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Love’s Last Call

Love’s Last Call

Carol Ann Caster

"Love's Last Call" focuses on the Prophetic Word of God and how current events are unfolding with "pay attention" urgency while exposing the many counterfeits of the enemy that are keeping mankind from coming to the true and Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the Savior.
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Top 10 Love’s Last Call Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Love’s Last Call episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Love’s Last Call for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Love’s Last Call episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Love’s Last Call - “Suddenly!” - Part 3 (The End Of This Age)

12/30/24 • 13 min

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To illustrate the End of this Age, we must look to the details that are revealed in the Book of Revelation. We will explore what will happen to all true believers while looking to the disciple who was closest to Jesus at His first Coming.

It’s 95 AD, and an elderly John lies exiled on the Isle of Patmos – southwest of Ephesus. There – suddenly - something incredible happens!

As John looks up into the heavens, he sees some type of door into Heaven itself.

This opening appears to be a Divine Portal. Before he can give it any thought, there is a trumpet sound, a command, and before he knows it, he is not on planet earth

anymore! (Rev. 4:1-2)

Here we are given a dramatic foreshadowing of the Rapture of God’s True Church!

Heaven is opened only twice in the Book of Revelation. Once here, as recorded in Revelation 4:1-2, and in Revelation Chapter 19 where Jesus and His saints come out of Heaven to make war against the nations.

In this message series, we address these two openings and the sacred criteria that is the key that provides the Way to a man or woman being numbered in these two dramatic events – with the Watchman’s cry of – Be Ready!

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In this message, we pick up where we left off in Part 3 of “Agents of Darkness & the New World Order Agenda,” as we continue to press forward with our investigation of the many organizations that are operating in the world with control over every facet of existence that comprises life on this planet. We also focus on the people who run them, with attention given to how these agents of darkness are being used by Lucifer (a.k.a. Satan) to prepare the world for the global empire of his Antichrist - a goal that is being fueled with the demonic intention to gain the worship of all people on earth and to usurp the God of All Creation.

This nefarious effort is not a mere conspiracy theory as many argue, but a fact that indeed confirms a genuine demonic and rebellious conspiracy (which by definition means plot or scheme) that Scripture has alerted us would play out from the fall of man in the Garden of Eden to its final climax in the last days leading to the End of the Age and the commencement of Eternity.

As we investigate these things by the Word of God and His prophetic guidelines, the Scriptural evidence that exposes these worldly endeavors for what they really are becomes undeniable, bringing into clear focus the “god” of this world who is behind every worldly function that is serving him in his global quest.

God’s unadulterated Word of Truth alone is the Light that can expose these demonic and darkened intentions while showing the Way of escape unto Eternal Life in Jesus Christ the Lord!

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Fifty years before Jesus was born, Rome took control of the world, and the Roman Empire maintained control until after His Resurrection. It was Roman rule that put Jesus on the Cross. It was the Imperialistic Romans who ruthlessly ruled during the days of the Early Church. They were always after Paul. They were always quelling the riots – and they were always trying to keep the peace for Rome, because of what was happening in the growth of the Church. Rome’s legions crushed all resistance with an iron heel!

When Daniel prophesied 2,500 years ago that the Roman Empire would be on this earth when Jesus returned, he meant it. He accurately predicted the first Roman Empire approximately five hundred years before its founding. Now, signs of a Revived Roman Empire are emerging before our eyes.

As we move through this Study, we will find another important jewel of Holy Spirit insight that offers concrete evidence that the prophetic precursors are converging in fulfillment of all the Lord God Almighty has promised would take place, making ready the soon Return of Jesus.

With these things gathering quickly – how much sooner must the Rapture be?

It is time to be Ready! It is time to stand Strong in the Strength of our Savior! It is time to contend even more earnestly for the True Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints! (Jude 1:3)

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Those with Holy Spirit discernment recognize all the warnings, as we witness every event that unfolds in the earth through the lens of His Prophetic Word of Truth.

And with each new day, as prophetic precursors continue to converge, it becomes more and more evident that there is not much more time left before all that the Lord God has promised will come to pass, reaches its final fulfillment.

We know by His Word, that after the Rapture of His True Church, the Tribulation Period will begin, and the Man of Lawlessness – also known as the Antichrist – will deceive with controlling tyranny the people of earth who have been left behind because they would not receive the Love of the Truth so as to be Saved.

His right hand man will be the False Prophet. And this agent of darkness will serve the Antichrist by heading up a “One World Religion” that will be made to order to give this tyrannical leader worship and loyalty.

In order to see how this all fits into the Alien Deception, we will take a penetrating look into the Vatican’s stand on this matter with special emphasis on Pope Francis and his credentials that support him as a possible candidate for the role of the False Prophet and a major player in the “Alien Deception” that is already captivating the people of earth.

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Love’s Last Call - “The Apostate Church of the Last Days” - Part 2

03/07/22 • 13 min

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As we look to the unadulterated Word of God’s Truth, and especially His Word of Prophecy, it becomes more and more certain that we are living on borrowed time. The last things are unfolding all around us and yet many are unaware of just how close we really are to the End of this Age and Eternity’s commencement.

We’ve been addressing the many prophetic precursors that support this reality in our past messages and are now in Part two of “The Apostate Church of the Last Days.”

More than anything else we have covered so far, this topic is one that requires our utmost attention because it holds within it the litmus test of the genuine “born-again” Salvation miracle that ignites within the deadened spirit of a man or woman who comes to Jesus with a truly repentant heart and full submission to His Lordship, in comparison to the deadly counterfeit that draws a person by way of fleshly enticements and the power he or she is promised if they follow Him. Simon the Sorcerer who we learn about in Acts 8:9-24 is a profound type and symbol of this travesty.

Lucifer has a counterfeit to everything that is true in God. And his most masterful forgery is his version of “Christianity.” He laid the foundation for this blasphemous imitation in the Garden of Eden when he enticed Adam and Eve with the lofty ambition to be like God. And every false way he has orchestrated is fueled by this luring motivation with enlightenment promised in exchange for one’s soul.

The call to contend for the true Faith has never been more urgent than it is now.

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Love’s Last Call - You Shall Know The Truth!

You Shall Know The Truth!

Love’s Last Call


12/05/24 • 16 min

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We have reached the hour that Lord Jesus warned us of where His Truth is being maligned, and replaced, with a counterfeit version which has been birthed from within the cesspool Lucifer’s lies and deceptions. And as the last “called ones” are being readied to “be chosen,” the Holy Spirit is raising up His Watchmen on the Wall who are heralding His unadulterated Word of of Life with the call to - Come! Sealed with the Promise that you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free!

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Love’s Last Call - “Discerning the Hour" - Part 3

11/16/20 • 12 min

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As the enemy’s many demonic schemes and works of deception bombard the people of God, the Holy Spirit’s gift of Discernment is more critically needed now than it has ever been because there are so many differing versions of what is really taking place in the world - not only from the secular realm - but especially within the Body of Christ.

There are “Kingdom Now” proponents who while neglecting the full counsel of God that conveys that this present earth is on a down-hill spiral and at some point will be re-created in righteousness, wrongly believe the earth is being readied to usher in the Second Coming of Jesus and therefore their main focus is on this world as their intentions to improve it and extend Christianity’s borders fuel their many earthly endeavors.

While others are living in fear of impending doom and running TO and FRO. And then there are still others who don’t really care.

But for those of us who are watching and waiting and are seeking the Lord for His wisdom and direction, He has given us His Word which is a safeguard and a firm foundation upon which His Prophetic Timeline has been established and is being built – current event by current event – and “last days” scenario by “last day’s scenario.

Scripture supports the reality that it is the “Last Hour” (1 John 2:18) and therefore even though many naysayers will mock us for doing so, it is time to pay even stricter attention to the prophetic indicators our Savior informed us would keep us longing and ready for His soon Return.

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In this Podcast series “Hell’s Reality – The Truth You Need To Know” we continue to address the fact that Hell is real and will unfortunately be the eternal destination of those who die without Jesus Christ as their Advocate.

Some people might say they would rather hear about God’s Love – but quite frankly the truth of Hell’s reality and the understanding that it is the place where sin’s punishment will be lived out for all eternity– is perhaps one of - if not the greatest indicator that holds within it stunning revelation of just how Great God’s Love is.

For while Romans 6:23 makes certain that “the wages of sin is death,” John 3:16 gives the glorious antidote: “For God so Loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, so that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have Eternal Life.

Whether man chooses to believe in Hell’s existence or not the fact remains that it is real and that it is one of only two eternal destinations he will find himself in when his life on earth is finished.

Therefore, as ambassadors of God’s Truth we are purposed to herald the warning of Hell’s abode for unrepentant sinners while sounding Love’s Last Call to all who will heed His holy beckoning to run into the arms of Jesus and His Safety Net of Salvation’s assurance that is found only in Him!

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Love’s Last Call - “Birth Pains & The Coming New World Order” - Part 1

05/18/20 • 11 min

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Without a doubt, we are living in a time on the earth when the Prophetic Word of God is unfolding before our very eyes as current events play out with stunning Scriptural reality. Not only are we hearing of wars and rumors of wars, but earthquakes have increased with alarming acceleration. And while billions of locusts continue to plague Africa and the Middle East, CBS reports that a roughly two-inch long insect known as the “murder hornet” has made its way to the U.S. for the first time ever. The Asian giant hornet, Vespa mandarinia, has been known to kill up to 50 people a year in Japan, according to The New York Times, and has the potential to devastate U.S. bee populations, which have already been declining.

And we must not forget the increase in UFO sightings which while we do not yet know how this will all fit in with the Antichrist’s many deceptions, it would not be surprising if that is how the disappearance of God’s Holy Remnant in the Rapture is explained.

Then, front and center, we have the coronavirus which has stopped the world in its tracks bringing about what has been coined as the “new normal” with convincing evidence that the things people took for granted in the living out of life on this planet will never be the same again.

And in light of this dramatic and seemingly “sudden” turn of events many who study Prophecy are connecting the Scriptural dots and seeing a picture come together before their eyes – The Coming New World Order – which even now is already dressed for rehearsal and ready to appear in its full regalia on the stage of earth.

Are we ready? It is time to be certain; for the birth pangs have begun!

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As Apostasy grows more prolific, without a doubt we are bearing witness to the Hand of God separating the Wheat from the tares in readiness for the catching up of God’s redeemed ones, before the Tribulation Period unleashes God’s Righteous Wrath upon an unbelieving world. And in our waiting, it has never been more urgent than it is now for the people of God to be standing firm - with unwavering conviction upon the solid Rock of His unadulterated Word of Truth and Life – and to be contending for the genuine Faith that has been woven with the Scarlet Thread of Salvation’s Promise into the Tapestry of Eternal Life by way of the Blood of the Messiah of God – Yeshua Hamashiach!

For as the “One World Religion” of the Antichrist takes shape, it is drawing many into its web of death and destruction, as it prepares the world for the Global Empire of the Antichrist – making it all the more necessary for those who have been “born again” of the Spirit of the Living God to remain alert – and informed – as we test every spirit to be certain it is of God. (1 John 4:1)

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How many episodes does Love’s Last Call have?

Love’s Last Call currently has 276 episodes available.

What topics does Love’s Last Call cover?

The podcast is about Salvation, Healing, Prophecy, Spirituality, Evangelical, Inspirational, Religion & Spirituality, God, Podcasts, Inspiration, Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy, Religion and Religious.

What is the most popular episode on Love’s Last Call?

The episode title '“The Stage Is Being Set!” - Part 6' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Love’s Last Call?

The average episode length on Love’s Last Call is 14 minutes.

How often are episodes of Love’s Last Call released?

Episodes of Love’s Last Call are typically released every 7 days.

When was the first episode of Love’s Last Call?

The first episode of Love’s Last Call was released on Nov 18, 2019.

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