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Our Timeless Creator

Our Timeless Creator

Our Timeless Creator

This series of messages titled "Our Timeless Creator" (OTC), shift the focus from salvation and service, to understanding God. How He who needs nothing, benefits from creating the human race.
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Top 10 Our Timeless Creator Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Our Timeless Creator episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Our Timeless Creator for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Our Timeless Creator episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Our Timeless Creator - Why Doesn't God Answer Our Prayers | Message 5

11/08/22 • 25 min

The message, Why Doesn’t God Answer Our Prayers?, considers the differences between answered prayers and the unanswered ones and what made the difference.

We seek God’s help repeatedly for needs like; problem relationships, financial difficulties, salvation for loved ones or healing for those seriously ill, and if God fails to act, our normal response is to pray more fervently and more often. Maybe we should try to understand God better and consider why God answers some of our prayers and not others?
Scripture References

  • Psalm 50:15, 23

Salient Points

  • Being an engaged listener, Why should God answer any prayers, Selfish prayers, Reasons or excuses, Lacking gratitude, Bragging on God, Faith or fear, Existing in God, A natural humility, What compels God, An emotional response to God, Always wanting more, Appreciating God because He answered, Changed from answer to answer, Our constant existence in God, Participators or just observers, Having a vested interest, When God benefits, God’s reason to answer.


If this message is part of a sub-series, other messages included in this special sub-series will appear here:

Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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Our Timeless Creator - Knowing God as We Ought To | Message 20

01/02/23 • 23 min

A major dilemma for today’s believers is the diversity of beliefs in denominations, bible versions, pastors, teachers and even those who attend the same churches. No matter where a person may turn for reliable answers they will find differences of opinions. Confusion is minimized only when we choose to trust a single source. The problem is who is right. That brings us back to trusting ourselves to decide. The problem then is how we can know that we are right; Knowing God as We Ought To.

This message touches on a variety of issues but the main focus is 1 Cor. 8:2 “And if any man think that he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.”

*Please Note: Messages denoted with a “WIP” at the end of the page title are “Works in Progress”. While the content contained within these messages are accurate and correct, the audio editing has not been fully completed. Thank you for your understanding and patience as you enjoy another message of Our Timeless Creator.

Scripture References

  • Col. 1:9-10
  • Mt. 18:1-4
  • Proverbs 3:5-6

Salient Points

“Why God?”, Something to think about, Not lowering standards, Freedom from or in sin, Separate faith and works, Catch 22, Man’s selfish nature, Back to the cross, Think like a little child, Back under bondage, Faith or sin, The technology curse, It’s not our world, Why a little child, The faith of a child, Think like a child, When faith overrules works, The future humbling, Look what I did, Taking God’s glory, It’s all God’s life, Loving in the good and bad, Influenced by our desires, Truth from God only, Ask the right way, Understanding God, Lean not to thy own understanding, God’s desire.


If this message is part of a sub-series, other messages included in this special sub-series will appear here:

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Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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Our Timeless Creator - Understanding the Question, "Why God?" | Message 19

01/02/23 • 23 min

One of the greatest questions in life is, “Why God?” Why did you let this happen, why didn’t you stop that, why don’t you heal more, why don’t you bless our efforts more, why don’t you answer our prayers, the list is nearly endless. From our point of view God could, and should fix a lot more than he does. So why doesn’t he?

This message is about understanding why God does things the way he does and how he wants us to respond when our desires conflict with His.

*Please Note: Messages denoted with a “WIP” at the end of the page title are “Works in Progress”. While the content contained within these messages are accurate and correct, the audio editing has not been fully completed. Thank you for your understanding and patience as you enjoy another message of Our Timeless Creator.

Scripture References

  • Col. 1:9-10
  • Mt. 18:1-4
  • Proverbs 3:5-6

Salient Points

“Why God?”, Something to think about, Not lowering standards, Freedom from or in sin, Separate faith and works, Catch 22, Man’s selfish nature, Back to the cross, Think like a little child, Back under bondage, Faith or sin, The technology curse, It’s not our world, Why a little child, The faith of a child, Think like a child, When faith overrules works, The future humbling, Look what I did, Taking God’s glory, It’s all God’s life, Loving in the good and bad, Influenced by our desires, Truth from God only, Ask the right way, Understanding God, Lean not to thy own understanding, God’s desire.


If this message is part of a sub-series, other messages included in this special sub-series will appear here:

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Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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Our Timeless Creator - Overcoming Fear With Faith: Part 2 | Message 18

01/02/23 • 24 min

Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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This message continues the study of our motives in serving God and how easily our efforts can change from serving in love into a service of duty.

We are much like Cain and Abel. Both had a desire to please the LORD with their offerings, but Abel’s offering was from the heart as evidence of his appreciation for the LORD’s blessings and his motive was the LORD’s pleasure. Whereas Cain’s offering was meant to gain more favor by impressing the LORD with the quality of his efforts.

Jesus said “If ye love me keep my commandments”. We see things from the outside, like keeping a score board. How many in attendances, offering sizes, number of conversions and so on and if they show growth they make us feel successful but Jesus said “without me ye can do nothing”. The way to tell the difference between the outward appearance and the heart is who you want to benefit from your efforts.

*Please Note: Messages denoted with a “WIP” at the end of the page title are “Works in Progress”. While the content contained within these messages are accurate and correct, the audio editing has not been fully completed. Thank you for your understanding and patience as you enjoy another message of Our Timeless Creator.

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Scripture References

  • Lk. 17:7-10
  • Jn. 15:4-5
  • Is. 42:5-12
  • Is. 48:6-11
  • Prov. 3:5-6
  • Mk. 4:35-41

Salient Points

Self justification, What to expect from a sinner, Just tools, Cain’s failure, Looking to criticize, Got in on God’s deal, Humbled or hardened, Glory in the heavens, When God had it alone, Why God made us, We get in the way, Trusting God’s ways, Passive prayers, Unanswered prayers, Selfish prayers, Looking for relief, God wants total trust, Still creating, Fearful and without faith, Real fear, Fixated on self, Where is the storm from, How much is God doing in our life, Asking God the right way.


If this message is part of a sub-series, other messages included in this special sub-series will appear here:
Unaware that we are taking God's glory

Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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Our Timeless Creator - God’s Spoiled and Ungrateful Children | Message 11

01/02/23 • 24 min

This message is to remind us of how blessed we are. It is also a reminder that what God has blessed us with was not to spoil us, but an opportunity to love and appreciate Him more for it.

In a conversation with an extremely wealthy man, a less successful man said, I have more than you do, to which the richer man replied, I know your holdings, how can you say that, the reply was simple, I have enough, and you don’t.

A major flaw in mankind is, always wanting more. Even with things we already have we want better ones. From phones to refrigerators, from cars to houses we want more bells and whistles. It’s as though no matter how much we get, we will always want a better one.

In Luke chapter 12, we are cautioned that, the more we have the more we will be accountable for, but we continue to ask for more. In the book of Jeremiah we are warned not to glory in our blessings, successes or talents that God provides us with, but still the more we have the better we feel about ourselves.

Scripture References

  • Jeremiah 9: 23-24
  • Psalm 37:4
  • Mark 4:35-41

Salient Points

Always wanting more, Comfort from acquiring, Diminishing appreciation, Expecting blessings, Wanting more because of more, Unfairly treated, Spoiled adults, Entitled, Upset or frustrated with God, Stop focusing on self, Thinking past ourselves, Delighting in God not His blessings, When God gets close, Calming the storm, Being fearful and without faith, Sinking in the storm.


If this message is part of a sub-series, other messages included in this special sub-series will appear here:

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Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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Our Timeless Creator - Seeing Through Gods Glass Darkly: Part 2 | Message 10

11/22/22 • 22 min

The Bible has much to say about our eternal future, but try as we may, it is impossible to get a vision of that reality. The closest thing in scripture is described as a Glass Darkly, which is very similar to a two way mirror. With a two way mirror the only way to see past your own reflection is to block out light on your side.

This message continues with God’s Glass Darkly and focuses on what makes it harder to see what’s on the other side.

Scriptures: Jer. 9:23-24, Prov. 9:10

Sub Series: Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly Pt-2

Key Words: love, affections, heaven, above, faith, teach, Spirit, smoky, increase, change, world, busy, self, center, justification, doers, word, conviction, secret, sins, money, set

Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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Our Timeless Creator - Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly: Part 1 | Message 9

11/22/22 • 22 min

In Colossians 3 we are admonished to; Set our affections on things above. That is like telling someone to love something they have never tasted. Or telling a child who has never been to a place like Disney World or Sea World to love them. Even if you tried to describe it to them in detail, their attention span would run out long before the explanation was finished. Oh yes, once they have been there it is easy to love. So how are we going to love things above that we have never experienced?

This message is about some of the things that make it difficult for us to love a place we have never been but where everyone wants to go to someday.

Scriptures: 1 Cor. 13:1-13, Jer. 9:23-24

Salient Points: Charity and love, Love twisted, Describing God, Small faith, Smoky glass, Increasing faith, Taught by the Spirit, Our changing world, Busy , Too much to do, Setting your affections, The center of your universe, Self justification, Doing the word, Killing conviction, Secret sins, Don’t glory, Money replaces God.

Sub Series: Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly Pt-1

Key Words: love, affections, heaven, above, faith, teach, Spirit, smoky, increase, change, world, busy, self, center, justification, doers, word, conviction, secret, sins, money, set

Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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Our Timeless Creator - How to Bless God | Message 8

How to Bless God | Message 8

Our Timeless Creator


11/22/22 • 23 min

These days we hear the phrase, "Giving back", quite often. It is an acknowledgement that others have been partly responsible for our successes and helping others is a way of passing on the favor, but is it possible to give back to God for what He has done for us? Oh, we can do many things in His service but can we actually bless God in return for His blessings on us?

This message considers how we can bless God directly, in ways similar to David, the man after God's own heart.

Scriptures: Ps. 50:15, Rev. 5:11-14

Salient Points: Protective memory, Why does God answer prayer, When God increases in value, Amy Carmichael, A great God, When God hears from us, Wanting relief, Try understanding God, Turn the warning light off, All about us, Different in God’s presence, A desire to tell, Enjoying the pleasure of others, Appreciating God’s pleasure, Loving God’s creation, Self centered, Distracted from God.

Sub Series: None

Key Words: protection, memory, answers, prayers, increase, value, Carmichael, great, relief, understanding, desire, enjoy, pleasure, appreciation, creation, self, distracted

Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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Our Timeless Creator - Becoming More of a Passionate Participator | Message 7

11/22/22 • 24 min

In the gospel of Mark we are admonished to “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength” but how to fulfill this is a problem. The cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things compete for our attention continually, but God will never compete for your love. Instead He simply says, “Come unto me”.

This message is about refocusing our attention on the really important things, the eternal things, things that make a lasting difference to us, and to God.

Scriptures: Ps. 50:15, 23, Mat. 11:28-29

Salient Points: It’s not in the money, Bragging on God, Just too busy, Participators verses observers, Levels of participation, Exhibitionists, Opposition motivation, Money motivated, Vicarious feelings, Personal connection, Financial investment, Family connection, A vested interest, A unique future, Total involvement, Passionate or lukewarm, Committed, Come unto me, A light burden, Unresolved conflicts, Stagnated or motivated, seeing God’s involvement, When God becomes more important, Where are your affections, A what if.

Sub Series: None

Key Words: Money, fame, bragging, distracted, participate, observe, exhibitionism, opposition, motivation, vicarious, feelings, investment, family, vested, future, passionate, lukewarm, come, burden, conflict

Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.

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How many episodes does Our Timeless Creator have?

Our Timeless Creator currently has 21 episodes available.

What topics does Our Timeless Creator cover?

The podcast is about Religion & Spirituality, Podcasts and Education.

What is the most popular episode on Our Timeless Creator?

The episode title 'Understanding the Question, "Why God?" | Message 19' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Our Timeless Creator?

The average episode length on Our Timeless Creator is 23 minutes.

How often are episodes of Our Timeless Creator released?

Episodes of Our Timeless Creator are typically released every 1 hour.

When was the first episode of Our Timeless Creator?

The first episode of Our Timeless Creator was released on Oct 21, 2022.

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