Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO
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Top 10 Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
Interview with Moms Across America Founder Zen Honeycutt
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
10/07/19 • 46 min
Zen Honeycutt is the Founder and Director of Moms Across America, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms, with the motto “Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.” Moms Across America, a non profit, has over 600 leaders who have created nearly 900 community events in all 50 states in the past five years. Moms Across America empowers and amplifies the voice of the mom locally and nationally to create healthy communities by raising awareness about GMOs and related pesticides in our food.
Zen has three boys with allergies and autism symptoms which greatly improved when they went GMO Free and organic. She heard from thousands of Moms that are seeing the same results and shares their message around the world. MAA has expanded to Moms Across the World with co creator Vandana Shiva. Zen initiated the first glyphosate testing and found the world’s most widely used herbicide in water, urine and breast milk and other products which has led to a shift in regulatory assessment.
Zen has been seen on CNN, the Dr.Oz show, CSPAN, Fox News, and more. She has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and has published in “The Hill”. She is an international speaker, powerful leadership coach and consultant. She is currently working on a book called ” Unstoppable: How To Transform Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and a Celebration of Community.
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Common Causes of Seizures In Autism [Podcast Episode #164]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
03/09/23 • 34 min
As I write this I want to be sure you know it’s never just one thing, but a combination of them that triggers anything, including seizures. Autism is a complicated diagnosis with many underlying biological issues that need to be addressed properly so the body can strengthen on its own. We don’t want to mask symptoms, but work with the causes.
Here are common culprits of seizures to be worked with: DietRemember that the gut controls the brain and up to 80% of the immune system, so take diet seriously! A diet low in carbohydrates and higher in Keto based foods is best. You can begin by removing the top 7 foods that contribute to inflammation and leaky gut syndrome. Get your free guide to them here.
Please also see information and links to studies on the “Ketogenic Diet For Those With Seizures”.
HistaminesHistamines, whether food based or environmental can be a trigger for many things such as anxiety, sleep issues, increased stimming, mast cell activation syndrome, and seizures.
Environmental factors can include things in and around your home such as chlorine which is not only in swimming pools but also in our household water. Always use a quality filter for your drinking water such as the Aquatru. Also use a shower filter to help remove chlorine from the shower since the hot steam allows it to enter our pores in the shower. has a shower filter and a bathtub bulb filter for those areas...
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SNP Genes and Autism (Part-2) with Dr. Kendra Becker-Musante
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
07/27/20 • 45 min
Let’s talk about some genetic SNP’s that are associated and supported in recovering autism. Single nucleotide polymorphisms, often referred to as SNPs (pronounced “snips”) are basic genetic variations in people. Respectively, in a DNA sequence. There are thousands of genes associated with AUTISM and all of them have been randomized out in clinical trials which tells us that autism is largely environmental! However, even though our genes do not define us, they can guide our way toward healing.
Genetic susceptibilities come from trauma, both physical, emotional, and from toxic insult. Less than five percent of humans have genetic defects at birth.
Some favorite SNP’s that can be associated and supported in recovering autism: MTHFRIt is estimated that 98% of people with autism have the MTHFR gene snip. MTHFR or methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (methyl-ene-tetra-hydro-folate-reductase), when working properly, produces the MTHFR enzyme, MTHFR (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). However, if the gene is mutated it will not be able to make important compounds such as protein, and it disrupts the methylation cycle, otherwise known as detoxification. MTHFR gene mutation also disrupts the body’s ability to make the master antioxidant, glutathione. When the body cannot detoxify properly the toxins build up in the body and cause a myriad of health problems. MTHFR is also responsible for creating the process of converting the amino acid homocysteine to methionine. Methionine is the amino acid our body uses to make proteins.
With the MTHFR mutation metabolic issues are common, and so is the deficiency of folate, vitamin Methyl B12 , (vital for proper function of many things including methylation, digestion and food absorption), and pyridoxine (vitamin B6, for brain function and coping with stress), or mutations of related enzymes. Folate is natural and comes from food sources such as green vegetables, beans and other whole plant foods. It is responsible for synthesizing DNA, making red blood cells, transporting oxygen, and supports the functioning of our nervous and cardiovascular systems. Adequate B vitamins, including folate are also necessary for proper cognitive function.
Folic acid is synthetic and commonly in multivitamins and fortified foods. This can cause excess to build in the body. The body has a limited ability to convert folic acid to folate. Too much folic acid can affect gene expression, may reduce immune system function, and exacerbate vitamin B12 deficiency. It is critical to make sure to check your multivitamin, because most will contain folic acid and not folate.
With the MTHFR mutation it is important to reduce inflammatory foods from the diet such as gluten, dairy, processed carbohydrates and sugars. detoxification and the use of toxin binders can be very helpful.
Common health issues related to a disruption in the MTHFR gene are:
- Food allergies
- Inflammation
- Alzheimer’s
- Cardiovascular problems
- thyroid issues
- Chronic fatigue
- Eczema
- Infertility
- Drug sensitivities
- Tactile sensitivity
A couple of physical signs to look for that refer to MTHFR are:
- A sacral dimple. This would be on the top and center of the gluteal fold.
- A blue line in between the eyebrows.
- Tongue tie
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How To Remove Protective Heart Walls To Allow Healing With Dr. Bradley Nelson [Episode 121]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
03/24/21 • 32 min
Have you ever felt that you needed to “put up a wall” to protect yourself in a negative situation? Dr. Bradley Nelson refers to this as a “Heart Wall”. Once this ‘wall’ has been formed around your heart for protection it can build up and become stronger over time. With this protection comes a price. When our heart has been closed off as an emotional or psychological means of protection from negative feelings coming in, it is also closed off to allow incoming positive feelings such as love, and our ability to connect with others. The consequences can be quite harmful to an individual both physically and emotionally...
The Heart-BrainYour heart generates 60 to 1000 times more power and electromagnetic energy than your brain, easily making it the most powerful organ in your body. When you were in the womb, your heart was formed first, before your brain. Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day, 40 million times a year, and if its connection to your brain were severed, it would keep right on beating...
Children and Heart WallsSince 1995, Dr. Bradley Nelson, has lectured internationally on alleviating chronic and incurable diseases through energy work, and restoring balance to the 6 key elements of health in the body. In 2009, he channeled his life’s work into a simple yet powerful self-study course known as The Body Code system. During this time, Dr. Nelson shares that his personal observation has been that every child with autism has a heart wall! ...
Finding and Releasing the Heart-WallHeart Walls can be “hidden” to protect against being found and released since the protective mechanism in the subconscious is so strong.
Dr. Nelson says, “My experience is that about 80% of the general public will test positive for a Heart-Wall. Sometimes when we’re looking for a trapped emotion with the emotion code work the body may say that it doesn’t have any trapped emotions, when in reality it does. The Heart-Wall has the effect of making all trapped emotions a little harder to find.”
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Safe Water Solutions for Children with Autism: Proper Filtration and Hydration Tips [Podcast Episode #199]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
07/24/24 • 81 min
Overcoming Confusion and Misinformation in Meeting the Needs of Children on the Spectrum
While I’m used to guiding health-minded audiences deep down the Rabbit-Hole of water topics, today’s discussion with Karen will be light on science and heavy on practicality. It aims to explain the challenging path for families who are intent on providing the safest and healthiest water for children on the Autism Spectrum and other Special Needs.
Choosing water for consumption (drinking, beverages and food preparation) and water for bathing water for your family is daunting task because of the minefield of misinformation and hype that is associated with suppliers of water treatment for consumers. You cannot trust the Internet, your local water dealer, big-box stores or persuasive TV promotions. It is unconscionable and embarrassing to me – someone who spent the past 50+ years in the water industry that it has has not kept up with the current state of water contaminants AND the growing assaults on the declining state of health of humanity. Based on decades of observing homeowner’s selection of water treatment technology, I conclude that more than 80-90% purchase and install inadequate systems for their and their children’s health needs.
The human body is 50% to over 90% water by weight depending on the stage of life. Not too long ago it was revealed that if we were to segregate all the types of molecules that make up the body, H2O would amount to 99% of them!
An adult body contains roughly 40 liters of functional water derived from more than a billion years of evolution in the sea. No other single factor had such a profound influence on the animal kingdom’s biological design and function.
There are two primary compartments in the body: The Extracellular fluid (ECF) and the Intracellular Fluid.
So, our 50+ trillion cells are floating in the Extracellular fluid (the Terrain) and contained within them is the Intracellular fluid where all the action is. It is the biochemical quality of the Terrain that governs overall health. Virtually all the great physiologists over the past 2 centuries agree one central concept – “The Terrain Is Everything”
Understanding healthy hydration and how to maintain it
Maintaining proper hydration is not only about consuming enough water. In fact, consuming an excessive amount of water can interfere with optimal hydration. Many factors can jeopardize the body’s ability to maintain healthy hydration (illness, diarrhea, excessive work or exercise in hot climates, an imbalance in the quantity and variety of electrolytes).
Key indicators of dehydration are varied and can include
- Lightheadedness or dizzy feeling
- Dry mouth and tongue and cracked lips
- Less frequent need to urinate
- Muscle cramps
- Thirst
- Frequent headaches
- Fatigue or drowsiness
- Urine has a darker color
- Eyes more sunken than usual
The key physiological measure in achieving proper hydration is having sufficient water inside our cells – referred to as intracellular water.
Sufficient pure water with the proper quantity and mix of electrolytes is key to achieving optimal hydration. A very rough daily guideline for those in good health is to consume – as water or sugar-free beverages (e.g. coffee, tea, vegetable juices, etc.)...
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The Benefits of Martial Arts for Autism [Podcast Episodes 53 and 184]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
12/20/23 • 42 min
Studies show that martial arts can be an effective way to build motor control through the repetition of movement in people on the autism spectrum. This helps both the motor and planning areas of the brain. It is also offers a great form of exercise in a group setting where socialization can be increased, while still allowing the individual to move at his or her own pace. Martial Arts is a great way to keep them physically active and engaged. This improves overall physical and emotional well-being.
Meet Sensei Al LorenAl Loren has taught over 300,000 martial arts classes in 27 years. Al instructs kids, teens, adults, and seniors in multiple forms of martial arts including Karate, Aikido, T’ai Chi. Al was the 1986 National champion in Karate. He teaches in Marin County and San Francisco. He has had great success working with children to adulthood who are on the autism spectrum and finds that it increases balance and coordination, motor skills, muscle strength, gives confidence and offers self defense.
Al Loren’s success comes from being compassionate and understanding the sensitivity necessary for each unique individual. Know that each accomplishment, however small, is a big deal. Building self esteem and trust through connection is key.
Please join me for my podcast interview #53 with Al Loren, an expert in martial arts who specializes in working with children on the autism spectrum and those with other special needs.
In my podcast #184 interview with Al Loren, we discuss the benefits of martial arts and his success methods for working with children and adults on the autism spectrum which are found in his new book, Martial Arts on the Autism Spectrum...
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7 Tips To Help Create Calm For Children with Autism and Their Parents [Episode 136]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
10/21/21 • 20 min
he Covid pandemic has added a new element of stress to our lives. When it does end experts say the element of anxiousness that has developed for individuals is likely to continue much longer that the physical health impact. Don’t get waylaid helping your child because of your personal mental health. The pandemic hit and the shutdown caused anxiousness and depressive symptoms for us, but there is hope.
You don’t have to let this affect you long term. You do have a say in how you live your life...
Below I’ve listed 7 tips to help you and your child to gain improved physical and mental health, to help restore overall calming.
- Gut Health and Diet: Why is diet so important and what are the right foods? Bad foods feed Candida, and parasites. Gut health keeps our immune system strong but also builds necessary neurotransmitters that are made in the gut...
- Support Your Liver: A congested liver, toxins such as heavy metals, and mold affect hormones, including our stress hormone cortisol...
- Calming Supplements: Anxiousness comes from many things. External environmental triggers like toxins, but also from internal underlying pathogens and infections...
- Sensory Calming: Sensory overload is common in children with autism but it is also common in their parents too. The underlying pathogens and toxins take an effect on our central nervous system...
- Emotional Mindset Techniques: Emotion code work to release old subconscious patterns that keep us in the stress response and reacting to life’s occurrences rather than responding. Responding is a choice. Count backward from 5, (5,4,3,2,1) then take a deep breath and let it all the way out. Now notice how you feel...
- Exercise: Exercise releases serotonin in our brain so it can actually improve our mood. It’s also healthy for us to move, getting oxygen into our blood...
- Sleep: Sleep is crucial to our overall physical and mental health and it’s when our body’s heal. Sleep can be affected by many things too. The stress hormone cortisol can wake you up...
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Why Both Phase I and Phase II of Liver Detoxification Are Necessary [Episode 108]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
12/23/20 • 26 min
There are two different phases in liver detoxification. They are known and referred to as Phase I and Phase II. Stopping short at phase I, will not allow the backed up toxins to get flushed out properly and children with autism have a very congested liver.
Phase I burns toxins with oxygen and enzymes. Phase I breaks down the raw materials. After this takes place the extremely toxic compound benzene is formed. In order to detoxify benzene, and complete the full detoxification process, the Phase II enzymes are needed. Phase II can become disrupted if there is a poor diet, especially one containing too many bad fats such as corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut, canola or soybean oils, a deficiency in the body’s master antioxidant glutathione, toxins such as medications and pesticides, and heavy metals which are particularly damaging to liver enzymes. High fructose corn syrup and sugars create an imbalance in blood sugar which can also be harmful to the liver. It is important to keep your blood sugar under control.
SulfationProteins contain sulfites which turn to sulfates in the body. We need sulfates to assist detoxification, reduce inflammation, and help make stomach acid and digestive enzymes. A lack of ability to properly digest proteins causes the body to become low in sulfates. This combined with a weakened liver make it difficult for the body to properly digest and eliminate many chemicals, including those in foods. Genetically modified foods are known to effect sulfur metabolism.
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Excitotoxicity In Children With Autism Exacerbated By Heavy Metal Toxins [Episode 145]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
03/03/22 • 19 min
Excitotoxins are toxins that will excite the neurons in your brain. They can also be referred to as neurotoxins because they damage and destroy the brain and spinal cord. What most people do not realize is that these toxins are in the foods they commonly eaten every day. The problem with these toxins is that they will excite brain cells to death. They literally die. This causes the brain to secrete glutamate and aspartate (excitotoxins), which cause negative behavioral changes. This can cause faulty wiring of the brain, especially during its developmental stage...
What is Glutamate?Glutamate is an amino acid and a neurotransmitter for the brain. It helps stimulate brain cells, which help neurons to communicate. It all sounds good until it is too much of a good thing. When these neurons get over-excited, it can cause seizures and even kill brain cells...
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Overcoming Oral Care Challenges for Kids with Autism [Podcast Episode #207]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas
11/13/24 • 39 min
The Center for Disease Control has determined that tooth decay is the #1 chronic childhood disease in America with children ages 2-5 being the most prevalent.
Today I’m introducing the subject of preventing as many incidents of tooth decay as possible. This topic arises for two reasons: First, for years I have seen and heard about so many traumatic events caused by dental cavities and the difficulty of treating autism spectrum patients; and second because I know that oral health is an important component of overall general health.
In over 18 years of working with autism, hundreds of parents have told me about their children’s dental issues, and many resulted in multiple extractions at a very young age.
I’ve partnered with a highly skilled pediatric dentist, Dr. Steve Branam, for this podcast to help expand outreach regarding the importance of increasing education about oral health.
Dr. Branam is a champion of reducing tooth decay in families through the use of Xylitol toothpaste. He has been in practice for 50 years, conducted over 500,000 patient treatment sessions, and interviewed the parents of thousands of new patients.
He also performs surgery on many special needs children and is intimately familiar with the problems of controlling and treating tooth decay in children on the autism spectrum and their families. His backlog of surgical patients is growing, and the growing demand for intensive treatment of autism spectrum children is a national phenomenon...
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How many episodes does Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas have?
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas currently has 229 episodes available.
What topics does Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas cover?
The podcast is about Parenting, Kids & Family and Podcasts.
What is the most popular episode on Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas?
The episode title 'The Glycemic Index and Autism [Podcast Episode #159]' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas?
The average episode length on Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas is 40 minutes.
How often are episodes of Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas released?
Episodes of Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas are typically released every 7 days.
When was the first episode of Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas?
The first episode of Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas was released on Jun 27, 2017.
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