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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death

Maritè Salatiello

Random audio notes, self awareness, life stories, challenges, reflections, stimuli, to keep up in the process of fully living life and create the best out of it.
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Top 10 NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - How to handle Fear

How to handle Fear

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


09/18/23 • 25 min

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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - What are you projecting on others? |Part 2|

What are you projecting on others? |Part 2|

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


09/25/23 • 10 min

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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - What are you projecting on others?

What are you projecting on others?

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


09/25/23 • 20 min

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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - Why do they ghost and run away?

Why do they ghost and run away?

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


09/23/24 • 43 min

They ghost you.
Not only men, women, dates, but also fathers, mothers, sisters, friends. So many people ghost and disappear.
It's so common, it happens so often, it's becoming so normal, it's so painful.
I honestly believe we need to talk more about ghosting.
Why people do that?? How to respond to that? How do deal with the inevitable sense of ugliness and self criticism that arise toward ourselves.
Follow this episode.

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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - Perché fanno ghosting e scappano via?

Perché fanno ghosting e scappano via?

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


09/23/24 • 45 min

Fanno ghosting su di te.
Non solo uomini, donne, persone con cui stai facendo dating, ma anche padri, madri, sorelle, amici. Tante persone fanno ghosting e spariscono.
È così comune, succede spesso, e sta diventando la normalità, fa così male.
Credo onestamente che abbiamo bisogno di parlare di più di ghosting.
Perché le persone lo fanno?
Come rispondere a questo? Come avere a che fare con l'inevitable auto criticismo e la brutta sensazione interiore che lascia?
Segui questo episodio.


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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - Cos'è lo Human Design

Cos'è lo Human Design

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


08/30/24 • 24 min

Lo Human Design è una parte importante del mio lavoro.
È uno strumento che uso nel mio coaching per aiutare i miei clienti a capire come funziona la propria energia, dare valore alle proprie risorse e doni naturali, e confidare sui propri punti di forza.
Ancora, vedo confusione su "Che cos'è lo Human Design?".
In questo podcast parlo della mia visione sullo Human Design e di come lo uso nel mio day to day.
Se sei curioso di conoscere che cos'è lo human design ascolta questo episodio.

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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - What's Human Design?!

What's Human Design?!

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


08/30/24 • 23 min

Human Design is a big part of my work.
It's an instrument I use in my coaching to help my client understanding how their energy works, value their natural resources and gifts and rely on their points of straights.
Yet, I see confusion on "What it is Human design?"
In this podcast I talk on my vision on Human Design and how I use it in the day to day life.
If you are curious to understand what human design is, from my perspective, listen to this episode.

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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - Come gestire la paura

Come gestire la paura

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


09/18/23 • 30 min

Paura chiama Paura.
In questa Nota di podcast parlo di come le paure che ci portiamo dentro condizionano le nostre scelte e i nostri risultati, e condivido nello specifico la mia più grande paura, quella dell'abbandono, e come affrontarla nel mio percorso di healing sta cambiando il modo di creare cambiamento e trasformazione nella mia vita.

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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - Come gestire il Rifiuto?

Come gestire il Rifiuto?

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


04/27/24 • 46 min

Come gestire il rifiuto? il rigetto?
Può essere doloroso per molti di noi. Da dove deriva? Perché veniamo rigettati? Cosa fare dopo il rigetto?
In questo episodio condivido con te i due principali aspetti del rigetto e alcuni suggerimenti sulla base della mia esperienza personale.
Come possiamo usare il rifiuto/rigetto come una parte fondamentale del processo dei crescita?

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NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death - Cosa stai proiettando sugli altri?

Cosa stai proiettando sugli altri?

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death


09/25/23 • 39 min

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How many episodes does NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death have?

NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death currently has 45 episodes available.

What topics does NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death cover?

The podcast is about Fiction, Comedy Fiction, Audio, Love, Chat, Live, Comedy, Podcast, Podcasts, Education, Awareness and Death.

What is the most popular episode on NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death?

The episode title 'Depression: what is it? and a little of my personal experience.' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death?

The average episode length on NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death is 41 minutes.

How often are episodes of NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death released?

Episodes of NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death are typically released every 3 days, 7 hours.

When was the first episode of NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death?

The first episode of NOTES from a stranger about life, love and death was released on Sep 18, 2023.

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