Behind every great marketer is a great library. There are three great books that every Internet marketer should have. These books are geared to old school mail order but they have some great information in them. I personally refer to these books over and over again. "101 Great Mail-Order Businesses" by Tyler G. Hicks "Mail Order Success Secrets" by Tyler G. Hicks "Money in Your Mailbox" by L. Perry Wilbur All these books are awesome. The value in these titles is enormous. They are really geared toward direct marketing with mailing lists, flyers, information product creation, classified ads, advertising all to fill up your mailbox with checks. The information in these books is priceless, you can easily translate these ideas on to the Internet. Everything around you was at one time someone's idea. Everything around was not created automatically, someone had to come up with the idea, and through hard work their vision was realized. Where do good ideas come from? Alot of the things about a good idea are caught up in the science of the brain. There really are 2 brains inside your brain. There is the Amygdula which is your primitive brain, it thinks about all the basic necessities in life, it focus on sex, food, shelter, creativity, spirituality. The other brain you have is the Neo-cortex or the prefrontal cortex brain and this brain thinks about right and wrong, learns from past experiences and makes decisions based on potential outcomes. The primitive brain is the emotional brain. Have you ever heard someone say, "Don't let your emotions get the best of you", well it has some basis in science. Alot of times you fast acting reactions are caused by your primitive brain taking over. Your primitive brain will make a decision in 12 milliseconds with limited information. Whereas your Neo-cortex will take 24 milliseconds and require additional information to make the decision. When we are selling products we want to cater to the primitive brain. The Neo-cortex takes twice as long to react to a situation than the primitive brain. The primitive brain reacts quickly to inticing offers of improving ones sex, food, shelter, creativity, spirituality. Products that cater to these needs will always be best sellers. Weight Loss, Making money, etc... fall into this category. I will cover emotional marketing at sometime in a seperate podcast. Interesting topics for the primitive brain. -Having Fun -Being Attractive -Being Popular -Being Health -Reducing time for tasks -Reducing physical pain -Being clean -Being attractive -Making Money -Saving Money -To be in style -Fill secure, security -Making you feel Approved -Making you feel important -Creativity -Feeling successful All these things feel some basic need in a person around sex, food, shelter, hunter, gatherer, creativity or spirituality. Being current in your topic selection. Current topic information is always popular. -Podcasting -Video casting, video is popular -Web 2.0 -Energy, Gas prices, alternative fuels, ethanol, solar, -Armageddon, end of times, christianity -Terrorism -Child safety -School safety -New software, Vista, IE 7, Firefox 2.0, Ubuntu, Fedora -Open source software, Audacity, Paint.NET Being on the current edge of the social or technical news. Sources for current news -ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN -TV -Blogs -Newspapers -Trends in the world (news for the moment),,, google news,,, -Forums on the web, search good for your keyword and the word forum -Competition -People, ask someone what things in the world today concern you? -Radio, XM, SIRIUS Find someone quite and sit down to yourself. I mean by yourself with no distractions in complete silence. What are the things that you know about or you know someone who knows about it? Do you know someone who knows about something? Find 5 or so people. Sit down and create a list of questions. You want to ask alot of questions, do your homework here. Ask intelligent questions. Sit down and interview that person. Everybody knows something!!!