PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
Jay Bowers aka PaleoJay
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Top 10 PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
02/06/23 • 10 min
Was it really for almost 3 long years that we had to wear useless masks, had our churches and schools largely closed, and we were forced to inject into our bodies toxic MRNA fake vaccines that didn’t even work to protect us? And that now are proving to have done irreparable harm to our bodies, making us prone to myocardial diseases of the heart, often fatal?
Yes, that is exactly what we’ve lived through- the biggest scam and hoax in history. We are still not supposed to talk about it, as we continue to pretend that Dr. Slouchi is a veritable god, instead of a madman.
But, I am here to tell you now, that it is OVER. Don’t ever allow something like this, a toxic Democrat autocratic Big Lie to happen, ever again. It’s time for all of this to turn around. For big medicine, big pharmaceuticals, big government, and big top-down control are all evil, and actually what the United States was founded to eliminate!
We need to get back to basics: self-autonomy, where each of US decides what is best for our own health, and that of our families. If the government tells us to eat lots of carbs in the form of grains, we should self-educate, and tell them no. No, it’s not healthy. Neither is eating bugs to stop ‘climate change’. Ruminant animals are the healthiest things we can eat, despite what we are constantly told. Green vegetables like spinach, kale, and beet greens are loaded with oxalates, plant self-defense chemicals that inflame our bodies, joints, gut lining, and other areas leading to kidney stones, inability to sleep, connective tissue disorders, and on and on...
Our great-grandparents knew far more about health and proper living than any MD or government agency does today. They would tell us to get outside in the sunshine, sleep 8 hours per night, eat a good meat-based diet, and get good exercise on a daily basis, outside in nature. They would tell us to avoid doctors as much as possible, unless absolutely necessary for a traumatic event like a bullet or a broken bone. That is what doctors are good at, and that is ALL that they are good at.
The one good thing that came out of the past three years is that we now know that Big Government is the enemy. Their goal has been revealed for all to see- to disarm us (like Hitler), to take all power unto themselves, the evil fake ‘leaders’, to stop free speech entirely, and to totally control us as slaves to their horrible system, by taxing us into that state and redistributing wealth to the least deserving from the hardest working.
What can we do? First, recognize the problem! Then, vote with your feet- move out of big ‘blue’ metropolitan areas- you are easily controlled there. Move to red states, or at least rural areas where traditional American values still hold sway. Raise your families with those values, and attend a small conservative church. Home school if your own school system is hopelessly ‘woke’ and worthless. Get involved to change the local political structure if it is Democratic and woke.
Send your kids to Technical schools rather than colleges or universities that only seek to indoctrinate them. Those have lost all credibility nowadays! Employers have figured out that most degrees are now worthless...
Realize that your health is up to you. Most medical procedures, drugs and surgeries, are far more harmful than good! Avoid them. You are responsible for your own health and wellness. No one else can do it for you- they just pretend that they can, for the huge payoff they get from your health insurance.
Most people wil

Bitcoin is Paleo Tribal Money on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe
PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
02/12/21 • 14 min
In returning to an approximation of the paleolithic world in modern times, of course the first thing is to eat and otherwise conduct ourselves in accordance with our evolutionary heritage. Move naturally, and often to build our bodies as did our ancestors for millennia, sleep according to our circadian rhythms, and live in a rural, natural environment, as unaffected by big cities and big government as possible.
But now, there is another step you can take, my paleo fellow tribesperson: buy crypto currencies! These are currencies that run counter to fiat, or national currencies, like the U.S. Dollar. You probably only have heard of one- Bitcoin.
There are many others, but they all are similar, and you only need to know a few things. (They are complex, but just because you don’t understand computers doesn’t mean you can’t use one!)
Crypto refers to all modern private currencies, of which Bitcoin was the first and is the most prominent. It is mathematically engineered to be impossible to manipulate, like government currencies are, by nowadays simply printing more and more, devaluating all of the existing dollars already printed (and saved!), and thus diluting their actual value due to inflation.
In other words, when the government decides to have yet another huge giveaway program, (like these upcoming checks going out to each and every family, and then child in the U.S.), they don’t have the money for it- not at all! They just print billions and trillions more!!
And so, any money you have saved in the bank, or in your IRA, or in your pension, or buried in a can in your back yard- is automatically worth way less, right away. It’s basically a huge tax that you can’t see, but confiscates more and more of your dollar’s worth over time. It’s why if you look at home prices from say, 10 years ago, every house seems so cheap compared to today. Or, prices of cars, or groceries, or anything. Inflation, the invisible tax.
Ever since ancient Rome, devaluing the currency has been the way to steal wealth from the people so the government can spend more and more. For instance, by the end of the Roman republic, a gold coin only contained 1/100th percentage of gold! Originally, it was all gold. Of course, eventually everyone knew it, and the scheme collapsed, and money became worthless.
Just like in Weimar Germany- it took wheelbarrow loads of inflated money to buy a loaf of bread! And, as it is in present South Africa today, along with Zimbabwe- the government money is perceived to be worthless, and it is.
But now, we actually have an alternative to government manipulated money.
Bitcoin. It is a private money, set up to be impossible to inflate. Governments cannot manipulate it; it is a currency of the people, controlled by no individual or group- it is set up to be totally honest- Bitcoin is worth what people who own it and the market overall decide it is worth. The actual value never changes from any outside forces.
But there is more. Once you own it, you don’t have to plan for its value to decline over time, as with every single other currency on the planet! It may go up, and then down; but rest assured that, long term, it will inevitably go up.
Think what a game changer this is! Forever, all throughout civilized history, money has gone down in value, over time. Always. My parent’s first house in 1953, where they raised 5 children, cost $10,000. Their next house, which was in 1962, was much bigger, but only $42,000. They raised all eight of their children from then on the

It's Not Racism- It's IQ
PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
11/02/20 • 8 min
Lately in the United States, and throughout the western world, the primary problem being focussed on is white racism. This malady we supposedly possess en masse, even if we deny it or don’t know it, explains everything! It tells us that all of the massive dysfunction, wildly out-of-proportion crime and violence, substandard performance in school, careers, and simply the inability to care for both themselves and their families and neighborhoods is explainable by one factor and one factor only- White Racism!
Name your flavor: systemic, unconscious, universal; whatever you call it, it is all the fault of white people (Asians are also often implicated in this grand scheme nowadays), and none of it at all is the fault of black people of African descent at all.
But what if there is another, obvious, and far simpler explanation? One that is well documented for over a century? The one that says the IQ, or the average intelligence of blacks is lower than that of either whites, or especially Asians? And quite a bit lower, on average, at that?
Wouldn’t this simple fact explain perfectly the underperformance of blacks academically, and explain their poor performance in all other aspect of civilized, western living? And isn’t the simplest, most obvious answer to a problem usually the preferred solution?
Of course, we are talking average, or mean IQ here, which explains the overall group performance. There are still individual blacks who are quite intelligent; but the overall average of blacks is far lower than that of either whites or Asians.
An average black African IQ averages out to be 70. A white Westerner averages about 100, and the Asian is 105. An African American is about 85 or so on average, depending upon their white DNA admixture. Given these figures, is it really necessary to implicate racism as the cause for black underachievement? Or to explain the dismal state of black dominated countries or even cities, wherever they are located? The numbers tell the tale.
An IQ score of less than 70 is considered borderline mental retardation in the Western world. It is the intellectual average ability of an 8-10 year old child, who has the ability to function on his own, but who requires guidance. This explains very well why Africa under colonialism was so very much more successful than it is now, with black rule.
Now, I know that many of you, if not most, will find these facts (and yes, they are indeed facts) unpalatable. Perhaps you are one of those blacks whose IQ is quite high- if so, you should be able to discern the obvious logic of this position. But, more likely, you are one of the many liberal, elite whites who have been indoctrinated for your entire life on the importance of altruism, which has reached the point of being pathological altruism. This is where you agitate for things that are not only untrue because they make you feel as if you are being a ‘good person’, but actually push for things that destroy your own civilization and well-being of yourself and others because you have been convinced that somehow it is the right thing to do.
Things like opening your borders to unskilled and uneducated 3rd worlders, ultimately displacing your own people. Things like ‘defunding the police’ because the vast majority of crimes committed are done by blacks, and usually (but not always- you are not immune just because you are ‘down with the cause’), and quotas for everything, just because blacks underperform across the board...
It’s not racism- they just plain

Black Crimes Matter on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
06/17/20 • 15 min
Oh, so PaleoJay is racist?
No. A race realist, perhaps. Races do differ, just as do different breeds of dogs. But, that is just common sense, or at least it used to be.
Currently, we are embroiled in an endless war of ethnicities warring endlessly, sparring for dominance. It is so stupid really, overall.
We should all be treated equally, totally and completely, under the law!!
We live in the USA after all, a complete meritocracy, where excellence is rewarded, and crime is punished. Does anyone argue this??
Unfortunately, this is yes, this is the disgusting case: crime is now unpunished, and merit is not rewarded. The rule of law has been displaced: NOW- only race matters.
But let’s look at statistics- the real numbers that reveal the truth:
Blacks commit the vast majority of crimes, particularly violent crimes! This is indisputable, and supported by vast amounts of data.
Blacks commit the vast majority of crimes, particularly violent crimes!!
Victims Matter!
Well, given that fact, is there any wonder where “prejudice” comes from?? Is it not the obvious fact that if you see a black person, there is a huge amount of data that supports the fact that they will commit violence and crime?
It’s not prejudice. It’s simple fact: A black person is just more likely to commit a violent crime against you than any other type of human!
It it a sad thing to report, but it is simply that: sad. Nonetheless true.
There is no need for any white, or Asian person to feel even faintly guilty. There are only facts here that we need to confront. Here is information from Aaron Bandler of Daily Wire.com
1. Data shows that 93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.
The left’s rebuttal is that that 84 percent of white homicide victims are killed by other whites, but The Wall Street Journal‘s Jason Riley points out that the white crime rate is “much lower than the black rate.”
2. According to Riley, “Blacks commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate that whites do.”
Blacks committed 52 percent of homicides between 1980 and 2008, despite composing just 13 percent of the population. Across the same timeframe, whites committed 45 percent of homicides while composing 77% of the population, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Here are some more statistics from the FBI:
In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.
What about violent crime more generally? FBI arrest rates are one way into this. Over the last three years of data – 2011 to 2013 – 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black.
3. Black crime is even more prevalent in the country’s largest cities and counties.
Heather Mac Donald writes in her book The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe that in Chicago, IL, blacks committe

Your Forever Home podcast
PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
06/09/20 • 11 min
Let’s talk today about the notion of home. I notice that nowadays, when people talk about where they live, the inevitably talk about resale value, and even decorate and landscape and add improvements mainly with this in mind- RESALE value, as if what they sell their place for someday is far more important than actually making it more and more into their home- the place where they intend to stay, and where their family and friends, and indeed all the things that make them themselves is nothing more than future dollars!
This mercenary outlook is mainly prevalent in the cities and suburbs of the United States, and is a wrong-headed, perverse way of looking at things. You should strive to make your true home your ancestral home- the axis of your being and that of your children. If you don’t live in such a place, the first order of being is to find one. Don’t live somewhere when you are young just because you find a job there, and then repeatedly move around chasing jobs, until you wind up finally cashing out, and moving to some retirement hot spot where it is hot and lots of other old people live without real roots. This, my friend, is ‘drinking the Kool Aid’, and you are spinning your wheels, accomplishing nothing that is real.
Your forever home is hopefully a place you researched about and found yourself! Possibly you were born there, or near to there, but probably not. I moved when I was in my late 20’s to a place I knew about, but to which I had no ties at all. I had researched, chosen this place as ideal, and then moved there from a large city hundreds of miles distant. I knew what I wanted, I found the ideal location to raise my future family and plant our roots deeply, and then I moved.
The idea of ‘resale value’ never, ever, once crossed my mind- and it still doesn’t! Who really cares? Really, I want a wonderful area that fits me and my genotype, and that is rural and stable, crime free and is a virtual ethnostate of people who are like myself. Sorry it that offends some people, but it is what the human species has sought and fought for all throughout our evolution and history.
Where and in what manner you live determines more than just your economic well being! Your someplace should be where you live your entire life, not just your working years. It should be an ideal home from your youth to your old age! A place with a fair amount of land, with room for a garden or two, animals if you want, lots of birds and other wildlife, and tons of privacy!
You shouldn’t even really want a different climate or landscape when you are older and retired. If you do, why then you chose a forever home that was wrong for you. Think about it: what do you really, really desire for your home place? If it is dry and warm year round, why then you should choose one now, not in 30 years or so!
If you live a paleo type of ancestral lifestyle, eating, living, exercising and moving in accordance to our genetic type over the years, why then you should not have the physical debilities so prevalent in our urban types of existence. Autoimmune diseases will pass you by, leaving you hale and hearty to enjoy your later years as much, or more than those of your younger years.
I know in my own case this is quite true. I am now 68, and moved to my small acreage over 40 years ago. Nothing has changed over the years, except I have gradually improved my house and grounds, and even added to my acreage when it became available! (Land is key). My child and grandchildren are in the area,

Use the Coronavirus To Build a Better YOU!
PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
04/05/20 • 9 min
Never Let a Good Crisis go to Waste! That is the quote that has been used by so many on the Left for bad ideas and policies, but we can also use it positively, in our favor as ancestral living people. Most of us in what are called ‘non-essential’ jobs (as if any real work is ‘non-essential’, really) are now staying at home, only venturing forth for necessities.
Although this is really painful for most of us (we are social beings after all), we can use this time in our favor! Instead of just watching stupid binges of Netflix bad series, we can set ourselves real, life changing challenges. Master cooking- it really is an essential life skill, especially in regards to your health.
It’s just the right time of year to master grilling on a charcoal grill, and if you are like me, simply cooking outdoors will add a whole new realm of enjoyment in your life. A Weber grill is wonderful, and all you really need in my opinion. Fancier grills and smokers might impress your city and suburbanite status conscious sorts, but you can do anything you might want to do, simpler and easier, on the tried and tested Weber!
The one upgrade I would recommend would be getting your hands on a propane torch- not a little tiny baby one- but a big one that runs on a 20 pound propane tank. If you live in the country, you probably already have one to burn stumps, start campfires, melt ice, and a thousand other things. But if you don’t- get one! They are cheap, Harbor Freight and Tool has a couple for really cheap, but the more expensive one, which is still under $30 I believe, is self lighting and that is a wonderful feature. I use a welder’s sparker, which works fine; but if buying now get the self-lighting feature.
With this torch, you can start your charcoal in a matter of perhaps 1 minute or so, resulting in red hot coals! Also, you can clean your grill with the flame- never brush then gunk off of your grate again.
So, you start your fire in record time, so you can grill easily all year round, as I do in Wisconsin. But in warmer weather, it becomes a pure pleasure- you sit outside in a lawn chair, next to your grill, monitoring the progress of your succulent meal leisurely as you enjoy the outdoors. I often have my dutch oven going as well, roasting something on the side, putting coals beneath and on top of the oven. You will be amazed at all the recipes that are out there for stews and such using a dutch oven. And afterwards, you can burn off the residue with your torch- no scrubbing cast iron pots for you, my paleo friend!
Another thing you can master is cooking indoors, but that is not as much fun. And next year, you can tap any maple trees you might have, and cook down some syrup- now, I just finished my sap boiling, and built a kind of cinder block rocket stove that really made the process a pleasure. Another great outdoor hobby. (And maple syrup has more nutrients overall than any other sweetener, even honey)!
And don’t forget your exercise regimen! If you exercise with body weight, virtual resistance, and isometrics along with calisthenics as I recommend in Perfectly Paleo Exercise, you know that I recommend doing these exercises in front of your TV, each morning early, along with extensive stretching on the floor. But, usually twice per week, I also go into my dungeon- er, basement, and do heavier sorts of stuff. Twice per week is perfect, any more is too much, and you only need about 30 minutes or so.
I do pushups on my gymnastic rings for high reps, along with flies, pistol squats leaning back on the rings, along with pull-ups, dips, and isometric holds of those movements. Also, I like really slow squats, perhaps thirty seconds f

Leftist Globalist Elitists are the Enemy of Ancestral Living on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe podcast
PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
07/19/19 • 13 min
Yes, history does repeat itself, over and over. The details are very, very different throughout time, but the gist of it remains the same:
Self styled elites, which in ancient days meant Kings and Emperors, Warlords and Dictators- they are constantly trying to control, to micromanage, to tell everyone else how to live, and what to do- endlessly! These fake “leaders” will order us around endlessly, unless we stop them.
In Western Civilization, this has been one of the primary concerns, and one of our greatest successes! From the Magna Carta, which outlined the protection of ordinary folk from the dictates of despots, to the Declaration of Independence, from which the founding fathers declared the God-given, inalienable rights of mankind.
These were triumphs of Western Civilization, and set the stage for the longest, brightest ascent of human achievement and the reign of peace in all of recorded history. Centuries of a shining light on a hill- that is the history of modern, western civilization, the envy of the world- a civilization where women as well as men, and then other races as well, were afforded all the rights of living in such an advanced and law-abiding place!
The Left, fueling ‘liberal’ thinking through the Democratic party through the influence of the failed Marxist so-called philosophy started attacking Western Civilization primarily by making the youth feel ‘guilty’ for the West having done so much better than anyone else. This was a postition founded on envy, and it energizes the left through jeolous hate more than anything else ever could.
Now, you may be asking yourself: “How does this fit into a podcast about ancestral, evolutionary lifestyle and health??”
Well, it has reached the point where today I heard a supposedly ancestral podcast, at least one that pays lip service to natural health by eating evolutionarily appropriate foods, and living in a way unlike that touted by so-called ‘modern’ western medicine, meaning medical “scientism” left over from the 1970’s, that is still overwhelmingly prevalent today in mainstream medicine...
And on this podcast, which I assumed should be one of my allies, a fellow paleo person: I hear a diatribe about Climate Change!
If ever one thing was a clarion call to ’scientism’, meaning the assumption of scientific principle with nothing to back it up- that thing would be Global Warming, or Climate Change, or whatever kind of nonsense you want to call it! Voodoo Health perhaps?
The Climate does indeed change- I have no argument there! We had numerous Ice Ages, and many other tropical ages; too numerous to mention over the eons. Weather, and climate change happen, and always will happen- the point is, we can’t do anything about it! Well, except to innovate; to come up with warm furs to wear from mammoths we kill, and to plan for the privations of long winters; things like that! That is what fueled the evolutionary changes that resulted in Western Civilization, the crowning achievement that is White European Culture. The envy of the world; copied endlessly, and where everyone wants to live!
My point is this: Evolutionary health and Wellness! Living in accordance with our evolution- realizing that grains, health-wise, are a mistake largely. Discussing the problem, realizing that minimizing grains is a great first step; then, going towards proper, Weston A. Price type prepa

Go Carnivore... For A While!
PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe
09/03/23 • 6 min
Hopefully you’ve heard by now of the Carnivore Diet!
It is very easy to understand; this is part of its charm. You can’t go wrong- you only eat meat. For some, like Jordan Peterson and his daugter, you only eat beef, and salt. (If they don’t, they suffer debilitating autoimmune conditions, and massive depression). And so, they follow this diet of necessity.
It is kind of, in my mind, an extreme paleo diet. Kind of an ice age diet, as if you were living during the last ice age, and only animals were available to eat and so survive. NO plants, or mushrooms... NOTHING.
And so, why should you, a fully modern human, with grocery stores and endless foodstuffs available, follow such a restrictive diet??
Well, if you have just about any health condition,, like diabetes, or psoriasis, or obesity- you are SURE to improve!
Link to Dr. David Unwin on low carb versus diabetes
And, just to point out- a Carnivore Diet is a NO CARB diet, by definition!! Not just low, but NO.
And so, my little paleo friends: Go Carnivore! (Or at least ‘Carnivor-ish), like me! I also include cheese, kefir, cream, butter and full fat yogurt, along with copious amounts of eggs and some cruciferous veggies and low carb fruits.
But that is the end result. For now, paleo pilgrim: if you are fat, sick and diabetic to any extent? Go Full Carnivore! It’s not even difficult, not really. You will never, ever be hungry, and you will feel satisfied and energized, eating only beef. The only thing hard to deal with is social pressure, but what is that when set against you very health and survival, long term??
I guarantee that all your conditions and the state of your health will improve. Vastly in pretty much every case!
Stick with it, until you are feeling and looking amazing! (I’m not kidding, results are that immediate, and inavoidable). Now, you can, one at a time, add in things: try chicken and fish. Still fine? Try eggs, then dairy. Still doing great? Try a bit of fruit or vegetable...
All of that is just optional. The true freedom is just knowing that, in the final analysis: You really don’t need anything by animal products!
You might ENJOY other foods...but you don’t NEED THEM to have a ‘so called’ BALANCED diet. Not at all. It’s just gilding the lily, really.
So, go carnivore young man! (Or woman). Stick with it as long as you’d like, and as long as you enjoy ever-improving health and wellness!
It is a RESET!!
Just like restarting your computer brings it back to its virginal state, so too does ‘resetting’ your primordial self back to the pre-carb, pristine human state! Then, with your new health and knowledge, you can venture back out into the dangerous modern world, full of its perilous food-like substances, and hyper-processed garbage- but now, you know that true health lies in animal protein foods; not in medications and plant concoctions of oxalates and nightshades galore!
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How many episodes does PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe have?
PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe currently has 244 episodes available.
What topics does PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe cover?
The podcast is about Health & Fitness, Nutrition, Alternative Health, Natural Health and Podcasts.
What is the most popular episode on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe?
The episode title 'Wulf and the Son of Man audiobook' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe?
The average episode length on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe is 12 minutes.
How often are episodes of PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe released?
Episodes of PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe are typically released every 9 days, 21 hours.
When was the first episode of PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe?
The first episode of PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe was released on Nov 18, 2015.
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