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Guru Please

Guru Please

Jessica Sun

Go beyond what you think you’re capable of. YOU are your only obstacle. And YOU have all the power to create whatever you can imagine. Become your biggest advocate. Master yourself. Each episode we look at the habits, techniques, and strategies that get people to the next level. We have real conversations about the mindsets that work and stories that inspire. Load up your pockets with gems dropped by entrepreneurs, top business and life coaches, endurance athletes, artists, and those who have defied the odds and designed their lives.
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Top 10 Guru Please Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Guru Please episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Guru Please for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Guru Please episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Guru Please - Design Your Life with Frank Benedetto

07/03/20 • 44 min

Frank bootstrapped his business and reached over 1 million in revenue within one year. He now helps people build mission-driven businesses like his own. He also founded Counter Strike, which provides performance coaching for combat athletes.

Quotes to remember:

“The only way I succeeded in business was reinventing my life.”

“There are probably five things that if you do every day, you’re going to move the needle significantly.”


  • You can do well at your job but feel dead inside
  • There is a difference between having goals and designing your life; designing ahead of time is key to achieving the results you want
  • There in things in life that you want to do that will never happen on accident
  • Build a doable morning routine
  • Ask, “Is this in line with my long-term dreams?” to assess a behavior or habit
  • Whoever fails the most wins
  • For entrepreneurs: start half-baked

What you’ll learn:

  • How Frank became CEO of a million dollar company within one year
  • The turning point for him at 30 years old
  • About the Personal Operating System that helped him turn his life around
  • What Frank’s top five habits are, and what habits he recommends
  • Lessons from combat sports that apply to life and business
  • How to have big goals and separate your identity from success or failure
  • What it means to be a mission-driven business; don’t choose between doing good and profit

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Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, stressed, unfulfilled, and wanting more in your career? It’s time to speak up and step up to your true value. Get the tools you need to get clear on your why and learn about how Alessandra faced similar challenges in her journey.

Alessandra is a speaker, psychologist, & coach. She helps women gain confidence, overcome stress, and achieve success in life, and she helps companies build better teams, better solutions, and a better bottom line.

Quotes to remember:

“Instead of what do I want, we make decisions based on what other people are going after.”

“None of us can control the circumstances that we live in, but we sure as heck can control what we do with those circumstances.”

“There are some things where you just have to be willing to be kind of mediocre because they don’t matter.”


  • There is a myth that at 20 years old you will know what you’ll be doing at 40
  • Quarter- and mid-life crises occur because we made career decisions in our 20s and then made decisions reactively from there
  • What other people want (job advancement, career path) isn’t automatically right for us
  • The hardest part about change isn’t the awareness or goal-setting; it is the courage to take a risk and do it without guarantees
  • We often do not take the time to be still and introspect
  • Many of us get stuck when we cannot realize our ideal vision
  • Look at your why rather than your what when you feel stuck
  • Perfectionism is a coping mechanism to manage a fear of rejection or abandonment
  • Take baby steps to assert yourself and speak up

What you’ll learn:

  • How Alessandra fell out of love with a job that she loved to the point of coming to work singing
  • The steps she took to find what actually fulfilled her
  • Questions to ask yourself if you feel stuck, confused, lost, or wanting more
  • How Alessandra learned how to meditate (hint: not with a teacher)
  • What her mission is--her why
  • Three strategies to face your perfectionism
  • Why women struggle with speaking up

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Guru Please - Find a Job You Love with Kyle Elliott

07/20/20 • 44 min

Feeling stuck or like you're lost in an overcrowded job market? Not sure if your career is the right one for you? Or maybe you want to make a big move in your career or life. Career coach Kyle Elliott can help you with all this and more.

Kyle is a career coach whose mission is to help people find jobs they love. He specializes in helping high tech executives and professionals in Silicon Valley, and he believes that every single human is truly fabulous.

Quotes to remember:

“See what comes up when you take a pause and sit with yourself.”

“That’s the key; you have to be willing to ask.”

“People are afraid of success just as much if not more as they are of failure.”


  • There are common themes and patterns in what you do that can help you make career decisions
  • Why do you work? What comes up when you do nothing?
  • Write down what you’ve learned from COVID so that you can preserve those benefits
  • The root of career issues and salary negotiation tend to be around confidence
  • Take the risks and reach out to people by stepping out of your comfort zone
  • You don’t have to go through this alone
  • When you are authentically you, you will push away the people dissimilar to you and attract people in your tribe

What you’ll learn:

  • What makes Kyle fabulous
  • How to stand out in a crowded job market (hint: you have something that no one else has)
  • Tips for switching careers
  • Tips for how to have more fun if you’re a workaholic
  • Questions to ask yourself when you’re dissatisfied or wanting more with your job
  • The mistakes to avoid when you’re looking for a new job
  • How to deal with your impostor syndrome
  • What drives Kyle to help people find jobs they love
  • How he made the leap from writing resumes as a side hustle to career coaching full-time






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Jonathan is a mentalist, speaker, consultant, and author of [think] Like A Mind Reader. His personal philosophy is that the better we understand psychology and why people do what they do, the more effective we can be at making the world a better place.

Quotes to remember:

“The life you’re living right now is the consequence of the years you’ve spent making decisions.”

“Most people aren’t aware of how they’re doubting themselves and... of the narratives they’re using to disempower their ability to achieve and create.”

“Your mind is the only thing that causes things in the universe.”


  • You are living out what your beliefs are at all times, whatever they may be
  • You can determine what people’s value structure is based on what they create in their life
  • Communication is context
  • It’s amazing that magic even exists and all people can experience an illusion that is not reality
  • Motivation is an effect, not a cause

What you’ll learn:

  • What mentalism is, and the relationship between the magician and the audience
  • About the subconscious mental processes that guide us to certain beliefs
  • The difference between meaning and reality
  • How Jonathan learned magic, and the connection between magic and communication
  • How he coaches high performers under high pressure situations
  • Why motivation doesn’t make for a good strategy to achieve an outcome

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It’s surprising how much influence our physical environments have on our physical and mental health and our habits. Learn about how you can tweak what you have in your home to optimize your wellbeing.

Elisa is an interior designer and founder of Zen Spaces, a California-based interior design-build firm. She synergizes psychology, neuroscience, aging, health, fitness, and mindfulness into the design of spaces that people thrive in.

Quotes to remember:

“I want to help people feel more alive. And for me, that means having more freedom.”

“I don’t think people realize how much their environment affects them.”


  • Research is me-search
  • We spend >90% of our time indoors
  • Hints of nature in a space, from color to sounds, will affect our physiology and reduce stress hormones
  • Living indoors is fairly new and unnatural for humankind
  • Design your spaces according to the function of the space and how you want to feel during those activities
  • It’s important to have your own space/retreat/sanctuary where you can be with yourself
  • Aim for 1 plant per 100 square feet of space

What you’ll learn:

  • How to optimize your living space for wellness, better sleep, and physical health
  • About Elisa’s custom sprinter RVs to bring your lifestyle back to nature
  • Getting work-life balance while working from home
  • How to create a meditation room in your home, using the space you have
  • The most common mistake when designing a home space
  • Quick tweaks you can do in your living spaces to improve your wellness
  • How the layout of our home or office affects our habits

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Learn the skills to empower yourself in the face of difficulty and adversity. Shift your paradigms around fear and become adaptable in a world that is always changing.

Gerry is an executive coach, public speaker, and the author of The Thriving Mindset–Tools for Empowerment in a Disruptive World. He inspires people to build resilience, and to understand that adversity can become a source of opportunity.

Quotes to remember:

“No matter how tough things got... it did not compare to what I had come from.”

“Adversity causes some people to break, and other people to break records.”

“There is nothing wrong with being afraid. It’s what you do when you’re afraid that matters.”

“You have to leap. You will fall. You will struggle. And if you have the power of persistence you will evolve.”


  • Disruption and opportunity come together
  • Adversity is a natural part of life, and the normal response to adversity is fear
  • The problem with fear is getting stuck in paralysis, which creates further adversity
  • A leader without fear doesn’t exist
  • Clarity comes from knowing what is most important to you and how you seek to add value to the world
  • It is possible to become a victim of your own success
  • Ask yourself: What might I not know?
  • The world will constantly change in ways we cannot predict
  • The claim that you are an expert and have nothing more to learn is actually a fear response
  • We can’t go backwards and put the genie back in the bottle in terms of technology
  • There will inevitably be struggle after you take a courageous leap out of your box

What you’ll learn:

  • The bio behind Gerry’s bio of the tough situation in which he grew up
  • The skill of the thriving mindset and how to cultivate it
  • How Kodak went bankrupt despite their having invented the digital camera
  • How to rethink what education is, because one set of skills will no longer carry us forty years into the future
  • What intellectual capital is, why you should cultivate more of it, and how
  • An example of Gerry responding to his fear around releasing his book

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Guru Please - Justice and Self-Worth with Pip Rae

04/30/21 • 41 min

How does a former police officer define justice? Why is there a gender difference in rates of suicide? How do you have compassion for perpetrators of crimes, and how does your own self-care tie into all of it? Get a social justice writer’s take on self-care, worth, and justice in this episode.

Pip is a social justice writer, podcast producer, radio presenter, and personal brand strategist with a background in criminal investigations and advocacy. She began writing 15 years ago as she journaled her way through PTSD and anxiety. In 2017 she created the radio show, The Hour to Empower, and the accompanying podcast, Elements of Empowerment.

Quotes to remember:

“Women’s empowerment is all about saying yes and knowing when to say no.”

“Justice is often an apology.”

“We shouldn’t have to justify or excuse ourselves in order to get what we want.”


  • Justice looks different for everybody
  • Trauma that isn’t dealt with manifests into frustration and anger
  • Most perpetrators have been victims
  • The conversations we have with ourselves are where empowerment begins
  • Men who consider suicide often would rather kill themselves than hurt their family members
  • Suicide comes from intergenerational trauma and patterns of behavior
  • Justice is not a system or in a courtroom ruled by a middle-aged white man
  • The only people who benefit from the legal system are the people who work in it
  • The legal system repeatedly subjects you to your trauma
  • Boys need to learn how depersonalize rejection so that they don’t turn to violence
  • You teach others how you want to be treated

What you’ll learn:

  • Social justice and trauma from a former police officer’s perspective
  • How men’s mental health plays into women’s safety
  • On the gender gap in suicide (men complete suicide more frequently than women), and what we can do about it
  • How self-care ties into justice and mental health, and how to build self-worth
  • On parenting children and developing confident young people
  • What self-care looks like for someone working in justice

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Guru Please - Fear in Relationships

05/18/21 • 20 min

Relationships can bring out the best in us... and all of our fears as well. This episode is for anyone with anxieties and fears around relationships.

Quotes to remember:

“A relationship is not the answer to your problems in any way. It’s a mirror to show you more of who you are.”

“Within fear is an opportunity to discover just how powerful you are.”

“It is not the absence of fear that defines a successful relationship; it’s the ability to move through that fear, to look at it and face it and move past it.”


  • We will all feel fear in a relationship, and it’s not a sign that the relationship isn’t right
  • Everyone has fears and a relationship will bring them to the surface
  • Fear has a million faces and shows itself in myriad ways
  • Fear is our mind’s response to being vulnerable
  • It’s important to recognize fear and air it out rather than avoid it
  • Love is the antithesis of fear; it is being open to anything that could happen
  • There will never be a time when we have defeated all of our fears and no longer feel fear
  • In a loving relationship, each individual is a willing participant in looking at themselves and who they are
  • Why be in a relationship if it’s resonating with the energy of worry and doubt the entire time, a fear of it ending?
  • Rejection is not painful--self-rejection is
  • There is no such thing as a perfect relationship without fears
  • Being in relationship is one of the toughest things to do, period

What you’ll learn:

  • Why we feel afraid in relationships
  • A characterization of fear
  • How to acknowledge fear and move through it in a relationship
  • Tactics to jolt yourself out of the fear
  • The purpose of relationship

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THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Identify a lesson in a past or present relationship, and what it taught you about yourself. Feel gratitude for this lesson.

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Guru Please - The Music and Art of Life with Dmitry Badiarov

02/26/21 • 50 min

A heartwarming journey through the life of an artist. Learn about the musicality hidden in daily life and the places where mathematics and art come together. Here are the extraordinary tales of an instrument designer who has followed his calling against all odds.

Dmitry is a professional designer of concert-grade violins, as well as a musician, mentor, and entrepreneur. Dmitry started playing violin at the age of 8, becoming a member of La Petite Bande, a Belgian ensemble famous for playing baroque music, and selling out concerts as a solo performer. As a child in Soviet Russia, he couldn’t afford to buy an instrument which could properly showcase his talent. Frustrated by the sounds produced by the basic violin he had, he decided to rebuild his instrument to improve his own performance at the age of 11. He had a successful career as a master violin-maker.

But in January 2013, Dmitry had a massive stroke, which almost killed him and left him paralysed down his left side. Doctors told him he would have to relearn how to walk and then broke the devastating news that he was unlikely to ever play the violin again. Now at 51, Dmitry offers online training for instrument makers, teaching them how to create pieces which stand out from the crowd and tell a story.

Quotes to remember:

“When you walk along the streets of ancient European cities, you will see literally a symphony in tone.”

“When a musician can really fulfill their musical dreams, I would say it’s priceless.”

“It completely makes no sense doing exactly what everyone else is doing... It is time to do things differently in this art.”


  • Ancient masters understood sound, space, and instrument-making better than modern people
  • People will discourage you when you try something different
  • In Pythagoreanism, people believed that there are musical underpinnings to the world and universal systems
  • Sounds are different proportions that create harmonics
  • Older instruments don’t necessarily sound better than new instruments, due to advancements in craft and construction
  • Have full faith in your true calling and go for it no matter what

What you’ll learn:

  • How Dmitry got into violin-making at the age of 11
  • What inspired him to study the art of violin making beyond the level of most instrument makers
  • Why he quit violin making, and how he returned to it
  • Why the violin is shaped the way it is
  • How Dmitry cracked the code of the ancient masters and designs custom instruments
  • How he recreated the violoncello da spalla, an instrument that is essentially extinct

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Guru Please - Being Happier with Rob Carpenter

05/14/21 • 59 min

Learn the secrets of happiness--this elusive thing that we all want. If you’ve been feeling unfulfilled, lost, confused, stuck, or out of control, this conversation is for you.

Dr. Rob is a transformational author and filmmaker who advises athletes, celebrities, business leaders, and everyday people on how to live their best lives. He is the host of The Dr. Rob Show and the author of The 48 Laws of Happiness: Secrets Revealed For Becoming The Happiest You.

Quotes to remember:

“One of the most difficult things for people to do is to both literally and metaphorically look in the mirror.”

“Become the person that you want everybody to believe that you are.”

“Whatever your mind magnifies becomes real.”

“When we learn to slow down our lives to the speed of enjoyment is when we learn how to become content.”


  • There are health benefits to forgiving others
  • Sometimes we have an “aha” moment; other times it is a process
  • It is useful to look to the people who are 2 or 5 years ahead of you in how you want to be, for more guidance and strategy
  • Experience is not the best teacher--reflected experience is
  • When we let go of judgment of our experiences, they become data points
  • People can live without a lot of things but people cannot live without hope
  • The chase for achievement to make us happy is neverending
  • We often don’t fulfill our calling because we don’t give ourselves permission
  • Whatever you want to find... you find
  • Accepting yourself unconditionally is not based on your circumstances
  • The difference between positive and negative people is what they focus on
  • Morning is your time to feel in control of the day

What you’ll learn:

  • About Dr. Rob’s near-death experience and how it helped him develop into who he is today
  • How to use your past experiences, good or bad, to further your own growth
  • What our identity is based upon
  • Questions to ask yourself in order to manifest your potential and your greatest self
  • How Dr. Rob gained his wisdom and how you can too
  • An example of living with gratitude versus ingratitude
  • About his meditation practice that grounds him every day
  • What he has learned from being a filmmaker and director
  • A simple way to focus on what matters
  • What Destination Disease is

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How many episodes does Guru Please have?

Guru Please currently has 155 episodes available.

What topics does Guru Please cover?

The podcast is about Peace, Health & Fitness, Success, Motivation, Career, Alternative Health, Entrepreneurship, Self-Help, Mental Health, Mindset, Life Coach, Podcasts, Inspiration, Millennial, Self-Improvement and Coach.

What is the most popular episode on Guru Please?

The episode title 'Letting Go of Should with Rachel Heslin' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Guru Please?

The average episode length on Guru Please is 42 minutes.

How often are episodes of Guru Please released?

Episodes of Guru Please are typically released every 3 days.

When was the first episode of Guru Please?

The first episode of Guru Please was released on May 7, 2020.

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