the rabbit hole with me, into the world of corporal punishment. It's a world that might be much closer to you than you ever imagined.

Go to weturnedoutokay.com/244 for:

  • Links to the articles I discuss today
  • The video I made recently about what to do when your young child wants to do everything all by him or herself... but can't, and then has a fit
  • Also to hear my story about being in a flash flood this week!! I talk about that during the break. It was scary, that's for sure!

And thank you so much for listening!

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When We Turned Out Okay turned 2 several months ago, I asked you all for ideas about what you wanted me to address on the show. Listener Kerri said "I would like to know as a white person what I need to do to be sure my children are not contributing to the racism that is hurting so many."

Today, I speak with married, interracial couple Ingrid Alli and Hamilton Graziano, in possibly one of the most moving conversations I've been able to bring you yet.

Ingrid and Hamilton are newlyweds, just starting out in their married life and, as yet, do not have children.

They want kids, though – and they come on the show today to share their thoughts on what it's like to be part of an interracial couple, what it was like growing up for Ingrid, as an African-American, and their hopes about race in this modern world.

Notice: I did not say "hopes and fears about race"... Ingrid and Hamilton are curiously, delightfully fear-free. They know what's at stake, they live every day in a divisive America, and they take the positive stance that love wins.

They're performance poets, and I know you'll love, as I did, their award-winning performance of their poem, "The Lovings," about an interracial couple who fought nine long years for the right to marry in their state of Virginia.

Ingrid and Hamilton got their marriage license 50 years to the day, in Virginia, from when the Lovings got theirs. (Click the link below for the full show notes to this episode, where I've embedded YouTube video of Ingrid and Hamilton's performance of this poem.)

Ingrid and Hamilton have also got great advice in response to Kerri's question, and it's the sort of answer that transcends today's conversation about race. Their answer to Kerri's question is also the answer to worries about parenting, feeling good inside ourselves, and alleviating that guilt that many of us carry around – vague, uncertain, but there nonetheless.

I hope you enjoy this episode. It won't be the last one about race and parenting – Kerri's is a two-part question and once the back-to-school mayhem settles down, we'll return to this issue.

Speaking of back-to-school mayhem: if your inner self is shouting "aaaggghhhh!" at the thought of the looming school year and the chaotic mornings it will bring, Click here to sign up for the Streamline Your Mornings challenge, happening the first full week of September!

Sign-ups close on Sunday, September 3, so get in there now to access the daily emails, entry into the private We Turned Out Okay Facebook group, and for the back-to-school, Facebook live Ask Me Anything I'm doing on the final day of the challenge (Friday, September 8).

The whole thing is FREE, and it will be so helpful if you are worried about those weekday mornings.

To sign up for the challenge and to read the advice Ingrid and Hamilton share about how to help make sure our children aren't contributing to the racism that hurts so many, go to weturnedoutokay.com/176!

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Practical Intuition with Kay - 146: How the Wrong Kind of Pressure Damages Kids: Our First Roundtable!

03/28/17 • 65 min

Today's episode – which has some swears, please listen away from your kids or with headphones – is one I've been working on putting together for a really long time: in it, a corporate lawyer, a midwife, and I sit down in a roundtable and discuss 3 topics really relevant to you, one chosen by each of us.

Corporate lawyer and mom-of-2 Angela Gregory lived down the street from us until just a few years ago, and has been a great role model for me about how to follow your passion as the family breadwinner and support your loved ones as the kids grow up.

Midwife and mom in a blended family of five children Dina Fraize has also been a great role model, showing how to embrace the chaos in a large family and raise thoughtful, engaged young men.

We've been friends now for years, since our kids were pretty small, and I know you're going to get so much out of our conversation! Or should I say, conversations... this is part one of 2 roundtables because we just had so much to talk about.

Up for discussion today: how to not raise a-holes, The French Toast Alert System and how the culture of fear really messes with parents of young children, and making sure sure that we don't put the wrong kinds of pressure on our young kids!

Click weturnedoutokay.com/146 for show notes and key links, including sign-up links to two upcoming free, live online classes I'm teaching: 1) the FAQ Q&A about the Ninja Parenting Community coming up THIS Thursday, March 30 and where you can get a free copy of my parenting book, Positive Discipline Ninja Tactics and 2) the Common Parenting Challenges class coming up April 20!

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Practical Intuition with Kay - 106: Join the Homework Revolt

106: Join the Homework Revolt

Practical Intuition with Kay


09/20/16 • 19 min

Do you worry that your child is getting too much homework for his or her young age?

Do you stress out over the nightly fits as said homework is being accomplished?

Then, you're going to love today's episode – it turns out that homework and young children do not mix, and this fall people are standing up and saying "I'm protecting my kid from the scourge of homework!"

For key links and expanded show notes about how to join the revolution, click weturnedoutokay.com/106!

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Practical Intuition with Kay - 097: Today's Podcast Field Trip Explores Creativity and Innovation

08/11/16 • 9 min

Today we visit a podcast that will stimulate your creativity and help you learn about some really great and cool things – Innovation Hub with host Kara Miller!

I share two recent episodes, plus one from a year or so ago, that really stand out in my mind and will be relevant for you. Go to weturnedoutokay.com/097 for links to Innovation Hub, and to listen!

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Practical Intuition with Kay - 095: Getting Our Freak On With Today's Podcast Field Trip!

08/04/16 • 10 min

Today, our podcast field trip takes us to one of the first podcasts I ever listened to: Freakonomics Radio with host Stephen J. Dubner.

Freakonomics is such a great podcast because, like the book series of the same name which Dubner wrote with Steve Levitt, a frequent contributor to Freakonomics Radio, each episode digs into the field of behavioral economics, showing us humans stuff we never would have thought about ourselves.

For links to today's field trip, go to weturnedoutokay.com/095.

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Today Robin Abrahams, author of the weekly Miss Conduct advice column in Boston Globe Magazine, returns for her second hangout on We Turned Out Okay! (Robin and I first spoke last fall, in episode 42, so click here or go to weturnedoutokay.com/042 to hear our first conversation together.)

In honor of Mother's Day Robin has a special article coming out in this Sunday's Globe Magazine, "A letter to moms from a woman without children;" in it she makes some very kind and wonderful promises to her friends with kids, such as "I will take the lead in scheduling social events, because you're managing more social calendars than I am." We start today's conversation talking about Robin's article – and then move on to her delightful book, Miss Conduct's Mind over Manners: Master the Slippery Rules of Modern Ethics and Etiquette.

In this guidebook for modern living – for getting along with other humans – is a tiny, wonderful few pages about breast-feeding in public; Robin and I talk about the perils of both breast-feeding and formula feeding in public, since both leave parents equally open to beratings from strangers! Robin shares great advice with us about how to deflect criticism, from strangers and friends and family.

Next, Robin answers some listener questions:

  • Anne asks "I'm considering homeschooling my preschooler next year, and I'm getting major pushback from my husband's family. (My husband is on board, just not his parents and siblings.) They live nearby and we do see his parents a lot, how can I keep family relations positive in the event that we homeschool their grandson in the fall?"
  • MJ, who is planning a family trip involving traveling in the same car with her estranged mother-in-law for ten days, asks "please help me with easy situation diffusers and ways I may not have thought about to keep this trip as conflict free as possible..."
  • I wonder "what happens if you're at the playground and a parent scolds your child – for doing something perfectly within his rights, in your opinion?", a situation which I found myself in a few years ago.

Robin shares great advice for each of these situations, so you're sure of some great takeaways from our conversation!

Today's show is sponsored by Positive Discipline Ninja Tactics: Key Tools to Handle Every Temper Tantrum, Keep Your Cool, and Enjoy Life With Your Young Child, the book I wrote for you if you are the parent of young children!

It's getting some great reviews, including this one from Heidi de los Andes: "I really enjoyed this quick, clear and caring parenting book. Just like the author advocates in dealing with children, she couches her advice from a position of empathy. The book draws from the same general philosophy of instilling self-reliance as the Free Range Kids book by Lenore Skenazy... I also appreciated that it was a quick read (about an hour) and had lots of tricks and techniques you can start using right away."

It's available as an E-book in Amazon right now... To check out Positive Discipline Ninja Tactics click here or go to Amazon.com and search the name. I hope it helps you in your everyday parenting!

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Practical Intuition with Kay - 406: Supporting Kids in Building Their Life How They Want It

11/14/23 • 63 min

I am thrilled to share my conversation with Dr. Pamela Ellis today! Dr. Pamela goes deep in our conversation, sharing about early experiences and how they have shaped her into the person she is today... Someone truly passionate about getting helping young adults be on the path of their true choice. Enjoy! So much love, Kay Here’s the link to Dr. Pamela’s website... https://compasscollegeadvisory.com/ Here is our conversation on video: https://youtu.be/U6oer6q8Jio And I want to say thank you and share a story in these notes today. So here goes! Thank You Two years ago I began asking myself the question, “Who gets to decide if I’m an artist or not“ Lots of listeners and viewers of this show have supported me as I have seen that the answer is, “Me!” I get to decide. Now I joyfully share my art out with gratitude and love And that is what I receive back. Early on this art journey a friend and beloved colleague shook up my thinking When he shared his frustration with the “starving artist“ stereotype. I began dreaming about creating art and joyfully sharing it out... And what if that art could support me and my family? What a fun journey to be on I’m so grateful in my heart for all the support. And I’m offering that gratitude out in a sale! 50% savings on all my paintings now through November 30 So if you’ve had your eye on a Kay Or if you’d like to give the gift of my original fine art to loved ones Now is your opportunity Link is https://bit.ly/kayartsale2023 THANK YOU for helping me realize this dream With love, Kay

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How many episodes does Practical Intuition with Kay have?

Practical Intuition with Kay currently has 479 episodes available.

What topics does Practical Intuition with Kay cover?

The podcast is about Health & Fitness, Mental Health, Podcasts, Self-Improvement and Education.

What is the most popular episode on Practical Intuition with Kay?

The episode title '336: Listener Q&A – Sibling jealousy and Adoption' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Practical Intuition with Kay?

The average episode length on Practical Intuition with Kay is 45 minutes.

How often are episodes of Practical Intuition with Kay released?

Episodes of Practical Intuition with Kay are typically released every 7 days.

When was the first episode of Practical Intuition with Kay?

The first episode of Practical Intuition with Kay was released on Apr 29, 2015.

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