Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
Erica Pyle
Welcome to the Positioned to Prosper Podcast with Erica Pyle, where we dive deep into Biblical mindsets, strategies, and inspiration to help you thrive in every area of your life. Whether it's faith, health, relationships, finances, business, or ministry, Erica’s here to equip you with the tools you need to get unstuck, overcome overwhelm, and avoid burnout as you pursue your purpose with intention.
Join Erica, co-lead pastor of REVIVE Church of Tampa, and founder/lead mentor of The Jesus Girl Gang, an online, group coaching mentorship for Christian women with a pioneering spirit, as she shares powerful teachings, practical advice, and pivotal strategies for breakthrough living without compromising on the things that matter most to you. With over 13 years of experience in pastoral ministry alongside her husband Doug, Erica brings a wealth of knowledge and a passionate heart for helping you live out God's best for your life.
Each week, tune in for transformative insights that will empower you to build a Kingdom business or ministry, nurture your personal well-being, and create balanced, prosperous relationships. If you're a faith-driven woman seeking to align your life with God's purpose, you're in the right place.
Subscribe now and get ready to be positioned to prosper!
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Daily Encouragement, Strategy & Inspiration:
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Top 10 Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
How to Enter Into & Abide in the Rest of God
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
07/24/22 • 48 min
#092// You can't "effort" your way into grace, but God can grace you for effective effort.
Why are we "programmed" to think we have to work hard and do our very best in order to "deserve" God's rest? It's a question I think about a lot since the Bible tells us something very different about entering into God's rest. The writer of Hebrews makes it clear: We fail to enter God's rest when we fail to believe God at His Word and when we fail to obey what He says. So why don't we just trust and obey? #MillionDollarQuestion
In this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast I'm sharing the message I preached this past Sunday at my home church, REVIVE Church of Tampa, entitled: How to Enter Into and Abide in the Rest of God. We revisited the four powerful questions we can ask the Lord to enter into His rest, and I also addressed a few matters around processing trauma and pain without picking up co-dependent coping mechanisms so you can stay abiding in rest, even when relationships and life are presenting tough challenges. Are you ready to get into it? Then grab your Bible, your journal and a pen, and . . . Let's Go!
Grab the Accompanying Rest Worksheet: Would you like a two-page worksheet that has the four questions of rest we've been discussing in this rest series along with spaces to pray through the questions with God and journal out the answers? Click here to download (yep, you'll be getting on my email list when you opt-in to receive the worksheet, but you can always unsubscribe at the bottom of the delivery email).
Join the Conversation Inside The REVIVE Online Campus Community: Are you ready to join the conversation around how to enter into and abide in the rest of God? You're invited into our online community -- The ROCC. Head to revivetampa.org/ROCC to join the community. Inside you'll find access to weekly messages, discipleship opportunities and more. You'll find the current podcast episode pinned to the Featured section of the group so you can join the chat in the comments. Hope to see you there!
Real Faith Requires Radical Trust
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
11/13/22 • 54 min
#108// Do you know the difference between Trust and Faith? I believe one of the reasons that the people of God do not see more breakthrough and manifestation of the promises of God is because we don't understand that there is a very real and important difference between trust and faith. When we don't understand there is a difference and what role each of these plays in bringing the Kingdom, we will settle for saying things like "I'm totally believing for that" without having the substance of faith anchoring that declaration into the living Word.
Trust (elpis) is a forerunner of real faith (pistis). It is the awareness and focused attention and action of trust that "connects" us to real faith and creates the substance of God's word being manifest. (James 2:14-26) But we've not been teaching this in Church. We've let people believe that somehow we have to just "believe harder" to see the promises come. But that's not it. We actually need to disciple the Church on how to place radical trust first, knowing that Hebrews 1 is truth when it says that "faith is the substance of things hoped (trusted) for . . . ." When we catch this and really receive it, we will connect to the real kind of faith that inherits the promises of God (Hebrews 6:12).
On this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast, I'm sharing a message I preached this past Sunday at my home church, REVIVE Church of Tampa. We're talking about the real, theological differences between trust and faith, why it's truly pivotal to know the difference, and how to place radical trust to see your faith literally come alive to bring the Kingdom. Are you ready for this? If so, I want you to grab your Bible, your journal and a pen, and . . . Let's Go!
REVIVE WOMAN · GIRL'S NIGHT OUT: Our next Girls Night Out event is happening Friday, November 18th at 7pm ET, and we will be continuing the conversation around placing radical trust. We'll be telling stories of how God invited us into a place where radical trust became possible for us. It will be a truly anointed time where you can be refreshed, encouraged and filled up by the One who knows how to resurrect and give life. If you're in the Tampa area, come join us in person! Not so close? We've got you covered with online streaming. Either way, go here to learn all the details about this upcoming event that is sure to encourage, equip and empower you to be a woman who makes a bold and confident sound into this earth for Jesus and His Kingdom.
How to Navigate a "Midlife Crisis"
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
11/06/22 • 40 min
#107// Have you been feeling like you're behind in life, running out of time, and lacking what you need to be truly successful?
I'd been feeling this a bit recently, and I decided to take some focused time to sit with the Lord on it. I'm approaching my 49th birthday, and it's recently felt to me like I've been wading through a bit of a "midlife crisis" season . . . for the better part of a decade! I knew I needed a good old fashioned, "come to Jesus" journaling session to get to the bottom of what was really going on here, and once I began downloading what I was hearing from the Lord, I just knew it would make a helpful podcast episode for all of us.
One of the first things I heard the Lord say clearly was: "There is never an appropriate time for a midlife crisis." Wow! So then I had to know: If there's never an appropriate time for something like this, then what is this weight I am currently experiencing, and how do I come out from under it? How can I get moving in a way that is infused with hope, faith and effectiveness that will bring ME a sense of fulfillment and YOU all the glory?
On this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast, I'm sharing all the things I learned as a result of that session with the Lord, as well as the things I learned as I faithfully walked out the words He's spoken to me over the past few months. So if you're ready to know how you can break free of those "I'm running out of time and I'm never going to make it" thoughts, I want you to grab your Bible, your journal and a pen, and . . . Let's Go!
THE 4 QUESTIONS WORKSHEET: Grab the worksheet I mention in the episode here: ericapyle.com/4Questions.
REVIVE WOMAN · GIRL'S NIGHT OUT: Our next Girls Night Out event is happening Friday, November 18th at 7pm ET. If you're in the Tampa area, come join us in person! Not so close? We've got you covered with online streaming. Either way, go here to learn all the details about this upcoming event that is sure to encourage, equip and empower you to be a woman who makes a bold and confident sound into this earth for Jesus and His Kingdom.
Intro To End Times & A Word For Now
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
04/03/22 • 32 min
#077// How are you feeling about these times we're living in? Could you use some good news? In this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast, I'm sharing a word I felt the Lord drop into my spirit a few weeks ago around a new season that He's walking His Church into right now. It's such a breath of fresh air, friend. I can't wait to share! But to get to the fullness of the word, I've got to share some things with you from a few encounters I've had with Him over the past two years. And these things involve some talk of the "last days," and end-times prophecy. Are you good to dig in with me on this topic?
And while we're talking end-times, can I ask you . . . Are you a pre-tribulation or post-tribulation believer when it comes to the timing of the rapture? Have you ever thought about this for yourself? In this episode we're going to begin to touch on this debate, and I'm planning to unpack this discussion a little more with you over the coming weeks here on the podcast. But for this week, I'm laying a bit of a scriptural foundation for our future discussion, and then releasing this word of absolute hope that the Lord gave to me to share with you. It's going to be so good!
So are you ready to jump in? If so, I want you to grab your Bible, your journal and a pen, and . . . Let's Go!
To join the four-week study I mention in the episode intro called -- The Tenacious Girl's Guide to Breakthrough: A Map for Navigating the Journey of Audacious Faith with God, click here. We start April 18th, so get registered ASAP!
Why You Want to Stay Connected (Even When It's Hard)
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
08/20/23 • 57 min
Stop Stressing & Start Planning For Success: How to Have Your Most Fruitful Year Ever
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
12/08/24 • 44 min
#174// A Plan is simply a healthy boundary around your time, your talents and your effort. Having a plan is like having a roadmap for how to navigate to your breakthrough.
I'm coming in with a hard but GOOD word for you today . . .
YES, You DO need a plan (Luke 14:28). YES, You CAN plan (Philippians 4:13). And YES, You can even learn CONTENTMENT and find JOY in the midst of the process of planning (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
Maybe you've had an experience of planning letting you down in the past. Maybe you don't feel like you're good at it. Maybe you've believed the lie that, since the outcome belongs to the Lord, it's a waste of time to plan for your breakthrough and eventual victory in Christ Jesus. Can I tell you something?
The devil is a liar and he's trying to do whatever he can to get you off the plan for your life, Sis!
You need a God-given strategy for how to steward your time, talents and efforts as it pertains to the work God has given you to do in this life. And the longer you live in the chaos of what you think is "waiting on God" (when what's really happening is just a mixture of apathy and bad theology), the farther down the disappointment pit you will fall. But Jesus came that you might have abundant life, to the FULL. Are you ready for that?
On this episode of The Positioned to Prosper Podcast we're talking about why you definitely need a plan, how to get to the place where you know you can craft and execute a plan, and how to even enjoy the journey of planning so you can step into your most fruitful year with the Lord EVER, all without the overwhelm. It's time, so before you hit play -- Grab your Bible, your journal and a pen, and . . . Let's Go!
LISTEN WITH THE SHOW NOTES: Head over to ericapyle.com/174 to grab the show notes which include the scriptures mentioned in the episode as well as links to resources and tools to help you apply the session to your life this week!
WANT A GUIDE TO HELP YOU PLAN YOUR MOST FRUITFUL YEAR EVER? I've got you! I'm putting together a planning session that will create the space and time you need to plan your best year yet. Just head over to ericapyle.com/PlanMyYear to get registered (it's just $7), and I'll save your seat for our live session on Friday, December 20th. This is the place where we'll review our past year, consider all that God is calling us into for the new year, and then plan our trajectory so we hit the target . . . all without the stress and overwhelm. So good, right? Go get registered for this incredibly empowering and productive planning session here. p.s. -- There'll definitely be a replay of this event, so I'd sign up even if you're not sure you can make the live session. It's going to be SO GOOD!
What Happens Next, Church?
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
09/19/21 • 44 min
#051// What should we be doing as the Church right now? It's a weird question, right? If you're a part of the Church then maybe you're thinking, "Hey, Erica, we're just supposed to keep on being the Church while Jesus builds." And that would be true, but then let me ask you this: What are we supposed to be doing while we're "being the Church?"
In these last eighteen months we've been thrown a few curve balls in the form of a pandemic, social justice issues, political conflicts and more, but this chaotic environment has clearly exposed something about the Church -- at some point previous, we went to sleep! We haven't been awake and walking fully in Truth, wearing our armor or operating in our full power and authority in Christ. Most of us had just been trying to live a "good enough" life, trying to have some sort of an impact for Christ along the journey, but then this "wake up call" of a season happened and we realized we weren't quite sure where we took a wrong turn.
In this podcast episode I'm going to be sharing my theory for how we got lost and fell asleep: We went off the Map (the Word of God) and forgot what we were supposed to be doing as the Church in these end times as the pressure increases and things get increasingly dark and evil. We haven't been focused on the fact that Jesus is coming back (soon), but he's not rescuing us out of here before the really heavy stuff starts to come upon the earth (no, friend, I personally do not see the scriptural support for a pre-tribulation rapture), and we must be about our Father's business as we were commissioned to do in Matthew 28 when Jesus said, "Make disciples."
So how do we stay "on mission" as the world becomes increasingly scared and chaotic, as evil rises in the earth and it seems as though final breakdown is imminent? That's what we're talking about in this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast. So if you're ready to get real about our role as the Church in these end times and what we should be doing as this age continues to unfold, then I want you to grab your Bible, your journal and a pen, and . . . Let's Go! [show notes at ericapyle.com/51]
The Anatomy of Burnout and How to Find Your Fire Again
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
08/27/23 • 47 min
Your Sound is a Key
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
02/19/23 • 55 min
#121// I'm sharing an excerpt from this month's Jesus Girl Gang Masterclass.
When you make a sound for the Lord, it can move things. It can stop things, it can start things. It can even sustain things. And, listen, I'm not here for the whole "Christians can't manifest anything" conversation. That is simply an unbiblical stance. If you speak the word of God out of a believing heart then you have no choice but to watch things manifest from the sound you've made. Isaiah 55:11, my friend. Also, go check out episode 88 of the podcast -- Is Manifestation a Christian Thing?
On this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast, I'm sharing a piece of the message I shared at our JGG Masterclass this month. Let me warn you as we step in: I'm talking quantum physics, demonic portals, conspiracies and the science of sound on this one. Are you ready to go on a bit of a Holy Spirit-sanctioned "woo" journey? If so, I want you to grab your Bible, your journal and a pen, and . . . Let's Go!
THE GBX BURN CHALLENGE STARTS FEB 27 · For years as a health coach, I avoided offering weight loss programs and products to my community because I found most of them to be toxic and trauma-inducing. Nearly every program or product I came across absolutely ignored the foundational health issues and root causes that drove the weight gain symptom to happen in the first place. Until now.
Amare, the company I proudly partnered with four month ago, just launched a new product and program that takes a foundational health approach to weight loss and healthy body composition. I'm excited to invite you into the GBX Burn 90-Day Challenge with me! To learn more about the Challenge, the program products and even the comprehensive plan we'll be following during the Challenge, head over to ericapyle.com/burnbrightly.
Why Snowballs, Envelopes & an Automatic Budgeting App Aren't Enough to Prosper You Financially
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle
01/21/24 • 24 min
#150 // Compliance only works as long as you're compliant. Willpower is not the fuel that'll get you to breakthrough.
Do you need a different experience when it comes to your finances? Maybe you've done all the programs, followed all the plans, used all the budgeting apps "they" told you to, but you're still feeling like "this isn't it." Do you know deep down that you're meant for more in this life, and being bullied by your bank account and budgeting spreadsheets just isn't the road that'll get you there?
Here's the truth: Snowball strategies, cash envelopes and "we'll load it all in for you and organize it" budgeting apps are not enough to prosper you financially. If you do not trade in faulty mindsets for a Kingdom mindset around money, and if you won't swap out those compliance and duty habits for something with real LIFE in it, you're going to keep getting the same result every single time you stop religiously following "the program." This is the straight up reality of human nature, my friend.
So what can you do to get a different result? How can you experience real breakthrough in your finances and learn to prosper as you steward the resources God has given you?
On this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast, I'm going to help you feel safe enough to admit where you really are right now when it comes to your finances, and to actually assess your positioning. Then I'm going to offer you to join me in something that I absolutely know can help you get positioned to prosper in your personal finances. Does this sound like something that could really help you right now? If so, I want you to Grab your Bible, your journal and a pen, and . . . Let's Go!
JOIN ME FOR PROSPER WEEK INSIDE THE ROCC! Listen, if you KNOW that you need the teaching, equipping and encouragement that's coming for you during PROSPER Week, then join me in the REVIVE Online Campus Community (the ROCC) and let's journey together. There is a whole host of people who will be running alongside you and cheering you on as you master your finances and bring them under the Lordship of Christ!
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How many episodes does Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle have?
Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle currently has 177 episodes available.
What topics does Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle cover?
The podcast is about Christianity, Homeschooling, Discipleship, Holistic Health, Religion & Spirituality, Productivity, Podcasts, Self-Improvement and Education.
What is the most popular episode on Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle?
The episode title 'The Lie of "I Don't Have Enough Time"' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle?
The average episode length on Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle is 42 minutes.
How often are episodes of Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle released?
Episodes of Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle are typically released every 7 days.
When was the first episode of Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle?
The first episode of Positioned to Prosper with Erica Pyle was released on Sep 21, 2020.
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