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Microsoft Teams Insider - The Importance of Standards & Room Design with Microsoft Teams Rooms with Greg Jeffreys

The Importance of Standards & Room Design with Microsoft Teams Rooms with Greg Jeffreys

Microsoft Teams Insider

01/17/24 • 18 min

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  • Greg emphasizes the importance of thinking critically about each component of a room and using standards as a guide
  • The importance of standards and proper room design for Microsoft Teams rooms and technology-enabled spaces
  • The real-world challenges of room design, the need for audio quality and the opportunity for improvement in remote experiences
  • The ROI of investing in technology-enabled spaces

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01/17/24 • 18 min

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Microsoft Teams Insider - The Importance of Standards & Room Design with Microsoft Teams Rooms with Greg Jeffreys


Hi, welcome back to the show. Really good one for you this week. We've got Greg Jeffries, who is a consultant and director at Visual Displays and is really focused on rooms and meeting room design, but not just from a technology standpoint, from a holistic approach. So I had a really good conversation with Greg around room design, the importance of standards. And when you're doing Microsoft Teams rooms, what are those things to consider beyond just the kit? So I hope

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