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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)

Bill Fester

This is a re-broadcast of useful English phrases for travelers from China. These are from my readings on Wechat which I have done for some years. There are a wide range of topics, but in general they focus on the sort of phrases that would be useful for someone coming to the United States from China.
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Top 10 Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 54:Can you help me?   第54课:你能帮助我吗?

Lesson 54:Can you help me? 第54课:你能帮助我吗?

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


08/18/21 • 3 min

Lesson 54:Can you help me?   第54课:你能帮助我吗?

1) I'm lost. Can you give me directions?  我迷路了。 你能给我指路吗?

2) She didn't know how to approach that math problem.  她不知道如何解决那个数学问题。

3) His car broke down and he needed a tow truck.  他的车抛锚了,他需要一辆拖车。

4) Which way is the restaurant?  餐厅在哪个方向?

5) Where would I find the carrots? 我在哪里可以找到胡萝卜?

6) This electrical switch is broken, do you know a good electrician?   这个电器开关坏了,你认识一位好的电工吗?

7) They were interested in booking a trip and required assistance.  他们有兴趣预订一次旅行并需要帮助。

8) I have a pain in my arm, Doctor; Can you take a look?  医生, 我的胳膊疼,你能看看吗?

9) We didn't expect that we would have this kind of trouble.  我们没预料到我们会遇到这种麻烦。

10) This part doesn't fit. Where can I return it?  这部件不合适。我在哪里可以退货?

11) Do you have this in another size? 这个有其它尺码的吗?

12) Please pass me the salt and pepper.  请把盐和胡椒粉递给我。

13) I will depend on you to let me know when I should do that.   我就靠你告诉我什么时候该做那件事。

14) He took good care of his aunt. 他对他的姑妈照顾得很好。

15) Help! I can't swim! 救命!我不会游泳!

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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 27 Things to do on a Winter day

Lesson 27 Things to do on a Winter day

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


02/10/21 • 3 min

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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 44 Buying a house

Lesson 44 Buying a house

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


06/09/21 • 3 min

Lesson: 44 Buying a house. 第44 课:买房子。 

1) What kind of house would you like to buy?    你想买什么样的房子?

2) We are looking for a house with three bedrooms and two baths.  我们正在寻找一个有三间卧室和两间浴室的房子。

3) Do you prefer a contemporary or a traditional style?   你喜欢现代风格还是传统风格的?

4) Let me look at the listings in your price range.  让我看看你们所报价格范围内的购房目录。

5) If you like this house, perhaps we should put a contract on it.  如果你喜欢这所房子,也许我们应该在上面签个合同。

6) A contract on a house requires you to pay a fee called earnest money.  房屋合同要求您支付称为保证金的费用。

7) When the owners have accepted your contract, there are other steps in the process.   当业主接受你的合同之后,这个过程中还有其他步骤。

8) If you require a loan, you must fill out a loan application for the purchase.   如果您需要贷款,您必须填写购房贷款申请表。  

9) You should have the house inspected for possible defects.   你应该找专业人士检查一下房子是否有缺陷。

10) Sometimes buyers and sellers negotiate to buy items in the house such as appliances. 有时买卖双方协商购买房屋内的物品,比如电器。

11) The date when the actual purchase is made and the ownership is transferred is called the Closing Date.   实际购买和所有权转移的日期称为成交日。

12) Have you arranged for a moving van?  你们安排好搬家货车了吗?

13) We will have to have the utilities transferred to our name. 我们得将水电瓦斯转移到我们的名下。

14) Do you want to do any work on the house before you move in?  你想在搬进来之前把房子装修一下吗?

15) Now that we have the house, we should probably shop for newer furniture!   既然我们有了房子,我们也许应该买些新家具!

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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 33 Some Phrases About Math

Lesson 33 Some Phrases About Math

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


03/24/21 • 3 min

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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 34 Medical Visits

Lesson 34 Medical Visits

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


03/31/21 • 3 min

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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 61: Going to the car dealership . 第 61 课:去汽车经销店。

Lesson 61: Going to the car dealership . 第 61 课:去汽车经销店。

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


10/06/21 • 3 min

Lesson 61: Going to the car dealership . 第 61 课:去汽车经销店。

1) I have been thinking about trading cars.    我一直在考虑将旧车折价掉换取新车。                

2) What did you have in mind?   你有什么想法?

3) Would you like to look at our selection of sedans or sports utility vehicles?   您想看看我们的轿车还是运动型多功能车?

4) I would prefer a SUV.  我更喜欢运动型多功能汽车。

5) The salesman had them test drive a new model.  销售员让他们试驾一种新型号的汽车。

6) Some people prefer a slightly used car for a better deal.  有些人更喜欢略微旧的车,这样更划算。    

7) She leased her new car from the dealer.   她从经销商那里租了她的新车。

8) What can you give me for my trade in?  我把旧车抵给你,你能给我什么?

9) Would you like to finance this over a 48 month period?

您愿意办一个48 个月的分期付款吗?

10) How much will my monthly payments be?  我每月的付款是多少?

11) The down payment wasn't too bad and included tax, title, and license costs.  首付还不错,包括税费,办理凭证和牌照的费用。

12) What is the warranty on this car?   这辆车有哪些保修和护理?

13) He chose the vehicle with the deluxe options package. 他选择了带有豪华选项套餐的车辆。

14) Don't forget to notify your insurance company.   不要忘记通知您的保险公司。

15) Here are your new keys. You're ready to drive away!   这是你的新钥匙,你可以把车开走了!

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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 41: Resting. 第41课:休息。

Lesson 41: Resting. 第41课:休息。

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


05/19/21 • 3 min

Lesson 41: Resting. 第41课:休息。

1) What time did you get up today?    你今天几点起床的?

2) I woke up at 7 o'clock.  我七点钟醒来。

3) Did you sleep well?   你睡得好吗?

4) No, I tossed and turned all night. 不好,我整晚辗转反侧。                                            

5) She slept very well last night, but he snored. 她昨晚睡得很好,但他打呼噜了。

6) Their young son was restless all night.  他们的幼小儿子整夜不安。

7) Perhaps he will take a nap this afternoon.   也许他今天下午会小睡一会儿。

8) He likes to read before going to bed.  他喜欢在睡觉前看书。

9) She sleeps very hard and nothing wakes her up.  她睡得很沉没有任何东西可以吵醒她。

10) Do you think we need a new mattress?    您认为我们需要新的床垫吗?

11) My bed is very firm and that helps my back.  我的床很硬实这对我的腰背部有帮助。

12) Some people are very particular about their pillow. 有些人对枕头很挑剔。

13) She prefers the room to be cool because she sleeps better that way. 她喜欢凉爽的房间,因为那样她睡得更好。

14) Were you awakened in the night by that dog barking?  你夜里被那狗叫声吵醒了吗?

15) I hope we all can get a good night's rest.  我希望我们晚上都能好好休息。

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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 42: Weddings and Marriages

Lesson 42: Weddings and Marriages

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


05/26/21 • 3 min

Lesson 42: Weddings and Marriages. 第42课: 婚礼和婚姻。

1) Have you been invited to the wedding?   你被邀请参加婚礼了吗?

2) Yes, I received my invitation in the mail last week.  是的,我上周收到了邮件邀请。

3) The bride and groom will honeymoon in the Caribbean Islands.  新娘和新郎将在加勒比海岛屿度蜜月。

4) The groomsmen and bridesmaids all look beautiful.   伴郎和伴娘看起来都很漂亮。

5) The minister said the vows which the couple repeated to each other.  牧师宣读了结婚誓言那对新人彼此对说结婚誓言。

6) Following the ceremony, we all went to the reception.   婚礼结束后,我们都去参加了婚宴。

7) They had a band and so there was a lot of dancing after the meal.  他们有一个乐队,所以餐后有很多人跳舞。

8) Then they cut the cake and served pieces to all of the guests.   然后他们切开蛋糕,把蛋糕分给所有的客人。

9) After the marriage, where will the new couple live?  结婚后,这对新人将住在哪里?

10) The mother in law was so happy that she cried.  婆婆很高兴她哭了。

11) The new husband and wife have found a nice apartment nearby.   这对新婚夫妇在附近找到了一套很好的公寓。

12) They have been engaged for two years.   他们已经订婚两年了。

13) The bridal gown was formal with a long train.  新娘的礼服很正式,有长长的裙裾。

14) There were many presents for them to open! 有许多礼物要他们打开!

15) We wished the couple lifelong happiness.  我们祝愿这对夫妇一生幸福。

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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 43: Going to the office

Lesson 43: Going to the office

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


06/02/21 • 3 min

Lesson 43: Going to the office.  第四十三课:去办公室。

1) When do you wake up to go to work?    你什么时候起床去上班?

2) He rises at 6 am to be at work at 7:30.  他早上6点起床,七点半上班。

3) She catches her commuter train to work at 7 am.   她早上 7 点赶上她的通勤火车去上班。

4) How is traffic for your commute?    你上下班的交通状况如何?

5) Usually I carpool to the office with two other friends.  通常我和另外两个朋友拼车去办公室。

6) Traffic is generally very heavy getting through the city at that time.   当时穿过城市的交通通常非常繁忙。

7) Yes, rush hour traffic can be horrendous. 是的,高峰时段的交通可能会很糟糕。

8) If I take the train in, I don't have to worry about parking.   如果我坐火车进去,我就不用担心停车问题了。

9) He knows the quickest way to the office which saves some time. 他知道去办公室最快的路,这样能节省一些时间。

10) Sometimes I can get work done on the train. 有时我可以在火车上完成工作。

11) I make some business calls while I'm headed in to work.  我在上班的时候打了一些商务电话。

12) We generally have a morning meeting at 8 am to discuss our plans.  我们通常在早上 8 点开会讨论我们的计划。

13) The boss doesn't like it when we are late.  老板不喜欢我们上班迟到。

14) Sometimes I work on Saturday morning to catch up for the week. 有时我在星期六早上工作以赶上一周的进度。

15) Don't forget your briefcase!   别忘了带你的公文包!

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Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers) - Lesson 50: Do you have a solution?   第50课 :你有解决方案吗?

Lesson 50: Do you have a solution? 第50课 :你有解决方案吗?

Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)


07/21/21 • 3 min

Lesson 50: Do you have a solution?  第50课 :你有解决方案吗?

1) What seems to be the problem? 大概是什么问题?

2) Can you help me fix this broken watch?  你能帮我修理这个坏掉的手表吗?

3) He went to have his car repaired by a mechanic.  他去请技工修理他的汽车。

4) Please call the plumber, the faucet is leaking.  请打电话给水管工,水龙头漏水了。

5) When she blew the circuit breaker, she had to reset the breaker.  当她的断路器跳开时,她必须重新设定断路器。

6) Can you find a better way to get to the concert?  你能找到更好的去音乐会的路吗?

7) I haven't got an answer to your question, sir.   先生,你的问题我还没有答案。

8) Who can I speak with that handles those matters?  管理这些事的人,我可以跟谁谈。

9) Sales are down and I want to know what we can do about that.  销售量下降了,我想知道我们能做些什么。

10) How can we get out of here?  我们怎样才能离开这里?

11) She met with the banker to get a loan.   她与银行老板会面以获得贷款。

12) I studied hard so the test essay wasn't bad at all. 我学习很用功,所以议论文考试一点也不差。

13) Do you have a flashlight so we can see what is going on?  你有手电筒让我们看看发生了什么事吗?

14) He's had this sort of trouble before, so he knows what to do.  他以前遇到过这种麻烦,所以他知道该怎么做。

15) What do you think the answer is?   你认为答案是什么?


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What is the most popular episode on Lessons of Useful English Phrases (for Chinese Travelers)?

The episode title 'Lesson 1. Usable Questions' is the most popular.
