Your Potential is Limitless. Whether you actualise it or not however, is your choice. The #1 Regret of the Dying is, “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, rather than one I felt was expected of me.” Most people settle for a life of mediocrity, never heeding the call from a deeper part of their soul that knows they have more to contribute to the world that would make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. ...too afraid of the judgements, criticisms and opinions of others less courageous to heed their callings. ...opting to ‘belong’ in the surroundings of the empty skeptics, whilst simultaneously numbing out to their passions and inspirations. Few people reach for the extraordinary and make it their life’s mission to discover who they truly are, what it is that they’d be inspired to dedicate their heart-beats to creating, and developing the courage and the confidence to live a life they would truly be proud of and fulfilled by. YOU could thrive amongst the few who are willing to actualise their Limitless Potential. Let’s wake you up to how much your life matters. It’s time to swap a mediocre mindset, for a meaningful existence. Make your life worth your heart-beats. It’s time to tap into your authentic inspiration. It’s time to actualise your limitless potential. The Limitless Potential Show is here to show you what is possible. My commitment to you is to find and source the world's leading authorities in personal development, human behaviour and human potential who are truly actualising their potential and walking their talk in all areas of their lives. I will also be sharing my authentic pursuit towards actualising my own potential - the struggles and the successes as I take on the role of The Human Guinea Pig of all things personal development and help simplify and systemise the most valuable and vetted tools to help you join the movement towards actualising your own limitless potential. Make sure you join the Limitless Potential Inner Circle community of over 5,000 like-minded, outstanding human beings from across the globe whom support and challenge each other to reach ever increasing levels of their potential daily. Join here: to ensure you’re surrounding yourself with the quality of people who with fuel you towards a meaningful existence and inspire you to reach, not settle. I’m excited to have you here, and pumped for all that’s ahead for you! MEET YOUR HOST: Vanessa Jane Patrick is a Personality Profiler, International Speaker, Group Trainer and Transformational Coach who empowers individuals and teams to discover who they are, have the courage to live authentically and to meaningfully contribute to the world through her online and offline seminars and courses. Vanessa is the founder of ‘The Limitless Potential Academy’, where growth-seekers come to get the support and experience they need to breakthrough to their next level of potential. Vanessa runs the 'Limitless Potential' show where she interviews the world's leading authorities in personal development, human behaviour and human potential. She also founded the Limitless Potential Inner Circle community of 5,000+ like-minded, outstanding human beings from across the globe whom support and challenge each other to reach ever increasing levels of their potential daily.