Mystical Motherhood
Chelsea Wiley
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Top 10 Mystical Motherhood Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Mystical Motherhood episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Mystical Motherhood for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Mystical Motherhood episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
“The More Real You Get, the More Unreal the World Gets.”- John Lennon
Mystical Motherhood
05/15/20 • 57 min
“The More Real You Get, the More Unreal the World Gets.”- John Lennon. Join this conversation on crystals, galactics, awakening, spiritual journeys, manifestation, Atlantis, love and life with Andrea Wright - The Crystal Curator found on Instagram as @thecrystalsituation. Each day when you continue to be your true self and love yourself then the world becomes a better place.
Check out for both of my books - FERTILE and Mystical Motherhood - and to book private session.
How to Heal When You Lose Control: One Woman's Story
Mystical Motherhood
01/09/20 • 52 min
My guest today recalls and heals from a traumatic birth and issues around losing her power. Whether it is a traumatic birth, multiple miscarriages, lost children, rape, sexual abuse, or painful relationships, women carry a great amount of their past in their womb. Until everyone of these women are healed, and the matrix is connected, there will always be more work to do. When we heal ourselves, we are also healing Mother Earth.
A highly functioning human being transcends their wounds, story, and culture. This work is more important than we consciously understand because most of us don’t have a grasp on the fact that there is no separation. When one woman rises, she takes an army with her.
The same patterns will arise in your life until you face them. We must heal individually and as a collective culture. Our challenges provide an opportunity to wake up and our biggest adversities give us a mirror to go deeper into our triggers.
Understand the basic principle that things do not always go as planned and it is necessary to have adequate coping skills. You must get to know yourself; your attitude toward life and the way you deal with problems will come up during labor and especially into motherhood. Head over to for more help.
Here are some questions that all women should ask themselves as they prepare for labor and delivery. The following qualities tend to lead to a low-risk childbirth. If you are pregnant and have any issues in the following areas (Which we all do!), start to address them now so that you will be prepared during birth. If you have already had your baby, these are still good questions as they affect the way you parent. Answer these questions and then begin to locate areas in your life that you could grow or need to heal.
- Do you consider yourself an active and independent woman? Do you like to take charge or sit back and watch others? Can you find a balance here?
- Are you able to take support from others? If someone tries to help you, how do you react?
- Are you able to deal with changes in an appropriate manner, or do you tend to resist? Do you resist people, places, changes, or yourself?
- Is there anything you are scared of? If so, are these fears being worked through?
- Do you think of yourself as a sexual being, with a healthy attitude toward sexuality and your capabilities as a woman? (I do not mean a sexual object.) Are you comfortable connecting to your reproductive organs, relaxing your pelvis, and focusing on your cervix?
- Are you clear and honest in your communication? Do you tend to lie to yourself or others? If so, when and why does this happen?
- Do your spiritual beliefs match your ideal pregnancy and birth? What is your ideal birth? What does it look like? Begin to create this daily in your mind through visualization and positive feelings or projection.
- Have you been physically or sexually abused? If so, have you dealt with these issues? (Women who have experienced sexual abuse are more likely to have dysfunctional or high-risk labors.)
- Do you ever consider yourself powerless? If so, what types of situations does this happen in, and how do you deal?
- Do you and your partner have a loving relationship? Do you trust one another? Who in your life have you not trusted and why?
- Does your partner ever speak over you or speak for you? Is your voice and opinion heard?
Reach out to me if you are in need of a session or are interested in my work or books You can email me at [email protected]
To Purchase my new book FERTILE go HERE.
To Purchase my first Mystical Motherhood go HERE
To Book a Session or learn more about the Mystical Motherhood process GO HERE
03/20/23 • 75 min
The Mystical Motherhood podcast is back! I took some time off to write another book which be releasing soon all about the nature of a woman in her heart. I speak about this with my guest Cheleste who is a midwife living off the land in Utah. We had a conversation discussing:
What is the nature of a woman in her heart?
The competition between men and women.
What does "being" really mean?
The building blocks of oneness is a man and a woman.
To contact Cheleste or work with her email: [email protected]
To work with me email: [email protected]
To buy the books or take my courses go here:
The Best Yogic and Alternative Practices for Birth and Postpartum
Mystical Motherhood
04/08/20 • 147 min
Our guest today is about to give birth and I provide her with some basic training tools to prepare and have a healthy postpartum period. You will learn specific mantras and meditations from the Kundalini Yoga heritage that are important for the type fo children that are coming to earth at this time. All of this information can be found in my first book Mystical Motherhood, which is available on Amazon and through my website www.mysticalmotherhoodcom.
If you need help, guidance, an intuitive reading or a healing please reach out to me! If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant in the future - now is the time to consciously prepare for this. My books Mystical Motherhood and Fertile provide a roadmap to taking you there.
Reach out to me if you are in need of a session or are interested in my work or books
You can email me at [email protected]
To Purchase my new book FERTILE go HERE.
To Purchase my first Mystical Motherhood go HERE
I highly recommend that you purchase my newest book if you are thinking of having a baby in the future or know someone who is. FERTILE is available on Amazon HERE.
“These days mothers have no time. That's why we want those forty days—not as a punishment. We are asking that for those forty days the mother and child be together so that creativity and values can be established. From the 120th day in the womb to those forty days from birth, the entire character and values of the child are built” –Yogi Bhajan
After giving birth, your psychophysiology is as delicate as your baby’s, and you are in a special six-week window of healing that requires a significant amount of love and support. The yogic and Ayurvedic systems believe that the first forty to forty-two days after birth equals the next three to forty years of the mother’s health, depending on how she spends her time postpartum. The choices a mother makes in regards to support and rejuvenation after her birth are potent and can ultimately affect her health for the rest of her life. The Western medical system and society in general brushes off the significance of this period, which is detrimental to the mother and the baby. It takes time to heal, for the organs to go back into place, and for the energetic system of the female to stabilize. If you take care of yourself well within this period, you will recover in around three to five months. If you do not, you may suffer from exhaustion relapse that can takes years to recover from emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Holistic Preconception: Shift the Global Consciousness through Empowered Pregnancy, Birth & Motherhood.
Mystical Motherhood
03/19/21 • 51 min
Today I interview Dr. Laura Brayton - a woman who has dedicated her life to educating and empowering women through conscious conception, healthy pregnancy, empowered birth, holistic health and a healthy lifestyle.
Here is a message from Dr. Brayton:
I have dedicated my entire career to learning and applying the best ways to support women in my holistic chiropractic practice located in Hoboken, NJ; from hands-on skills in addressing pregnancy back pain and headaches to balancing a third trimester woman’s pelvis using the Webster Technique to assist her baby in going into a vertex (head down) position as well as reading copious amounts of information from the leaders in the holistic birth movement.
I take care of so many pregnant mamas in my practice that may only discover all of the choices available to them after having a subpar first pregnancy experience and/or traumatic birth. I feel very strongly that I want to reach as many women as possible to shift the current birthing culture that operates mostly out of fear and certainty. Whether you are preparing for your first or fourth pregnancy, there is an opportunity to feel fully supported along your motherhood journey in a safe community where you feel seen and heard.
This is a great podcast for anyone who is preparing for motherhood.
Check out Dr. Laura Brayton HERE
Check out more on Mystical Motherhood HERE
How to Overcome Unhealthy Eating Patterns and Create Health
Mystical Motherhood
01/24/24 • 70 min
Meg and I speak about her past battle with an eating disorder. We dive into her healing process: how she did it, why she healed, her barriers and her victories. Great resource for anyone who is looking to heal their relationship with food.
To meet with me personally reach out here:
The Steps to Your Highest Potential: How to Release Family Templates to Become More Creative
Mystical Motherhood
10/07/20 • 49 min
In this podcast I further discuss my soon-to-be released book Alchemy of Becoming with a new woman. A stay at home mother who is ready to grow and is frustrated with her current circumstances.
As you go through your alchemical transformation and heart opening experience the people in your life and external environment will help you to process your pain by playing out the conditioning of your past. This is always happening, but as the pressure on the planet increases for more people to awaken, it is now in your best interest to be cognizant that it is actually occurring. More alchemists are needed on earth now more than ever to transmute, purify and perfect themselves.
If you are feeling pain, or repeating neurotic thoughts in your mind based on your past or worried about the future, you are losing energy. Once you identify your original wounds you can then identify how they play out within the relationships in your life. As you now know each individual is a hologram of your past playing out in the present. You are repeating your wounds or trauma from childhood with new actors. This template was also played out by many generations in your family.
In Alchemy of Becoming or through the Mystical Motherhood process, I am not asking you to become deeply entrenched with the emotions and commotions of your past. I will only request that you recognize these patterns exist and hold you back as they play out in your present relationships.
I will encourage you to use various spiritual technologies to transform yourself and move on to live your best life and serve others. Prosperous people have a connection to a higher force rather than the mental emotions held within the human body. This is your quest. Your original wounds, or childhood conditioning, may be similar to mine or very different. What matters is that you are ready to let it go so that you can live your best life, create a more conscious relationship and a better family. This is the journey of the alchemist, a journey back to the heart.
Are you in need of a private session or interested in the books?
Learn How to Protect Yourself Against Negativity and Darkness on the Path to Awakening
Mystical Motherhood
04/09/20 • 61 min
In this podcast I teach my guest how to protect her body and house from negative forces that are very active on our planet right now. Below I have listed some mantras from the Kundalini heritage that you can say daily for protection. We speak about her heart opening and awakening process and I talk her some simple daily steps she can take to begin healing. Reach out to me at
First Mantra:
Below is the mantra for Protection Against Psychic Attack by Baba Siri Chand. Say this one time out loud daily. Be sure to honor Baba Siri Chand and ask for his protection: "Akal Baba Siri Chand Di Rakh"
Second Mantra:
"When you cannot be protected, this mantra shall protect you. When things stop, and won't move, this makes them move in your direction.”
-Yogi Bhajan 7/28/82
Say this three times out loud daily with your hand in prayer pose.
“Aad Guray Nameh
Jugaad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siree Guru Dayvay Nameh”
Reach out to me if you are in need of a session or are interested in my work or books
You can email me at [email protected]
To Purchase my new book FERTILE go HERE.
To Purchase my first Mystical Motherhood go HERE
I highly recommend that you purchase my newest book if you are thinking of having a baby in the future or know someone who is. FERTILE is available on Amazon HERE.
Increase Your Fertility: Prepare Your Body, Mind and Spirit for Conception
Mystical Motherhood
03/30/20 • 48 min
My guest was surprised to find out that isolation from the pandemic brought up her internal desire to have another child. In this podcast we go over her decision process about becoming pregnant at this unpredictable time on the planet. I take her through some simple steps of how to prepare for pregnancy. We also discuss PCOS in detail and how to manage this with IVF clinics being closed around the world because of the Clovid virus.
Reach out to me if you are in need of a session or are interested in my work or books
You can email me at [email protected]
To Purchase my new book FERTILE go HERE.
To Purchase my first Mystical Motherhood go HERE
I highly recommend that you purchase my newest book if you are thinking of having a baby in the future or know someone who is. FERTILE is available on Amazon HERE.
Fertile is a revolutionary approach to conscious motherhood. Applying visionary concepts to fertility and pregnancy, Pritam Atma shares a beautifully illustrated guide to heal your body, mind, and spirit in preparation for pregnancy and creating an enlightened child. This book opens a doorway into the unknown mysteries of creation.
This book is written for women who are struggling with fertility, want to consciously conceive, and those who are already pregnant. It is applicable to women who have no children and those who want more. The transformational process can be utilized whether you become pregnant naturally or with medical help from intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization or an egg donor.
Pritam introduces a new paradigm by teaching women that they are the genetic engineers of their babies during pregnancy. This modern approach to motherhood gives women their power back. Learn how to consciously create a child with thoughts and emotions based on love and harmony.
From diet and mental health—to career and relationships—Fertile balances every aspect of your life to increase fertility and dramatically alter your approach to pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Explore unique ways to transform by increasing your happiness and well-being during the most critical period of your child’s development.
Combining cutting-edge scientific theory with sacred spiritual revelations, this is a road map to activating your divine role as a mother. Whether this is your first child or your third, Fertile is designed explicitly for all women who are ready to awaken to their divinity and improve this planet by creating highly conscious children.
Apply emerging scientific research on behavioral epigenetics to pregnancy. Learn how to improve your child’s consciousness by changing your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, environment, and diet.
Enhance your nutrition, heal generational patterns and increase your level of spirituality in preparation for conscious motherhood.
Understand the transformative power of alchemy and learn how the elements, your level of sensory awareness,and sacred geometry help to design your child.
Master your thoughts and increase your level of awareness by projecting an experience based on love,rather than fear, for your growing child during pregnancy.
Improve your relationship through enhanced intimacy and heightened sexuality. Create the Holy Trinity through the activation of the divine masculine, divine feminine and holy child.
Sick of Your Old Story Yet? How to Release Past Conditioning to Create a New Life Narra
Mystical Motherhood
09/10/21 • 42 min
As you go through your alchemical transformation and heart-opening experience, the people in your life and events in your external environment will help you to process your pain by playing out the conditioning of your past. This is always happening, but as the pressure for more people to awaken in- creases on the planet, it is now in your best interest to be cognizant that it is actually occurring.
More alchemists are needed on Earth — now more than ever to transmute, purify, and perfect themselves. Understanding the steps of alchemy will put you on a higher playing field. As you learn about each of these stages, you will be able to navigate where you are in life and change your narrative.
Alchemy of Becoming: Radical, revolutionary, spiritual technology that will help you awaken and evolve. Purchase HERE to find out more about the heart opening process.
The steps of transformation are experienced as follows:
There is only one Pattern in the Operation of the Sun. By Fire you will be set free; by Water you will reclaim your power. By Air you will discover your inner worth; by Earth you will realize its potential. In its Dissolution you will see the Pattern encompassing you and know what to do, for this Pattern originated with the birth of the universe and is sealed in time and space everywhere. Only then will you be allowed to contribute to the universe; only then will the child of your imagination be allowed to grow. — Dennis Hauck
Calcination: This phase breaks down your at- tachment to the material world; it is the phase of the destruction of delusions, appearances, and pos- sessions. The element fire burns away the mental constructs and belief systems that hold you back and box you in.
Dissolution: This phase reveals unconscious emotional parts of yourself for release. The element water is used to dissolve heavy feelings and nega- tive thoughts. Unresolved wounds of the heart will arise to be healed.
Separation: In this phase, you begin taking an intimate look at your personality, deciding what parts of yourself that you want to separate from and what parts need further integration. The element air helps with this process by making changes in your physical, emotional, and mental realms. The element helps to quickly release old ways of being. You will consciously review your unconscious and decide if you are ready to release the blockages, phobias, and neurotic tendencies — or not.
Conjunction: This is the phase where you merge the conscious and the unconscious parts of your- self for deeper healing. The element earth begins to build a new reality within your consciousness and a different way to experience the world which is more stable and balanced. It is the union of the masculine and feminine within. Your heart begins to open and your intuition grows as you become connected to Spirit.
Fermentation and Putrefaction: This is the in- troduction into your new life. You will experience a death of your old world and be initiated into a new way of being. The element ether begins to arise within your consciousness as you move through the final three phases of the alchemical process. Ether helps you to ascend into the higher realms and be- gin to see that the reality on Earth is actually con- nected to a previously unseen and unheard world. As a spiritual warrior, you begin to hear the call to help others along the way.
Distillation: In order to know whether you can hold true in this new life, you will be psychological- ly tested by a higher force. This phase of purification is agitating to the human mind as there must be no impure or negative subconscious thoughts affecting the personality in order to enter a state of peace.
Coagulation: The whole and healed human be- ing is rare, but if you have reached this stage, you are now fully conscious and interacting with the world from the level of the heart or with love. Be- ing becomes as important as doing. You will see the world from a new perspective and higher level of consciousness. This is the rise of the Phoenix and the phase of resurrection into your highest destiny.
To Buy My Books, Courses or Work With Me Privately GO HERE
Purchase the Books:
Mystical Motherhood: A Guidebook for Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond - Discover a Happier More Conscious Motherhood - Learn how to create a happy and conscious family. This is your ultimate guide to conscious conception, pregnancy, birth and beyond. Purchase HERE
Fertile: Prepare Your Body, Mind, and Spirit for Conception and Pregnancy to Create a Conscious Child. Purchase
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How many episodes does Mystical Motherhood have?
Mystical Motherhood currently has 116 episodes available.
What topics does Mystical Motherhood cover?
The podcast is about Spirituality, Kids & Family, Religion & Spirituality and Podcasts.
What is the most popular episode on Mystical Motherhood?
The episode title 'When Will it Ever Be Enough?: A Conversation with the Publisher of W Magazine & A Driven Stay at Home Mom' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Mystical Motherhood?
The average episode length on Mystical Motherhood is 54 minutes.
How often are episodes of Mystical Motherhood released?
Episodes of Mystical Motherhood are typically released every 9 days, 19 hours.
When was the first episode of Mystical Motherhood?
The first episode of Mystical Motherhood was released on Mar 20, 2018.
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