Papsda Pulpit
Papsda Community Church
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Top 10 Papsda Pulpit Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Papsda Pulpit episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Papsda Pulpit for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Papsda Pulpit episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
10/01/24 • 26 min
Each child is unique, and worthy – because of Jesus and who He is! This week we will contrast two stories from 1 Samuel 2:12-17, 22-25 & 3:1-10, that highlight what all children are worthy of, and how as disciples of Jesus we can be part of the story God is writing in their lives.
Worthy Part 5: Friends Are Worthy - SJ Riley
Papsda Pulpit
09/24/24 • 25 min
While we might consider ourselves grown up in many ways, something we can all do better at is our friendships. This isn’t just about choosing wisely who we spend our time with, it’s also about who we are as a friend to others. This week we continue in our “Worthy” series by exploring friendship through the story of Jonathan and his armour-bearer (1 Samuel 14:1-14).
Worthy Part 4: Vows Are Worthy - Mike Sikuri
Papsda Pulpit
09/17/24 • 24 min
There is no doubt that God values relationships. It is something we see throughout the pages of the Bible and it’s evident in how He seeks out connection with us. In the beginning God valued marriage and family so much that He created a perfect environment and then introduced Adam and Eve to that environment. This Sabbath we explore God’s picture of love through the context of marriage.
Worthy Part 3: You... Are Worthy - Willie Iererua
Papsda Pulpit
09/10/24 • 23 min
We know that Jesus is worthy. And because of that, there is an incredible value He places on our lives, too! We don’t have to build our identity from ourselves or comparing with others. God sees US as worthy. This Sabbath we build a framework to uphold and grow the worth that God has over our lives.
Make Room Part 2: Stopping - Keryn McCutcheon
Papsda Pulpit
05/14/24 • 30 min
Where we start in our relationship with Jesus, strongly determines the way we live life. This week we are exploring the practise of Stopping, (yes you heard correctly) in order to position ourselves in the best starting place to make room for our relationship with God.
Discussion Question - Luke 10:38-42 (also John 12:1-3)
Getting Started:
Share a time when you needed to, or were brought to a STOP, that changed the direction of
your life?
Digging Deeper – Luke 10:38-42 (also John 12:1-3)
- Describe the 2 perspectives of the sisters. In your current relationship with Jesus, do you
most connect with the experience of Mary or Martha?
- What are some of the ‘distractions’ (they may be good or unhelpful) that show up for you
- In the passage in Luke we see Martha serving, discuss some of the feelings and attitudes she
most likely was having that led to her encounter with Jesus?
- In the passage in John we see Mary serving, discuss some of the feelings and attitudes she
most likely was having that led to her encounter with Jesus?
- Why do you think STOPPING to sit at Jesus feet is the ‘one thing’, the ‘better’ thing that Jesus
commends Mary for, and encourages Martha and us to do?
How To Apply This:
- Of the 3 postures forSTOPPING (To sit at Jesus feet. To stand back to reflect. To face
forward to refocus) which do you feel the Holy Spirit inviting you to adopt, to prepare
for the next season of your discipleship journey?
- Mary was deliberate, shocking even claiming to be a disciple by sitting at Jesus feet;
what deliberate, bold and obvious way can you MAKE ROOM and demonstrate your
desire to be a disciple of Jesus this week?
Make Room Part 9: Quieting - SJ Riley
Papsda Pulpit
07/16/24 • 23 min
In a world consumed by the noise of life we can easily forget both the power and necessity of quietness. Yes, God speaks above the chaos and can come marching boldly into our situations, but He also desires to speak to us in moments of quiet, where we lean in and experience the intimacy of His gentle whisper. Let’s come together this Saturday as we explore the spiritual discipline of “Quieting” from the perspective of 1 Kings 19:9-18.
Getting started:
1. What is the noisiest part of your life? OR Share a time where you have been overwhelmed by noise. OR
Share a time when you have experienced the power of silence.
Digging Deeper - 1 Kings 19:9-18
2. What do you notice about this conversation between God and Elijah?
3. What was the cave for Elijah?
4. What was the cave for God?
5. In what ways do we listen for God in our everyday?
6. How does Elijah respond to God whispering in that moment?
a. How does his posture change?
b. How does his listening change?
c. Whataction comes out of it that was different from before?
7. How does a gentle whisper prove pivotal to the story?
a. God’s approach
b. Elijah’s response
8. Do you believe that God still whispers today?
a. How can a gentle, but direct, conversation with God impact someone’s
How To Apply This:
9. What needs to change in your own life for a whisper from God to be heard?
10. Are you willing to hear and respond to what God has to say?
a. What time and space are you going to give this week for God to speak into your life?
b. How are you going to practice sitting without speaking, trusting that God will show up in your
Make Room Part 8: Yielding - Andrew Hoeflich
Papsda Pulpit
07/09/24 • 33 min
In this passage, Jesus shares on the need for self-denial and sacrifice in following Him. He highlights that true life is found in losing one's life for His sake and questions the value of worldly gain if it costs one's soul for eternity. This teaching underlines the eternal significance of prioritising spiritual over material wealth in our lives. Join us this Saturday as we dig deeper into this passage.
Getting started:
1. Share a time when you had to yield or surrender something for someone else so they
could receive the benefit or the spotlight?
Digging Deeper - Matthew 16:24-26
2. What does it mean to “deny oneself” in the context of following Jesus?
3. How do we practically “take up our cross” in our daily life?
4. In what ways might following Jesus requiresacrifice or hardship?
5. How can the desire to “save our life” lead to losing it?
6. How do material possessions and worldly success compare to the value of one’s soul?
7. How can we guard against the temptation to exchange our soul for worldly gains?
How to Apply This:
6. What specificactions can you takethis week to deny yourselfand follow Jesus more
7. Is there an area in your life where you need to let go of worldly pursuits to focus more
on your spiritual growth?
8. How can you share the message of this passage with others in your community or
sphere of influence?
Make Room Part 7: Fasting - Keryn McCutcheon
Papsda Pulpit
07/02/24 • 39 min
Our society proclaims messages of ‘if it feels good do it”, or “live YOUR truth”, which fly in opposition to God’s truth and ways. This week we will explore how Biblical fasting is a call to seek God’s ways, and discover that He has so much more for us, like he did for Daniel, when we acknowledge Him!
Getting Started:
1. Share a time that you fasted, or intentionally said no to something in order to make
room for something better?
Digging Deeper - Daniel 1:8-16
2. Describe how you think Daniel felt, as he was faced with the plan for his life in verse 5.
3. What are some of the cultural temptations and tests that Daniel would have had to
face, being in the court and company of King Nebuchadnezzar?
4. How does the different motivations of the characters/groups in the story inform their
5. How does this passage reveal God’s working and plans for Daniel’s life?
6. What does Daniel’s behaviour reveal about his beliefs about God?
How To Apply This:
6. What cultural temptations and tests are you facing in your life, that may need you to
‘resolve not to defile yourself’ in?
7. Of the 3 Keys for Fasting, which do you think would be most difficult for you,and why?
· Keep God at the Centre
· Let it reveal what controls you
· Lean into your own weakness
8. How can you see the practise of FASTING to MAKE ROOM for Jesus, becoming part of
your journey of ABIDING?
Make Room Part 6: Sabbathing - SJ Riley
Papsda Pulpit
06/18/24 • 21 min
Of all the spiritual disciplines “Sabbathing” may not actually seem like it’s something we need to worry about because it just is. If we choose to go to church on Saturday then we are keeping the Sabbath. This week we explore Isaiah 58:13-14 as we consider just how significant honouring the Sabbath is for our growth in Jesus as His disciples.
Getting Started:
1. What is your favourite thing about Sabbath?
2. What is your favourite thing to do on Sabbath?
Digging Deeper - Isaiah 58:13-14
3. What stands out for you in this passage?
4. In what ways can what pleases us contradict what it pleases God?
5. What makes the Sabbath holy?
6. How do these verses challenge you?
7. What is the invitation in these verses?
8. Why is it significant for usas disciples to find joy in theSabbath?
9. What is God’s purpose in us experiencing the gift of the Sabbath?
How To Apply This
8. How is God challenging you to grow in your experience of the Sabbath?
9. What new ways are you going to seek God during Sabbath?
10. What might you need to let go of or include in order for you to honour the gift of the
Make Room Part 5: Memorising - Willie Iererua
Papsda Pulpit
06/12/24 • 22 min
God’s Word is so good that it’s worth holding onto! The days of the Bible held a culture of memorising scripture. How could this practice become a discipline in your life though? This Sabbath we explore a second way of Making Room with God’s Word, by hiding it in our heart. Let’s find creative ways to hold onto the Bible, so it can hold onto us!
Getting Started
1. The last part of our “Make Room” series invited us to hear God through His Word more. How have you been making your time in the Bible a priority since then?
Digging Deeper – John 15:4-6
2. What role does loving God (v5) have with memorising scripture?
3. Why is it important to memorise the Bible today?
4. Which image of memorising from verses 6-9 connect with you the most?
5. How do we memorise scripture as an act of relationship and not tradition?
6. What is the best method for you to memorise something?
How To Apply This
7. When will you implement the spiritual discipline of memorising God’s Word over the next week?
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How many episodes does Papsda Pulpit have?
Papsda Pulpit currently has 17 episodes available.
What topics does Papsda Pulpit cover?
The podcast is about Christianity, Spirituality, Adventist, Discipleship, Religion & Spirituality, Podcasts and Church.
What is the most popular episode on Papsda Pulpit?
The episode title 'Make Room Part 9: Quieting - SJ Riley' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Papsda Pulpit?
The average episode length on Papsda Pulpit is 27 minutes.
How often are episodes of Papsda Pulpit released?
Episodes of Papsda Pulpit are typically released every 7 days.
When was the first episode of Papsda Pulpit?
The first episode of Papsda Pulpit was released on May 8, 2024.
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