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Guts and Girl Bits

Guts and Girl Bits

Alison Mitchell

Guts and Girl Bits Guts and Girl Bits covers all things digestion and women's health such a period problems, gut health, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy and parenting related topics. Hosted by Sydney based Naturopath Alison Mitchell with various guests. Learn about how to improve yours and your families health naturally and be empowered with knowledge. ~ Alison is a Clinical Naturopath based in NSW, Australia. Contact her on Facebook or via www.naturopathnsw.com.au All information is general and not a specific recommendation that replaces consulting with a practitioner. Please talk to your healthcare practitioner before undertaking any changes to your treatment regime. Image @_arlakay
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Top 10 Guts and Girl Bits Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Guts and Girl Bits episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Guts and Girl Bits for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Guts and Girl Bits episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Guts and Girl Bits - Digestion


Guts and Girl Bits


06/30/15 • 50 min

I talk to Naturopath Hayley Stockbridge (http://www.hayleystockbridge.com.au/) about digestion and answer some questions which cover reflux, constipation, children's stomach pain, bloating and gluten intolerance. Podcast Breakdown 3:57 What is a normal bowel movement? 6:50 Question 1: I've had GORD ever since I can remember, I'm on Nexium and I take metamucil. I still get the occasional bit of reflux but mostly it's controlled with the medication. I don't want to stay on it because I don't want to rely of a medication. I also get diarrhoea every week or so that's watery, explosive and smelly and really urgent and uncomfortable, and I'm frequently bloated. Is any of this connected and what do you suggest I do about it? 9:05 Diet for reflux, food intolerances. 9:40 The importance of easing of PPI medications slowly. 11:00 Reflux often due to a structural/mechanical issue, but this doesn't mean you're doomed. 12:50 Testing and avenues to look at for assessing causes of reflux, most common food triggers of reflux. 14:15 Question 2: I feel bloated and grumpy whenever I eat bread, but my GP said I'm not celiac so I can eat as much wheat as I want. I don't get it though, why am I getting these feelings if I'm ok with bread? 15:00 Non celiac gluten intolerance including fructose mal-absorption 18:34 The general overconsumption of wheat and gluten containing foods and the issues with processing of wheat 22:40 It's advisable to rule out celiac disease, as knowing this will determine how much gluten you can tolerate. 24:00 Sourdough may be an option for people sensitive to wheat as the fermentation breaks down some of the gluten and gliadin 25:45 Gluten free products are not always better for you 26:45 Experiment to find out what foods work best for you 27:55 Question 3: Help for constipation please! I have been taking movicol for about 5 yrs now. I go to the toilet once a day, but if i don't take movicol I go once a week. I don't like relying on it, but I don't know what else I can do. Hayley and I discuss some common approaches to supporting constipation and diet for good bowel movements. 30:29 Papaya vs Pawpaw 33:00 Probiotics 34:40 Apple cider vinegar benefits 36:00 Dandelion coffee/tea 37:00 Manual work for constipation 37:25 The importance of exercise for healthy bowel movements 38:57 Toilet time - make time each morning to train your bowels to go at that time, and don't suppress the urge to go when you need to. 39:50 Our yoga efforts. 41:00 Question 4: My 4 year old daughter frequently complains of stomach pains, I'm always at the doctors with her trying to find out what it is but they can't find anything. It can be really upsetting for her, and sometimes she's doubled up and crying with the pain. We eat well, but she always has a runny nose and this stomach pain is very concerning. She started preschool last year and seems to get sick all the time, I'm worried about how she'll go at school with this stomach pain. She used to go to the toilet every 3-4 days, and even though this is considered normal the doctors gave her parachoc to try and help in case this is causing the pain, now she does go to the toilet easily (although it's very lose) . Is there anything else I can do for her? 46:00 Infant massage for stomach pain 47:15 Our favourite digestion herbs
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Guts and Girl Bits - Thyroid Health

Thyroid Health

Guts and Girl Bits


06/15/15 • 43 min

I talk to Naturopath Lisa Costa-Bir (http://lisacostabirnaturopath.com.au) about thyroid health. We discuss the prevalence of sub-clinical thyroid problems, some common symptoms you experience with a thyroid disorder, links between thyroid, stress and depression, thyroid and cholesterol and also the way thyroid health can change during and after pregnancy. Podcast breakdown: 1:30 The prevalence of thyroid conditions; sub clinical thyroid problems are frequently going undiagnosed and taking into consideration more factors than just blood test results, the rate of thyroid problems (hypothyroidism in particular) would likely be much higher. TSH alone is not enough. 3:50 TSH can be artificially suppressed. 4:30 Reverse T3 6:15 Causes of elevated thyroid antibodies 7:47 Foods Lisa recommends for people with thyroid disorders 10:45 Wheat and thyroid 12:00 Soy and thyroid 14:14 Nutrients for the thyroid and how thyroid problems can cause reduced absorption of nutrients 16:35 Look the adrenals and stress first 18:38 Oestrogen, progesterone, PMT and thyroid 20:43 Thyroid medications - You need nutrients for it to work properly 22:00 Iodine and the building blocks for thyroid hormones 23:40 Vitamin D 25:30 Thyroid and Iodine in Preconception, Pregnancy and Post-Partum 30:22 Thyroid and Depression 31:26 Thyroid and Cholesterol 34:30 How long does it take to improve thyroid function? 35:35 Sleep for thyroid 37:44 Basal body temperature and salt in the morning 38:20 Our favourite thyroid herbs
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Guts and Girl Bits - Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine

Guts and Girl Bits


07/20/15 • 42 min

Ayurvedic Medicine - Podcast #5 I interview Naturopath and Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant Lisa Costa-Bir about Ayurvedic medicine and how she incorporates her knowledge from this into her practice as well as her personal life. Podcast Breakdown: 1.18 A bit about Lisa Costa-Bir, her Indian background and her first experience with Ayurveda in treating her skin condition. 3.24 What is Ayurveda/Ayurvedic medicine? 4.00 The origins of the Ayurvedic word: Life Knowledge 4.43 How does Lisa blend her Ayurvedic knowledge into her Naturopathic practice? 5.22 About the Prakruti, or the individual doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha 6.30 Want to work out your own prakruti? http://ayurvedadosha.org/doshas/ayurveda-dosha-test 8.35 Lisa discusses what dosha she is, a Vata-Kapha and talks a bit more about Vata 9.56 Pitta people often love spicy foods even though it’s not so great for them. 10.36 Kapha people usually love ice cream and other dairy, but its often too damp and mucous promoting for them. 11.04 A bit more about Kapha and Pitta 13.16 Everything that we do in our diet and our lifestyle influences our health: “As is the atom, so is the universe As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind”. 13.45 What are the main Ayurvedic teaching Lisa has incorporated into her life personally? Mostly they are around digestive function. 15.30 Food should be body temperature. Spices for Vata and Kapha. 16.10 Combining foods and spices to negate the negative effects of foods. 17.35 Start the morning with a spice mix to get the digestion going. 18.00 Classic ayurvedic recipes Lisa loves: Ginger tea with herbs and spices, 19.40 Golden milk and Benefits of turmeric, plus how to get more benefits out of turmeric such as adding black pepper, fat and using heat. 21.00 Avoid heating honey as it destroys the ‘vitality’ of the honey 22.30 How to look after your spices 23.20 Chai tea 24.00 Spice milk 21.19 The benefits of dates: A rejuvenating tonic, also known as rasayana which is often consumed after giving birth or after intercourse 25.00 Some health and lifestyle techniques that have their origins from Ayurveda such as self massage with sesame oil (great for all the constitutions) or coconut oil. 27.00 Tongue scraping and tongue diagnosis 29.17 Oil pulling 30.20 Seasonal eating 32.45 Some dessert ideas for winter 33.47 Dahl for breakfast? Yes! 34.45 Other techniques to adjust to the season: oil massage for the body and hair 35.25 Pranayama: A series of breathing exercises, a great way to start and/or finish the day. 36.10 Practise the breathing exercise along with Lisa. 38.00 We discuss our favourite Ayurvedic herbs: Shatavari, Ginger and Tribulus for Lisa, Holy Basil and Withania for me. 40.35 How to get in contact with Lisa.
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Guts and Girl Bits - Stress and the Nervous System

07/08/15 • 48 min

It’s time for podcast number four, and in this one I talk with fellow naturopath Laura Burton from http://www.burtonhealth.com.au about stress, neurotransmitter health, adrenal health, ways to deal with and reduce stress via diet and lifestyle techniques. Want to subscribe to get podcasts automatically? You can do that here: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/health-wellbeing-podcast/id1006574743 Podcast Breakdown: 4:27 What have Laura and I been up to? Laura has been busy with her Tea Club and clinic life, and I have been busy in the clinic as well. I also have the Stress Talk coming up this Saturday at Windsor. 5:50 Stress has a big impact on our everyday life and it can be difficult to recognise stress because it comes in so many different forms. Sneaky stress! 7:00 The impact of over-exercising or the wrong forms of exercise on stress and adrenal health. 8:22 Stress impacts on nervous system balance. 8:54 The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. 9:24 Serotonin 10:45 Histamine 12:52 GABA 14:14 Dopamine 14:46 Adenosine 15:26 Laura talks about diet and nutrients for neurotransmitter and mood health 17:30 Digestive health is important in neurotransmitter health because we need to be able to breakdown our foods to absorb the nutrients required for neurotransmitter production 18:22 Vitamin C and other nutrients required for neurotransmitters and adrenal health 21:28 Iron supplementation risks, haemochromatosis and anxiety 22:40 Laura sums up how a balanced diet can usually provide the variety of 22:11 Adrenal health: How norepinephrine and epinephrine work in the body, and why high cortisol can impede muscle gain from exercise. Chronic stress can suppress out immune system and reduce our ability to heal from injuries. 24:50 Adrenal fatigue symptoms we’d look for in clinic. 26:36 Saliva testing for adrenal fatigue 28:00 Diet and lifestyle ways to deal with adrenal fatigue 29:29 Hugs for relieving stress! 30:39 Meditation increases dopamine and serotonin 31:09 Mindfulness, meditation and breathing exercises. One moment meditation video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6eFFCi12v8 35:29 Changing our mindset and ways of thinking 37:43 Gratitude practice 40:31 Our favourite stress herbs
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Guts and Girl Bits - Crazy 2 Calm With Melinda King

07/29/15 • 60 min

In this podcast episode I interview Naturopath Melinda King about her stress management program Crazy 2 Calm, and we chat about her recent New York trip where she explored healthy restaurants, attended a seminar by Gabby Bernstein, Spirit Junkie and generally had a good time. Podcast Breakdown: 0:55 A bit about Melinda and her personal health journey and how she got into Naturopathy. 6:23 What has Melinda been getting up to lately? She discusses her New York trip and her mission to find healthy places to eat while there. 12:18 Melinda talks about her experience attending the Gabby Bernstein - Spirit Junkie seminar. 15:54 How Melinda developed the ideas for her Crazy 2 Calm program with a 'Think Week' in Bali. 18:26 A bit more about the Crazy 2 Calm program 19:44 Step 1- Unwind 20:26 Step 2 - Nourish 20:52 Step 3 - Breathe 21:12 Step 4 - Accept 21:34 Step 5 - Surrender 22:19 Step 6 - Slow 22:45 Step 7 - Refresh 23:03 Step 8 - Connect 23:22 Step 9 - Love 24:00 Step 10 - Create 27:40 Some of the effects stress can have on our health, in particular the way stress affects our nervous system balance which can impede digestion, hormone health, skin health and more. 31:30 The importance of addressing stress as the root cause of ill health 33:06 The ability to heal from injuries and illnesses is affected by stress 33:41 What do you do when you're too time poor to meditate? 34:42 the 4:2, 6:2 breath as a quick and easy way to pull out of sympathetic nervous system dominance 35:55 How to deal with negative/draining people. 37:19 How to pull yourself out of a bad day. 41:52 Affirmations to get through a bad day and when you feel pressured to be a certain way. 43:50 Why you should set your happiness around gratitude rather than goal achievement 46:55 Stress busting diet 48:51 The importance of blood sugar control for stable mood 50:50 Balanced blood sugar levels for stronger willpower to reduce emotional eating 52:15 Getting on top of the basics: Sleep, stress, whole food diet. 56:08 Our favourite calming herbs 59:28 How to connect with us
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Kid’s Immunity – Podcast I’m excited to share with you another video/podcast! In this episode I chat with Kellie Holland from Tonik Health about children’s immunity. We discuss some of the most common infections that children can get such as coughs and colds, molluscum contagiosum, otitis media (also known as glue ear) and glandular fever, and discuss a Naturopathic approach to managing them. We also answer some submitted questions. (Don’t forget to submit any questions you want answered in future podcasts/videos!)
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Guts and Girl Bits - Reasons for Fatigue

Reasons for Fatigue

Guts and Girl Bits


06/24/15 • 36 min

Today I talk about reasons for fatigue. Energy problems can affect everyone and they come in all different variations - ranging from general sleepiness to chronic fatigue syndrome. A lot of people experience fatigue and don't know why, so I want to go into some different reasons for fatigue and share a bit of information about how I would Podcast breakdown: 2:30 Mitochondria - The powerhouse of your cells, where energy is made. The health and quantity of our mitochrondria determine our ability to make energy, and they can they are susceptible to oxidative damage, and can be depleted by certain nutritional deficiencies. 5:22 Inflammation, particularly chronic inflammation can affect energy and cause other imbalance. 7:40 Andropause, also known as male menopause 8:16 Some tips on reducing chronic inflammation 9:14 Stress is a major cause of fatigue, usually presenting in the form of adrenal exhaustion of HPA Axis dysfunction. 11:28 Thyroid problems are another major cause of fatigue, especially hypothyroidism. 13:36 Nutritional deficiencies that can cause fatigue, Iron, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc 16:12 Certain medications can affect energy levels 16:46 Inadequate exercise can cause fatigue, but this isn't always straightforward 18:27 The wrong diet - not enough food, too much food, or the wrong type of food for you. 20:39 Sleep. Most of us aren't getting enough, or it can be an issue with the quality of sleep. I discuss some tips on sleep hygiene. 23:00 Sleep apnoea 23:40 Shift work 26:30 Obesity and fatigue 28:57 The importance of gut health; gut problems can cause fatigue as well. 30:00 Toxicity affects the mitochrondria- what is toxicity, where does it come from, how can you identify if you're toxic? 31:13 What do you do if you've been tired for a long time and you don't know why? Start by working out a timeline. If you can't do this because the fatigue has been going on for such a long time then testing may be helpful. There are several different types of testing available, but you may not need to do all of them. 33:00 Some tips for reducing inflammation and improving energy through diet 34:30 Depression is a common cause of fatigue. 35:29 My favourite herbs for energy
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This is a bit of a different style to the previous podcast/videos I’ve done which talk about conditions and naturopathy. In this episode Laura Burton and I talk about our favourite ‘health food’ items and discuss how we use them and what their benefits are. There are links to the items we mentioned in the podcast breakdown below. But the most exciting bit about this video is that there’s a GIVEAWAY! The good folks at Loving Earth and the Gingerbread Folk have been particularly generous in donating some items for the giveaway, and Laura and I have chipped in a few goodies as well. Find the link to enter below. Want to subscribe to get podcasts automatically? You can do that here: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/health-wellbeing-podcast/id1006574743 PODCAST BREAKDOWN 2.10 Nut Butter on brown rice crackers (Deli Grains with black sesame) 4.00 Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter 4.20 Seaweed – Sea Shanti Sea Crisps and Sea Flakes 5.46 Bounce Balls 6.55 Miso Soup 8.07 Gluten free ginger bread – Gingerbread Folk 9.00 Crudites and dip 9.32 Ghee 10.22 Seaweed Salt 11.23 Savoury Yeast Flakes 12.15 Honey 13.10 Maca Powder 14.11 Apple Cider Vinegar – try to get a brand that contains the ‘mother’ for probiotic content such as Melrose and/or Bragg 16.05 Saurkraut – Peace Love Vegetables or Kehoe’s 17.20 Coconut Oil – Melrose, Loving Earth, Coconut Magic 18.30 Great Lakes Gelatin (read more about gelatin here) Aussies can buy it here, but it’s also available on iherb here. 20.00 Jarred tomatoes – Blis, and BPA free tinned tomatoes from Global Organics 23.53 Caramelised Buckinis – Loving Earth 24.35 Chia Seeds – The Chia Co 27.18 Sardines – Fish 4 Ever and Wild Planet 29.27 Raw cacao – Power Super Foods, Loving Earth 29.54 Cacao nibs – Loving Earth 31.06 Coconut sugar – Loving Earth 32.40 Kombucha – Mojo, Tonicka, Remedy or make your own! (recipe coming soon) 35.08 Burton Health Tea – Shop Here 35.40 Coconut Water – Pure Natural Raw C 37.10 Keep Cup 38.10 Burton Health Tea Club – Click here to learn more 40.34 GIVEAWAY!!! – Click here to learn more and to enter
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In this episode I am joined with Ashley Hunt, a London based personal trainer and Health Coach. I got to know Ashley when she was living here in Sydney through the health and wellness website Move Eat Heal which Ashley co-founded with a friend. Now Ashley is based in East London and while she still writes for her own blog she is also a personal trainer and wellness coach. We talk about keeping healthy when you move, celiac disease, aerial fitness (pole dancing in particular) and Ashley's personal approach to diet, exercise and lifestyle. Ashley specialises in helping clients build their confidence as well as creating quick and effective workouts that can be done anywhere. Her signature style focuses on high intensity functional bodyweight exercises, incorporating a combination of yoga, pilates, gymnastics and calisthenics. Want to subscribe to get podcasts automatically? You can do that here: http://apple.co/1JY8LTn Podcast Breakdown 1:20 What Ashley has been getting up to 3:54 Changing your diet when you move and dealing with celiac disease 8:36 Food intolerances vs food allergies article: http://casadekarma.com.au/the-ultimate-guide-to-food-allergies-intolerances/ 10:00 Preparing so you can keep your diet on track when you move 12:00 Keeping exercise routine on track when you move 12:45 Ashley's exercise style 14:35 Ashley's recommendations to keep yourself healthy when you move. 15:50 Exercising without a gym 19:40 Over-training a no-no for adrenal fatigue 21:48 Ashley's exercise routine for the week 22:33 Aerial fitness, pole and straps: Ashley's experience with it personally and as an instructor, the benefits and how quickly you can see differences in your fitness and strength, bruising. 29:00 Busting the negative stigma associated with pole dancing 35:02 What inspires Ashley to write 37:55 Taking the stress and guilt out of getting healthy 43:14 Ashley's typical day of eating 48:04 Lessons Ashley has learnt in her health journey, the importance of individualised health management 51:15 What happens when you work with Ashley as a Health Coach 52:34 How consulting with a health practitioner or health coach can help you to navigate the huge amount of confusing and overwhelming health information that's out there on the internet and find what's right for you 54:09 How to get in contact with Ashley
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Guts and Girl Bits - #30 Fibromyalgia

#30 Fibromyalgia

Guts and Girl Bits


09/20/18 • 13 min

#30 Fibromyalgia by Alison Mitchell
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How many episodes does Guts and Girl Bits have?

Guts and Girl Bits currently has 54 episodes available.

What topics does Guts and Girl Bits cover?

The podcast is about Health & Fitness and Podcasts.

What is the most popular episode on Guts and Girl Bits?

The episode title 'Essential Oil Safety & Sustainability with The Alternative Mumma - Episode 52' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Guts and Girl Bits?

The average episode length on Guts and Girl Bits is 43 minutes.

How often are episodes of Guts and Girl Bits released?

Episodes of Guts and Girl Bits are typically released every 30 days, 17 hours.

When was the first episode of Guts and Girl Bits?

The first episode of Guts and Girl Bits was released on Jun 15, 2015.

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