Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
Joy of Languages

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Top 10 Learn Italian with Joy of Languages Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Learn Italian with Joy of Languages episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Learn Italian with Joy of Languages for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Learn Italian with Joy of Languages episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

82: I like it! How to use piace in Italian
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
04/26/20 • 15 min
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/using-piace-in-italian
Practice your Italian in our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian
Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140
Today's Italian words
Hai molto in comune con la tua famiglia? = Do you have a lot in common with your family?
Hai = you have
Molto = a lot
In comune = in common
Con = with
La tua famiglia = your family
Dipende = It depends
Per esempio = For example
Ci piace cucinare = we like cooking
Ci = to us
Piace = it pleases
Cucinare = cooking
Ma a mia sorella piace fare i dolci = But my sister likes making desserts
Ma = but
a mia sorella = to my sister
piace = pleases
fare = making
I dolci = the sweets
Mentre a me piace fare la pasta = while I like making pasta
Mentre = while
A me = to me
Piace = pleases
Fare = making
La pasta = the pasta
Ci piacciono i film = we like films
Ci = to us
Piacciono = they please
I film = the films
Ci piace la pizza = We like the pizza (lit. to us, it pleases, the pizza)
Ci piacciono le pizze = we like the pizzas (lit. to us, they please, the pizzas)
A me piacciono i film fantascienza, e a mia sorella piacciono i film Disney = I like sci fi films, while my sister likes Disney films.
A me = to me
Piacciono = they please
I film = the films
Fantascienza = sci fi
E = and
A mia sorella = to my sister
Piacciono = they please
I film Disney = Disney films
E a tua mamma? = And your mom? (lit. And to your mom?)
Le piacciono i film classici, come cantando sotto la pioggia = She likes classic films, like singing in the rain.
Le = to her
Piacciono = they please
I film = the films
Classici = classic
Come = like
Cantando = singing
Sotto = under
La pioggia = the rain
A lei = to her
A me piace = I like it (lit. to me, it pleases: full, for emphasis)
Mi piace = I like it (lit. to me, it pleases: short, most common)
A te piace = You like it (lit. to you, it pleases: full, for emphasis)
Ti piace = You like it (lit. to you, it pleases: short, most common)
A lei piace = She likes it (lit. to her, it pleases: full, for emphasis)
Le piace = She likes it (lit. to her, it pleases: short, most common)
A lui piace = He likes it (lit. to him, it pleases: full, for emphasis)
Gli piace = He likes it (lit. to him, it pleases: short, most common)
A loro piace = They like it (lit. to them, it pleases: full, for emphasis)
Gli piace = They like it (lit. to them, it pleases: short, most common)
A noi piace = We like it (lit. to us, it pleases: full, for emphasis)
Ci piace = We like it (lit. to us, it pleases: short, most common)
A voi piace = You plural like it (lit. to you plural, it pleases: full, for emphasis)
Vi piace = You plural like it (lit. to you plural, it pleases: short, most common)
1 Listener

4: Excuse me, do you speak English?
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
01/15/17 • 7 min
Learn more about the verb "parlare" which means "speak". By the end, you'll be able to say all kinds of useful phrases like "do you speak English?"
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/verb-parlare
Today's Italian words
Parla = you speak (formal, for people you don't know well); he/she speaks
Parla inglese = you speak English (formal, for people you don't know well)
Scusi, parla inglese? = Excuse me, do you (formal) speak English
Parlate = you all/you both speak (the plural you)
Parlate inglese = you all/both speak English
Parlate inglese? = do you all/both speak English?
Parliamo = we speak
Parliamo italiano = we speak Italian
Parliamo un po' di italiano = we speak a bit of Italian
Parlano = they speak
Parlano italiano = they speak Italian
Parlano inglese? = do they speak English?

1 Listener

112: 3 Essential Ways to say Please in Italian
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
10/17/23 • 8 min
Do Italians say please? Learn the 3 most authentic ways to be polite in Italian.
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/please-in-italian
Today's Italian words:
Per piacere = Please (lit. to please)
Per favore = Please (lit. for favour)
Sì, grazie! = Yes please! (in Italian, we don’t say "per favore" after "sì")
Due biglietti, per favore = Two tickets, please (lit. for favour)
Un cappuccino, per piacere = A cappuccino, please (lit. to please)
Può portare il conto? = Can you bring the bill?
Potrebbe portare il conto? = Could you bring the bill?
1 Listener

#18: Making small talk: Where are you from?
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
05/29/17 • 7 min

60: How to Learn Italian - Tips from a Polyglot Italian teacher
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
01/13/19 • 31 min
An interview with Italian teacher and language expert Stefano - get tips on how to learn grammar, make consistent progress and stay motivated all year.
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Bonus materials for today's episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/how-to-learn-italian
Today's Italian words
Buon 2019 a tutti! = Happy 2019 everyone
Buon = good
A = to
Tutti = everyone
Oggi parliamo di cosa ci vuole per imparare bene l’italiano = Today, we're talking about what's needed to learn Italian well.
Oggi = today
Parliamo = we speak
Di = about
Cosa = what
Ci vuole = is needed
Per = in order to
Imparare = learn
Bene = well
l’italiano = Italian (literally "the Italian")
In questo nuovo anno appena iniziato = In this new year (that's) just begun.
In = in
Questo = this
Nuovo = new
Anno = Year
Appena = just
Iniziato = started
Innanzitutto, bisogna sapere ascoltare = First of all, it's necessary to know how to listen
Innanzitutto = first of all
Bisogna = it's needed/necessary
Sapere = know how to
Ascoltare = listen
Per poi ripetere e imitare = in order to then repeat and imitate.
Per = in order to
Poi = then
Ripetere = repeat
e = and
Imitare = imitate
Inoltre, ci vuole pazienza = Furthermore, you need patience
Inoltre = furthermore
Ci vuole = it's needed
Pazienza = patience
Meglio progredire piano e bene, che non rapidamente ma male = It's better to progress slowly and well, rather than quickly but badly.
Meglio = better
Progredire = progress
Piano = slowly
e = and
Bene = well
Che non = rather than
Rapidamente = quickly
Ma = but
Male = badly
Infine = in the end
Serve = it's needed
Una forte = a strong
Motivazione = motivation
La nostra passione è il motore che può portarci lontano = our passion is the engine that can take us far
La = the
Nostra = our
Passione = passion
è = is
Il motore = the engine
Che = that
Può = can
Portare = take
Ci = us
Lontano = far

161: The most difficult Italian words you’re (probably) pronouncing wrong
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
11/05/24 • 18 min
Learn techniques to pronounce the most difficult Italian words. They’ll help you sound more natural and avoid making funny pronunciation mistakes!
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/difficult-Italian-words
Today's Italian words:
Ghiaccio = Ice
Svegliare = To wake up
Aglio = Garlic
Cameriere = Waiter
Aereo = Plane

177: Question Words in Italian: The 8 You Need
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
03/18/25 • 20 min
_Learn key Italian question words like “dove”, “quando”, and more to help you get the info you need while traveling in Italy. _
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/question-words-in-Italian
Today's Italian words:
Quand’è l’ultimo treno? = When is the last train?
Perché il supermercato è chiuso? = Why is the restaurant closed?
Che cosa c’è in questo piatto? = What is there in this dish?
Dov’è la stazione? = Where is the station?
Chi è la guida? = Who is the guide?
Quanto costa? = How much does it cost?
Quale treno va a Firenze?= Which train goes to Florence?

61: Indirect Object Pronouns in Italian - The Ultimate Guide
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
02/10/19 • 9 min
Gli, le, mi, ti... Those little words are everywhere in Italian! This lesson will help you understand what they mean and when to use them in conversation.
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials from today's episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/indirect-object-pronouns-italian
Practise chatting in Italian with us by joining our facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/
Today's Italian words
Mi = to me/for me
Ti = to you/for you
Gli = to him/for him
Le = to her/for her
Ci = to us/for us
Vi = to you/for you (plural "you", when speaking to two or more people)
Gli = to them/for them
Do = I give
Questo = this
Ti = to you/for you
Ti do questo = I give this to you
Compro questo = I buy this
Ti compro questo = I buy this for you
Vi = To you/for you (plural - when speaking to two or more people)
Vi do questo = I give this to you (plural)
Vi compro questo = I buy this for you (plural)
Gli = to him/for him
Gli do questo = I give this to him
Gli compro questo = I buy this for him
Gli = to them/for them
Gli do questo = I give this to them
Gli compro questo = I buy this for them
Le = to her/for her
Le do questo = I give this to her
Le compro questo = I buy this for her
Mi = to me/for me
Mi fai questo = you do this to me
Perché mi fai questo?! = Why are you doing this to me?
Perché = why
Mi = to me
Fai = you do
Questo = this
Ci = to us/for us
Ci fai questo = you do this to us
Perché ci fai questo? = Why are you doing this to us?

178: 8 Italian Slang Words You’ll Actually Hear in Italy
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
03/25/25 • 14 min
_Learn the slang words Italians use everyday, from wishing good luck, to showing you’re annoyed, so you can follow real Italian conversations. _
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/Italian-slang
Today's Italian words:
Ciao ragazzi, tutto a posto? = Hi guys, all good?
Sono cotto = I’m exhausted (lit. I’m cooked)
Che figata! = How cool!
Ieri ho fatto un giro in centro = I went for a walk in the center
Ho mangiato un sacco di roba = I ate loads of stuff
Non vedo l’ora di ritornare a Napoli = I can’t wait to go back to Naples

16: How to roll your Rs in Italian
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
04/03/18 • 6 min
Can't roll your Rs? With the right techniques, you can probably learn. Learn how + a trick that'll instantly help you pronounce R more like an Italian.
Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school
Subscribe to our new Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1
Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/how-to-roll-your-rs-italian
Today's Italian words
Caro = expensive
Carro = cart
Marrone = brown
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How many episodes does Learn Italian with Joy of Languages have?
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages currently has 182 episodes available.
What topics does Learn Italian with Joy of Languages cover?
The podcast is about Language Learning, Courses, Podcasts and Education.
What is the most popular episode on Learn Italian with Joy of Languages?
The episode title '4: Excuse me, do you speak English?' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Learn Italian with Joy of Languages?
The average episode length on Learn Italian with Joy of Languages is 10 minutes.
How often are episodes of Learn Italian with Joy of Languages released?
Episodes of Learn Italian with Joy of Languages are typically released every 7 days.
When was the first episode of Learn Italian with Joy of Languages?
The first episode of Learn Italian with Joy of Languages was released on Dec 10, 2016.
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